Celebration of Winged Things on Saturday
Diggin’ Shoreline wraps up its year of pollinator discovery with a FREE celebration of winged things—honeybees, native bees, hummingbirds, moths, and more with two showings of the DisneyNature movie, Wings of Life (1:15 and 3:00pm).
Be sure to come early to get your bag of free organic popcorn. Before, during, and after the movie, experience these:
- Don Ehlen of Insect Safari and his 4-table display of flying insects and other bugs, featuring pollinators.
- Wondering about what it takes to host a honey bee hive or other things you can do to help save them? Be sure to visit with the folks from Puget Sound Beekeepers Association.
- Want to know more about native plants and the pollinators attracted to them?
- Take apart a flower at the flower dissection table hosted by the Biology Department of Shoreline Community College. Discover just what pollinators eat and where within a flower their life-giving food source is found.
- Diggin’ will, of course, have some cool take-home crafts and activities and information to share, too.
Jobs: Shoreline Community College
Facilities Operations Maintenance Specialist
Description and application
Office Assistant 3 – Music Department
Holiday Benefit Dinner at Shorecrest Nov 14 for Holiday Basket Fund
The Shorecrest ASB and Shorecrest PTSA will host their annual Holiday Benefit Dinner on Tuesday, November 14 from 6:00-8:00pm in the Shorecrest Commons (15343 25th Ave NE) to benefit the Shoreline Holiday Baskets Food and Teen Gift Drive.
This year’s dinner theme is “Fall’s Harvest” and will be catered by the renowned Shorecrest Culinary Arts Program. Guests will also be treated to entertaining musical and dance performances from some of Shorecrest’s amazing student performance groups.
Come kick off the holiday season with great food and entertainment for a great cause! All proceeds go to the Shoreline Holiday Baskets Food and Teen Gift Drive.
Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for children 12 and under.
There are three ways to purchase your ticket (through Nov. 9)
- In person - from Andy Denney at the ASB Window, Shorecrest High School
- By mail – fill out order form and mail to Holiday Benefit Dinner, c/o Shorecrest High School 15343 – 25th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155
- By credit card - use the following link and use the “guest login”
- To find and buy tickets, go to: Items at all schools and High schools and Shorecrest and Fill out your choices
All proceeds from this event will be used for the Shorecrest Holiday Basket Drive in partnership with the Shorecrest PTSA
Tickets purchased through the mail and online will be available at “will call” on Tuesday, November 14 or can be picked up ahead of time the Shorecrest ASB. Bring printed receipts for online tickets. If you have any questions, contact ASB Coordinator Andy Denney, 206-393-4291.
Shoreline Fire calls Oct 9-15 and 16-22
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Four Shoreline fire fighters packing up to come home from fighting wild fires in California Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire |
Shoreline Fire calls for the week of October 9-15
- Aid - 50
- Aid Non Emergency - 23
- MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 4
- CMT (Community Medicine Team) - 8
- Medic - 40
- MVA Medic - 1
- MVA Rescue - 1
- vehicle into a tree @ 1:45am Sunday, extricated and taken by Aid to hospital
- Cardiac Arrest - 5
- AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 8
- Flooding Minor - 1
- bathroom faucet would not shut off
- Gas Spill/Absorbent - 1
- from a vehicle at gas station
- Smoke/Burn Complaint - 3
- Smoke/Haze in the Area - 1
- Service Calls - 4
- toddler locked self in bedroom
- 2 blood draw
- fire extinguisher exploded)
- Vehicle Fire - 1 on I-5
- turned out to be a radiator leak
Shoreline Fire calls for the week of October 16-22
- Aid - 76
- Aid Non Emergency - 7
- MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 6
- CMT (Community Medicine Team) - 0
- Medic - 26
- MVA Medic - 0
- Cardiac Arrest - 0
- AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 15
- Flooding Minor - 1
- Service Call - 4
- 1 blood draw
- 1 hydrant hit
- 1 odd odor
- 1 tree down and blocking roadway
- Smoke Smell - 1
- Vehicle Fire - 1
Tree City USA award to be presented at Hillwood Park work party Saturday
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Hillwood Park Photo courtesy City of Shoreline |
Come celebrate by helping remove invasive species and plant new trees and plants in Hillwood Park on Saturday, November 4, from 10am to 2pm.
Hillwood Park, 18947 3rd NW Ave 98177
As part of the work party events, Linden Lampman, Urban Forestry Specialist from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, will present Mayor Chris Roberts and Park Board Chair Betsy Robertson with the Tree City USA recognition.
Representatives from EarthCorps will be on hand to lead the work party and provide some environmental education along the way. The work party is from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Dress appropriately; long sleeves, gloves, and a hat are recommended. Tools and gloves will be available, but you will be most comfortable with your own pair of gloves. Feel free to bring a trowel, fork, and/ or loppers if you have them. For more information, email Kirk Peterson or call him at 206- 801-2611.
Shoreline achieved 2016 Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four standards: a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of a least $2 per capita, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
The Arbor Day Foundation is a million member nonprofit conservation and education organization with the mission to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. Started in 1976, the Tree City USA program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year.
Letter to the Editor: I strongly support Heather Fralick for school board
I strongly support Heather Fralick as our next school board member. She is smart, considerate, fair, and kind - all qualities we want in our elected officials.
When I first met her, I noticed right away she cares for all the kids at our school and really wants to make sure that every student has a safe learning space. She is a volunteer teacher at school where she reads to the kids and gets the students excited about learning.
She is deeply committed to continuing the traditions of excellence in our schools, advocating for full funding of our children’s education, and working with parents and educators to achieve the best outcomes for every Shoreline and Lake Forest Park student.
Every time I talk with her, I am impressed by her passion, dedication, and commitment to public education and the Shoreline School District.
Susan McIntyre
LFP “Big Five” Coffee Meeting Saturday Nov 4
Mayor will be joined by other elected officials on Saturday |
Mayor Johnson said that he is looking forward to following through with the City Council Strategic Plan and all the “Big Five” visions they have outlined, as well as taking action to create regulations that helps anyone who wants to “invest in us” to do that in “the right way.”
What are the “Big Five?” They represent planning across the entire City.
Ideally they will all interrelate together to bring solutions and ideas to enhance our community and improve living conditions going forward and into the next 50 years.
The coming of Sound Transit’s bus rapid transit (BRT) and a proposed park-and-ride structure to be built in the vicinity of the Town Center or somewhere in LFP, has initiated a plan that will include visioning and helping to shape a new Central Subarea Plan. The entire Town Center area will be examined for redevelopment and is a central part of this plan’s discussion.
2. LFP Safe Highways
Focuses on developing options to make both SR 104 and SR 522 safer and better, while accommodating transit, pedestrians and bicycle riders.
3. LFP Safe Streets
Examines all other surface streets' safety issues and seeks to increase better connections to transit and other amenities like parks, schools and the Burke-Gilman Trail; priorities will need to be established.
4. Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST)
Planning for current and future park plans and trails. First meeting to take place on November 8th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.
5. Healthy Creeks
Letter to the Editor: Observing the Candidates for City Council Position 1
I am writing to offer my personal observations of the candidates in the upcoming election for City Council Position 1 between Keith McGlashan and Jin-Ah Kim.
Ms. Kim’s campaign flyer tries to discredit Mr. McGlashan by stating “He was Mayor when the Point Wells development was approved . . .”. While true that Mr. McGlashan was the Mayor, does Ms. Kim not know that it was Snohomish County where the property sits that approved the development? Or does she know and just not care if a true statement can be manipulated to imply something that makes your opponent sound bad? Not very good either way.
I saw Ms. Kim in person at a Democratic political meeting earlier this year. She attacked a candidate seeking an endorsement from the group by stating that an unflattering article was “the very first item that appears on a Google search of your name.” It was disappointing to learn later that the unflattering article was not really the first item that appeared on a Google search about the candidate. The article could be found, but it took some work and was clearly not “the very first item” that appeared. Ms. Kim seems comfortable distorting the truth for political advantage.
My observations of Keith McGlashan are very different. I do not know Mr. McGlashan well and don’t agree with every decision he has made, but I have found him to be informed and thoughtful about his decisions, and respectful and honest in our discussions.
Truth from our elected officials is still important, maybe more now than ever in the age of Trump. My concerns about Ms. Kim’s approach to politics and what that would mean for the Shoreline City Council led me to contribute to Mr. McGlashan’s campaign, and I urge Shoreline residents to vote for him in the upcoming election.
Tim Friedrichsen
Crime in Shoreline weeks ending 10-16-17 - Double Edition
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Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
09-25 Vehicle used in burglary fled after attempted high risk stop. Pursuit ensued but ended for public safety reasons.
09-26 Woman and 13 year old son were walking in Fred Meyer parking lot when a man in a car pulled next to them and started masterbating.
09-30 Attempted burglary of Ridgecrest Public House. A pry bar was used on the front door.
10-02 Burglar forced way into house through back door window, took numerous items, and likely assaulted the dog.
10-03 Slider forced on condo and dog stolen at Echo Cove. Possible suspect is subject of protection order.
10-03 Bicyclist ran red light at N 160th and Aurora and was hit by a car and injured.
10-05 Busted two different people selling drugs in parking lot of police station at midnight and 1am.
10-05 Cable wire cut at residence with ongoing civil battle over ownership.
10-06 Mail thief caught on Ashworth with a backpack full of mail.
10-06 Female driver was followed down 15th NE by a bicyclist brandishing a knife and calling racial slurs.
10-07 Drunken 18 year old with a bottle of vodka falls on sidewalk. Officer pours out the vodka and issues a warning.
10-07 Drunk driver causes two car collision on Aurora at 1am.
10-07 Hospice caregiver became concerned when client did not answer door. Called Fire for a welfare check. They forced open the apartment door, but client was not at home.
10-08 Arrest for DUI hit and run collision at I-5 off ramp at 175th.
10-09 Pedestrian who was stopped for violation at 12:30am headbutted officer and was booked for assault.
Selected items from the Shoreline Police Blotter, week ending October 16, 2017
Trending this week: Drunks, mental breakdowns, suicide attempts
10-08 Woman at Hideaway Casino sent for involuntary commitment after mental breakdown. She was undressing in bathroom, opening restaurant packages, and incoherent.
10-09 Driver stopped for using a cell phone, following too closely, and blocking a driveway, was arrested on DUI.
10-10 Adult with mental issues runs away from group home and is located at Starbucks.
10-10 Safeway employees at 155th called about a suicidal man who was running into traffic.
10-10 Pedestrian called about a man who was stumbling and walking in the middle of the road on Meridian.
10-11 Officers responded to a call from a juvenile who was thinking about killing herself over rumors at school.
10-11 Drunk enters the wrong apartment through unlocked slider and falls asleep.
10-13 Man with mental issues told postal worker he was going to shoot him.
10-13 Patron at Spartan Gym lost wedding ring.
10-13 Vehicle abandoned at Ballinger McDonald's had what appeared to be stolen mail in it.
10-14 Person who kicked in front door at 3am to burgle house at 158xx 5th NE was arrested.
10-14 House egged and vehicle damaged at 5xx NW 185th.
10-15 Man sleeping at Aurora Safeway was arrested on department of corrections felony warrant.
Happy Halloween in cartoon and rhyme
Book Review by Aarene Storms: Ghosts
Catrina and her family move to Bahia de la Luna because Cat's little sister Maya has cystic fibrosis and will benefit from the cool salty air from the sea. Soon the girls and their family learn that the town and nearby mission is haunted--and the townspeople welcome the ghosts.
They even throw a big dia de los muertos party every year so they can enjoy music and dancing with the dead. Maya, aware that her disease will probably kill her sooner rather than later, is thrilled to meet the ghosts, but Cat isn't so sure. She doesn't want all these dead people to hurt her sister.
This sweet graphic novel story of friendship and family is beautifully illustrated in Telgemeier's signature style, with expressive characters and fun backdrops.
HOWEVER, the book (and the author) have been accused of cultural appropriation: the author is not Mexican-American, and yet her story centers around the Mexican tradition of welcoming the beloved dead.
As a storyteller, I do not stand firmly against cultural appropriation. If we forbid everyone from the outside a culture to look inside via stories, world peace would be truly impossible, and I don't believe that. This book centers around a young, culturally-mainstream American girl; although her abuela was Mexican, her mother rejected the Mexican culture as a teen and has raised her daughters away from Mexican traditions. Therefore, Cat's experience with the dia de los muertos tradition allows other non-Mexican readers to follow her as she learns.
This is a major goal of fiction: to bring the reader closer to something new, and this book achieves that goal.
Recommended for ages 8 to adult.
The events may not have happened; still, the story is true.
--R. Silvern
Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS
For the Birds: Scary Halloween Birds
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WHOOOOOOOOOO Barn Owl by Kervin Keatley |
You’re walking in the dark in your Halloween costume, the wind is slightly blowing, making the trees groan, when you suddenly hear a loud scream and hiss! What was that??? And is that floating white thing coming toward you???
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Coming to get you! - not really Barred owl by Sandra Rothenberg |
Floating eyes moving in the night—is that a ghost, or one of our local Barred Owls silently moving through the forest? And beware! During breeding and brood dispersal seasons, owls will hurry intruders out of their territories by strafing them with their talons, their only weapon. So leave quickly. Once they stop chasing you, you can turn around and watch as they return to their favorite roost. They have definite boundaries which they inforce, and don’t seem to mind trespassers once they have been expelled.
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Leucistic Fox Sparrow (Discovery Park) by Kathy Slettebak |
Some birds are leucistic, meaning that some of the species-normal pigments are missing, creating white feathers, often in patches. If this leucism is caused by genetics, then that bird will stay that way for life.
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leucistic chickadee |
Really, for most humans, any unusual noise at night sets our nerves on edge. Peoples have created all types of stories and myths about night-travelers, scary sounds, and unexplained happenings that can cause people to start running, fall down and even hurt themselves. At least they thought they were alone…
Death Cafe meets Wednesday to celebrate Day of the Dead
Death Cafe is a meeting for people to discuss death and dying. This one, on Wednesday November 1, 2017 will be special because they are including an altar in the Dia de los muertos style. Participants are encouraged to bring pictures and tokens to honor the dead loved ones and add to our temporary altar in the library.
Halloween safety tips - and free reflectors at LFP City Hall
- Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Make sure that shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flame.
- Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes and trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility.
- Because masks can limit or block eyesight, consider non-toxic makeup and decorative hats as safer alternatives. Hats should fit properly to prevent them from sliding over eyes. Makeup should be tested ahead of time on a small patch of skin to ensure there are no unpleasant surprises on the big day.
- When shopping for costumes, wigs and accessories look for and purchase those with a label clearly indicating they are flame resistant.
- If a sword, cane, or stick is a part of your child's costume, make sure it is not sharp or long. A child may be easily hurt by these accessories if he stumbles or trips.
- Do not use decorative contact lenses without an eye examination and a prescription from an eye care professional. While the packaging on decorative lenses will often make claims such as "one size fits all," or "no need to see an eye specialist," obtaining decorative contact lenses without a prescription is both dangerous and illegal. This can cause pain, inflammation, and serious eye disorders and infections, which may lead to permanent vision loss.
- Review with children how to call 9-1-1 (or their local emergency number) if they ever have an emergency or become lost.
- Small children should never carve pumpkins. Children can draw a face with markers. Then parents can do the cutting.
- Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do use a candle, a votive candle is safest.
- Candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table, away from curtains and other flammable objects, and not on a porch or any path where visitors may pass close by. They should never be left unattended.
- To keep homes safe for visiting trick-or-treaters, parents should remove from the porch and front yard anything a child could trip over such as garden hoses, toys, bikes and lawn decorations.
- Parents should check outdoor lights and replace burned-out bulbs.
- Wet leaves or snow should be swept from sidewalks and steps.
- Restrain pets so they do not inadvertently jump on or bite a trick-or-treater.
Gloria Bryce Endowment Fund for the Arts close to reaching goal
Gloria Bryce Photo by Hugh Bryce |
In our lifetime, there are those amazing individuals we meet along the way who elevate us, inspire us, and make us want to be better. Their energy makes us feel valued and loved. They care about making a difference in their community.
Without a doubt, Gloria Bryce was that kind of individual. We treasure the time we spent with her. She created many ripple-effects with her generosity and good work. We miss her dearly, and we hold close our memories of Gloria. Her thoughtfulness for her community and the arts are her legacy.
We are happy to report on the progress of the Shoreline-Lake Forest Arts Council's first endowment fund in honor of Gloria Bryce. This fund was created in 2017 to ensure Gloria's commitment to making a difference continues in the Arts Council's programming for generations to come. Gloria was instrumental in so many of our current programs. We are thankful for her love of arts education and family events. We are proud to have her name associated with our programming and we invite you to help the endowment fund reach its first milestone.
The 2017 goal for the Gloria Bryce Endowment Fund is $100,000. We've almost reached this mark. We are pleased to announce we've raised just over $90,000, but to keep the momentum going we need your support. All gifts thus far have been automatically doubled through a generous match challenge provided by Bill and Jan Schnall. Gifts up to a total of $50,000 will be matched in full, including gifts of stocks or securities.
The Arts Council is committed to cultivating creativity right here in our community through arts education, workshops and hands-on art activities -- and we help celebrate community with concerts, festivals and unique events. Please join us in building a legacy.
We’d like to thank those who have already given in honor of Gloria Bryce. A full list of contributors can be found on our website here.
The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate creativity and inspire our community through the arts.
Spooky Halloween run with RBRC
Run a route of 3-4 miles in your best Halloween costume.
All Social Runs begin at 6:03pm - rain or shine. After the run, stick around for some conversation and a pint or two.
It is beginning to to get dark earlier and will be darkish when we begin our run. Run smart. Run safe.
First Thursday features paintings and jewelry Nov 2
Monday, October 30, 2017
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Sherrill Hull |
Sherrill lived in British Columbia Canada in the early 70s, working on illustrating, private commissions and teaching. She moved to the Seattle area in the mid 1980's where she continued teaching before turning her talents to Murals, Trompe L'oeil, and faux finishing. Appearing in 5 successive Seattle Street of Dreams, helped to establish her as one of the most accomplished and sought after Muralists and Trompe L'oeil artists in the area.
She has appeared in several publications including: Northwest Living, Seattle Homes and Lifestyles, Seattle Design Resources, Sunset Magazine Ideas for Great Babies Rooms, the cover of Designers Resources, and the Seattle Times Pacific NW. She appeared on the television show Evening Magazine and has also been featured in two television shows in Canada.
Sherrill is presently working creating illusions in Trompe L'oeil, Murals and Faux finishes and teaching art in her studio. She is also working on a series of Fine Art work and is available for commissions.
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Liz Lyell |
LFP - have coffee with your elected officials on Saturday
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City Hall Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
Join your Lake Forest Park elected officials to discuss and answer questions on the "Big Five" planning effort.
17425 Ballinger Way NE, 98155
This is in place of the Coffee with the Mayor scheduled for this date.
Shoreline will be well-represented in boys' tennis state championships next May
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District champions. From left: Shorewood doubles team Steven Lin and Andrew Counter, singles champion Gunnar Thorstenson, coach Arnie Moreno Photo courtesy Shorewood tennis |
The Shorewood team finished a dream season, winning the Northwest District One 3A Tournament. The T-Birds went undefeated (10-0) in league matches, 15-1 overall. The sole blemish on their mark was a loss to undefeated (16-0) 4A District Champion Jackson HS.
SW’s Gunnar Thorstenson claimed the District Singles Championship, defeating Colin Weller from Squalicum in straight sets, 6-4, 6-2. Thorstenson will go into State a number one seed.
Also winning the District championship and advancing to state for the T-Birds as a number one seed is their doubles team of Andrew Counter and Steven Lin.
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Shorecrest players going to state. From left: coach Rob Mann, singles player Faiz Khan, doubles team Ben Silbert and Reed Tangeman Photo courtesy Shorecrest tennis |
Shorecrest will be represented next May, as well.
The Shorecrest team finished second in the District Tournament. Faiz Khan took third place in singles, and their doubles team of Ben Silber and Reed Tangeman also finished third in Districts, qualifying all of them for the State Finals in May.
Arnie Moreno is the Shorewood coach. Rob Mann coaches the Scots.
Halloween scarecrows in Edmonds
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Photo by Lee Lageschulte |
Edmonds Historical Museum sponsors a scarecrow competition every year, for businesses and residents, displaying charming and creative scarecrows in front of their businesses and homes.
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Photo by Lee Lageschulte |
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Probably the most traditional one in the contest. Photo by Lee Lageschulte |
Bring the whole family to Third Place Commons on Halloween night
Start with safe, fun trick-or-treating for the kids throughout Lake Forest Park Town Center from 4 to 6pm.When the goody bags are full, head to Third Place Commons where there will be creepy coloring and crafts until magician and entertainer Louie Foxx takes the stage at 6pm.
Known as the “one-man side show,” Louie Foxx is a beloved entertainer for audiences of all ages who has even appeared on America’s Got Talent! Louie will be serving up magic, comedy, cowboy tricks, and more, plus some special Halloween surprises that will surprise and delight parents and kids alike.
Halloween at the Commons featuring Louie Foxx is sponsored in part by the good folks at the Friends of the Lake Forest Park Library, so thanks to them for making this fantastic, family event possible. And remember that events at Third Place Commons are always free and open to everyone, so join in the fun!
Third Place Commons, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155
Public Hearing on Shoreline development code amendments
Link to full Agenda
Link to full Packet
Comment on Agenda items
NW Artists’ Holiday Show Saturday and Sunday
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
10am to 5pm
Award-winning artists from the Pacific Northwest will be selling paintings, prints, pottery, jewelry, glass, candles, wearable art, and gourmet food in over 50 booths.
Admission is free, but they would appreciate it if you purchased a $3 ticket at the door to help offset the costs.
Free parking and shuttle service. Free childcare while you shop.
Northwest Artists' Holiday Show, 8109 224 Street SW, Edmonds 98026
Five things to know about Shoreline’s new Academy of Music and Dance
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Shoreline Academy of Music and Dance will open this fall |
The Shoreline Academy of Music and Dance is slated to open its doors this fall, and here are five things they would like you to know.
1- They are renovating the old Guitarville building on Highway 99, north of Costco, and they share a space with another family friendly Shoreline business, MakerLab Northwest! More fun for the whole family. If you haven’t seen that building in a while, you should drive by. It's looking great! 23931 Highway 99, 98026.
2- They are installing professional “floating” Marley dance floors that rest on hundred of foam blocks, and are the same type of floors found in professional ballet theaters around the world. These floors reduce fatigue and injury.
3- The academy owners are Ridgecrest residents (along with their 3 children and 2 dogs)! They also own the Ballard Academy of Music and Dance, which has served thousands of students since it opened in 2010. In fact, there are quite a few Shoreline families currently driving to the Ballard Academy to take dance and music lessons. A note to those families… your commute is about to get a lot shorter!
4- There will always be a front desk person to assist you. Whether it's finding that perfect lesson time, or tracking down the right kind of ballet slippers, or helping you figure out what size guitar to get for your 8 year old, they will have you covered.
5- The newly remodeled space will have multiple dance and music rooms so you can enroll two or more family members in classes at the same time, thus saving you lots of driving time! And btw... all academy instructors are university trained, background checked, and able to teach students of all ages! That's right... dad can take those guitar lessons he has been dreaming about while his little princess takes her ballet class.
They are currently in the permitting process and will be opening this fall. More information on the Shoreline Academy of Music and Dance here.
Single Malt Scotch class Nov 7
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Not to worry. This crowd was lining up for Jazz Walk, not for the Scotch Class Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
These classes always sell out, as we only allow about 12-15 people attend, in order to keep it intimate and comfortable. The class will last about 90-120 minutes and will start at 6pm.
Rob will be pouring 5 Single Malts from various regions, and in different styles, as well as talking about the distilling process.
This as a great opportunity to taste some fairly rare Single Malts, and learn about how they are made, and what makes them different.
This class costs $50, and reservations will be required by email to Bistro owner Ray Bloom.
The North City Bistro and Wine Shop is located at 1520 NE 177th St, Shoreline 98155
Letter to the Editor: Why I'm voting for Jill Brady
To the Editor:
In response to the Letter to the Editor on October 27 regarding the upcoming School Board election, whatever title a candidate has previously held does not matter nearly as much as the candidate having the proper experience.
While being a community college instructor is an important profession, it is not as pertinent to the School Board position as being an expert on K-12 policy or curriculum - or having the expertise to provide oversight and management of a multi-million dollar K-12 education system. Jill Brady has not only been a PTA officer and leader for 14 years, she has:
- Broad district experience and connections as Co-President/Trustee of the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation
- Deep understanding of curriculum and district priorities as a member of multiple district committees
- Comprehensive knowledge of education funding challenges as an education advocate and member of four successful bond/levy campaigns that have provided crucial funding and support for our Shoreline schools
Jill Brady also has the perspective of a parent who has experienced all three levels of our K-12 system and is familiar with the schools, staff, teachers and parents in our district. It is the totality and breadth of these experiences, along with her background in business and deep roots in our community, that make her the right choice to serve as our next school board member.
My vote is for Jill Brady!
Detectives seeking witnesses to felony hit and run on I-5 at NE 85th
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The door was ripped off and a passengers ejected and injured Photo courtesy Washington State Patrol |
Upon arrival, troopers observed a BMW SUV severely damaged and missing the left rear door. One of the passengers was a 16 year old male who was ejected and suffered multiple fractures. He was transported to Harborview Medical Center.
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Mangled SUV door on roadway Photo courtesy Washington State Patrol |
Due to the nature of injuries, WSP detectives are seeking the drivers of the two fleeing SUVs for Felony Hit and Run. Anyone with information in reference to this incident is asked to contact Detective Ruth Medeiros at 425-401-7719 or by email
One-on-one computer help at Shoreline Library
Just call 206-362-7550 to make an appointment. Volunteers are available for 30-minute sessions to answer your computer or software questions. You may bring your own laptop, but TechTutors cannot provide hands-on or hardware assistance.
Appointments will be between 11am and 1pm.
Shoreline Library 345 NE 175th St, Shoreline 98155.
Seattle Humane takes in 154 dogs and cats from Puerto Rico
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Seattle Humane is taking in dogs and cats from disaster areas |
The dogs and cats will be transported on a commercial flight organized by the Humane Society of the United States.
The flight was to arrive at the Boeing Field International Airport between 10 -11pm Sunday evening where Seattle Humane staff and volunteers planned to work around the clock to receive the animals and make them available for adoption following medical examinations and behavior assessments.
One of the dogs on the flight was surrendered to a shelter in Puerto Rico by a man who refused to leave his destroyed home until his dog had a safe place to go. The Humane Society of the United States and Seattle Humane coordinated to transfer the dog to Seattle where the man's family members who live in the area will look after the dog until he finds a new residence.
Seattle Humane's Life-Saver Rescue team is still bringing in dozens of pets weekly from overcrowded Washington shelters and beyond where they've run out of space or resources. On Saturday Seattle Humane staff drove to Eugene, OR to receive pets who couldn't go to California shelters due to wild fire devastation in the region.
This transfer has been made possible thanks to contributions to Seattle Humane's Disaster Fund. Monetary donations to support the shelter's continued efforts can be made through the Seattle Humane Disaster Fund.
Football: Shorecrest Scots prevail against league rival Mountlake Terrace, 34-22
Senior Brayden Victor pulls in the Scot's first TD in the opening quarter |
Prep Football
Shorecrest 34 vs Mountlake Terrace 22
Conference record: 2-4
In a Wesco 3A South battle full of surprising plays, two point conversions, and officials' yellow flags, the Shorecrest Scots prevailed with a 34-22 victory over the Mountlake Terrace Hawks.
Shorecrest struck first, driving 70 yards on eight plays, with Scots' QB Eladio Fountain hitting Senior Brayden Victor from 12 yards out for the score. Freshman Gavin Dalziel, who has been perfect this season with 11/11 PAT's in the past three games, converted the kick to put the Scots up 7-0. The Hawks took the ensuing kickoff and started a 15 play drive that took the rest of the first quarter to complete, and was capped by a five yard pass, and a two point PAT to put their squad up 8-7.
Chris Lee pulls in a touchdown pass in the first half |
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#12 Jacob Cruz forces a fumble |
The second half opened with the Scots taking the kickoff and driving 60 yards to go up 21-16, earning a lead they would never relinquish. These points came from Fountain, who ran up the right side of the field from 19 yards out for his first rushing TD. Fountain was helped with terrific downfield blocking by Rico Dellaguardia, Lee, and Senior guard Jackson Jones who has been a key player on the Scots' offensive line all season long.
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A gang of Scots, including Seniors #70 Max Long and #55 Mohammed Al-Jabiri, attack the Mountlake Terrace QB |
The Scots will finish their season at home next Friday night at 8:00 in an interleague game against Newport High School, of Bellevue.
--Text and photos by Gordon Stephenson
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