
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Washington state patrol says Secure Your Load

As seen on a Shoreline street
Photo by Jim Talbot

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is conducting a statewide “Secure Your Load” emphasis from April 27, 2018 through April 29, 2018. The purpose of the emphasis is to bring awareness to the importance of securing your load. Penalties can range from a $228 citation all the way to criminal charges if property damage or injuries result from the unsecured load.

Last year, the WSP contacted 6,268 vehicles for failing to secure their load.

The WSP is committed to keeping our roadways safe by reducing serious injury and fatality collisions. Unsecured loads caused 170 collisions last year on our state highways. 16 of these collisions resulted in injuries.

As the weather continues to improve, more drivers are heading to the landfill due to spring cleaning and yard work. The WSP would like to remind drivers to take the extra time to make sure their load is secure. Those few extra minutes could save a life.


  1. I think this is a good idea especially after last summer here in Shoreline I saw a White Truck that came to a sudden stop at a stop light at a busy intersection and the unsecured latter on his construction truck came flying through the intersection like it was blown out of a cannon. Good thing it did not hit anyone. I also see a lot of unsecured items in the back of trucks that hang out the back a few feet with no RED RAG to warn people; not to get to close. In any case; thank you for making our roads safer. This law will save lives.

  2. How can I reach the person with the truck in the picture? I'd hire him to move some stuff! Notice there's nothing on the ground around the vehicle.


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