Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter week ending April 16, 2018.
04-07 Inebriated individual entered a house in the 18xx block of N 185th, then tried to steal a vehicle while the owner was in it.
04-08 Subject jumped fence into backyard at 155xx Interlake, where he was bitten by homeowner's dog.
04-08 Checked out suspicious person on Serpentine and arrested him for drug possession.
04-08 House on 192xx Wallingford being remodeled was burglarized; power tools taken.
04-08 Trespassed from Ballinger Commons for being on the grounds carrying bolt cutters.
04-09 Three headstones knocked over in Herzl Memorial Park.
04-09 11 year old Briarcrest student brought marijuana to school.
04-09 Person Trespassed from One Cup for smoking and refusing to leave.
04-09 Aggressive person Trespassed from Aurora Safeway.
04-09 Burglary 163xx Wallingford.
04-09 Intoxicated person found in the street at 155th and Aurora.
04-10 Person at Shaw Apts contacted for causing a disturbance found to be a Fugitive from Justice from Minnesota.
04-10 Rear license plate stolen from vehicle at apartment complex at 148xx Whitman was found two hours later.
04-10 Employees at Aurora McDonald's requested welfare check on mother who kept falling asleep while holding her baby.
04-11 Jaywalker arrested suspected of possession of drugs.
04-11 Burglary 9xx NE 150th; threw rock through kitchen window.
04-11 Two males shoplift e-cigs from Cigar Land.
04-11 Drunk on Interurban Trail at 155th waving around a sharp, pointed broken 2x4
04-12 Resident at adult care center assaulted provider.
04-12 Storage locker at 14900 Aurora broken into.
04-12 Welfare check on resident in Echo Lake Condo who allows dogs to defecate in condo. Residents noticed the smell.
04-12 Woman in Ballinger Homes repeatedly calls 911 for domestic violence but always refuses to open the door.
04-12 Unknown males entering women's restroom at Richmond Highlands park.
04-12 Keys stolen from locker at Y.
04-12 Person previously Trespassed from Shari's for dine-and-dash showed up and refused to leave. May be under influence of drugs.
04-12 Stopped for speeding; arrested for DUI near Getaway Tavern.
04-13 Transported subject from Metro Transit Station for detox from alcohol.
04-13 Burglary to Sunrise Apartments; stolen security camera hard drive and building keys.
04-14 Adult brothers argue and one threatens the other with a screwdriver.
04-14 Shopper at 145th Walgreens brought items for checkout. They rang up to $372. He handed the clerk $28 and left with the items.