Scots tennis sweeps Lynnwood Monday for an 11-1 overall record

Monday, April 30, 2018

Shorecrest varsity tennis
Photo by Rob Mann
WesCo 3A girls' varsity tennis
4-30-18 at Lynnwood HS

Shorecrest overall 11-1

  1. Kate Ivens v Olivia Nguyen  6-0  6-0  W
  2. Anna Burke v Lindsey Helm  6-0  6-0  W
  3. Emma Leek v Carmen Turner  6-1  6-0  W
  4. Alyssa Oshiro v Jennifer Nguyen  6-1  6-0  W
  1. Bella Saunders / Sophie Ivens v Linh Nguyen / Sarah Nguyenoeung  6-0  6-0  W
  2. Coco Hart / Sydney Leek v Nicole Porter / Cristina Gonzalez  6-1  6-2  W
  3. Cindy Luo / Hannah Cote v Suan Choi / Sara Vo  6-3  6-1  W

--Robert Mann

Fill the Truck fundraiser at Shorewood May 12 for frosh and sophomore classes

Fill the Goodwill truck May 12
for Shorewood freshman and sophomore classes
Photo by Jerry Pickard
Shorewood High School is holding a Fill the Truck fundraiser for the Freshman and Sophomore class.

In order to help out your local students, come on down and deliver any clothes that you no longer need!

From 2-5 pm on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at Shorewood high school, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133. Drop any unused items such as clothing or toys, but nothing larger than 2×2 box. Volunteers will assist unload your vehicle.

Help out the Freshman and sophomore class!

New (and better) home for The WORKS - and they could use some assistance

 The Shoreline PTA Council is proud to announce that The WORKS, a Shoreline PTA Council community resource, will have a new and improved home beginning September 2018.

Yellow area is approximate location.
There will be a dedicated entrance directly
from the North parking lot to the new space.
The WORKS provides free high quality, gently used and new children’s and teen clothing and hygiene products for Shoreline School District families.

The WORKS has been housed in various school district locations for over 20 years, most recently at the former North City Elementary campus.

The Shoreline PTA Council is grateful to the Shoreline School District for their continued support of this precious resource and for graciously donating the expansive new space.

The new location is situated next to the District copy shop inside the Shoreline Center and accessible via the North parking lot near the tennis courts.

The transition to the new location will take place at the end of June/beginning of July and the community’s help is needed.

We are currently looking for the following:
  • Approximately 400 sq. ft. of accessible temporary storage space to be used May - August.
  • An architect who can assist with floor plan schematics as we plan how to arrange The WORKS clothing store, sorting room, storage area, and Council PTA business office into one large space (we currently have three portables).
  • An organization or group who has access to movers and/or moving trucks or might be willing to underwrite the cost of a professional move.

If you are able to assist with any of these needs or for additional information, please contact Jill Steinberg.

LFP Garden Club Plant Sale Saturday 9am - 2pm at LFP Elementary

Did you miss last weekend's plant sale?
Here another chance.

Instrument petting zoo delights a crowd at the Richmond Beach Library

Text and photos by Jan Hansen

Presented by KING FM Radio, Music Center of the Northwest, and the King County Libraries, the Musical Petting Zoo took place at the Richmond Beach Library on Saturday, April 28, 2018.

Instructors from the Music Center of the Northwest set out a spread including an oboe, trombone, euphonium, trumpet, and violins in three different sizes!

It was a come and go procession of eager children with their escorts. At least three musicians were sharing musical treats. One gentleman had an assortment of brass from which each “customer” could choose.

“The one you chose looks like a trumpet, but it’s a coronet. Do you want to play it? Can you make a buzzing sound with your lips.” There were smiles all around.

From the area with the cello, I saw a young girl nicely balancing the instrument. A few minutes later I heard a lovely arrangement of “Mary had a Little Lamb.”

Another woman was sharing experiences with smaller string instruments.

Excitement, motion, and sound filled the meeting room with happiness. Who says there’s a silence requirement in a library?

Scott Raub from the OSPI Special Education Dept to speak May 15 at Eastside CHADD

Eastside CHADD meeting Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 7:00 - 9:00pm
Lake Washington Institute of Technology West Building
11605 132nd Avenue NE Kirkland 98034 Room W401 (West Conference Room-4th Floor)

We welcome Scott Raub from the OSPI Special Education Department. 

He will explain how he helps families get access to meaningful service. Scott will cover the special education process from initial referral and Child Find to what happens beyond the referral.

Please submit your questions in advance to to help us plan our meeting time together. We will also take questions at the meeting as time permits.

Scott Raub is the Special Education Parent and Community Liaison for the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

He serves as a resource for information about the special education process to students, families, educators, and community members throughout the state. Scott has worked with students and families in education throughout his entire career.

He earned his law degree from American University Washington College of Law and is a member of the California State Bar. He also has bachelor’s degrees in political science and communication studies, and a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of San Diego. He is originally from Southern California, an avid volleyball player, and proud father of two.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Please arrive early to volunteer. Eastside CHADD is an all-volunteer group.

Eastside CHADD normally meets the third Tuesday of the month, September - June (except December). Support and information for families and individuals living with ADHD.

Please join us at our informative presentations that are held at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Room W401 (West Conference Room-4th Floor)

Crime in Shoreline week ending 4-16-18

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter week ending April 16, 2018.

04-07 Inebriated individual entered a house in the 18xx block of N 185th, then tried to steal a vehicle while the owner was in it.
04-08 Subject jumped fence into backyard at 155xx Interlake, where he was bitten by homeowner's dog.
04-08 Checked out suspicious person on Serpentine and arrested him for drug possession.
04-08 House on 192xx Wallingford being remodeled was burglarized; power tools taken.
04-08 Trespassed from Ballinger Commons for being on the grounds carrying bolt cutters.
04-09 Three headstones knocked over in Herzl Memorial Park.
04-09 11 year old Briarcrest student brought marijuana to school.
04-09 Person Trespassed from One Cup for smoking and refusing to leave.
04-09 Aggressive person Trespassed from Aurora Safeway.
04-09 Burglary 163xx Wallingford.
04-09 Intoxicated person found in the street at 155th and Aurora.
04-10 Person at Shaw Apts contacted for causing a disturbance found to be a Fugitive from Justice from Minnesota.
04-10 Rear license plate stolen from vehicle at apartment complex at 148xx Whitman was found two hours later.
04-10 Employees at Aurora McDonald's requested welfare check on mother who kept falling asleep while holding her baby.
04-11 Jaywalker arrested suspected of possession of drugs.
04-11 Burglary 9xx NE 150th; threw rock through kitchen window.
04-11 Two males shoplift e-cigs from Cigar Land.
04-11 Drunk on Interurban Trail at 155th waving around a sharp, pointed broken 2x4
04-12 Resident at adult care center assaulted provider.
04-12 Storage locker at 14900 Aurora broken into.
04-12 Welfare check on resident in Echo Lake Condo who allows dogs to defecate in condo. Residents noticed the smell.
04-12 Woman in Ballinger Homes repeatedly calls 911 for domestic violence but always refuses to open the door.
04-12 Unknown males entering women's restroom at Richmond Highlands park.
04-12 Keys stolen from locker at Y.
04-12 Person previously Trespassed from Shari's for dine-and-dash showed up and refused to leave. May be under influence of drugs.
04-12 Stopped for speeding; arrested for DUI near Getaway Tavern.
04-13 Transported subject from Metro Transit Station for detox from alcohol.
04-13 Burglary to Sunrise Apartments; stolen security camera hard drive and building keys.
04-14 Adult brothers argue and one threatens the other with a screwdriver.
04-14 Shopper at 145th Walgreens brought items for checkout. They rang up to $372. He handed the clerk $28 and left with the items.

Photo: Tulips from "Holland"

Skagit Valley tulips
Photo by Lee Lageschulte

A tulip story from reader Vicki Michels:

When I was in Holland, years ago, I went to the huge Keukenhof gardens. I had them ship me some tulips to plant here, as a souvenir. Five years later, I discovered that Skagit Valley raises the tulip bulbs that are sent to Holland to plant, grow, and sell there!

My tulips just came home.

I'd asked if their bulbs would be happy and bloom where I lived. Of course he asked where that was. I thought for a minute, and said what I thought he'd recognize: Skagit Valley, near Seattle. No wonder the guy just grinned when he packed my tulip bulbs.

New support group: Living with chronic pain

Ellie Heintze, ND, LAc
Join Dr. Ellie Heintze, ND, of Evergreen Health, as she facilitates a new support group, Living With Chronic Pain.

The group will meet the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center, 18560 1st Ave NE #1 (south end of Shoreline Center) from 1:00pm - 2:00pm.

Dr. Heintze will address a new topic each month but will also provide time for personal questions. You are welcome to bring a family member or caregiver to the session.

The first meeting will be Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

All are welcome. There is no cost for the group, nor is it necessary to be a member of the Senior Center.

We'll see you at the Center.

5-3-18  Added information about cost (free!)

32 storytellers present tales of the Middle East Friday and Saturday in Shoreline

Stories, food, and dancing

Come hear 32 storytellers from California, Oregon, Washington, and Canada tell stories from this classic epic - 1001 Nights - with roots reaching back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Jewish and Turkish folklore.

The overarching frame tale of the epic is certainly relevant today: Scheherazade tells stories for 1001 nights to an angry tyrant in order to save the lives of her fellow country women… and these tales eventually heal the sultan’s insanity, bringing peace to the land. 

Friday evening, May 4, 
Saturday afternoon and evening May 5, 2018
Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church, 14724 1st Ave NE, Shoreline 98155

Programs: Evening programs are for adults and daytime events are appropriate for all ages.

  • Friday Evening - Doors open at 6:15pm (come early for coffee, tea and dessert), Stories and music start at 6:45pm
  • Saturday Afternoon - Doors open for Lunch at 12:30pm, Stories begin at 1pm
  • Saturday Evening - Dinner is served at 5:30pm, Stories and dancing start at 6:45pm

The Seattle Storytellers Guild is partnering with and the Briarcrest Neighborhood Association with the aid of grants from the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park Arts Council and 4Culture to present our third and largest storytelling epic event.

Food from Patty Pan Cooperative

The event will feature Mid-Eastern cuisine from Patty Pan Cooperative for lunch and dinner on Saturday:
Hummus and Pita, Lamb and Lentil Meatballs with Yogurt Sauce (gluten free), Stuffed Grape Leaves (vegan and gluten free), Tabouli, and Lentil Soup - $4/serving or three items for $10.  Arabic coffee, teas and dessert (kanefah) will be sold both days.

Admission is by donation. No one turned away! Suggested donations:
Whole event: $30. Each evening: $15. Afternoon: $20. Family rates for afternoon: $25

Join us to experience a storytelling event unlike any you have ever witnessed before! Check the website for information and directions.

Reykdal asks public to help develop K-12 education budget

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) released a survey that asks the public to determine how important they find additional public K-12 education investments.

“This will be OSPI’s first biennial budget request since I took office,” said Chris Reykdal, Superintendent of Public Instruction. 
“It’s important to me that it is created with input from educators, families, students, and community members across the state.
“Even as the Legislature has added new resources to shore up ‘basic’ education, we are still a state that invests less in our schools than the national average,” Reykdal continued. 
“We must do better! Future investments need to increase student achievement, and we want Washingtonians to help shape that future.”

The survey asks participants to decide how important they find things like student support services such as counseling and mental health, family engagement and outreach, school safety enhancements, programs that specifically address racial disparities in learning and discipline, and more.

“The Legislature worked hard on solving the McCleary math problem,” Reykdal said. “Now it’s time to build a budget we can take to Governor Inslee and the Legislature that transforms our system to better reflect the innovations that will be necessary to close opportunity gaps, increase graduation rates, and move more students to post-secondary training and career development. 
“It’s time to focus on the additional investments that ensure our public schools are among the best in the nation,” he continued. ”We are in a global competition and it will take additional investments by our Legislature to redesign our system to better support our students and our educators.”

The survey will remain open until Friday, June 8 and is available in 10 languages. Reykdal plans to release a second survey in mid-summer that will provide Washingtonians an opportunity to prioritize budget request items that emerge from this survey.

Survey: Public K-12 Education Priorities

Diversity in Rhythm to be staged in Shoreline July 14

Cultural Heritage is an occasion for us to come together to celebrate our diverse cultures through music, dance, art workshops cultural booths, information and vendor booths.

A night of cultural dancing and drumming, poetry, Highlife Band music, Choreography, and many more ... from around the world.

Event Schedule
  • 5:00pm to 6:30pm Open display, food, arts display, clothing, and much more
  • 7:00pm Show starts
Fashion show by African Print

More information

JHP is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which seeks to come together to share our different cultures through traditional music and dance performances, workshops and classes.

Election of officers at Tuesday meeting of the American Legion Post 227

Screaming Eagles
The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, May 1, 2018. A meet and greet starts at 6:30pm and the program starts at 7:00pm.

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline, 98155.

Kenneth Potts will speak about his experiences in Vietnam as a member of the "Screaming Eagles."
As a young man from Auburn, Indiana, Potts fulfilled a boyhood dream by joining the US 101st Airborne Division, nicknamed the "Screaming Eagles."

He reenlisted early at Ft. Campbell Kentucky and volunteered to join the 1st Battalion 327th Infantry Regiment, which was part of the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade fighting in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam.

He will tell of his experiences during three straight tours in Vietnam from 1966 to 1969. He went on to serve 21 years in the Army including 12 years service with NATO in Germany. He recently retired after 24 years as a King County Corrections Officer. There will be an opportunity for questions after the presentation.

After Kenneth finishes his talk, there will be a refreshment break, followed by a business meeting of the post.

The main order of business will be to elect officers to lead the post for the coming year. It is important that as many post members as possible should attend this meeting to elect and show your support for these new officers.

While you are at the meeting, you can check out the Post Library that includes a large collection of militarily related books, video tapes and DVDs. Any of these can be checked out, used and returned by post members and community without charge.

We hope to see you at the meeting.

Shorenorth Cooperative Preschool Carnival expresses Caring Community Spirit

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lorraine Harpole mans the popular Date with a Book

Text and Photos by Luanne Brown

If you were lucky enough to have attended the Shorenorth Cooperative Preschool Carnival on Saturday, April 28, the first thing you would have noticed was the caring spirit and sense of fun that floated through the crowd.

Familes check out everything

From banners to balloons, Shoreline Community Colleges Pagoda Union Building was festooned for the occasion. Children played age-appropriate games, with fun prizes they could trade up for toys, while parents strolled up and down rows of tables laden with silent auction items. There was something for everyone, no matter what their age.

The event is planned several months in advance. “Every family has a job,” said Andi Tosch, fundraising coordinator.

“It’s a labor of love and everyone works so hard. Our financial goal is less important to us than working as a community. That is the real reward,” teacher Susie LaClergue said, “The incredible energy and various talents of all our members really shine through.”

“And it’s our chance to celebrate our school while reaching out to the community,” Tosch added.

Aleena Doane, 6, goes fishing with help
from Shorecrest volunteer Sylvia Salazar

Many former students and their families return every year to either attend the fundraiser or volunteer to help. There were also students from Shorecrest and Shorewood high schools who were recruited to help with the many games for children such as Outer Space Bean Bag Toss, Deep Sea Fishing, and Lasso the Unicorn that helped to create the carnival atmosphere.

“I like to see all my friends from when I was younger, and I like to volunteer to help with the games. It’s also fun just to watch everything happen,” said Lili MacBriar-Hernandez who attended Shorenorth before entering Cascade K-8 Community School.

The Silent Auction had 300 items

The Silent Auction had over three hundred items available for silent bids. Auction items included tickets for family-oriented activities such as movie and live-theater performances, sports events such as tickets to Seattle Storm home games. Also on offer were beautiful handmade items such as a crocheted baby blanket and a Chillax Box based on Shorenorth's own 'Calm Down Box,' which features items that help kids regroup, calm down and focus.

Devi Elliott coordinated the bake sale
Here, Erin Middleton replenishes home-baked goods

The bake sale was coordinated by Devi Elliott who explained that every family contributes homemade baked goods, including some with gluten-, dairy-, and nut-free options. There were also prepared snacks — all sold for reasonable price and a good cause.

According to Jen Belcourt, volunteer marketing coordinator, funds raised through the carnival will be used to help keep tuition affordable, provide fieldtrips for students, subsidize tuition for families in need of financial help, and to purchase new toys and supplies. 

Toni Noll and son Mace (Shorenorth Explorer student) trade up game tokens for toys

The motto of Shorenorth Preschool, which was found in 1972, is “Where learning and play go hand in hand”. Faculty consists of Director Jan Burnham, who has been with the school for 14 years. Her loving, generous, and inclusive spirit sets the tone for the school and attracts both parents and kids to her side whenever she’s in the classroom or the community-at-large.

Teacher Susie LaClergue started out at the school as parent-teacher and transitioned to staff four years ago. “Our program is not just about the child who goes to the school. It’s also about their parents,” she said. The school practices child-led learning, which empowers children to pursue activities and experiences which are interesting to them. Because the school is a cooperative, parents from each family are required to participate in classroom or other activities on a regular basis. 

Lili MacBriar-Hernandez, right, age 11 and Kaia Noll, age 6
with Hopelink Food Drive

Parents are enrolled in Shoreline Community College parenting classes and receive community college credits for weekly in-class parent-learning opportunities and a monthly lecture. “It’s a great place for parents to grow into their parenting roles in a fun, safe community,” said LaClergue

For over 75 years Washington state has supported co-op preschools. “We’re proud to say that for 45 years Shorenorth has been a part of that important, family-focused history,” LaClergue said.

Softball: Friday rematch ends in Lynnwood victory over Shorewood as star pitcher returns to the mound

Lynnwood's Grace Hugdahl slides safely into home
Text and photos 
by Scott Williams
Lynnwood Today

The last time the Shorewood and Lynnwood softball teams met on March 21 at Shorewood High School, the two teams combined for 45 runs and ended in extra innings with Shorewood winning 23-22.

The rematch took place Friday afternoon at Lynnwood High, where Lynnwood erupted for eight runs in the second inning on their way to a 14-3 victory in six innings.

They key difference for the Royals was starting pitcher, Mayda Rieflin.

In the first meeting between the two schools, Rieflin was not available due to a sore arm. Friday, she pitched well, allowing just three runs on seven hits, and struck out eight batters.

“It was hard not being able to play (in the first game). Felt good to be back,” Rieflin said after the game. She went on to compliment her teammates. “They did really well. Jayden (Angell) with that stellar diving catch. That was amazing. And Hannah (Swartz) with that walk off home run. That was awesome!”
Starting pitcher, Mayda Rieflin
made the difference for the Royals

The plays she referred to were a diving catch by third baseman, Jayden Angell for the first out in the fifth inning. The other play occurred with one out in the bottom of the sixth inning, leading 12-3 and one runner on base.

Second baseman Hannah Swartz rocketed the second pitch of the at bat well over the right field fence for a walk-off home run, granting Lynnwood the victory by virtue of the 10-run mercy rule.

Other key contributors for the Royals were junior catcher Maddy Ryan, who had a single, triple and her first career home run, a three-run shot in the second inning. Senior first baseman Angie Martin added a single and a home run.

The win gives Lynnwood the current edge in the form of a two-game lead over Shorewood and Shorecrest for the fourth-place spot in the Wesco 3A South which would earn them a spot in a play-in game to qualify for the district tournament.

Lynnwood will return to action on Wednesday, May 2 when they travel to Meadowdale High School to take on the Mavericks. The game will start at 4 p.m.

Wesco 3A South Girls Fastpitch Softball

Shorewood 1 0 0 0 2 0 — 0 0 0
Lynnwood 0 8 2 0 2 2 — 14 10 0

Shorewood – 3-9 in Wesco 3A North 3-11 Overall. The Thunderbirds' next game is Monday, April 30, when they travel to Everett High School to take on the Seagulls beginning at 7 p.m.

Lynnwood – 5-8 in Wesco 3A South, 5-11 Overall. The Royals' next game will be Wednesday, May 2, when they go on the road to face the Meadowdale Mavericks beginning at 4 p.m at Meadowdale High School.

Sen. Chase town halls this week

Sen. Maralyn Chase, D-32, continues her series of single-issue town hall meetings this week.

Wednesday, May 2: Legislative Report and discussion of taxes Lynnwood Library, 19200 44th Ave. W, Lynnwood, 98036 from 6-8pm.

Thursday, May 3: Legislative Report and discussion of transit and housing
Spartan Recreation Center 202 NE 185th StShoreline 98155, 6-8pm

The public is invited to attend.

Host an Italian high school student who will attend Shorecrest next year

Looking for a couple of awesome Shorecrest families to host a high school Italian student next year.

Join the Ergon cross cultural exchange program and host Mattia or Andrea in the next school year! The Italian family will offer your son or daughter a direct exposure to Italian culture through an all-expenses paid summer vacation in Italy and Ergon sponsors the flight!

Mattia: A good student and a nice, polite and sunny boy, Mattia is always ready to help his friends. He loves the outdoors and any kind of sport. His passion is skiing, but he also does water-polo, plays tennis and soccer with his friends, loves to bike… and is open to new adventures. Travelling with his ski racing team he has learned to be independent and adaptable. An only child, he would love to experience life with a host sibling!

Andrea: Andrea is an intelligent student and a thoughtful, friendly, responsible boy. He has a very close bond with his family; with six siblings he has learned to be independent. He competes at disc throw on a team, enjoys soccer, skiing, biking, and is interested in trying kayaking, canoeing, rafting…. With a well-rounded personality and many interests, including reading, music, drama, he is curious and open to new experiences.

We specialize in a rigorous selection process ensuring that students are academically strong, responsible, and proficient in English.

Our Shorecrest and Seattle families are happy to share their experience with you. To learn more, visit the Ergon website and email.

Destinations: Still time to see the tulips

Text and photos by Wayne Pridemore

The tulips in the Skagit Valley are still in bloom and well worth the trip to view and photograph the fields. The best time to go is during week days to avoid the weekend crowds. 

The RoozenGaarde display garden is one of the wonders of our state and draws visitors from around the United States and the world. Planted there are 90 plus varieties of tulips and 150 flower bulb varieties. 

The display garden is open from 9am until 7pm and admission is $7 per person. Sorry, but no pets are allowed.

Parking is free with an admission ticket. The fastest way from Shoreline is to go north on I-5, exit on 221 before you get to Mount Vernon. Go west on the Fir Island Road as if going to LaConner, turn right on Best Road and drive north following the tulip signs.

The Foreigner at Phoenix Theatre May 25 thru June 17

Debra Rich Gettleman, Boyd Morrison, David Bailey, Melanie Calderwood, Jame Lynch
Photo by Eric Lewis

Phoenix Theatre
The Foreigner
by Larry Shue
Directed by Eric Lewis

May 25 thru June 17
Friday and Saturday at 8:00 pm Sunday at 2:00

Tickets $24.00 Adults, $20 Senior/Military
Tickets thru or 206-533-2000

Winner of two Obie Awards and two Outer Critics Circle Awards as Best New American Play and Best Off-Broadway Production, the play takes place in a fishing lodge in rural Georgia often visited by "Froggy" LeSeuer, a British demolition expert.

This time "Froggy" has brought along a friend, a pathologically shy young man named Charlie who is overcome with fear at the thought of making conversation with strangers. So "Froggy," before departing, tells all assembled that Charlie is from a foreign country and speaks no English.

However, Charlie overhears more than he should — the evil plans of a sinister minister and his redneck associate. This fuels the nonstop hilarity of the play and sets up the wildly funny climax in which things go uproariously awry for the "bad guys," and the "good guys" emerge triumphant.

"I laughed start to finish at one comic surprise after another." --The New Yorker.

Cast: Boyd Morrison, James Lynch, Debra Rich Gettleman, Michael McFadden, David Bailey, Melanie Calderwood

Phoenix Theatre, Firdale Village, 9672 Firdale Ave, Edmonds 98020

Produced with permission from Dramatist Play Service

Book Review by Aarene Storms: Illuminae

lluminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Breaking up was hard enough for Kady and Ezra. Then their planet got bombed by a hostile corporation.

Rescued by separate ships, Kady and Ezra stay in touch, kinda. But when one of the other rescue ships is destroyed by the rescue ship Ezra is on, there is clearly a problem, and it's possible that only Kady can solve it.

A crazed artificial intelligence that makes HAL 9000 look like a Teletubby. A virus infection that is turning some of the survivors (and some of the crew) into zombies. And that hostile corporation ship still in pursuit.

What could possibly go wrong?

This isn't the greatest book I've read this year, but it's certainly the don't-put-downablest book I've read in a long time. The audiobook is produced with a full cast, and perfectly captures the suspense.

No sex (a few vague references to "the time we..." but no details).  LOTS of violence and blood and gore (zombies!). All the swear words are bleeped, even in the audiobook. As the introduction to the book says, "...the story kicks off with the deaths of thousands of people, but god forbid there be cussing in it..."

Recommended for ages 12 to adult. The story may be too intense for young or sensitive readers.

The events may not have happened; still, the story is true.  --R. Silvern

Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Monster

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter can be found under Features 
in the first column of the front page of the Shoreline Area News

Learn origami flower-making at LFP Library (age 10 and older)

Origami Flowers, Tuesday, May 1, 2018 from 7-8:30pm at the Lake Forest Park Library, lower level of Town Center, intersection of Ballinger and Bothell Way NE. 

Learn a simple series of origami folds to create a beautiful bouquet you can take home at the end of this drop-in workshop.

All supplies are provided. Presented by Emily Mallory. Ages 10 and older.

Sponsored by the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council.

Arbor Day Celebration with the LFP Tree Board Apr 28

Join the Lake Forest Park Tree Board for a free Arbor Day celebration and tree planting Saturday, April 28th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in Animal Acres Park.

The Arbor Day Celebration will include:
  • Planting Trees 
  • Tree Walks 
  • Kids Activities
  • Tree Poetry from LFP Students 
  • Light Refreshments 

A celebration of creativity - The Spindrift 2018 Art and Literary Journal release event

You Are Invited to A Celebration of Creativity!

The Spindrift 2018 Art and Literary Journal release event, Tuesday, May 8, 2018 from 11am - 6pm at the Visual Arts Center 2000 Building, Shoreline Community College, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Join us for an afternoon of wonderful music, great art, thought-provoking moving images and live literary readings!

This event will feature art, literary readings, music and moving image videos. Maybe even open an mic...

Musicians will play their original work during the event.

Artists will be on hand to talk about their creations.

Journals will be available for sale - $15 each. They are great gifts for friends, family and anyone who loves art and literature!

Our second year of all-digital art submissions to the Spindrift saw submissions grow to over 400! We nearly ran out of wall space to display them in the SCC Visual Arts Center.

On January 7, 2018 we had 12 contributors. By January 31, 2018 we had 83 plus contributors!

The public is more than welcome to attend this event. There will be a small fee for parking on campus.

Travel tips and local hikes at Third Place Books this week

Third Place Books author presentations are a chance to see and hear from the author of the book. If you are a fan, it's an opportunity to hear from someone you admire. If the author or topic are new to you, it's a chance to decide if you want to hear more and buy the book.

No matter what, each presentation is different and each is interesting. And by the way, when you want to purchase a book, call the store, 206-366-3333. If they don't have it in stock, they can order it for you and you can pick it up, buy a cup of coffee, and start reading it in Third Place Commons.

Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park Town Centre, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155

Jill Kolongowski - Life Lessons Harry Potter Taught Me
Tuesday, May 1, 7 pm
The Harry Potter novels played a significant role in the childhoods of millions of adults. This collection of essays revisits the bestselling YA novels through the perspective of a grown up, examining the impact of-- and lessons that can be learned from-- Harry and his fellow wizards.

Laura Hartema - Bering Sea Strong
Wednesday, May 2, 7pm

A tale of adventure and self-discovery about a young woman on a solo journey.

Amber Casali - Hiking Washington's Fire Lookouts 
Thursday, May 3, 7 pm 

Hikes, history, and heart-thumping views--this new guide to hiking the fire lookouts of Washington's Cascades and Olympics is a quintessentially Northwest guide, for all skill levels.

Thomas Swick - The Joys of Travel
Friday, May 4, 6 pm 

Memoirist and veteran travel writer Thomas Swick offers tips on how people can get the most out of their trips, and reflects on "the seven joys of travel".

Jess Kidd - Mr. Flood's Last Resort 
Saturday, May 5, 6 pm 

Full of charming eccentricities, twisted comedy, a whole lot of heart, Mr. Flood's Last Resort is a mesmerizing tale of a lonely caregiver and a cranky hoarder with a house full of secrets

Coming up: USED BOOK SALE 
Saturday, 9 June
Sunday, 10 June

Conservation Cluster Housing in Lake Forest Park

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Bell Cottages are the first proposal for
conservation cluster housing
By Donna Hawkey

Conservation cluster housing is a development alternative that allows smaller sized but a larger number of homes to be built on a residential property lot.

This type of development is very different than conventional cluster housing. Conservation clusters have the “green” environmental element embedded for protection of open space and interconnected lands.

Because 50% of the property has to be designated as permanent, never to be built upon forested easement land, the City can benefit from a net environmental gain. 

Once the open land is gone – it’s gone forever.

Both Lake Forest Park’s Legacy 100-Year Vision and the updated 2015 Comprehensive Plan, discuss green infrastructure planning and ecosystem protection throughout its documents as the basis for City Council’s consideration of conservation cluster housing. 

Also, the Comprehensive Plan “ensures that there will be enough housing to accommodate expected growth in the City, and the variety of housing necessary to accommodate a range of income levels, ages, and special needs.”

Any home development in Lake Forest Park is supported by two progressive tree canopy and critical areas ordinances. City Council, along with other LFP volunteers and City staff, tirelessly updated these to further protect the City from a higher loss of its green and sensitive areas.

Growth in our region will increase with an estimated 1.8 million new residents expected by the year 2050. While LFP was initially conceived as a rural suburb designed to be an “escape” from the bustle of city life, it is only two miles to Seattle’s now fast growing Lake City Way neighborhood. LFP is no longer the island type retreat envisioned but now finds itself sandwiched between high-density growth occurring in Seattle and Kenmore.

Conservation Cluster Housing Ordinance 1150, however, was put on a moratorium February 8th as it “did not follow Council’s intent,” according to Deputy Mayor Catherine Stanford. 

Specific concerns centered around how density is calculated on the remaining 50% of the property and continuation of the easement. The Council attributes this ordinance process confusion and misinterpretation to the overwhelming mountain of work currently on their agendas, and the Sound Transit 3 deadlines.

The Growth Management Act (GMA) was never a consideration regarding Ordinance 1150. The Southern Gateway project (12 Degrees North) helped fulfill much of that goal. This ordinance was meant to support broader City defined goals and policies as per the Comprehensive Plan.

With the regional growth explosion, the Council wants to keep LFP the welcoming community it has been since its inception. A place where many teachers, police officers, and other government employees, who are relied upon for essential community services, could still afford a home amongst a beautiful environment yet convenient to Seattle. LFP’s founding concept was to be a place for all people - not just the financially wealthy.

The other intent, besides environmental, is to maintain a diversity of housing to retain that City character. Larger square footage homes are being built and concerns are arising that the City’s history of being a green and protected haven could disappear.

LFP has also been a welcoming place for outreach to many other communities. The success of the non-profit Third Place Commons/LFP Farmer’s Market highlights a history of care about overall quality of life and recognizes how placemaking can strengthen a community.

Influential voices from the community spoke up during previous City Council meeting public comments. Julian Anderson, President, Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation, was mentioned by Deputy Mayor Catherine Stanford as someone who asked a question that resonated with her. He asked the Council “If Ordinance 1150 is meant to conserve, then what exactly are we preserving or conserving?”

This holistic thinking will be taken into consideration going forward with a slower pace. The City administration can then gather the data needed, and the essential input from the residents to puzzle it all out together.

Also, an inventory of what housing the City now has; ADU’s, condominiums, townhomes, rentals will all be compiled and analyzed with oversight by the Planning Commission. Resident surveys and outreach will be conducted,, and all presented back to citizens in 2019 when the workload for ST3 and Town Center visions are completed.

Ex-Councilmember Don Fiene sent City Council a recent communication that states,” A change of this magnitude should require a complete study and review with ample public comment and input by the Planning Commission, as well as an open community process equal to the public process of the Southern Gateway and the recent Town Center Vision process.”

Councilmember Tom French, who grew up in LFP, remarked that the lack of solid process for this subject is an “unintended consequence of having too much on our plate,” but he feels “a robust discussion” is appropriate. He also reminds everyone that LFP has exceptional population diversity and a unique ecosystem, and it is the Council’s responsibility as stewards to protect these assets.

What types of changes would this type of conservation cluster home construction bring to the character of the community? Are there solutions for seniors who wish to downsize in LFP? Would the City’s lack of pedestrian-friendly assets such as sidewalks and the lack of street parking be a liability? Can this type of development help keep LFP the welcoming community it has been, allowing new residents, such as the young folks returning from college, the ability to buy into a starter home in LFP?

These are just some of the questions that need to be answered, and it sounds like by sometime in early 2019, the answers about future housing needs in LFP will have been accessed and agreed upon community-wide.

For additional information and a question and answer session regarding this subject, attend an upcoming meeting:

Tuesday, May 1st, LFP Citizen’s Commission is hosting an informational meeting and resident gathering to discuss Conservation Cluster Housing at the Third Place Commons stage area from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. The developer of the Bell Homes proposal (see previous article) is scheduled to attend and is interested in a community dialogue. This is the only conservation cluster home proposal that was approved by the City before the moratorium took place.

The LFP Citizen’s Commission is not associated with the City of Lake Forest Park.

Donna Hawkey is a 21-year resident of Lake Forest Park and can be reached at This is primarily a summary report of recent City Council meetings on April 23 and April 26 and attendance at the Planning Commission meeting on April 24, and various self-directed research.

Updated with minor corrections 4-29-18

Bell Cottage developer will speak at LFP Citizen's Commission meeting Tuesday

The Lake Forest Park Citizen's Commission will meet on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 from 7-9pm at Third Place Commons near the Stage. 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park.

The topic will be "Conservation Cluster Housing in LFP ? Informational Learning, Gathering, Q/A Session "

This is an opportunity for the public to be informed about a "Conditional Use" called Conservation Cluster Housing, (a version of Cottage Housing, with an additional Conservation Element.)

This will be hosted by the Lake Forest Park Citizen's Commission's Environmental Quality, Transportation, Public Safety, and Economic Development Spokes.

They will present the recent history, as researched through the LFP Planning Commission, of this "Conditional Use".

Several developers were invited to present their plans. The developer of the Bell Cottages has accepted the invitation.

This is a free, non-partisan event, open to the public.

The LFP Citizen's Commission is not affiliated with the City of Lake Forest Park.

Photos: What locals do on summer-like days.....

"What do you think? Should we just jump in?"

Text and photos by Marc Weinberg

I couldn't resist grabbing my camera when I saw a pair of Mallard Ducks enjoying a residential pool in the Richmond Beach area.

"Sure would be nice and quiet if we could get rid of these darn crows!"

With our warm spell this past week I'm sure there are people who might have been thinking of joining them.

"Ah, just the two of us. Peace and quiet at last!"

How convenient for the ducks to find a pool like this to have 'almost to themselves'.... except for a few pesky crows.

A busy day for Shoreline fire - three fires in one day

Residential structure fire 100 block of NW 185th St.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

As you may know from reading these pages, the majority of the calls for the Fire department are medical. Auto accidents, heart attacks, assisting police. They rescue people stuck in elevators, respond to reports of smoke, natural gas odors, CO2 alarms. They are constantly busy but their calls do not often involve actual fire.

So Friday was a very unusual day, with calls to three separate fires.

At 5:17am Friday morning, April 27, 2018, Fire was dispatched to a suspicious fully involved vehicle fire in the 14800 block of Wallingford Ave N. The vehicle fire was a joint investigation and determined to be arson.

At 5:44am, they were dispatched to a residential structure fire in the 100 block of NW 185th St. One resident was evaluated by the Medics as a precautionary measure.

The cause for the fire was related to a wood burning stove. No reported injuries, resident was cleared.

Then at 4:33pm on Friday afternoon, they were called to a residential basement fire in the 100 block of N 167th St. Their first engine was on scene at 4:33pm. At 4:38pm, the fire was extinguished. No injuries and investigators are determining the cause.

Celebrate the women in your life at the Bangles and Baubles Brunch

Friday, April 27, 2018

1st Annual Celebration of Women

Bangles and Baubles Brunch
A celebration honoring the women who have stood by us, supported us, loved us and laughed alongside us. Invite a friend, daughter, granddaughter or sister-in-law.

We have a delicious brunch planned and outstanding entertainment provided by:

Saturday, May 12, 2018
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
$8 per person
Ticket sales end May 7th
Ladies 16 years of age and older
18560 1st Ave NE, Ste 1, Shoreline 98155 
For further information 206-365-1536 

Global Affairs: Journalism in an IT world - Tuesday afternoon at SCC

A Journalism Career in an IT World
A Personal Story of Perseverance, Luck, and Flexibility

Daniel DeMay
(Shoreline CC, 2011)

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - 12:30-1:30 PM
Shoreline Community College,
16101 Greenwood Ave N, 98133
Building 9000, Room 9208

FREE event – Fee for campus parking

Dan left a good job (and one with good pay) as a carpenter to pursue a career in journalism, which he considers essential to Democracy. But in a world awash in a technological and information revolution, it is not easy to find and then keep your footing in that profession.

Presented by Global Affairs Center, Shoreline Community College with additional support from Center for Global Studies, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington

Shoreline Community College is committed to nondiscrimination. To request disability accommodations, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at least ten days in advance (206-546-445, 205-546-4520 TTY,
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Twitter: @ShorelineArea
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