SeaChordsmen production follows a dream from childhood

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Charlies dreams of flying
Photo by Jerry Pickard

The Seattle SeaChordsmen barbershop chorus staged a professional and entertaining musical production on Saturday at two performances in Shoreline.
Charlies joins the Air Force and becomes a test pilot.
Photo by Jerry Pickard

"Songs of Childhood? Stories of A Lifetime" presented the story of Charlie, whose childhood dream was to be a military pilot. The songs and staging presented Charlie at different stages in his life as he never wavered from his goal.
After the Air Force, Charlies becomes a civilian pilot
Photo by Jerry Pickard

The SeaChordsmen have a robust performance and competition schedule. They appear regularly at Folklife, festivals, Mariners games, and stage several public performances a year in Shoreline. You can keep up with them on their Facebook page.

Photos: Dinner at the Pridemore's

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

I don't know if it's the mixture of grass seed in the Pridemore's back yard - or if it's the tiny neon sign that says "Good Eats" but they certainly get an interesting selection of wild critters.

Photo by Wayne Pridemore

This pair, or some of their kin, were in the neighborhood at several times last year. Looks like they know a good thing when they see it.


EvergreenHealth Lakeshore Bothell primary care location fully resumes operations

EvergreenHealth in Bothell
EvergreenHealth is pleased to announce that its Lakeshore Bothell primary care location has fully resumed operations and patient care.

To ensure continued care for their patients, the providers and staff from EvergreenHealth Primary Care, Lakeshore Bothell temporarily moved their practices to the health system’s Lakeshore Totem Lake location following a flood in December, which required significant building repairs and construction.

The practice partially reopened earlier this spring, on one of the two floors in its downtown Bothell facility and with approximately half of its providers. The remaining four providers resumed care at the Bothell location this week and welcomed all patients back to the Lakeshore Bothell practice.

In mid-July, EvergreenHealth Primary Care, Lakeshore Bothell will offer appointments on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm in addition to its weekday hours of 8am to 6pm.

EvergreenHealth Primary Care, Lakeshore Bothell is located at 10025 NE 186th Street in Bothell. Appointments and other inquiries online or call 425-486-9131.

Local Court Reporter earns National Certification

Douglas Armstrong, Shoreline
Registered Professional Reporter
Douglas Armstrong, Shoreline, recognized as Registered Professional Reporter

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters, captioners, and legal videographers, has announced that Douglas Armstrong has earned the nationally recognized Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) certification, having demonstrated his ability to produce a high-quality verbatim record.

RPR certification distinguishes stenographic court reporters as being among the top contributors to the profession in terms of reporting skills, transcript production, reporting and operating practices, and professionalism.

“Earning RPR credentials is quite an accomplishment given the amount of preparation and knowledge that successful candidates must possess to pass,” said Marcia Ferranto NCRA Executive Director and CEO. 
“Those who hold RPR credentials are not only among the top stenographic court reporters in the profession, but they also embark on a path of lifetime learning with continuing education requirements.”

Armstrong is a member of NCRA and works as a freelance court reporter for Seattle Deposition Reporters.

To be recognized as a RPR, candidates must pass a written knowledge test on industry best practices and a skills test that combines a challenging threshold of both speed and accuracy. RPR-certified court reporters are in high demand among the nation’s premier law firms, courthouses and other scenarios in which a reliable, accurate transcript of proceedings is required.

“I’m so fortunate to have found such a stimulating and rewarding career, and I’m proud to represent my profession and the NCRA with this hard-earned certification,” said Armstrong.

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) has been internationally recognized for promoting excellence among those who capture and convert the spoken word to text for more than 100 years.

Metro’s new $2.75 fare starts on July 1

Metro Rapid Ride bus
Metro is switching to a new simple fare of $2.75 for all regular adult fare passengers starting on July 1, 2018.

Riders will no longer pay additional surcharges for zones or travel during peak commute hours.

Metro’s new fare of $2.75 aims to make riding transit more convenient and avoid confusion over fare payment that leads to delays in boarding.

A single fare for adult riders also lowers the potential for fare disputes, which will help improve safety.

Metro’s fares for youth, seniors and disabled riders, and those enrolled in ORCA LIFT will not change. More information can be found on Metro’s fares page.

"A simple $2.75 flat fare makes Metro service easier to use and more accessible for hundreds of thousands of riders who depend on us every day,” Metro’s General Manager Rob Gannon said. “Just have your fare payment ready, either by ORCA card, cash or mobile ticket – no more having to think about which zone or whether you’re riding peak or off-peak.”

Metro adopted a simple fare after receiving more than 11,000 responses to two public surveys, including one in which 80 percent expressed support for a flat fare. 

Metro previously had one of the nation’s most complex fare structures, with one zone for the City of Seattle and another for all areas outside of the city, as well as extra charges during the morning and evening commute. 

Metro’s simple fare also aligns more closely with other regional transit agencies, which do not have surcharges during peak hours.

About 65 percent of Metro boardings will see no change or pay 50 cents less under the new structure. Fares for off-peak travel will increase by 25 cents – affecting about 35 percent of Metro boardings.

At the beginning of 2018, Metro increased funding for Human Services Tickets for riders with lower-income or no income. Metro also is working with ORCA agency partners to reduce the replacement card fee for ORCA LIFT customers from $5 to $3 and eliminate the $3 initial card fee for seniors and people with disabilities. Metro continues to evaluate ways to make fares easier to understand and pay.

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: crab fishing season

The recreational crab fishing season opens Saturday, June 30, 2018 in
most of Puget Sound.

The Power of the Potluck - supporting Muslim neighbors

A potluck on Sunday, July 1, 2018 from 1 - 3pm at Edmonds Lutheran Church, 23525 84th Ave W, Edmonds 98026 will be held in support of local Muslims and other affected by the Travel Ban.

Recipe from Monday's Humble Feast

Garlic scapes
Photo by Devra Gartenstein

By Devra Gartenstein

Summer Squash with Garlic Scapes

Garlic scapes are a late spring-early summer treat. They're the tops of the fresh garlic plant, and they have the texture of green beans and the flavor of garlic. You can find them at farmers markets and sometimes in grocery stores but they'll be out of season soon, so get them while you can. The pointy top can be chewy, so trim it away.

1 tablespoon olive oil
4 garlic scapes, trimmed and cut into half-inch lengths
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 lb summer squash (zucchini, patty pans, etc), thinly sliced
Juice of half a lemon or 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Heat the olive oil gently in a medium-size saucepan. Add the chopped garlic scapes and salt, and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, until the scapes are just tender. Add the summer squash and cook for 5 to 10 minutes longer, until the squash is tender. Add the lemon or vinegar, and serve.

Patty Pan's Humble Feast is a series of community-based, monthly dinner events featuring local ingredients sourced primarily from area farmers who are our friends and neighbors at the markets.
They are held on the first Monday of every month, 5:30 to 7pm. This month July 2, 2018.

Monday night's menu is Smoked salmon pasta salad, summer squash with garlic scapes, chickpea and cucumber salad, green salad, and summer fruit.

Patty Pan's Neighborhood Kitchen: 15550 27th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

The dinners are a flat rate of $12/person (plus tax). For $10 (plus tax) discounted tickets if you prepay via PayPal by 4pm on the day of the dinner. Kids half price.

Insurance Commissioner fines Kaiser $100,000 for violating consumer appeal rules

Friday, June 29, 2018

Mike Kreidler
Insurance Commissioner
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler disciplined and issued fines in May, totaling $172,900, against insurance companies, agents and brokers who violated state insurance regulations.

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington, Seattle; fined $100,000, order 18-0148

A consumer filed a complaint with the insurance commissioner stating that Kaiser failed to notify him that he had five days to provide supporting information to an Independent Review Organization (IRO), one of consumers’ health insurance appeal rights.

The insurance commissioner looked at Kaiser’s IRO files from January 2016 through March 2017 and found the company violated several rules related to IRO appeals:
  • All but one consumer were not told of their right to provide additional information to the IRO within five business days.
  • Kaiser failed to send files to the IRO within three business days. 
  • All but one of the expedited files took longer than 72 hours to complete. 
  • Half of the consumers who filed were not given the IRO name and contact information within one business day. 
The insurance commissioner suspended $30,000 of the fine as long as Kaiser complies with the terms of the compliance plan and doesn’t commit additional law violations within two years.

Point Wells development application denied by Snohomish County Hearing Examiner

Point Wells
from Google Earth
The Snohomish County Hearing Examiner has denied BSRE Point Wells LLC's (BSRE) request for an extension of the expiration date of its urban center development applications.

The hearing examiner has also granted the Snohomish County Planning and Development Services Department's request to deny BSRE's applications without an environmental impact statement because the applications are in substantial conflict with the county code.

Full hearing examiner decision

The Sno-King Coalition reviews the possible next steps:

"BSRE can appeal the decision to the County Council and through the Courts, but they will have to prove that the Hearing Examiner made an error in reviewing the facts of the case; that will be a difficult standard to meet.

"BSRE could also submit a new application for a somewhat smaller Urban Village development, but that would require an agreement with both Shoreline and Woodway on how traffic and other impacts would be handled. That agreement would be required before the application could be submitted, which gives both Shoreline and Woodway more control over the size of the development."

Photo: Beebalm

Monarda (beebalm)
Photo by Seattle Poppy

Seattle Poppy identified this vibrant red flowered plant as Monarda (beebalm).

She found it on 5th NE north of NE 170th.

The Gardening Know How site says that this plant is very attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

American Legion Post 227 Veterans Meet and Greet BBQ Event

The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will host a Veterans Meet and Greet BBQ event during the hours of 12:00 noon to 3:00pm on Saturday, July 14, 2018.

The event is open to all U.S. Military active duty personnel, all Veterans, Police and First Responders, their families and guests. Also, an invitation is extended to our expanding supporting community. The Post Auxiliary will participate as well, along with family and guests.

Come and join us for burgers (including some vegans) and brats along with the “tasty” side dishes, salads and condiments. Let’s not forget the watermelon, soft drinks and bottle water to be served. A donation station will be set up to defray some of the costs.

Please come during the “grilling hours” stated above. Bring family, friends and especially your veteran friends and enjoy the conversation and fellowship. We will again be treated to a concert of patriotic music and songs by the Ames family.

The American Legion Post is located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Event: Meet and Greet BBQ
Date: Saturday, 14 July 2018
Time: 12:00 noon to 3:00pm
Location: 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 
Park by Goodwill at NE 147th St and 15th Ave NE

Shoreline Farmers Market Saturday 10 to 3pm at Shoreline Place

Berries are in season
What's new at the Shoreline Farmers Market this week?

Bring your appetite for New Orleans Soul Food from food truck, Where Ya At Matt

Looking for more? Kiss My Grits will return this week serving southern grits. You won't leave hungry that's for sure!

Every week the generous vendors donate fresh produce to the Hopelink food bank.

Hopelink will be tabling at the market this week so come by and learn more about how you can help your neighbors.

The Market makes it easy for people on constrained incomes. They accept SFMNP, WIC, and EBT/SNAP. They participate in the Fresh Bucks Program, matching EBT/SNAP dollar for dollar.

The Farmers Market is held on the upper level of Shoreline Place at N 155th and Westminster Way, by Central Market.

JHP’s 4th Annual Cultural Heritage Festival Show

JHP’s 4th Annual Cultural Heritage Festival Show on Saturday, July 14th, 7pm – 10pm

Shorewood High School Theater, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133

Enjoy an amazing evening of multicultural music, dance, drumming, poetry, and song!

Performances by award winning Northside Step Team, Alchemy Tap Project, Will Rideout, Kud Ljilijan Bosnian Folk Dance, Saeeda Wright, Charles Armah, Yaw Amponsah, and more!!

Tickets available online. $10 for students and $20 for general public.

Make your summer count with classes at Shoreline Community College

Shoreline Community College

Summer Classes Start Monday July 2, 2018 
at Shoreline Community College

Make your summer count! There's still time to get a jump on your educational goals with convenient, affordable classes at Shoreline Community College. Earn 1 to 15 credits in as little as 4-8 weeks. Financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans are available.

The College is offering 8 week classes as well as 4-week “fast track” classes that begin throughout the summer. There are online classes in addition to on-campus courses.

Why summer at Shoreline?
  • Earn 1 to 15 credits in as little as 4-8 weeks
  • Choose on-campus or online courses at flexible times
  • Complete prerequisites or required courses for your degree, make up credits, or try something new
  • Payment plans available to all; financial aid available for degree-seeking students at Shoreline
4-Week Fast Track Classes

Gain a full quarter’s worth of credits in 3 or 4 weeks with Fast Track intensive classes. Choose from session I (July 2-26) or session II (July 30-August 23). Students can enroll anytime before the first class session.

8-Week Classes

Check out the complete summer schedule or a sample below of the most popular 8-week summer classes (July 2-August 23).


Enroll today!

Foster youth receive college scholarships

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Foster youth receiving college scholarships

From Rep. Ruth Kagi

29 foster youth received the Washington State Governor’s Scholarship started by Governor Gary Locke. With the help of Treehouse and the College Success Foundation, these youth overcame many barriers to graduate from high school and be accepted into college. Congratulations and best wishes for their success!

Classifieds: Shoreline City Council Summer Recess Meeting Cancellations

You are hereby notified that the following Shoreline City Council meetings have been cancelled due to the annual Council summer recess: 

Monday, July 2, 2018 Regular Meeting
Monday, July 9, 2018 Workshop Dinner Meeting
Monday, July 9, 2018 Regular Meeting

The next meeting of the Shoreline City Council will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16, 2018 at Shoreline City Hall.

Arizona woman wins raffle for Thimble Belles quilt

Janet Bartel won the quilt raffle
Photo courtesy Senior Center
Janet Bartel of Arizona was the lucky winner of the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center annual quilt raffle.

We also thank the members of Thimble Belles for their wonderful display of quilts and sewing projects presented during the 2018 Shoreline Arts Festival and the donation of such a beautiful quilt for our raffle.

All proceeds go to supporting programs at the Center.

Kids ages 1 to 18 - free lunch - free book at Shoreline Library Friday

Shoreline Library
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Calling all kids and teens 18 and younger! Nourish your body and brain while you read this summer. 

Grab a FREE lunch and take part in fun activities!

Friday's Summer Lunch is also 'Free Book Friday Lunch!'

Friday, June 29, 12:00 noon - 1:00pm at the Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th, Shoreline 98155.

This Friday, every kid in attendance at the Shoreline Library Summer Lunch will also get to choose a free book to keep, courtesy of the KCLS Foundation, in partnership with Hunger Intervention Program.

The Mountain was out

Photo by Yancy Burns

The Mountain was out on Wednesday afternoon. It hasn't been seen here for a long time, so it was a special treat.

It had one of the flying saucer clouds floating on the peak. One of our claims to fame in the Northwest is that those clouds are said to be the origin of the whole aliens in flying saucers story.

Reader Nikki Legas says they are Altocumulus Standing Lenticular Clouds. 

According to the National Weather Service,

"they are associated with waves in the atmosphere that develop when relatively stable, fast moving air is forced up and over a topographic barrier that is oriented more or less perpendicular to the direction from which the upper-level wind is blowing. 
"This deflection creates a gravity wave downwind of the topographic barrier not unlike a wave you might generate by throwing a pebble into a pond. When sufficient moisture is present above mountain-top level, ACSL clouds develop within the crest of these mountain waves where the air is rising."

Sad that one of the clearest views of The Mountain is from I-5.


Death notices as of June 25, 2018

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them.

Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Obituaries extracted from The Seattle Times

Rodney "Rod" Allen Falor 1940-2018 A celebration of life was held at the Shoreline Center for Rod Falor, who worked as a Personnel Director and Labor Arbitrator. "He was involved in many organizations, but most of all, Seattle Youth Soccer Association." In lieu of flowers, donations to the Shorelake Soccer club.

William R. Forney M.D., USNR Ret. 1931-2018 Navy veteran, Richmond Beach pediatrician. See previous obituary.

Maryann Mason Age 86 A funeral mass was said at St. Luke's for English teacher Maryann Mason. She taught for 46 years, then retired and went back into the classroom as a volunteer. She moved to Shoreline to live with her grandchildren. "To honor Maryann, please give a book to a child to provide the lifelong gift of reading."

Gladys Pauline Mast 1920-2018 A founder of the Bellevue Arts Fair, she moved to Shoreline with her family. She was an elevator operator for Frederick and Nelson, a flight attendant for Northwest Airlines, and worked 30 years for Weisfield's Jewelers.

Robert Joseph "Bob" Monks 1926-2018 Memorial service at St. Lukes for WWII army vet Bob Monks. Bob and his family lived in Shoreline for 30 years before building a house and moving to Poulsbo. After retiring as a civil engineer in 1987, Bob worked for the Edmonds school district and later volunteered with construction of the Poulsbo Library.

Rory James Doyle worked in Shoreline for years, first at the Ryobi store and then at Sears. He loved old cars and owned over 50 in his lifetime.

Doris L. Nelson 1929-2018 Services were held at the Berean Bible Church in Shoreline.

Ronald (Randy) L. Wales Passed away unexpectedly at his parents' home in Shoreline.

Arnold David Lind 1959-2018 David grew up in Shoreline and graduated from Shorewood high school. He played football at UPS on a four year scholarship and was the treasurer for Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1982. He was a national sales account executive for Navient and the son of Ronald Commissioner Arnie Lind.

Jean Ferguson 1937-2018 Jean was a Shoreline resident who helped found a breakfast program that fed 300 people a week at her church in Seattle. As the wife and mother of an Air Force family, Jean’s travels took her across the country, where she lived in seven different states. She was a valued member of the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association in Shoreline (see obituary). Her celebration of life will be held Sunday, July 29 at 2pm at the Seattle First United Methodist Church.

Dorothy Lane-Gilbert R.N. 1931-2018 In 1964 Dorothy and her family moved to Lake Forest Park where they eventually raised four children. She enjoyed gardening, especially roses. She also loved birds and raised roller canaries, a specialized song canary native to Germany. She had a 20 year nursing career, including Stevens Hospital, where she met her second husband.

Earl Donnan 1929-2018 Memorial Service at Richmond Beach Congregational Church-UCC. Navy veteran and father of three was most proud of his six grandchildren.

Dolores ("Dee") Faye Johnson 1930-2018 She taught high school in Kansas. She married in 1958 and she and her husband raised three children in Shoreline.

Scott Albright Caldwell 1973-2018 Raised in Shoreline and Shoreline Schools, Scott was interested in the law and attended the para-legal program at Edmonds Community College. Scott loved to be in the mountains at night. "His car was his freedom. He and friends would get in his car and spend the night on remote logging roads and stargaze." His hobby was guns and he learned to shoot at a young age. Scott lived all of his life in a wheelchair, but his disability never defined him.

Dorothy McGladrey 1918-2018 Her primary career was as a homemaker but she worked part time for Shoreline School district for many years.

Mary Ellen Bumgarner Kerley 1917-2018 Lake Forest Park resident. Matriarch of a large and extended family. Services were held at Acacia in Lake Forest Park.

William A. Eriksson, Jr. 1942-2018 Shoreline resident was an Army veteran who served in the Vietnam war. Services were held at St. Luke.

Kevin C. Sill Shoreline resident died unexpectedly, leaving behind his wife Anina Coder Sill. Donations may be made in his memory to the Shoreline Historical Museum or KUOW.

Gladys Charlotte Sorbo 1922 -2018 She and her husband moved to Shoreline in 2010 to live with family. Her husband died that year and she continued life in Shoreline.

Colleen Kathryn Gauntt 1940-2018 Lake Forest Park resident died after a long battle with kidney disease. She told her family "not to feel sad because she felt she lived a full life and was blessed with so many wonderful people around her."

Eric R. (Rick) Petersen age 59 1977 graduate of Shoreline High School died after a long struggle with multiple health problems.

Photo: Sunset

Sunset from Innis Arden
Photo by Lee Lageschulte

For the last week (except in the grey rain) we have had spectacular sunsets. It's time to get your coffee and head for RB Saltwater Park to the upper parking lot to watch the sun set. It's the best show in town.


Coming up in August - Brewfest

Official Testers at Brewfest

On Saturday, August 11, 4-Corners.Org will host the 8th annual BrewFest.

If you've never experienced it before, make this your year! Here's what you need to know.

What is it?

It is a celebration of local brewers (around 20), combined with 4 hours of social adult time, accented by live music and underscored by great food.

When is it?

Saturday, August 11 from 3-7 pm.

Where is it?

At the Innis Arden Clubhouse, 1430 NW 188th St

These are humans, over 21 years old
Their ID has been checked

Who can go?

Any humans who are at least 21 years old. Yes, we will card everyone. Seriously.

How much does it cost?

Advance tickets are $35. Designated drivers can get a $20 ticket, because how awesome are DDs? At the door, the price goes up to $40.

What is included?

EVERYTHING. 12 5-oz tastes of yummy local brews, grilled brats and pulled pork sandwiches, live music from Mosquito Fleet, non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, pretzel necklaces, and social time! DDs get all of that minus the alcohol.

$35? Really?

Well, yes. It's an inclusive ticket, so you don't have to buy dinner. And besides that, this is a fundraiser for the 4-Corners and a charity.

Charity? Which one?

This year, we're giving a portion of the proceeds to Forefront in Shoreline Schools – a 3-year suicide prevention program. 

The coveted Golden Growler
I heard there's voting. What on earth for?

We give trophies, and it's up to YOU to determine who goes home with what. 

The biggest prize is the Golden Growler, which is awarded to the brewer who pours the top vote-getting brew. Check the website to see previous years' winners, participants, and photos.

Where can I get tickets?

Online (a link will be up on the website shortly), or save the convenience fee and pay by cash or check at our local ticket outlet, Beach House Greetings (thanks Jenni!). Expect to be able to pick them up starting around July 4!!

Do you need help?

Many hands make light work, and we love volunteers! Join the crew and sign up here.

I'd love to sponsor this.

Fantastic! We are grateful for sponsorships! We can let everyone know how awesome you are via Facebook, Twitter, the website, and the Program. Send an email at to connect with us!

Find us on Facebook or check our website for updates on WHO's pouring and WHAT they're pouring!

Shorewood grad given award from State Search and Rescue council

Chris Terpstra receiving award from SARVAC
Photo courtesy SARVAC

1992 Shorewood grad Chris Terpstra was honored with an Adult Leadership award for 2018 from the Washington State Search and Rescue Volunteer Advisory Council at its 50th Annual Washington State Search and Rescue Conference held June 18-24, 2018 in Ellensburg, Washington. 

Search and Rescue (SAR) units are volunteers whose mission is to search, rescue and / or recover those who become lost, missing, injured or killed while outdoors and to educate people on outdoor safety and wilderness recreation.

Chris Terpstra and Makalu
In 2017 there were 1,007 SAR missions in Washington State with 370 missions in King and Snohomish Counties.

He is a member of the Snohomish County K-9 team, which nominated him for the award.

Chris has been involved in search and rescue for over 14 years. He is an Operations Lead for the Snohomish County Volunteer Search and Rescue (SCVSAR) K9 Team and a member of Everett Mountain Rescue.

As a member of SCVSAR K9 he has been a driving force behind many initiatives both inside the team and beyond in the K9 community at large. As a Microsoft employee, he is also applies his technical expertise to adopt and leverage new technology for the units.

W. O. (Bill) Gillespie, President, Search and Rescue Volunteer Advisory Council, said that Chris has worked on a number of projects that have had impact all across the State of Washington. "He is an extremely valuable resource for us."

Bill Gillespie, President SARVAC
congratulations Chris on his award
Chris is currently working his second SAR dog Makalu, who is certified in Area Search and cross-training in cadaver, disaster, and avalanche.

Chris has been on two hundred plus Search and Rescue missions in both urban and wilderness environment, including the 2014 Oso Landslide. In 2017, without K9, he deployed to Hurricane Maria (Texas) and Hurricane Irma (Puerto Rico).

His nomination letter noted that "Chris is constantly looking to learn, improve, expand and share his knowledge and experience with his own team and others. He has been instructing Area Search workshops to other teams in Washington State and is currently a Principal Area Evaluator with National Search Dog Allegiance (NSDA)."

As for Chris, himself, he said "I am very honored by this award made only possible by continued support from family, teammates, friends, and the greater K9 SAR community. We are all volunteers working to help others."

Accident on I-5 jammed traffic through Shoreline

The accident was cleared to the side by the time I got this traffic camera shot. I drove by the scene going southbound on I-5 around 12:15pm on Wednesday.

It looked like three cars collided just before the 195th pedestrian bridge. They were in the left lane on northbound I-5. A medic van and a Shoreline fire truck were on the scene and the occupants of some of the vehicles were standing on the freeway lanes.

It didn't appear there were serious injuries. Neither Shoreline Fire or WSP commented on the accident - business as usual.

The northbound traffic was backed up to 130th NE and more cars were getting caught in the back of the pack.

Less than 30 minutes later the damaged cars were off to the side and the traffic, while thick, was flowing freely.

Just another day on the the freeway.

P.S. WSP did report on another accident on northbound I-5. Three car collision at N 117th at Northgate about a half hour before this one.

--Diane Hettrick

Wear your seat belt or it will wear you

Seat belt sign
Photo courtesy WSP
Washington State Patrol Trooper Brian Moore took this photo of a driver who was lucky to receive only minor injuries after being involved in a collision without wearing a seat belt.

Here's proof it was hanging by his side!

Two weeks of fire calls - June 11 - 24

Cardiac training at Shoreview Park
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire
Shoreline Fire calls for 
June 11-17 and June 18-24, 2018 

Calls for June 18 - 24
  • Aid - 55
  • Aid Non Emergency - 15
  • MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 6
  • MVA Medic - 2
    • + 1 in Bothell w/M47)
  • Medic - 39
    • + 51 in Bothell, Northshore some Woodinville including M65 and M47)
  • Cardiac Arrest - 1
    • + 2 in Bothell w/M47)
  • AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 9
  • Flooding Minor - 1
  • Smoke/Burn Complaint - 1
  • Smoke Haze in the Area - 2
  • Structure Fire Commercial - 1 in Bothell w/M47 and L61
  • Vehicle Fire - 2

Resuscitation training
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire
Calls for June 11 - 17
  • Aid - 78
  • Aid Non Emergency - 17
  • MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 6
  • MVA Medic - 1 in Northshore w/M65
  • Medic - 30
    • + 43 in Bothell, Northshore some Woodinville including M65 and M47)
  • Medic Weapons - 3
  • Cardiac Arrest - 2
    • + 4 in Bothell and Northshore w/M47 and M65)
  • AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 14
  • Bark Fire - 3
  • Smoke/Burn Complaint - 3
  • Smoke Haze in the Area - 2
  • Smoke Smell - 1
  • Vehicle Fire - 1

Brian Waite Band teaching children about equality through musical - Battle of the Bands

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Seattle-based, children's music group will be performing a musical to educate children about prejudice, equality and compromise at the Richmond Beach Library on July 11th at 7pm. 

The 45 minute show is designed for 2-10 year olds and is called "Battle of the Bands".

Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 7pm
Battle of the Bands at the Richmond Beach Library 19601 21st Ave NW, Shoreline. FREE.

Come sing, dance and laugh with the Seattle-based band that has rocked its way into the hearts of both kids and parents as they journey to the musical land of Rockmania, where they help the arguing natives of Fastopolis, Beatborough and Lowburg learn that working together and playing in harmony make for a better and happier country. This 45 minute musical is designed to educate children about prejudice, equality and compromise in an amusing and engaging way.

Brian Waite Band
The Brian Waite Band was born from the idea of creating live rock shows that thrill both parents and children alike.

Founded in 2001 by Brian Waite (guitar), Todd Gray (drums) and Clif Swiggett (bass), the trio began touring the West Coast, and before they knew it, their music was being played all over the world.

Seventeen years and eight critically acclaimed CD’s later, their interactive shows have evolved into more than just children’s concerts. 

The Brian Waite Band’s live shows combine musical theater, imaginative storytelling, laughs and a great rock ‘n roll concert filled with original songs that take the whole family on a “Rock ‘n Roll Adventure”.

Two Shoreline students receive Comcast Leaders and Achievers® scholarships

Comcast Leaders and Achievers®

Two high school seniors from Shoreline are among 82 students throughout Washington who received scholarships for the 2018-19 school year as part of the Comcast Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program.

Comcast held a recognition event for the students in Bellevue that included an advance screening of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, before it hit the theaters.

The program, funded by the Comcast Foundation, is a one-time, $1,000 scholarship awarded to the best and brightest high school seniors for their community service, academic performance and leadership skills. 

Shoreline students who received the scholarship include:

Student Name
High School
High School City
Dunya Al-Musawi
Shorewood High School
Christopher King
Shorecrest High School

“These students from communities throughout Washington have accomplished some amazing things,” said Amy Lynch, Region Vice President, Comcast Washington. 
“From their academic achievements to school leadership and community involvement, our Leaders and Achievers Scholarship winners are exceptional students who are committed to academic excellence and community service. We are honored to recognize their achievements and excited to support them as they continue their educational journeys.”

The Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program provides scholarships to students who strive to achieve their full potential, who are catalysts for positive change in their communities, who are involved in their schools, and who serve as models for their fellow students.

The philosophy behind the program is to give young people every opportunity to prepare for the future and to engage them in their communities. The program also demonstrates the importance of civic involvement, and the value placed on civic involvement by the business community. Visit here to learn more.

Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company with two primary businesses, Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. for more information.

Comcast Foundation was founded by Comcast Corporation in June 1999 to provide charitable support to qualified non-profit organizations.

Photo: Fluffy cloud

Photo by Jan Hansen

This giant, fluffy cloud dominated the afternoon sky over Shoreline. It seemed much lower and actually more dramatic when I saw it near Shoreline Community College.

It was nice to see a white cloud instead of grey - and it's the biggest single cloud I've seen in a very long time (clouds that fill the entire sky don't count).

Fun to see light and colors instead of our usual dark and grey.


Lake Forest Park Conservation Cluster Housing repeal -- and going forward

The first permit application for Cluster Housing

By Donna Hawkey

The Lake Forest Park (LFP) Municipal Code that allows conservation cluster housing as a conditional use has been repealed by the passing of Ordinance 1179 at the Council meeting on June 14. 2018.

City Administrator Phillip Hill stated that the residents could expect a city-wide housing study in the spring of 2019. This will also involve the residents in a public process to determine if cluster housing works in LFP, and if it does, how should the City implement it?

A new beginning is being asked of the City Council and asked of the residents, too.

“This is a no name and no blame situation and let’s move forward,” commented Deputy Mayor Catherine Stanford at the June 14th Council meeting.

The City is faced with a mountain of work (Big Five City Projects) that represent the biggest changes in LFP history. Conservation cluster housing ideas grew from the various stages of Town Center growth and planning considerations.

Without the proper process for citizen input and education, the ordinance became misunderstood, and resentments and tempers flared. When something happens “out of order” residents can become concerned and sometimes angry.

Vice-Chair and Councilmember Tom French asked for the personal attacks on social media to stop. He said, “We are better than this as a community.” Other Councilmembers also stated at the June 14th meeting that what has taken place has been hurtful and not very civil.

The subject of a significant change in land use requires a community-wide discussion, and citizens feel this did not happen. It did appear on the Council’s agenda eighteen times, however, it was listed under the critical areas discussion and the wording of conservation cluster housing appeared only once, so it seemed buried in the agendas due to semantics.

Citizens throughout the City appeared in various Council Chamber meetings including three former LFP City Councilmembers, Don Fiene, Jack Tonkin and Ned Lawson.

These three LFP former Councilmembers believe that protecting the ecosystem and saving green space by encouraging higher density doesn’t equal out to them. Various trends in Washington are seeing some cities halting development to manage growth. 

These cities are making sure that regulatory infrastructures are both feasible and in place and to take the time to assess whether future development matches a community’s history and its vision. There is also a trend to build larger homes as more families expect to house their elderly parents, and some children are living at home longer due to various social and economic factors.

Lake Forest Park residents are known for resisting attempts for population or economic growth. Many multi-generational residents enjoy living in nature and gardening in a forest-like atmosphere. Since the original and unique platting of the LFP land in 1912 residents have been committed to maintaining and to grow the ecosystem through various preservation efforts.

The huge growth in the region threatens LFP’s history of a low-density residential neighborhood, and residents wonder about not only losing the surrounding nature and trees, but are concerned about the overall quality of life with increasing air and noise pollution and safety issues on the rise.

Remember that all seven LFP Councilmembers have stated in previous public meetings, and all have voted, that they believe conservation cluster housing is a good housing alternative going forward, and that is how the City got to this place.

For instance, Councilmember Phillippa Kassover said she has worked hard to understand the concepts. She has put together an extensive mathematical chart that shows how conservation cluster housing can save green space as compared to the current short plat and subdivision ordinances. Councilmember John Wright said he has “never been convinced that this type of housing absolutely does not have a place in LFP. But we have to take a deeper dive to make that determination... and to hear the concerns of citizens.”

Larger square footage homes have been viewed as a concern by City Council as the City’s open green space is suddenly being absorbed at higher rates. According to many architects and builders, these larger homes tend to require the use of more impervious surfaces. Conservation cluster housing reduces the sizes of individual houses but requires that a larger quantity of smaller homes be built on the site. A permanent “forested” easement is created to conserve 50% of the properties land.

Housing prices continue to climb in the entire region as well as the cost of labor and materials for building. If a good stock of housing is not available, all property values continue to increase along with property taxes.

Lake Forest Councilmembers are also hearing from residents that do support added density and are willing to examine cluster housing as an alternative housing option; there is already some resident support of the concept.

City Council members have previously stated that their primary and collective goals for cluster housing are to encourage greater environmental conservation when a property is being developed. Other intentions are housing options for LFP seniors who want to transition to smaller homes yet remain in LFP, and as a means for a younger population to gain entry into the housing market.

No matter what housing alternatives the residents finally accept, population growth will continue in the Seattle “Emerald City” and beyond.

For an in-depth discussion of what happened during the conservation housing quorum vote - that was considered invalid because it did not have the four votes that are required by Washington State law- and other info about past RCW’s and their passage, view the June 14th City Council regular meeting available on the website. Deputy Mayor Catherine Stanford provides a detailed account at (00: 21:37). It’s about 5 minutes in viewing length.

If you want your voice heard, be aware of those upcoming City outreach meetings in spring of 2019. This is when the subject of cluster housing is scheduled to return on the Council and the Planning Commission agendas again.

Donna Hawkey is a LFP resident for almost 22 years. She can be reached at Mike Dee from the LFP Citizens’ Commission provided editorial input.
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