
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Update on kayaker rescued at Saltwater Park

EMTs evacuating Paula's brother
from Saltwater Park
Paula Blair has let us know about her brother, who was rescued from the Shoreline Sea at Saltwater Park after a kayak mishap. (see previous story)

Thank you all, and a Special Thank You to Bryce Hansen. My brother is doing well, he is still in the hospital from hypothermia complications. ❤️

The average sea temperature for Seattle in April is 44.9 to 46.6 degrees. At that temperature full hypothermia will occur in 30-60 minutes. Symptoms can appear within ten minutes.


  1. I'd like a follow-up article - how did Bryce Hanson know the kayaker was in trouble? If a paddle board wasn't handy, what would a bystander do? I'm often at that park and would hate to think someone drowned because I didn't realize what "distress" or "emergency" looks like!

    1. Bryce saw a wave tip my brother over, when he could not get back into his kayak he shot off the flare he carries in his coat. With that sign Bryce took action.


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