Does Santa ever shave his beard?

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Santa riding the fire truck in Richmond Beach
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

By Rob Oxford

There is nothing quite as enjoyable as watching a child's eyes sparkle when they see Santa Claus.

Whether he's coming down the parade route atop his sleigh, at the mall visiting with good little boys and girls or riding on the back of a Shoreline Fire truck on Christmas Day, thankfully, I don't recall ever having to answer the question, "Is that the REAL Santa Claus?"

However, I do recall being asked a few doozies over the years:

"Why don't Santa and Mrs. Claus have kids?"
"What did Santa do before he was a toymaker?"
"Does Santa ever get tired of the same old Christmas carols like you do, Mom?"
"How much does Santa Claus get paid?"
"What kinds of names did the other reindeer call Rudolph?"
"Does Santa have High Blood Pressure?"
"Are there any restaurants at the North Pole?"
"Who are Santa Claus' Mom and Dad?"
"Did you know that you and Santa Claus have similar handwriting?"
"Does Santa Claus have a hot tub?"
"Where did Santa meet Mrs. Santa?"
"When is Santa's Birthday?"
"Does Santa have a middle name?"
"What happens if Santa gets sick Christmas Eve?"
"Are all of Santa's Elves related?"
"I thought Santa's reindeer were supposed to be tiny?"
"Don't you think Santa should eat more fruits and vegetables, too, Dad?"
"Wouldn't calling Santa "Old" St. Nick hurt his feelings?"
"Does milk give Santa gas like it does Grandpa?"

(singing)...and my most favorite question of all...
"Does Santa ever shave his beard?"

Classifieds: Shoreline Planning Commission meeting cancelled

Shoreline Planning Commission 
Thursday, December 7, 2017– CANCELLED

As required by RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meetings Act, you are hereby notified that the following meeting of the Shoreline Planning Commission has been CANCELLED:

Meeting Cancelled: Thursday, December 7, 2017 7:00pm Regular Meeting

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 21, 2017 7:00pm Regular Meeting

There are opening on the planning commission - see previous article

Healing the Hate - with Empathy Ambassadors - Sunday

Rais Bhuiyan - healing the hate
Communities Rising! sponsors Healing the Hate, this coming Sunday, December 3rd from 3-5pm at the Shoreline Center, Shoreline Room (north end of complex), 18560 1st Ave NE, 98155.

Speaker Rais Bhuiyan will describe the path he has been on since being shot in the face by a white supremacist, ten days after 9/11.

Jessica Carso, Executive Director of World Without Hate (WWH), will facilitate the event, which includes "The Empathy Ambassadors Leadership Training Program."

The program is for participants from middle school on up, including adults. It is customized for audience and atmosphere, from corporations and businesses, nonprofits and community organizations, and even a curriculum for prison communities.

Carso explains, "This is in response to feedback from participants. We have a team working on customization and updated curriculum for specific participant groups."

Editions of the book The True American will be available, which tells Rais' story, entwined with that of the man who shot him. The book was recently recommended in The NY Times as one of three books to read during these times of trauma.

The event is free, but tickets are requested for planning purposes: Free tickets here

Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave NE. Carpool if possible, as on-street parking has been removed from 1st Ave NE. Shorewood student volunteers will help direct attendees to available parking.

Steel drum holiday concert Dec 13

Steel Magic Northwest announces its "Holiday in Steel" 2017 steel band concert, scheduled for Wednesday, December 13th, 2017, at Edmonds Adventist Church, 8625 196th Street SW, in Edmonds at 7pm.

The concert will feature all three of the organization’s groups: the Youth Prep Class, “Mystical Steel” adult community group, and the “Pan Wizards” advanced youth group.

The program will include holiday classics, including two movements from the Nutcracker Suite, as well as popular and Caribbean favorites.

The event is open to the public and is free, with a suggested $10 per person donation at the door.

For more information, email

Lisa G. Rosenblum selected as new King County Library System Director

Lisa Rosenblum, new Director
King County Library System
Well-regarded librarian brings decades of innovation in diverse communities to King County

The King County Library System (KCLS) Board of Trustees has selected Lisa G. Rosenblum as the KCLS Library Director following a comprehensive nationwide search.

The Board made its decision at its regular monthly meeting on November 29 and extended an offer, which Ms. Rosenblum has accepted. Rosenblum will begin her leadership role at the King County Library System’s Service Center in Issaquah on January 16, 2018.

The search committee was chaired by Shoreline resident and KCLS Board Trustee Robin McClelland.

“Our search firm delivered a choice of several qualified candidates,"said McClelland. "During the interview process, Lisa Rosenblum rose to the top of the list as the person best suited to lead KCLS as we implement our new Strategic Focus.” 
“Lisa is undaunted by challenges, our geographic reach, and our mission to serve our diverse population of patrons. We believe she will strengthen relationships with communities and seek partnerships that share our commitment to innovation,” McClelland added.

Shoreline Library
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
A distinguished librarian, Rosenblum has spent her career in culturally diverse and metropolitan library settings on the East and West coasts. She joins KCLS from the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL), the fifth-largest library system in the country, which includes the historic Central Library. There, Rosenblum served as Director and Chief Librarian, and oversaw the planning, developing and leading of BPL’s operations and its $120 million budget.

Prior to her position at BPL, Rosenblum served as Director of Library and Community Services for the City of Sunnyvale in California, where she implemented the use of innovative technology to enhance library services, increased the circulation of materials and augmented eBook collections. 

Prior to her role in Sunnyvale, Rosenblum served as Director of Library and Neighborhood Services for the City of Hayward in California, where she led the planning and modernization of library services and developed integrated neighborhood programs. Rosenblum began her library career as a librarian, and later training manager, then division manager, of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in the City of San Jose.

Richmond Beach Library
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Since 2008, Rosenblum has shared her strategic leadership, organizational theory and management concept knowledge as a visiting professor and lecturer, respectively, at Pratt Institute School of Information and San Jose State University’s School of Library and Information Science.

“Lisa’s proven leadership abilities and extensive background in library programs, services, technology and innovation will be an immense asset to the King County Library System,” said Stephen A. Smith, KCLS Interim Library Director. 
“She has worked for years with people from all walks of life, which is a great match for our increasingly diverse county. We are very fortunate that she is joining us, and sincerely look forward to her arrival in the Pacific Northwest.”

Kenmore Library
Photo by Jerry Pickard
A dynamic leader, Rosenblum will be responsible for advancing KCLS’ strategic focus initiatives, including collaborating with civic and business leaders, advancing the library’s literary and technology programs, continuing its excellence in customer service, building a diverse staff and supporting the KCLS Foundation’s fundraising efforts.

"The King County Library System is nationally known as a leader among public libraries. It is an honor to have been selected as the next director," said Rosenblum. 
“Many of the innovative programs at KCLS are implemented similarly at BPL, so I already feel an alignment with the direction of KCLS and its strategic focus. I would like to continue the direction and help it grow as both an institution and a community asset,” she said.

Lake Forest Park library
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Rosenblum earned her Master’s Degree in Library Science from San Jose State University and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from St. John’s College.

Shoreline has two King County libraries - Shoreline and Richmond Beach. There are King County libraries in Lake Forest Park and Kenmore.

The King County Library System (KCLS) is one of the busiest library systems in the country. KCLS currently has 49 libraries spread throughout King County, and is the number one circulating library for online downloads in the United States.

Patton's soldier will speak at American Legion Tuesday

One of Patton’s soldiers to speak to American Legion 

The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, December 5, 2017. A meet and greet starts at 6:30pm and the program starts at 7:00 pm.

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline, 98155.

Bob Harmon was in Gen Patton's
3rd Army Division in WW II
Featured speaker will be Charles Robert (Bob) Harmon. A speaker with 60 years of experience teaching history at Seattle University, he will tell fascinating stories about serving in General Patton’s 3rd Army, being at the Battle of the Bulge, taking German prisoners at the Seigfried Line, and seeing artwork stolen by the Nazis as featured in the movie, Monuments Men.

He has spoken at many venues around the world, including the U.S. military academies. All veterans and members of the community are welcome to come to hear him speak.

While you are at the meeting, you can check out the new Post Library that includes a large collection of militarily related books, video tapes and DVDs. Any of these can be checked out, used and returned by post members without charge. Also check out the Post 227 website.

A brief intermission for refreshments after the talk will allow visitors to depart. Post 227 members are urged to stay for the post meeting that will follow the intermission.

Shoreline Parks / Tree board meets Dec 7

Hamlin Park pathway
Photo by Janet Way
Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services/
Tree Board Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 7, 2017, 
7:00 - 9:00pm, 
City Hall Room 303
17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline 98133 

Agenda Items:
  • Public Art Update and 2018 Budget
  • Refund Policy Amendments
  • Park Concept Design Project
  • PRCS Department Accreditation Process
  • PRCS/Tree Board 2018 Work Plan 
Download the Agenda Packet

Comment on Agenda Items

Park Board Webpage

Classifieds: LFP Council meetings holiday schedule

The following is an update on the LFP Council meetings for the month of December:

December 14
Work Session at 6:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
December 18 – Cancelled – Council Communications Committee meeting
December 21 – Cancelled – Council Budget & Finance Committee meeting

There are no Committee of the Whole or 4th Thursday regular Council meetings in December.

Photo: Autumn color

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Autumn Color…..

Shaina Dwarf Japanese Maple

(Acer palmatum ‘Shaina’

Shaina is a dwarf Japanese maple that sports deep purple red foliage spring into summer. In fall that foliage becomes a dark crimson. This plant is thriving in our shady Lake Forest Park garden.

--Photo and text by Victoria Gilleland

Skandia First Friday dance Dec 1

SKANDIA FIRST FRIDAY DANCE, Cedar Valley Grange, 20526 52nd Ave W, Lynnwood 98036

At the 7:30pm class before the dance, Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will teach Mellparing från Stugun, from Medelpad and Jämtland in northern Sweden.

This dance is a schottis variant that has an interesting and different couple turn. At 8:30, Sprida Ut will start the evening with its two nyckelharpas and one guitarist.

Following Sprida Ut will be another set of trios— Bart Brashers, Leslie Foley, and Bob Hamilton, all on fiddle, and then SN3 (Seattle Nyckelharpa Trio) which is Bart Brashers, Anna Abraham, and Leslie Foley.

There will be lots of good, and varied, music for you to dance to!

Class, 7:30pm; dance, 8:30–11pm. $15 (Skandia members, $10); kids, free. Information email, or 425-954-5262.

Nicholas Lee joins King County Library System as its Finance Director

Nicholas E. Lee
Finance Director KCLS
King County Library System (KCLS), one of the largest and busiest library systems in the nation, has named Nicholas E. Lee as its new finance director. 

A public service leader within the Puget Sound region, Lee will be responsible for steering KCLS’ financial strategies and ensuring the library’s fiscal prudence. 

Lee will begin his leadership role Thursday and report to KCLS’s Interim Library Director Stephen Smith until the new Library Director is appointed.

"Nicholas has a unique combination of financial expertise and management success in the government sector,” said KCLS Interim Library Director Stephen Smith. “He is the ideal leader to drive an efficient financial strategy for our Library System.”

Lee joins KCLS after working as chief financial officer of the City of Snoqualmie for two years. Prior to joining the City, Lee served as finance manager for King County and as senior budget analyst for the City of Bellevue.

"As one of the largest libraries in the country with more than 10 million visitors each year, I am thrilled to be a part of the King County Library System,” said Lee. "As a taxpayer-funded organization, it is my priority to map and lead a strategy that is financially responsible and responsive to its patrons who have supported KCLS over the years."

Lee holds a bachelor's degree in finance and international business from Washington State University and a master’s degree in agribusiness from Arizona State University. In addition to his role at KCLS, Lee serves as an executive board member for Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank.

Founded in 1942, the King County Library System (KCLS) is one of the busiest library systems in the country. KCLS currently has 49 libraries spread throughout King County in Washington State with more than 700,000 cardholders.

In 2016, King County residents checked out almost 21 million items, including 3.8 million digital eBooks and audiobooks, making KCLS the number one circulating library for online downloads in the United States. Last year, KCLS also had 10 million library visitors and 64 million catalog searches.

Something for everyone: A Holly Jolly December at Third Place Commons

Left Turn on Blue band with dancers
Photo courtesy Third Place Commons

Wow, there’s a lot going on in December at Third Place Commons! From an indoor holiday farmers market and crafts fair to dance recitals and dance lessons to holiday concerts and the ever popular Caspar Babypants. 
And of course, there will be great, live music and dancing every Friday and Saturday night just like always. With so much happening, there’s surely something to put you into the spirit of the season.

Here’s a quick overview of all the awesome stuff happening in December. And remember, events at the Commons are always free and everyone is welcome!

Weekend Music and Dancing every Friday and Saturday night at 7:30pm:
Fri, Dec. 1 - Brazz (Brazilian Jazz)
Sat, Dec. 2 - Sheri Roberts Greimes and Jo Momma (Blues)
Fri, Dec. 8 - Kate Voss and the Big Boss Band (Swing Jazz)
Sat, Dec. 9 - 85th Street Big Band (Big Band)
Fri, Dec. 15 - Left Turn on Blue (Soul/Blues)
Sat, Dec. 16 - Cascadia Big Band (Big Band)
Fri, Dec. 22 - The Fabulous Roof Shakers (Blues)
Sat, Dec. 23 - Eugenie Jones (Jazz)
Fri, Dec. 29 - Little Bill and the Blue Notes (Blues)
Sat, Dec. 30 - Smilin' Scandinavians (Polka)

Visit the Third Place Commons website to read about each of these great acts.

Brazz Band

Community Events in December:

Candy Cane Lane - WA School of Dance
Sun, Dec. 3, 2:00pm
Talented dance students share a Holiday performance sure to get you in the spirit!

Helen Zhou Piano Recital
Sun., Dec. 3, 4:00pm
Miniature musicians show off their new piano chops.

Ananda Washington Christmas Music
Tues, Dec. 5, 7:30pm
Choral and instrumental music of the season.

Northwest Ballet Center Holiday Performance
Sat, Dec. 9, 1:00pm
Northwest Ballet Center presents their annual holiday recital.

Ballroom Dance Lesson
Sat, Dec. 9, 6:00pm
Learn the steps you'll need to keep up with the beat and swing your partner to the tunes of 85th Street Big Band!

Holiday Farmers Market and Crafts Fair
Sun, Dec. 10, 10:00am - 3:00pm
One last farmers market to get you through the winter plus the popular annual Holiday Crafts Fair for all your holiday shopping. Stay tuned for more details.

Northwest Ballet Center Holiday Performance
Sat, Dec. 16, 1:00pm
Another great holiday recital from the NW Ballet Center.

Milner Family Fiddles
Sunday, December 17, 11:00am
The Milners bring their Texas style bluegrass to the Commons every other month.

Caspar Babypants
LFP Chamber Music
Sun, Dec. 17, 1:00pm
LFP Public Schools students present chamber music perfect for a chilly December afternoon.

Swingy’s Swinging Holiday Show
Sun, Dec. 17, 6:00pm
The Northwest’s premiere rockabilly band and has been helping swing dancers boogie for 10 years. Expect to jump out of your seat when the band starts to play.

Caspar Babypants – Jump For Joy Concert!
Tues, Dec. 19, 10:30am
Sing and dance along with one of the most popular children’s performers in the Northwest for an all-ages family concert. Presented by Lake Forest Park Library.

Your Commons Community is waiting for you, so take a break from holiday hubbub and head to Third Place Commons for the holly-jolliest of months.

Third Place Commons is a community-supported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering real community in real space. It is located at 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155. Find out how you can support great community programming like this and hundreds of other free events all year long here.

Sam Scott studio porcelain pottery sale this weekend

Shoreline ceramic artist, Sam Scott, will be opening his studio this weekend, Saturday, December 2, 10-4 pm and Sunday, December 3, 12-4 pm.

There will be large selection of wheel-thrown functional and nonfunctional porcelain objects.

The address is: 18502 6th Ave NW Shoreline 98177. Contact Sam at or 206-542-1944.

About Sam
My interest in ceramics began in high school with a pottery class in 1968. I continued taking pottery and art classes throughout the remainder of high school and into college. 

After completing two years at Shoreline Community College, and three years at the University of Washington, I graduated in 1975 with my Bachelor’s of Fine Arts degree. Over the years 

I’ve given many workshops and taught at several schools including the University of Washington, Everett Community College, and presently at Shoreline Community College.

About Sam's work
I am primarily a functional potter. I work predominately in porcelain, although not from a traditional perspective.
My forms are defined by functional simplicity and the white surface of each piece is decorated with abstract designs in blues, browns, and grays.

I am also exploring the contrast of the white porcelain surface with a matte black glaze. The development of this glaze has allowed me to explore new forms of decoration on the clay surface. 

Rotary Sharing Tree at LFP Town Center

Rotary Sharing Tree 2014
Photo by Linda Holman
Once again this year, the Lake Forest Park Rotary Club will be sponsoring Tim's Tree, which is a holiday sharing tree located at the Lake Forest Park Town Center.

The sharing tree is named after long-time Rotarian Tim Davis, who passed away in 2011.

To support this event, please drop an unwrapped gift off to the giving tree location during business hours, when a volunteer will be there to accept it.

All donations will be distributed to needy families in the Shoreline School District, through Hopelink, and North Helpline. 

Gifts should be age appropriate for Children 1-3 years, 4-8 years, 9-13 years, or 14-18 years old.

The Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park appreciates the support.

Winter Tales for Cold Nights - Dec 19 at Senior Center

Vicki Stiles, Director of the Shoreline Historical Museum will tell tales and show photos from historic north King County. 

Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center 18560 1st Ave NE, #1, 10:30am - 11:30am on Tuesday, December 19, 2017.

Recommended donation: $2 for members and $4 for non-members (you can join at the front desk as you come in!).

Juvenile justice volunteers needed from Shoreline

The King County Superior Court, PARTNERSHIP FOR YOUTH JUSTICE, is seeking volunteers from the Shoreline area to serve on a Community Accountability Board (CAB).

The function of the board is to determine consequences for minor juvenile offenders in their community. The key role of the CAB as a community service is to balance the needs of victims, communities and offenders.

The Partnership for Youth Justice program of King County Superior Court is a community response to a community problem.

Many juveniles referred to juvenile court are first offenders who commit offenses such as shoplifting, malicious mischief, or possession of alcohol. These youth may be eligible for an alternative to formal court processing known as "diversion."

With diversion, the youth meets with a Community Accountability Board (CAB) that is made up of volunteers from the community. The CAB and the youth enter into a written agreement about what consequences will be imposed for the youth's behavior such as restitution to the victim, community service, a fine, counseling, informational or educational classes, and other options.

The goal is to restore each of the parties, as fully as possible, from the effects of crime. The program offers an alternative to the formal juvenile justice system by diverting those youth to their community for an informal hearing.

Requirements for volunteers include at least a one-year commitment, completion of training, two hours a month participation and a non-judgmental attitude towards youth. Hearings are held in the evenings.

Call 206-296-1133 for more information on how you can become involved in your community.

Friday Afternoon at the Movies

Friday Afternoon at the Movies, 
December 1, 1:30-4 pm
Shoreline-LFP Senior Center
18560 1st Ave NE

Hosted by Scarecrow Video, the Silver Cinema Project is an opportunity to enjoy and then discuss golden age Hollywood classics. Each screening is introduced by a Scarecrow expert.

This month’s film is The Bishop’s Wife, a 1947 romantic comedy starring Loretta Young, David Niven, and Cary Grant.

An angel in human form enters the life of a bishop in order to help him build a new cathedral and repair his fractured marriage.

The film won one Oscar and was nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Film Editing, and Best Music Scoring.

Free admission!

3rd Safe Highways open house in Lake Forest Park Monday

Lake Forest Park has embarked on a project to make the highways that run through the city less dangerous to drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists - and more transit friendly.

There have been two open house presentations to date - one each for SR 104 / Ballinger Way and SR 522 / Bothell Way.

This open house will deal with both highways. Come hear how the city staff have taken your input and what they are proposing to do.

Monday, December 4, from 6 - 8pm at Brookside Elementary, 17447 37th Ave NE. More information here.

There is a concurrent project called “Safe Streets” that was initiated by City staff in Fall 2016. The Safe Streets project is separate and is focused on the other surface streets in Lake Forest Park. Read more about Safe Streets here.

Photos: Face off at the Juice Bar

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Photos and text by Wayne Pridemore

Today we had a face off between hummingbirds -- an Anna and perhaps a ruby throated Rufous, at our year round feeder.

These two spared around the juice bar for several minutes.

Usually a conflict lasts just seconds before one is driven away.

The Anna lives in our area all year while the Rufous winters the southern California region. Someone should tell the little guy that it is almost December.

Brighton Beach Memoirs opens Friday at Shoreline Community College Theatre

Brighton Beach Memoirs plays in the Shoreline Community College Main Campus Theater (1600 bldg) Friday, December 1 through Sunday, December 10.

16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133

Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30pm, and Sunday performances are at 3pm. No charge for parking.

Tickets can be purchased online

There’s liver for dinner, holes in his shoes, and a war on the horizon, but 15-year-old Eugene Jerome would rather think about baseball… and girls. Surrounded by his overworked mother and father, his “worldly” older brother, his aunt, and two cousins, Eugene has plenty of material for his future career as a writer. This coming-of-age story is an affectionate, entertaining lesson in overcoming hard times with warmth and humor.

Brighton Beach Memoirs is the first installment in Neil Simon’s semi-autobiographical Eugene Jerome trilogy (which includes the plays Biloxi Blues and Broadway Bound) and is one of America’s most cherished plays.

The New York Daily News called the original New York production “…in many respects Neil Simon’s funniest, richest, and consequently the most affecting of his plays”, and elevated Simon into the pantheon of great American playwrights.

Richmond Highlands Neighbors meet Sunday for pumpkin pie and cider

Neighbors in the Richmond Highlands neighborhood will gather on Sunday, December 3, 2017 from 2 - 4pm for pumpkin pie and cider.

The event is free but neighbors are encouraged to bring donations of warm clothing for children and teens.

Richmond Highlands Recreation Center, 16554 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Questions, contact Kathy Plant.

8th Annual Holiday Bazaar at LFP Elementary Saturday

8th Annual Holiday Bazaar at LFP Elementary

This is an exceptionally family-friendly event with carnival games and activities for kids, shopping from local handmade vendors, and it supports the LFP Elementary PTA. Everyone welcome!

Saturday December 2, 2017
9:30 - 4:00pm
LFP Elementary

Fight fraud: Guard your Medicare card

New Medicare cards will be mailed starting in April 2018.
If you have Medicare, you can protect your identity and help prevent health care fraud by guarding your Medicare card just like you would a credit card. 

Identity theft from stolen Medicare numbers is becoming more common.

To help combat fraud, Medicare is removing Social Security Numbers from cards and replacing them with a new, unique number for each person. 

The new cards will be mailed starting in April 2018 and should be fully distributed by April 2019.

In the meantime, here are some important steps you can take to protect yourself from the identity theft that can lead to health care fraud:

  • Don’t share your Medicare number with anyone who contacts you by phone, email or in person, unless you’ve given them permission in advance. Medicare will NEVER contact you (unless you ask us to) for your Medicare number or other personal information.
  • Never let anyone borrow or pay to use your Medicare number.
  • Review your Medicare Summary Notice to be sure you and Medicare are only being charged for actual items and services received.

If you’re looking to enroll in a Medicare plan:
  • Remember there are no “early bird discounts” or “limited time offers.” 
  • Don’t let anyone rush you to enroll by claiming you need to “act now for the best deal.” 
  • Be skeptical of free gifts, free medical services, discount packages or any offer that sounds too good to be true.If someone calls you and asks for your Medicare number or other personal information, hang up and call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). 

Learn more about protecting yourself from identity theft and health care fraud here or contact the SHIBA program at 1-800-562-6900. SHIBA is Washington state's Senior Medicare Patrol, the fraud-fighting unit of the federal program.

Openings on Shoreline Planning Commission

2017 Planning Commission
Do you want to help plan the future of Shoreline: Serve on the Planning Commission

Does land use planning sound interesting to you? Do you want to help make important decisions affecting our community? Could you see yourself as a Planning Commissioner? 

The City Council will be appointing volunteers to the Planning Commission to serve four-year terms beginning in April 2018. 

The volunteers who serve on the Shoreline Planning Commission provide recommendations to the City Council on land use, growth, and development issues. They are charged with reviewing and providing recommendations regarding amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, development regulations, and major development proposals.

The Commission addresses key questions that affect the quality of life in Shoreline: How should we balance new commercial and residential development with the desire to maintain the character of existing neighborhoods? How do we plan for a future that includes light rail? How can we encourage developers to use green building practices?

No technical background or experience in land use is required – important qualifications are an ability to listen to and work well with others, a willingness to prepare and read staff reports prior to the meetings and a commitment to regular attendance and active participation at the meetings.

Community Service Applications are available on the City's website or at City Hall. Applications are due by 5:00pm on Friday, January 12, 2018, to the City Clerk’s Office on the first floor of City Hall or can be emailed.

More information here or contact Senior Planner Steve Szafran at 206-801-2512.

World Concern celebrates $6.4 million gift - largest in its history

From left: World Concern President Jacinta Tegman, CRISTA Ministries Chief Development Officer Dave Eller and Foundation Relations Officer Patricia Wiebe King celebrate a $6.4 million donation from the 25-40 Foundation, the largest gift in World Concern’s 62-year history.

World Concern, a Shoreline-based Christian relief and development agency, received the largest gift in the organization’s 62-year history, and celebrated the donation on Giving Tuesday, an annual day of giving promoted by charities in response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The $6.4 million gift was given by the 25-40 Foundation, a private family foundation that has supported World Concern’s community development work in Africa since 2013.

The donation will fund the expansion of World Concern’s One Village Transformed program, a sustainable transformational development program that tackles extreme poverty by empowering community members to plan and implement projects themselves.

World Concern President Jacinta Tegman expressed her gratitude on behalf of the organization.

“Two years ago, we set out on a strategic course to expand World Concern’s reach to more people in great need in some of the world’s hardest to reach places. We planned to launch 82 new villages through our One Village Transformed initiative over five years. 
"At that time, we felt the clear call to this mission, but we knew we had to pray for such a massive growth plan to be funded. We stepped out in faith, trusting God that his promises of provision in Matthew 6 would be fulfilled. Today, because of the heartfelt generosity of the 25-40 Foundation, we are seeing this come to fruition,” she said.

This funding will impact the lives of at least 30,000 people in Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Uganda, Chad and Somalia, and will enable World Concern to launch an additional 15 villages over the course of the next six years.

“This family has such selfless compassion for people in need, and they’re savvy to dig below the surface and really understand how community development works,” said Patricia Wiebe King, Foundation Relations Officer. 
“We’re grateful for their confidence in the work of World Concern, resulting in this incredible gift to close out their foundation.”
World Concern is a part of CRISTA Ministries. More information about World Concern’s programs, or to donate, here

Holiday Craft Bazaar at Aegis Saturday

Holiday Craft Bazaar at Aegis Living in Shoreline
Saturday, December 2, 2017
10am to 4pm

Purchase your Christmas tree, garlands & wreaths from Shorecrest Spree committee

Monday, November 27, 2017

Now that the Holiday Season is in full swing, please consider purchasing your tree from your Shorecrest "Spree Tree" Committee. These are quality trees and each sale benefits the Class of 2018 "Senior Spree".

Senior Spree, this year’s well-supervised event, takes place on June 17th at two secret locations. The student admission fee of $170 covers most, but not all, of the actual cost. All proceeds from our tree sales will help offset these costs.

Every young person in our community should be able to attend and safely celebrate their high school graduation night. For more than 30 years, parents of Shorecrest High School graduating students, concerned about safety issues, have put together this very special graduation event. “Senior Spree” is an alcohol-free and drug-free environment.

We invite you to be part of this very special Shorecrest tradition by purchasing your Holiday Tree this coming weekend Nov. 30th, Dec 1st or Dec. 2nd.

Tree lot at Loyal Automotive, 1211 NE 175th, 98155 in the North City Business District.

Weihnachtsfest Sunday on First Hill

St. Nikolaus will hand out gifts

The Austria Club of Washington's Weihnachtsfest takes place on Sunday, December 3 (1-5 pm) at the German House on First Hill (613 9th Ave). It is a club member potluck, but if you are interested in attending a traditional Austrian Christmas celebration, bring $10 for each adult (to help defray expenses) and your Christmas spirit.

Yes, St. Nikolaus and Krampus will be present to meet with children of all ages. Parents who wish to have our good bishop distribute gifts, please wrap and label these in festive material and present them to the attending angel ahead of the gift exchange.

Entertainment by the Bonnie Birch Band. Sing German carols and partake of our authentic Glühwein, then dig into the Weihnachts-Büffet.

Free parking at the Frye Museum parking lot.

Learn how schools are funded and how money is spent in Shoreline

Shoreline Center

Are you interested in learning how schools are funded and how that money is spent to support students and staff in Shoreline Public Schools?

Curious about what impacts the McCleary decision and the State’s new funding model will have on Shoreline Schools?

Get answers to these questions and more at one of the “School Funding 101” classes being offered by Shoreline Public Schools.

Each of the four sessions will cover the same information and materials, so simply choose the date and time below that is most convenient for you to attend.

• Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 7 - 9 p.m.

• Monday, Dec. 11 from 4 - 6 p.m.

• *Monday, Dec. 11 from 7 - 9 p.m.

• Thursday, Dec. 14 from 4 - 6 p.m.

*Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Tigrinya and Chinese interpreters will be available at the December 11, 7-9 p.m. session.

All sessions will be held in the Shoreline Room at the north end of the Shoreline Center, 18560 1st Ave. NE.

Each session will feature a comprehensive presentation on school funding and engaging interactive elements that will put the “fun” in “school funding.”

There is no need to RSVP, but if you have any questions contact the school district’s public information office at 206-393-4412.

Accident on Aurora slows traffic Monday afternoon

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

A three car chain collision on Aurora Monday afternoon at 3:30pm pushed all northbound traffic into the right lane. The collisions happened at N 155th at the Blue Bridges.

Scam Alert: Flood-damaged cars could be for sale in Washington

Wikimedia Commons
From the Office of the Attorney General

While many areas of the country are still reeling from the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Harvey, scam artists are now trying to sell flood-damaged vehicles here in Washington state. The Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance estimates as many as 1 million vehicles flood-damaged vehicles could be sold to unsuspecting buyers nationwide.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson and the Washington State Auto Dealers Association urge consumers not to be fooled by the perfect exterior condition of the car and the new car smell. A flood-damaged car may look normal, but almost always will have serious problems including mildew and corroded wires which can result in an electrical failure.

“I am committed to protecting consumers from scams,” Ferguson said. “The more informed people are, the less likely they are to become a victim.”

Before you buy a used car, research the title and VIN number at and/or

Carefully inspect the vehicle inside and out using these guidelines:
  • Test Drive First: Before you buy a used vehicle, you should thoroughly examine the vehicle and go for a test drive to test the vehicle's mechanical operating condition. This means that you should drive the vehicle as you would under every day driving conditions — freeway, in-city, hills etc.
  • Check the Gauges: You should check the operation of all electrical and comfort amenities (windows, lights and turn signals, defroster, heater and air conditioner), blow the horn, check the brakes by coming to a controlled emergency stop, and listen to the engine accelerate when entering onto the freeway and on hills.
  • Complete a Visual Inspection: Do a complete visual inspection of the vehicle; look under the vehicle for any signs of frame damage or collision repairs, any flood damage and any missing, loose or ill-fitting body parts; check the engine compartment and trunk for fresh paint that might reveal prior damage or signs of flood damage.
  • Check it out with Your Mechanic: If the vehicle passes your test, take it for an inspection by a qualified mechanic of your choosing. The mechanic should check the brakes, electrical system, compression, transmission, and every other system on the vehicle, especially any that caught your attention during the test drive. You should also consider an emissions control system inspection and test. Inspections may cost you some money, but if the mechanic discovers a major defect, you have saved yourself a big problem and a lot of money. When an inspection reveals only minor defects, you can use that information to negotiate either a lower purchase price or get the dealer to agree, in writing, to fix the items before purchase.

If you purchased a car with flood damage, try to return it to the dealership and file a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office.

Quantum computing presentation at North City Tech Meetup Dec 4

Microsoft Quantum
North City Tech Meetup is pleased to present speakers from the Microsoft Quantum - the Microsoft Research team working on quantum computing.

Quantum Computing is an exciting emerging technology that has potential to vastly speed up certain difficult computing problems.

It also has the potential to completely disrupt our current security system which is based on “unsolvable” equations that quantum computing can solve.

Join us on Monday December 4th at 7pm at the Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th St, 98155 for this introduction to quantum computing and what Microsoft is doing to bring it fruition.

There is no charge. You may RSVP, but this is not required.

Microsoft Quantum
They will speak first on quantum computing and Microsoft's approach, followed by a 20 minute demo of Microsoft’s Quantum Software Preview Release.

We are releasing by end of year (including a new quantum programming language, local quantum computer simulator, Visual Studio integration, and more!).

Afterwards there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

The Speakers
Martin Roetteler is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond and member of Microsoft Quantum – Redmond (QuArC). Prior to joining MSR, he was a Senior Research Staff Member at NEC Labs America (2005-2013) and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Canada (2003-2004). Martin received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (2001). In the past, he worked on projects funded by ARO, NSA, the European Union, and the German DFG. From 2011-2013, he was the main PI of the IARPA QCS project TORQUE, a joint effort between Raytheon/BBN Technologies, NEC Labs America, U Waterloo, and U Melbourne. Martin's current research focuses on quantum algorithms, quantum programming languages, and the development of quantum circuit libraries.

John Azariah is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft Research Redmond, and a member of Microsoft Quantum – Redmond (QuArC). He is currently the compiler lead of Microsoft's new programming language for Quantum Computing. He has nearly three decades of experience writing commercial software at Oracle Corporation (Oracle Forms Runtime; 1993-94) and Microsoft (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Visual J#; 1994-2000). He founded and led BrightSword Technologies in India and Singapore, delivering custom software solutions to a global customer base; and then, as the Software Architect at MYOB, Melbourne, Australia, he drove the design and implementation of the largest SQL Azure installation on the Azure Cloud Platform. He was a Microsoft MVP for two years before returning to Microsoft Redmond. He is active in the Azure and F# communities, and presents regularly on the topics of distributed and cloud computing, and functional programming (particularly in F#) at various international developer conferences. His current interests include code generation techniques, programming language theory, domain specific languages, and type systems. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College with majors in Computer Science and Chemistry.

The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at either the Shoreline or Lake Forest Park Library.

North City Tech Meetups follow an every-other-month schedule. One month we feature a speaker and alternate months are general discussions. We meet at either the Shoreline Library or Lake Forest Library depending on their availability. You can check out the page for each month’s topic.

Winter concerts at Shorecrest are open to the public

The Music Department at Shorecrest High School will be presenting their winter concerts on Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Tuesday, November 28 the performance begins at 7:00pm in the Shorecrest Performing Arts Center and features the Chansons vocal ensemble, Treble Choir, Concert Strings, Freshman Band, and Symphonic Band.

On Wednesday, November 29 the performance starts at 7:30pm in the Shorecrest Performing Arts Center and will feature the Viva Voce Chorale, Symphonic Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble.

The Shorecrest Performing Arts Center is located at 15343 25th Ave NE in Shoreline.

All concerts are free and open to the public.

Retirement celebration for Debi Ehrlichman on Monday, Dec 4

The Shoreline and Lake Forest Park communities are invited to a retirement celebration in honor of Shoreline School District Board of Directors President Debi Ehrlichman on Monday, December 4, 2017 from 5:30-7:00pm in the Shoreline Room, Shoreline Conference Center, 18560 1st Ave. NE, Shoreline.

Debi is retiring after 12 years of service on the Board of Directors, and many more in support of the Shoreline Public Schools School Foundation and local PTAs. Join us as we honor and thank her for her service to the students, staff and communities she has served!

Holiday events at Sky this weekend

Sky decorations
Photo by Lee Lageschulte
Saturday, December 2nd 10 am – 4 pm
Get in the Holiday Spirit with Craft Vendors, Refreshments, and On-Air Radio Personalities!

Bring your family and wear your brightest Christmas sweater for a fun photo with Spirit 105.3 and Sarah Taylor. Spin the Prize Wheel with Corine McKenzie from Star 101.5. Browse local artisan and craft vendors, and enjoy cookies and hot cider to warm you up.

Saturday, December 2nd Noon – 2pm
Meet the Designers! Kat and Jill

Do you have a container or front bed that’s stuck in winter doldrums? Would you like a little inspiration in how to spruce it up to look good winter-long, or how to give it a holiday twist? Sky Nursery’s own custom container designers will be available to show you some of their tricks of the trade. They’ll demonstrate how a few fresh winter color plants, or even boughs or other accessories, can be used to give a tired container a fresh new look.

Sunday, December 3rd 12pm – 2pm
Jazz Up your Holidays with Live Music by Jazz Pearls

Enjoy original jazz arrangements of holiday classics performed by Ashley Webster and The Jazz Pearls while you shop, sip hot cider, and enjoy our holiday decor.

Sky Nursery 18528 Aurora Ave N Shoreline, WA 98133 206-546-4851

Photo: Christmas decorations starting to appear

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Thanksgiving is officially over except for a few leftovers. The Halloween candy has been disposed of. Now it's time for Christmas decorations!

Untangle the strings of lights, and try not to fall off the ladder. Decide whether this is the year you buy LED lights to save energy and 'star shower' lights to save climbing ladders!

City Council to discuss adding $20 to car license fees to fund sidewalk repair

Damage to sidewalk from street tree roots
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
At its meeting on Monday, November 27, 2017, the Shoreline City Council will discuss Ordinance No. 772, which would authorize an additional Vehicle License Fee of twenty dollars to preserve, maintain and operate the transportation infrastructure of the City of Shoreline, including funding for sidewalk repairs and retrofits.

According to the staff report, there are approximately 75 miles of existing sidewalks throughout the City. These sidewalks were built at different times under different standards and are in need of repairs and retrofits.

Preliminary review and analysis of the inspections indicate over $110 million is needed for repairs, including replacement and retrofitting existing sidewalks and curb ramps to meet ADA standards.

The City’s current funding levels do not meet the need for repair and replacement of existing sidewalks. After evaluation of alternative revenue sources, staff determined that increasing the vehicle license fee by $20 would generate sufficient funds to dedicate $680,000 per year to repair existing sidewalks.

The council is scheduled to vote on the Ordinance December 11, 2017.
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