Delivered: 21 instruments this fall - Needed: clarinets, flutes, violins, trumpets for students in Shoreline Schools

Friday, December 29, 2017

“Music4Life” means different things to different people.

To children, learning to play a musical instrument is a meaningful activity — it’s fun and it builds relationships that can last a lifetime.

To youth, music opens up the world —its history and its many cultures — and provides opportunities for teamwork and meaningful forms of self-expression.

Educators know that music benefits students academically, especially in mathematics, science, history, and world languages.

Our community understands that music education helps a person lead a richer, fuller, more meaningful life — and an arts-rich community is a more desirable place to live.

However, to participate in a music program, students must provide their own instruments. Normally this means renting an instrument. Kennelly Keys is the largest instrument rental company in the area. Their student instruments come in different sizes to fit the student. A typical rental is $22 - 30 a month, with cellos going for $40. (see rental page).

Considering that a quarter to a fifth of students in Shoreline Schools are in families who can't afford food, the likelihood of paying for instrument rental is very low.

Enter Music4Life, which takes donated instruments, refurbishes them, and makes them available for free to students in need. They provide the instruments to the school district, which loans them to income-qualified students.

David Endicott, co-founder, President / COO of Music4Life reports that,

We are very pleased to report that during the first quarter 2017-18 (Sept. 1 – Nov. 30), Music4Life delivered 21 ready-to-play musical instruments having a fair market value of $9,335* to Shoreline Public Schools. 
These 21 instruments included two clarinets, one tenor saxophone, five trumpets, two acoustic guitars, one electric/acoustic guitar, one electric guitar, two snare kits, one trombone, one double French horn, one flute, two violas, one cello and one electronic keyboard.

However, there is still significant need.
We have an ongoing need for clarinets, flutes, violins, trumpets and other musical instruments that people have in their garages or attics. As well as funding to get them repaired, if possible.

What's in your attic?


herrbrahms December 31, 2017 at 9:31 AM  

Considering the hefty taxes we pay to fund the Shoreline School District, perhaps the school board could buy a few loaner instruments to keep for children in need?

Arts education matters. Just because it's not STEM does not mean that it's unworthy of public funding.

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