Become a Community Emergency Response Team member

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CERT graduating class

A regional Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is an organization of volunteer emergency workers who have received specific training in basic disaster response skills with the intent of supplementing existing emergency responders in the event of a major disaster.

Following a major disaster, local fire, medical, police, city, and other first responders may not be able to meet the demand for their services. Residents and visitors to our community may need to rely on each other for help in order to meet their immediate life-sustaining needs.

The Northshore Emergency Management Coalition is hosting a CERT training program Feb 8 through March 24 that will cover local hazards, and basic disaster preparedness, and provide hands-on training that includes fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations.

During actual emergencies in the cities of Kenmore and Lake Forest Park, CERT volunteers may be called upon to assist city staff and other partner agencies in performing a wide variety of tasks to help our community respond and recover.

The CERT training program begins on February 8 and will be on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm – 9:30pm with the final disaster simulation on Saturday, March 24.

Sessions will take place at the Northshore Fire Department, 7220 NE 181st St, Kenmore. Space is limited to the first 30 applicants. Click here to view the CERT informational flyer, and here to view the CERT training registration form. There is a course fee of $35.

To learn more or register, contact Carl Lunak, Emergency Manager425-354-1744.

DUI patrols in Shoreline this weekend

Shoreline Police will conduct an emphasis patrol in Shoreline this weekend, looking for Drivers Under the Influence of drugs and alcohol.

This is part of the Washington state Target Zero project. The goal - or Target - of the project is Zero deaths from traffic accidents.

It is a data-driven project. Researchers have identified the main causes of traffic-related deaths and are developing strategies to combat them.

The top causes of accidents:
  • Impairment Involved
  • Speeding Involved
  • Distraction Involved
  • Unrestrained Vehicle Occupants
  • Unlicensed Driver Involved 
  • Drowsy Driver Involved

Shoreline Police already stop drivers exhibiting these behaviors.

Three Shorecrest students win awards for their drawings

Drawing by Makenna Littell

Three Shorecrest students were recently recognized with Scholastic Art and Writing Awards from the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent.

Lily, Lily, Cobra
Painting by Makenna Littell

Makenna Littell (sophomore) was awarded two Gold Key Awards for her drawing “Cadenza” and painting “Lily, Lily, Cobra.”

Self Portrait
Drawing by Julia Neils

Julia Neils’ (sophomore) drawing “Self Portrait” was also selected for a Gold Key Award.

Drawing by Chloe Nestegard

Chloe Nestegard (senior) earned an Honorable Mention for her drawing “Lights.”

Gold Key winners are automatically advanced for national judging in New York City by nationally renowned creative professionals. Through the awards, students receive opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication and scholarships.

The Shorecrest student artworks, along with other award winners from Washington, will be on display from March 6-11 at the Cornish College of Arts, Main Gallery, 1000 Lenora St, Seattle.

Free consults for your home improvement projects with Shoreline City staff

Do you have a Shoreline home improvement project in mind, but need some guidance to get it started?

The City of Shoreline is holding its popular individual consultations again this spring. Sign up now for a free 15 minute session with a city expert.

Check in with the construction related vendors who will have tables with information about design, landscaping, home loans, construction ....

Make your appointment online, then come in to review your property and ideas. Get your questions answered about permits, land use, and city requirements.

Appointments are available for these dates:
  • Tuesday, March 27
  • Tuesday, April 24
  • Tuesday, May 22
No appointment necessary to come in on any of those dates to talk to the vendors.

If you have questions about the appointments, contact Jarrod Lewis 206-801-2521.

Sears fined for selling tire insurance without state approval

Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler disciplined and issued fines in December 2017 totaling $321,000 against insurance companies, agents and brokers who violated state insurance regulations.

Among them was Sears, which sold tire warranties without being registered with the state as an insurance provider.

Sears Holdings Corp., Hoffman Estates, Ill.; fined $95,000, order 17-0494

Sears illegally sold 53,717 tire warranties to Washington consumers from 2010 through May 2017. Its revenue from the policies was more than $2.2 million.

Sears has 90 days to request a hearing; if they do not then they have waived their rights and the final paperwork will be filed to impose the fine.

Point Wells Project heading for a showdown

Point Wells
Google Map
By Tom McCormick

Barring unforeseen circumstances, the fate of the Point Wells project will soon be determined by Snohomish County’s hearing examiner.

Seven years ago, BSRE submitted applications to Snohomish County to develop Point Wells as an Urban Center, proposing 3,081 residential units in buildings as tall as 180 feet, and more than 125,000 square feet of office, retail, and commercial space. The project would add thousands of average daily trips to City roads, causing significant traffic congestion.

Facing a June 30, 2018, application expiration date, BSRE recently asked Snohomish County's department of Planning and Development Services (PDS) for more time. On January 24, PDS said no, telling BSRE that the project's application expiration date remains June 30.

Parts of BSRE's submitted application materials fail to comply with the County's Development Code, according to a 389-page Review Completion Letter that PDS sent BSRE last year (October 6, 2017). Because of the compliance failures, it seems that PDS is in the process of invoking a rarely used option — County Code 30.61.220 (Denial without EIS) — to send the Point Wells project to the County’s hearing examiner with a recommendation to deny the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). As stated in a January 19 letter from PDS to BSRE’s attorney:

"Since BSRE submitted its application materials seven years ago, PDS has worked cooperatively and in good faith with BSRE in the application submittal and review process, and will continue to do so. However, BSRE has failed to address multiple County Code compliance issues with its application materials despite PDS repeatedly identifying Code compliance concerns and requesting BSRE submit materials resolving these issues. BSRE has allowed years to pass without addressing Code compliance issues with its application, which is well documented in PDS’s Review Completion Letters dated April 12, 2013, and October 6, 2017. PDS has repeatedly and consistently communicated in writing to BSRE regarding the upcoming application expiration deadline and potential outcomes if BSRE did not provide adequate application submittals to address Code compliance issues and the information needed to continue environmental review."

A hearing date has not been announced yet, but it seems likely that it would be in May, giving the hearing examiner time to issue a written decision before the June 30 application expiration date. (It is possible that BSRE could go to court to challenge PDS’s January 24 refusal to extend the project's June 30 application expiration date. If that happens, the hearing could be postponed until BSRE's challenge is resolved.)

While we wait for a hearing date to be announced, three other things are in progress.

First, to comply with County Code, PDS needs to present the project to the County’s volunteer Design Review Board in a public proceeding. Expect the Design Review Board meeting to be in March or April, a month or two before the project goes to the hearing examiner. The Design Review Board is an advisory body to PDS and applicants applying for approval of an Urban Center development. Duties include: reviewing proposed site plans and project design features to ensure fair and consistent application of the County Code’s design standards; providing written recommendations to PDS and the applicant on potential modifications regarding the project, such as scale, density, design, building mass and proposed uses of the project; and synthesizing community input on design concerns. The Design Review Board proceeding will be an awkward hoop to jump through, considering that PDS will apparently be recommending denial of the project.

Second, PDS is preparing its staff report to the hearing examiner, and compiling the many exhibits that will accompany it. As discussed above, PDS will apparently be recommending denial of the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement because parts of BSRE's application materials allegedly fail to comply with the County’s Development Code. Expect PDS to deliver its staff report to the hearing examiner at least a few weeks before the hearing begins — far enough in advance of the hearing so that the hearing examiner has adequate time to read and digest everything.

Third, BSRE and its consultants are presumably working on revisions to BSRE's application materials. BSRE told PDS that by April 30 it would submit supplemental application materials responsive to the County’s October 6, 2017, lengthy Review Completion Letter. It seems likely that at about the same time that BSRE sends its supplemental application materials to PDS, PDS will be sending its staff report to the hearing examiner. As PDS told BSRE in its January 19 letter: "While [the supplemental application] materials ... may not be included in the PDS recommendation [to the hearing examiner] due to the timing of BSRE’s proposed resubmittal, it does not preclude BSRE from submitting application materials that may be considered by the hearing examiner in making a determination whether the applications satisfy the County Code requirements to a degree necessary to continue environmental review.”

If a hearing takes place in May as expected, and the hearing examiner agrees with some or all of PDS’s expected recommendation to deny approval of the project on account of alleged failures to comply with the County’s Development Code, then the hearing examiner could deny the project outright (BSRE could appeal the denial). Alternatively, the hearing examiner could deny the project on a tentative basis, giving BSRE one more chance to revise its application materials to bring them into compliance with County Code. The hearing examiner would probably set a deadline, and if BSRE doesn’t meet it, or if BSRE’s revisions are insufficient to comply with County Code, then the hearing examiner could deny the project outright (BSRE could appeal the denial).

If the hearing examiner determines that BSRE’s revised application materials sufficiently correct all deficiencies and comply with County Code, then the hearing examiner could direct PDS to resume its review and processing of BSRE’s applications, and direct that preparation of a draft EIS for the project be resumed.

What might BSRE do if the hearing examiner denies BSRE's applications to develop Point Wells as an Urban Center, and the denial is upheld on appeal? Stay tuned for a future article addressing this question.

Tom McCormick is working with of a coalition of Shoreline residents and organizations opposing the proposed Point Wells development.

Photo: Even the surfers took their boards and left on Saturday

Photo by Kathy Passage

Even the surfers picked up their boards and left Richmond Beach Saltwater Park on Saturday, January 27, 2018.

Wind all day, with occasional knock you down gusts, pouring rain with occasional clearing, and cold.

Photo by Kathy Passage

That wasn't enough to keep the dog owners away from the Dog Park at the end of the beach.

Photo by Kathy Passage

It was definitely enough for the dogs to say "Enough!" and head for home.

Tree downed in weekend rains

Photo by Barb Felts

In the heavy rains this weekend, a very large tree fell down the hillside across NW 172nd St right by Carlyle Hall Rd in Richmond Highlands, on Saturday, January 27, 2018.

Photo by Barb Felts

The City of Shoreline was notified. Crews came out Monday, cleared the roadway and cut the trunk into large rounds.

Sno-King Schools Retirees award educational employees grants in Shoreline

Sno-King School Retirees (SKSR) represents retired and currently employed education employees in Shoreline, Edmonds, and Northshore school districts.

Each year the group awards grants to teachers in all three districts.

This year the following Shoreline teachers received a total of $4,803:

  • Briarcrest Elementary—Sadrina Dorn, Monica Holdridge, Carrie Wandler; 
  • Brookside Elementary—Erin Collins, Carrie Misener, Mary Telstad;
  • Echo Lake Elementary—Angela Burke, Karen Nicholson, Kathryn Pihl, Marcia Sanders, Tani Stenfjord;
  • Lake Forest Park Elementary—Kimberly Clasen, Riley Kreutzer, Tami Thompson;
  • Meridian Park Elementary—Jenny Hillger,
  • Parkwood Elementary—Hetta Fish, Renee Iverson;
  • Ridgecrest Elementary—Joana Freeman, Sheryl Lundahl, Mary Rae;
  • Syre Elementary—Heidi Alexander, Joshua Frank, Lori Hashimoto, Jennifer Hodgen, Debbie Hubbell, Taylor Lilley, Stephanie Martin, Maggie Rock, Callie Tobiason;
  • Shorecrest High School—Veronica Cook.

Since 1997 SKSR has presented grants exceeding $79,000.

--James Siscel, Co-President, SKSR

Nick of Time Foundation Youth heart screening Feb 7

The Nick of Time Foundation will be at Ingraham High School in Seattle on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 for an ECG Youth Heart Screening. 1819 N 135th St, Seattle, WA 98133.

This event is open to any student in the community between 14-24 yrs of age, regardless of where they go to school.

Come help us celebrate National Heart Month as we make sure the young hearts in your community are "heartsafe".

More information and sign up online. There is no charge, but a $25 donation would be welcome.

The Foundation was started by the parents of Nick Varrenti, a Northshore football player with a hidden heart defect. He died of sudden cardiac arrest.

There have been other local cases. The defect is not normally diagnosed until the teen has a heart attack. The Nick of Time Foundation arranges screening events, so young people can be diagnosed before something happens.

Lake Forest Park City Council votes to support Shoreline School District levy measures

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

At its regular meeting on January 25, 2018, the Lake Forest Park City Council voted to support the Shoreline School District’s bond issues, known as Propositions 1 and 2, on the February 13, 2018 special election ballot.

Prior to its vote of support, the Council received a factual presentation by the Shoreline Public Schools Superintendent at its January 11, 2018 work session; then held a public meeting on January 25, 2018 to provide an opportunity for members of the public to communicate their opinions on the measure.

Testimony was unanimously in favor of the measure (with one citizen speaking but not taking a position) and the Council later voted 5-0 (Councilmembers Wright and Resha absent and excused) to adopt Resolution 1675, supporting both Proposition 1 and Proposition 2.

If approved by the voters on February 13, Proposition 1 is a four-year replacement levy for educational programs and operations expenses not funded by the State of Washington. The estimated levy rate is $1.50/$1,000 Assessed Value, with the total per year changing as property values change. The estimated levy amount for 2019 is $21.3 million, and $28.25 million in 2022.

Proposition 2 is a four-year replacement capital levy that will raise $3.25 million per year for the acquisition and installation of instructional technology equipment and infrastructure.

For questions about this measure, contact Curtis Campbell, Public Information Officer, Shoreline Public Schools, 206-393-4412, 

To read the text of the proposed measure, click on “Ballot Measure Info,” below, to be connected to the King County Elections February 2018 special election measures pages for these propositions.

Emergencies on Aurora Tuesday

155th and Aurora
Photo by Madelyn Olmstead

Traffic came to a halt at 155th and Aurora around 6pm Tuesday afternoon as emergency vehicles filled the streets.

According to eyewitness Madelyn Olmstead, "Police shut down traffic, stopped a bus and towed it away, and called three ambulances, a fire truck, and perhaps half a dozen cop cars."

Another eyewitness, Renee Ostrem of Richmond Beach, reported seeing an impaired individual in the roadway, which may or may not have been related to the response.

UPDATE 1-31-18  The response in this photo is for a pedestrian who was hit by a car at N 155th. Fortunately, the pedestrian had only minor injuries and was transported by a regular Aid car to the hospital to be checked out.

The person dancing in the street was unrelated to the accident.

An hour later, at Aurora and N 170th, there was a low speed head-on crash between a car and a bus. There were no injuries.

Super Blue Blood Moon Wednesday dawn

Super Blood Moon (not Blue)
September 2015
Photo by Jerry Pickard 

Ok Lunar Lovers - Wednesday dawn is a Super, Blue, Blood Moon.

This is a rare occurrence when a supermoon (which appears very large because it's close to the earth), a blue moon (the second full moon in a month) and a blood moon (lunar eclipse) coincide. The moon in the shadow of the earth looks red-orange, hence "blood" moon.

This will happen Wednesday, January 31, 2018. It's the first one visible from America in 150 years. The eclipse will begin at 4:51am and end at 6:08am local time, peaking about 5:30am.

There have been lunar events where local photographers spent all night lying on their backs with their cameras at the ready. It might not be worth it this time. Not only is it cold outside, the forecast is for a cloudy sky.

Of course, all you need is 1/100th of a second.

For those who prefer a warmer, more upright experience, you can watch online on NASA TV or on starting about 2:30am. There also is a Twitter feed @NASAMoon.

Corrected 1-31-18 for day of the week 

Barry Hoffer - Arborist and owner of Maples for All Seasons at LFP Garden Club Feb 13 meeting

Japanese Maples grow well in Lake Forest Park
Photo by Jerry Pickard
Barry Hoffer, Arborist and Owner of Maples for All Seasons will be speaking on "The Pruning and Care of Japanese Maples" at the February 13, 2018 meeting of the Lake Forest Park Garden Club.

He will discuss the four seasons with these maples and how to successfully transplant them.

Barry, also known as "The Maple Guy", is appearing at the NW Flower and Garden Show.

The meeting is Tuesday, February 13, 2018, beginning at 9:15am at Third Place Commons, Town Center, Lake Forest Park, Ballinger Way at Bothell Way. Speaker at 10:30am.

New members are welcome throughout the year and guests are welcome for two free speakers. Novice and experienced gardeners are welcome.

Barry’s Maples for all Seasons is a Nursery specializing in Japanese Maples. He acquired his first Japanese Maple, Acer japonicum, Aconitifolium, 19 years ago, and now has a collection that consists of almost ¾ of the world’s available cultivars.

Barry regularly conducts classes as “The Maple Guy.” He has been on Radio, most recently Ciscoe Morris’ “Gardening with Ciscoe”. He does regular appearances at local Garden Clubs, radio shows, Home and Garden Shows, Landscape and Garden Shows, and Nurseries throughout the United States.

Barry and his wife and fellow Japanese Maple expert, Sue Hoffer will have a booth at this year's Flower and Garden show. Booth #2134 in the Plant Market.

Film at St Dunstan's Wednesday evening: Speaking of Dying

Most of us are reluctant to talk about death or dying and sometimes we will even deny the truth to avoid facing our own or a loved one’s death.

When we speak openly about what is happening and the possibility of death, families experience love, grace, forgiveness, and peace.

Avoiding the conversation or denying that death is a possibility leads to pain, bitterness, resentment, and anger.

Jennifer Jones will present the documentary, Speaking of Dying, at St. Dunstan’s Church on Wednesday, January 31st, at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.

This 30-minute film is an intimate look at the lives of several families facing the death of a loved one. There are interviews with the people dying and with the members of their families. This powerful and heartwarming documentary provides a gentle and safe introduction to the difficult topic of death.

After the screening, Jennifer will lead a discussion of the film where you can ask questions and learn from her many years of experience. The screening of the film is free and open to all in the community.

St Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 722 N 145th, Shoreline 98133

Brookside Elementary on Lockout Friday while police searched for suspect

Brookside Elementary from NE 178th
Traffic cameras on street side
Google maps
On Friday, January 26, 2018 Brookside Elementary parents were understandably concerned when they received a notice from the school that it was in Lockout because of police activity in the area.

The Lockout started at 3:11pm at the end of the school day.

In a Lockout no one is allowed in or out of the building but activities can continue inside because there is no direct threat to the school itself.

In a Lockdown, the threat is perceived to be to the school itself. Staff and students have to turn out the lights and hide.

In this case, according to LFP Police, a suspect ran from an officer, then crashed his car. He exited the car, which some bystanders said was in a creek, and ran.

The police told the school to go into Lockout, while a K9 unit and multiple officers searched the area. They searched for 45 minutes and determined that the suspect was not in the area.

The Lockout was lifted and school busses arrived at 5pm to take the kids home.

Police are reasonably certain they have identified the suspect, who is known to have outstanding arrest warrants. The investigation continues.

Brookside is at 17447 37th Ave NE, Lake Forest Park 98155.

Demolition of North City Post Office

Demolition proceeds for the old North City Post Office
Photo by Cynthia Sheridan

Text and photo by Cynthia Sheridan

It's Demo Day! According to the on-site contractor, this process will proceed rapidly. In a day or two the sub-contractor will have completed demolition of the building.

A second sub -contractor will then come and tear out the foundation. Next, two levels of below-ground parking will be installed.

And finally the two apartment towers will be built. North City looks forward to welcoming its new neighbors but we miss our post office, especially the outgoing mailbox.

Third Place Commons to Celebrate Diane Hettrick at Annual Breakfast

Third Place Commons invites you their annual community breakfast on Thursday, March 8th when Shoreline Area News Editor Diane Hettrick will be honored.

​This lively, fast-paced event is the Commons’ biggest fundraiser of the year and is the perfect time to join with friends, colleagues, and neighbors in showing your support for the extraordinary community that is fostered at the Commons and at the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market.

This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our Commons Community Values.” Those values are the organization’s core values, established by the Board of Directors in 2017, that guide the Commons in all that they do. These values are:
  • Accessibility
  • Community
  • Inclusivity
  • Connection
  • Collaboration

One of the high points of the breakfast each year is the presentation of the Friends of the Community Award, which has previously been awarded to the Lake Forest Park Rotary, Friends of the LFP Library, the Shoreline / LFP Senior Center, and the LFP Youth Council and Shorecrest Interact Club, among others. In 2017, Shorecrest High School arts leaders Vince Caruso (music chair) and Laura King (art chair) were honored.

Given this year’s focus on their “Commons Community Values,” the Third Place Commons Board felt that that there was no better way to celebrate these values than by honoring this year’s Friends of the Community Award recipient Diane Hettrick.

If you’re reading this, then you know that Diane has given tirelessly to the local community for many years as the daily editor of the Shoreline Area News. Thanks to her efforts, the Shoreline Area News has become an invaluable resource to local individuals, organizations, businesses, and civic partners throughout Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and well beyond.

Please join your Commons community on March 8th in celebrating Diane’s tremendous contributions to our shared community!

Per tradition, the wonderful Milner Family Fiddles will be on-hand to serve up a warm, musical welcome to one and all. Longtime local favorites, the Milners play regularly at the Commons and elsewhere in a rotating roster of family members, led by Glen Milner. Included in the line-up for our event will be Alisa Milner and her husband Ian McFeron, whom you may remember from his moving speech at last year’s breakfast.

Third Place Commons is a community-supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering real community in real space, and this is your chance to show your support for that vital community. The event will also feature a live auction featuring some very fun and unexpected items. 

Visit the event page to learn more or get your tickets now for the big event!

Metropolitan King County Council establishes Immigrant and Refugee Commission

At the meeting of the Metropolitan King County Council on Monday, January 29, 2018, the council proclaimed January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month in King County.

Councilmembers unanimously approved legislation that will provide legal representation to families for the inquest process when a family member has been killed or harmed by police.

Members also unanimously approved the establishment of a King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission.

In 2016, the Metropolitan King County Council accepted the recommendations of King County’s Immigrant and Refugee Task Force that evaluated the challenges facing King County’s growing immigrant and refugee community. Monday the Council voted toward acting on those recommendations with its unanimous approval to establish a King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission.

“We, as a County, are responding to the increased barriers immigrants and refugees may face by updating our policies, programs and procedures with a fair and just lens,” said Council Vice Chair Rod Dembowski. 
“Following the recommendation of the Immigrant and Refugee Task Force by creating a commission ensures that we keep these residents in the forefront of our work, especially at a time when many of them feel threatened by decisions and actions made at the federal level.”

The goal of the commission will be to act as a central point of contact, communication, and coordination for all immigrant and refugee residents, and those serving and engaging with them. It will also focus on understanding and addressing challenges faced by immigrant and refugee communities living in suburban cities and unincorporated areas of the county.

From 2000-2010, more than half of King County’s new population was foreign-born, a number that continues to grow, with the majority of the population being located in communities outside of Seattle. The Council established the Immigrant and Refugee Task Force in 2015 and asked for recommendations that would assist the County in ensuring that these communities, in both urban and suburban/unincorporated areas, have the opportunity to successfully integrate and become “engaged, thriving members of the community.”

The adopted legislation calls for the creation of a commission that will:
  • Assist and advise the county and other levels of government on issues, programs, plans, funding and policies impacting immigrant and refugee communities,
  • Promote civic participation and government representation by encouraging application for employment within the county workforce by immigrant and refugee residents and representation of immigrant and refugee residents on boards and commissions,
  • Collaborate with organizations that implement programs to enhance integration, naturalization and English-language learning,
  • Increase public awareness of immigrants and refugees and their contributions to our community.

The commission will have thirteen voting members and four nonvoting members for three-year terms, with the exception of the inaugural term members whose terms would be staggered into three, two, and one year terms to ensure continuity of experienced members in the commission.

Read more about this legislation on the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system and type in “2017-0481”

Those interested in applying to become a commissioner should contact either their local community organizations or their member of the County Council, Rod Dembowski.

Friday Afternoon Cinema presents: The Egg and I


Friday Afternoon Cinema Presents: The Egg and I


Friday, February 2nd from 1:30 - 4pm
at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center

World War II veteran Bob MacDonald (Fred MacMurray) surprises his new wife, Betty (Claudette Colbert), by quitting his city job and moving them to a dilapidated farm in the country.

While Betty gamely struggles with managing the crumbling house and holding off nosy neighbors and a recalcitrant pig, Bob makes plans for crops and livestock.

The couple's bliss is shaken by a visit from a beautiful farm owner (Louise Allbritton), who seems to want more from Bob than just managing her property.

Featuring Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride as Ma and Pa Kettle!

The movie is based on a memoir by Washington writer Betty MacDonald about her experiences on the Olympic Peninsula near Chimicum from 1927 to 1931. The book was enormously popular and sold a million copies in just a few years.

According to Wikipedia, "The film, loosely based on the book, was released in 1947. Main received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and the film inspired eight subsequent Ma and Pa Kettle features."

The Friday Afternoon Cinema, hosted by Scarecrow Video through the Silver Cinema Project, is an opportunity to enjoy and then discuss golden age Hollywood classics with movie expert, Rhias Hall.

A new classic film is scheduled the first Friday of every month.

The Senior Center is in the southernmost building on the Shoreline Center campus. Free parking in the south lot.

Rob Oxford: What makes a legend?

Sonics great Slick Watts
Photo courtesy Slick Watts

By Rob Oxford

Whether you're a fan of the NBA (National Basketball Association) or sports in general, there's no denying that the Supersonics will always be a part of Seattle sports heritage. Responsible for providing the city its first sports title since the 1917 Seattle Metropolitans defeated the Montreal Canadiens to bring home the Stanley Cup some 100 years ago, a fan of the Supersonics in 1979 will never forget the likes of Lenny Wilkens, Jack Sikma, Gus Williams, Wally Walker or Dennis Johnson, all legendary figures of the hardwood.

But exactly what makes a legend? Is it a championship ring, a bust or plaque in a Hall of Fame somewhere? Is it a grotesque six figure contract for simply playing a "game"? I contend that what makes a legend is what people say about you 40 years after you've taken your last free throw.

Slick Watts 2017
Photo courtesy Slick Watts
That was my premise for inviting former Supersonic Slick Watts to wear his headband, tilted slightly to the right, to the Shorecrest Boys Basketball Dinner and Auction to speak to our players. Slick missed out on that championship ring by 1 year, ending his career in the NBA due to injury with the Houston Rockets and The New Orleans Jazz.

However Seattle has remained his home ever since. Choosing to establish several businesses and raise his family here.

I posted on my Facebook page that Slick had agreed to meet our team and the comments were instant and overwhelming. 
Comments like: "My parents still have their Slick Watts Christmas tree ornament from when I was little", "Do you think he'll sign my Slick Rock?", "My hero", "A great man", "I see him daily at Pro Sports Club and he’s the sweetest man in there, we all love him" and "...he’s the most loved person here, always making sure to hold the door for the ladies."... 
To this writer, that is what makes a "legend".

Never having met Mr. Watts before, I didn't want to take advantage of his kindness so when asked what was expected of him during his visit with the players, I made a point to say that "he is not required to sign autographs or take photos" with our guests. The response to which was something to the effect of "well, he's not coming if he can't do that."

Slick sat with our coaches, spoke one on one with some of our Seniors and delivered a message which focused on among other things, hard work, dedication, pursuing the dream and "putting down your cell phone and enjoying your surroundings". A message I think every parent tries to convey to their child.

It was a fabulous evening and although most of our players had to Google Slick's accomplishments to familiarize themselves with his career, their parents, the ones with the checkbooks, were overjoyed to meet this "legend". Thanks again to Slick and his Publicist Robin Hudson for making our event an evening this Sonics fan will not soon forget.

More information about Slick on his Facebook page.

American Legion members thank SportClips stylist

Monday, January 29, 2018

From left Bob Grasmic, Doug Saunders, George Poitras, Kari Williams,
Larry Fischer, Earl Thompson, Jerry Pickard

By Jerry Pickard

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 members of American Legion Post 227 visited SportClips in Alderwood Plaza.

There they surprised hair stylist Kari Williams with a Certificate of Appreciation and a gift card to Red Robin restaurant.

She gave free haircuts to veterans at Shoreline Post 227 on January 18, 2018.

See previous story

They also presented her with a picture of her cutting the hair of Larry Fischer during her visit to Post 227.

Kari expressed her appreciation of Post 227's support of the business. Kari expressed a willingness to return to Post 227 and repeat the free haircuts at a later date.

American Legion Starr Sutherland Jr. Post 227 is located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Crime in Shoreline week ending 1-8-18

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter week ending January 8, 2018

12-26  Drunken house guest damages property.
12-28  Report of possible squatters in house on N 149th.
12-31  A trespasser causing a disturbance at Echo Lake Apts was arrested on a felony warrant for escape from community custody.
01-01  Laptop stolen from customer at Ballinger McDonalds.
01-02  Burglary 195xx Stone Ave. Entered through unlocked front door.
01-02  Burglary of Pacific Learning Center 14550 Westminster. Unknown point of entry but might have been second story window.
01-02  Seattle Motor Sports burglarized and vehicle parts stolen from vehicles in lot.
01-02  Cell phone stolen from display at Verizon Wireless.
01-02  Female shoplifter at Goodwill left behind a wallet with cash.
01-04  Tenant at Junction 160 Apts on Linden found someone on his second story balcony, who had used a ladder to climb up.
01-04  Garage door openers stolen from The Blakeley.
01-04  Grave decorations stolen from grave site at Holyrood.
01-05  Teenager defrauded in a gift card scheme. Known suspect.
01-05  Thief stole the tip jar from Ballinger Subway.
01-05  Female sent for involuntary commitment after damaging auto at Delgri Auto and chasing people with a knife.
01-06  Package theft 170xx 5th NE.
01-06  Male sent for detox after passing out drunk in Wells Fargo parking lot.
01-07  Illegally parked vehicle on 12xx N 152nd. Occupant had warrant, meth, pills, stolen mail, stolen checks, stolen credit cards.
01-07  Graffitti at Echo Lake Park restroom.

Eagle Scout candidate's blood drive is wildly successful

Eagle Scout candidate Nicholas King poses
with jubilant NW Bloodworks staff after
a very successful blood drive in LFP

Eagle Scout candidate Nicholas King, a member of Troop 348 in Lake Forest Park, needed to turn out 50 donors, including 15 first time donors, for his Eagle Scout project to be successful.

He not only met his goal, he exceeded it.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported my Eagle Scout Project Blood Drive which was held this past Saturday, January 27th at Lake Forest Park Elementary School. It was a huge success! 
We had 63 people come in to donate, 54 pints were collected, and there were 25 first-time donors. 

Authors at Third Place Books - local history and homeschooling

Third Place Books finishes the month with a local historian and a home schooler, both sharing their expertise. They will read from their new books and sign your copies.

Third Place Books, Town Center upper level, Lake Forest Park, Ballinger Way at Bothell Way.

Margaret Turcott
Bothell (Arcadia Publishing)
Tuesday, January 30 at 7 pm

Local author and Bothell Historical Museum president Margaret Turcott presents a visual tour of the fascinating history of Bothell and its distinct neighborhoods, in celebration of her new release from Arcadia Publishing.

Susan Wise Bauer
Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of Your Child's Education (W. W. Norton)
Wednesday, January 31 at 7 pm

When a serious problem arises at school, argues author, educator, and homeschooling advocate Susan Wise Bauer, the fault is more likely to lie with the school—or the educational system itself—than with the child. Rethinking School is a guide to negotiating the school system in a way that nurtures and protects your child’s mind, emotions, and spirit.

Everett Film Festival Feb 16-17

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The 21st Annual Everett Film Festival will be held February 16-17, 2018 at the Everett Performing Arts Center, 2710 Wetmore Ave, Everett 98201.

The festival opens with a gala offering appetizers, desserts and beverages.

Two film shorts and a feature documentary about a local artist will be shown.

A filmmaker Q/A with Camano Island artist, Jack Gunter, will be held after the feature film.

The event continues the next day with more great films, a Q/A by local filmmaker, Lucy Ostrander, and an intermission 'happy hour' featuring menu samples from Everett restaurants. All films, filmmaker presentations, and food are included in the admission.

Tickets online or call the box office at 425-257-8600 or 888-257-3722
  • Full Festival including Gala - Adult $50, Senior/Student/Military $40
  • Friday only, including Gala - Adult $25, Senior/Student/Military $20
  • Saturday only, including "restaurant sampling Happy Hour" -Adult $30, Senior/Student/Military $25

Everett Performing Arts Center
Corner of Wetmore Ave and Everett St

Everett Film Festival Schedule

Friday, February 16

6:00 – 7:00 pm Gala – A variety of hors d’oeuvres, desserts and beverages. David Lee Howard performing on guitar.

7:00 – 7:05 pm Welcoming Remarks

7:05 – 7:12 pm

Captain Fish by John Banana – Animation. What happens when a young girl tries to rescue her dinner instead of eating it.

7:12 – 7:13 pm

Missed Connection by Tabitha Fisher – Animation. A trip to the coffee shop can change your life.

7:13 – 8:45 pm

Quest for the Lost Paintings of Siberia by Jack Gunter and Jesse Cullver – Documentary. Jack Gunter, Camano Island artist, goes on a quest to retrieve his paintings trapped in the basement of a Russian museum for more than 25 years. This is the story of his adventure.

Q/A with filmmaker.

Saturday, February 17

1:00 – 1:05 pm Welcoming Remarks

1:05 – 2:00 pm

Proof of Loyalty by Lucy Ostrander – Documentary. Kazuo Yamane was drafted into the US Army just before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Having an exceptional knowledge of Japanese, he would serve the US during WWII proving his loyalty. Q/A with filmmaker.


2:45 – 3:15 pm

Fall 7 Times Get Up 8 by Karen Kasmauski, Lucy Craft, Kathryn Tolbert -- Documentary. Atsuko, Emiko and Hiroko were among tens of thousands of Japanese women who married their former enemies after World War II. They landed in 1950s America knowing no one, speaking little English and often moving in with stunned in-laws. In brutally honest conversations with their daughters, they reveal the largely untold story of the Japanese war brides.

3:15 – 4:55 pm

Into the Forest by Patricia Rozema – Feature. After a massive and mysterious power outage, two sisters learn to survive on their own in their isolated woodland home.


5:00 pm – 5:45 pm

Local restaurants will serve up some delightful bites from their menus. Restaurants offering samples are listed on the front of the program.

5:45 -6:10 pm

Food for Thought by Susan Rockefeller – Documentary. We want our food fast, convenient and cheap, but at what cost?

6:10 – 7:55 pm

Skin by Anthony Fabian –Feature. Based on the true story of Sandra Laing who was born to two white Afrikaner parents in South Africa during the apartheid era. The film follows Sandra’s thirty-year journey from rejection to acceptance, betrayal to reconciliation, as she struggles to define her place in a changing world - and triumphs against all odds.


8:15 pm – 8:50 pm

Brief Introduction

Home is Where the Heart Is by Ella Bethke – Animation Short (student film).

Maud Lewis by Diane Beaudry. Documentary Short.

Shanghai Love Market by Craig Rosenthal – Comedy Short.

Fill Up the Hill at 5 Acre Woods Feb 3

Fill this hill Saturday with workers and supporters
Photo courtesy LFPSF
On Saturday, February 3rd from 9am until noon, there will be a 5 Acre Woods Restoration Volunteer Work Party and Community Celebration.

At 11am, a photo will be taken of gardeners and supporters to send off to Olympia.

So let’s fill up this hill with LFP residents that day whether you are coming for the work party or the celebration only. 
Our state legislators, such as Senator David Frockt, recently told Lake Forest Park residents how really impressive it is to see the community working together like this.

LFP residents have made substantial financial contributions to help the City purchase 5 Acre Woods.

Senator Frockt and other legislators are supporting a $250,000 grant at state level to help the City’s purchase and restoration efforts.

Let’s work together to help get that funding into our own community. Let's get enough people Saturday so we can create a photo showing all the community that comes together at 5 Acre Woods.

5 Acre Woods is located on 40th Place NE (at 45th Pl NE).
Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Saturday, February 3rd
  • 9:00am-11:00am – Work party at 5 Acre Woods (5AW)
  • 10:30am – Walk to 5AW (For those coming to the Celebration portion at 11:00am.) 

To join the gathering, meet in the LFP Elementary School parking lot at 10:30am. (18500 37th Ave NE, LFP.) Departure will be from the LFP Elementary School parking lot, where you can park your car.

Supporters will walk the short distance together up 40th Place NE to meet with everyone for the 11am Celebration and photo op.

  • 11:00 am – Gathering and Welcome. Refreshments served, compliments of Honey Bear Bakery 
More information on Facebook

5 Acre Woods by Jerry Pickard

Caution about stepping into this special place – you may not want to leave! Previously untouched for over 40 years when owned by Seattle City Light, it is now to become a LFP City forest preserve and nature-oriented educational playground.  

5AW - A Magical Place
By Jean Bryant

Calling all you citizens
Calling all you friends
Let's all see what we can do 
Before the MAGIC ends

From the folks up in the Heights
To the Beach below
And don't forget Horizon View
And everyone you know

5 Acre Woods-a special prize
A Treasure without alloy
Let's all dig deep and do our part
To embrace its special Joy

One Cup Coffee opens drive-thru window

One Cup Coffee on Aurora
drive thru window now open
One Cup Coffee on 170th and Aurora celebrates the opening of a drive thru window

One Cup Coffee at The Junction has been in business in Shoreline since 2014.

It is the third of four coffee houses owned by Christian Kar.

See previous article

One Cup, which boasts the largest interior of any coffee shop in the area, is located on southbound Aurora - a natural for a drive thru.

The entrance is just past N 170th and the corner lot owned by Chuck Olson Auto at the large sign that says The Junction.

The window will be open Monday, January 29, 2018.

Garden Essentia is closing

Garden Essentia in Ballinger Village
will be closing its doors in March
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Garden art store Garden Essentia in Ballinger Village will be closing its doors in March 2018.

Getting started

In the beginning
From the owners:

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closing of Garden Essentia.

In order to have more time with our families, we have decided not to renew our lease. 

We thank you for your loyal support, wonderful memories and all the friendships made these past 5 years.

We will miss each and every one of you.

We will be closing sometime in March. Please stop by to say goodbye.

Michele Dietzel and Colette Highberbger
Owners: Garden Essentia
20152 Ballinger Way NE
Shoreline 98155

Annual wreath-making workshop

Over five years, they built up their stock, artist affiliations, and events. Their "First Thursday" featured local artists. 

Full inventory
Photo by Jerry Pickard
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