Jobs: Washington State Ferries

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Washington State Ferries is excited to announce that we are currently seeking On-Call deckhands both Ordinary Seamen (OS) and Able Bodied Seamen (AB).

This is the first step within the deck department employment track, and is a grand opportunity to start and build a career in the largest ferry system in the United States and provide an extremely valuable service to the communities that we service.

If you already possess a Mate or Captain's license, you have a head start in working onboard our vessels. We very much look forward to reviewing all applicants.

To learn more and to apply, please click HERE

Shoreline Planning Commission continues to review Development Code amendments

Shoreline Planning Commission
Shoreline Planning Commission Thursday, October 5, 2017 – 7pm, Regular Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers, 18500 Midvale Ave N.

Agenda Highlights 2017 Development Code Amendments - continuation

Some items under discussion:
  • Should eaves be allowed to protrude into setbacks
  • Should parking spaces in developments count if columns do not impede car door openings
  • Clarification of steps to identify a critical area on a specific property
  • Brewpubs in neighborhoods
  • Neighborhood notifications from developers

Living Well with Chronic Conditions - free classes

From Sound Generations and
The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center

Living Well with Chronic Conditions: Chronic Disease Self-Management

Tuesdays, October 3 to November 7
10:00am to 12:30pm, in the Game Room

Pre-register for this class at the Senior Center reception desk or call 206-365-1536. There needs to be a minimum of 5 participants in order to hold the class!

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program:

Also known as Living Well with Chronic Conditions. CDSMP is a 6 week, 2.5 hour workshop that focuses on supporting and providing tools to those living with or caring for someone with a chronic health condition.

During the workshop, participants learn from two trained co-leaders and each other on how to better manage their chronic health conditions through nutrition, exercise, problem solving, and other self-management skills.

Participants who graduate from the program are given a Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions book and Relaxation for Mind and Body CD to help them continue building their skills and self-management both during and after the workshop. There is no fee for this class; donations gratefully accepted.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Center is located on the Shoreline Center campus; 18560 1st Ave NE #1 in Shoreline.

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: The end is in sight

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter can be found under Features 
in the first column of the front page of the Shoreline Area News

NUHSA seeking nominations for 2017 Human Services awards

The board, staff, and members of the North Urban Human Services Alliance (NUHSA) know that the people in our North King County communities are the best and most caring anywhere, with so many individuals and organizations lending their time, energy, wisdom and efforts to hundreds of worthy causes.

With NUHSA's Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony coming up, now is the time for you to let NUHSA know who those people and organizations are!

NUHSA is currently seeking nominations for individuals and organizations in North King County:
  • Human Services Champion of the Year (individual award)
  • Outstanding Human Services Organization (organization award)

These individuals and organizations will be honored at NUHSA's 2017 Human Services Awards event, to be held December 5 at 5:30pm in the City of Shoreline Council Chambers. Everyone is welcome at the Awards event.

If you know a person or organization who is committed to Human Services, and who you believe deserves recognition for their efforts in strengthening our community and making it a better place, download a form at NUHSA's website and either email it to or mail it to:

PO Box 60215
Shoreline, WA 98160

Nominations are due October 30.

For more information or to RSVP, email

Patty Pan Cooperative Humble Feast Monday features a Cuban menu

Acorn squash
Image from Fine Cooking
This Monday's Humble Feast menu will be Ropa Vieja (beef stew, along with a vegetarian version), Black Beans with Sofrito, Yellow Rice, Red Cabbage Slaw, and Thumbprint Cookies with Dulce de Leche.

Patty Pan Grill Cooperative Humble Feast Monday, October 2, 5:30 to 7:30pm, 15550 27th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Price: $12/person (plus tax).
For $10 (plus tax) discounted tickets, prepay via PayPal by 4pm on the day of the dinner.
Kids half price.

Purchase Tickets In Advance at this website

And here's a fall favorite recipe from Patty Pan:

Squash Hummus
Yield: about 2 cups

1 acorn squash
1/4 cup tahini
2 tablespoons olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon dried parsley               
1 medium-size clove of garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt

Cut the squash in half and remove the seeds. Cut the halves into chunks that will fit in your steamer, and steam them for 20 to 30 minutes, or until they're soft.

Scoop the pulp and puree it in a food processor, along with the remaining ingredients.

Oct 4 Shoreline Special Needs PTSA meeting to focus on inclusion

The Shoreline Special Needs PTSA will kick off the school year with its first meeting on Oct. 4 in the Shoreline Center's Ballinger Room, south wing of the complex at 18560 1st Ave NE, 98155. 
The main presentation will be on the topic of special education and inclusion. There also will be an update about the school district's plans to complete a formal review of its special education program this year.

Meet and greet time starts at 6:30pm and the meeting gets under way at 7pm.

School board candidates Jill Brady and Heather Fralick will be available during the 6:30pm social time for any members who'd like to ask questions about their campaigns (you can find their issue statements at this link).

New this year: an area will be set up in the back of the meeting room with quiet activities for kids of members who couldn't attend otherwise.

The chapter serves any child in the Shoreline School District with a 504 or IEP. That's approximately 12% of the district's enrollment. Learn more here.

Photo: Rose

Photo by Jan Hansen

Jan Hansen says,

"My father often quoted, 'Many a desert flower is born to  blush unseen.'  I have learned the blessing of noticing the beauty that blushes at my door step.

"May beauty come daily to your door, too."

The Big Game: Shorecrest football wins the Rotary Cup

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Shorewood - Shorecrest Rotary Cup football game was again selected as KING5 TV's Big Game.

Sports reporter Chris Egan said:

Shorecrest topped Shorewood 42-22 in the Rotary Cup.
When it comes to rivalry games, it's tough to top Shorewood (3-2) vs Shorecrest (3-2). KING 5's Big Game on Friday night was extra special as both teams came with winning records and push for the playoffs.

See the rest of the article with video here.

New show opens at The Gallery at Town Center

The Gallery at Town Center Presents:
Susan Elliott and Melinda Hurst Frye

October 3 - November 11, 2017

The Gallery at Town Center is exhibiting a selection of works by Mixed Media Artist Susan Elliott and Photographic Artist Melinda Hurst Frye, opening October 3, 2017. See these works and the creations of over 90 other local artists during gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday, Noon to 5pm. 

Susan Elliott is a mixed media artist originally from Terre Haute, Indiana. With a BA in graphic design and advertising from the University of North Florida, her expertise in the visual realm helped her find her way back into drawing and painting.

She loves combining cute, a bit strange, and vintage, so she draws beautiful skeleton characters that are one-of-a-kind creations with a whimsical twist. Her pure amazement and admiration for the animal kingdom are expressed through her nature series.

Elliott is passionate about originality, aesthetics, and approaching each creation from her core. She is inspired by everyday life and the things that emerge from it influence her work. As a mixed media artist, her favorite mediums are acrylic paint, ink, pen, and pencil. She loves the texture that is created in combining these mediums and the beauty that forms from different methods. Ultimately, her mission is to deliver a powerful artistic experience through her work that drives desire, excitement, happiness, and creativity in others.

Melinda Hurst Frye is a lens-based artist, working in themes of implied environments and shared experiences within the still life aesthetic. Her current work, which illustrates the mystery and activity of subterranean ecosystems, was featured on Humble Arts Foundation and WIRED photo and may be seen in various upcoming solo and group exhibitions throughout the Northwest.

Melinda Hurst Frye holds an MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design and is a dedicated member of the Society for Photographic Education. Hurst Frye teaches photography at the Art Institute of Seattle, holds occasional workshops, and is an artist member of CORE gallery in Seattle. Melinda may be found this winter on sabbatical, digging holes and making new work.

Monster Mash Dash 5K Oct 7

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Monster Mash Dash 5K, Saturday, October 7, 8am, Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

The Monster Mash Dash is a family 5K fun run and walk along Shoreline's Interurban Trail.

Costumes are encouraged and prizes will be awarded for the best costume in each age group as well as best group costume.

The race will not be officially timed, but will be officially fun.

2017 Race Day Schedule:

8:00 a.m. Check in/Registration and Costume Photos
9:00 a.m. Run/Walk start
9:30 a.m. Runner awards
10:00 a.m. Costume awards

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Registration Fees
Adults (ages 18 and up): $10
Youth (ages 6-17): $5
Children (ages 5 and under): Free

T-shirts (all sizes) - $10
T-shirts are not required and cost is not included in registration fees. Limited quantities available on race day.

Online registration - note that you need to create a free recreation log-in in order to register

Register in person:
Spartan Recreation Center
202 NE 185th Street, Shoreline WA 98155

Register by phone:

Global Affairs: The Changing Face of Vietnamese Migration

The Global Affairs Center of Shoreline Community College kicks off its free lecture series with:

The Changing Face of Vietnamese Migration
Challenges and Successes

  • Mr. James Hong, Executive Director,Vietnamese Friendship Association
  • Mr. Long Kim, President, Vietnamese Mutual Assistance Association
  • Ms. Thoa Nguyen, chef/owner of Wabi-Sabi and the Chinoise Café restaurants

  • Dr. Christoph Giebel, Associate Professor of International Studies and History, University of Washington

Thursday, October 5, 2017, 7:00- 8:30pm
Shoreline Community College, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133
9000 Building, Room 9208 (campus maps)
Free parking after 4pm

Large-scale Vietnamese migration to the United States began as a humanitarian flow after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. As of 2014, 1.3 million Vietnamese immigrants resided in the United States, the sixth largest immigrant group in the country.

Three Vietnamese-Americans discuss their earliest memories, biggest challenges, and successes as they and their families settled in the Pacific Northwest. This discussion is a collaboration between the GAC and Peace Tree Vietnam, with additional support from the Center for Global Studies, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.

**This event is open to the public and FREE. However, in order to help better prepare, we ask you to register that you plan to attend. Click here, then click again on Sign Up. To receive email confirmation, you must provide your email address. Your email address will not be shared with others.

Running the Burke Saturday

Richmond Beach Running Club will be on the Burke Gilman Trail Saturday morning, September 30, 2017.

We're continuing our Saturday speed workouts. We are meeting at the Starbucks behind the Lake Forest Park Town Center at 8am. 
We'll run between 30 and 60 minutes. Then, we'll drink coffee and relax. 
Remember, everyone does speed at their own pace.

Workout Ideas:

  1. Run easy and just relax: 3-8 miles.
  2. Speed Option A: 1 x miles warm up, 15 minutes at 10k pace, 1-3 x miles cool down.
  3. Speed Option B: 1 x mile warm up, 4 miles at 1/2 marathon pace, 1 x mile cool down.

Shoreline City Council deep in planning for assumption of Ronald Wastewater

Shoreline City Council
Monday, October 2, 2017 – Regular Meeting 7:00pm
Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers, 17500 Midvale Ave N

Agenda Highlights - Link to full Agenda
  • Proclamation of Safe Shoreline Month
  • Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into the Wastewater Utility Operating Services Agreement Between the City of Shoreline and the Ronald Wastewater District
  • Adopting Resolution No. 417 – Establishing Customer Service Policies to Manage a Wastewater Enterprise
  • Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract for $207,942.78 with Evergreen Maintenance Landscaping LLC for Parks Landscape and Maintenance Services
  • Adopting Ordinance No. 780 – Amending the Shoreline Municipal Code Establishing City Governance Authority to Own and Operate a Wastewater Utility
  • Adopting Ordinance No. 797 – SMC 13.12 Floodplain Management Code Update for FEMA Requirement
  • Discussing Resolution No. 419 - Calling on Congress to Swiftly and Comprehensively Address Federal Immigration Reform Generally and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in Particular to Protect the Legal Status of Dreamers - Sponsored by Mayor Roberts
  • Discussing Hidden Lake Dam Removal and Boeing Creek Restoration Projects Update
  • Discussing Ordinance No. 800 – Granting the Ronald Wastewater District a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Construct, Maintain, Operate, Replace and Repair a Sanitary Sewer System within Public Rights-of-Way

Comment on Agenda items

Watch meetings live or from archives

Shoreline-area Sweet Adelines chorus holds benefit for Operation Smile Oct 7

Seattle Shores Chorus

Seattle Shores Chorus is pleased to invite the community to their fifth annual benefit for Operation Smile on October 7 in Marysville.

Operation Smile is a nonprofit medical organization that provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial deformities in children around the world. To date, the chorus has raised enough funds to pay for 100 live-saving surgeries.

The free benefit concert will be held at 92nd Street Church of Christ, 4226 92nd St NE, Marysville, WA 98270, on Saturday, October 7, at 6pm. Donations to Operation Smile will be gladly accepted at the event.

Seattle Shores will perform a number of songs in barbershop style, including selections from “The Lion King.” Their special guests will be the Seattle SeaChordsmen Men’s Barbershop Chorus, along with two men’s quartets. This is always an enjoyable and rewarding evening for participants and audience alike.

Seattle Shores Chorus rehearses on Tuesday nights at Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church and includes many members from the Shoreline area. New members are always welcome. More information here.

Introductory statements from Ronald Wastewater candidates Barrera and Brandon

By Evan Smith

Appointed Ronald Wastewater District Commissioner Wes Brandon and challenger Paul Barrera are running in the November 7 general-election ballot for the last four years of the six-year term that longtime Commissioner Arnie Lind won in 2015.

Barrera and Brandon are seeking one of two Ronald Wastewater District positions on the November ballot. Incumbent Commissioner Bob Ransom is running unopposed for the other position.

The Ronald Wastewater District includes the city of Shoreline and part of Woodway.

Barrera and Brandon recently sent these statements introducing themselves to voters:

Ronald Wastewater District Commissioner Position 5, 4-year unexpired term

Paul Barrera

My name is Paul Barrera and I want your vote for Ronald Wastewater Commissioner.

I will bring my good judgment, business and legal experience to reduce Ronald Wastewater's wasteful spending on unnecessary legal costs.

I believe in transparent government. I will advocate for evening meetings, resulting in increased community participation by ratepayers.

I will promote Ronald Wastewater's independence. Ronald Wastewater is bigger than the City of Shoreline, as it covers most of Shoreline and Woodway, and exists in King and Snohomish counties. I will bring an independent voice to Ronald Wastewater until its assumption into the City of Shoreline.

You can read more about me and my campaign at

Wes Brandon

Denise and I moved to Shoreline more than 37 years ago. We have raised our children here and have watched the area grow and change over that time. I have had the privilege of participating in many groups in our community and understand the importance of citizen input, oversight and guidance as part of that process.

As commissioner I now need your vote to continue to serve and work diligently on your behalf as the district is assumed by the City of Shoreline. My priorities are to keep rates affordable and ensure transparency and accountability in the process while maintaining service levels.

Thank you and vote November 7.

[Editor's note: Both candidates are included in the RBCA Candidate Forum on Tuesday, October 10th. See previous article]

Updated 10-13-17 to add candidate photos

North City Post Office will close in December - looking for an 18,228 sq ft building

North City Post Office will close in mid-December
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

By Diane Hettrick

The North City Post Office has been located at NE 175th and 15th NE for decades. However, it didn't own the land it sat on, but held a long-term lease, periodically renewed without issue.

All that changed with the 185th Station Area Rezone. The landowner's representatives started shopping the property in March 2015. (See previous article)

USPS spokesperson Ernie Swanson, when asked if the post office was looking for a new site, responded that the current lease was good until June 2016 and they were in negotiation for a lease extension.

The extension was successful. They first negotiated a one year extension to July 2017 and then a five year extension was announced in November of 2016. (See previous article)

But they didn't read the fine print.

Last week the City of Shoreline received a development application for the site of the existing North City post office and was informed by the applicant that the post office would be closing down in mid-December.

This was the first time that USPS was aware of a clause in the lease that allowed a purchaser to terminate the existing lease.

The developer is the The Wolff Company. The General Contractor is Katerra.

The post office will have to vacate between December 15 - 31, 2017 and the building will be demolished. Construction will begin after the first of the year on two five-story buildings with 243 units and two floors of underground parking.

Construction is expected to take one and a half years.

USPS is searching for a new location for the North City post office, as close as reasonably possible to the existing location. Retail Services will continue at the current site until the last moment.

They have announced a public meeting in Shoreline for October 24, 2017.


Shorecrest tennis Thursday vs Edmonds-Woodway

Faiz Khan scores a win in match with Edmonds-Woodway
Photo by Anne Tangeman

WesCo 3A/2A boys varsity tennis
At Edmonds-Woodway H.S.

Edmonds-Woodway 6 - Shorecrest 1

Faiz Khan scored the only Shorecrest win in the match against Edmonds-Woodway on Thursday.


1.  Faiz Khan (S) def. Nick Berni 6-0, 6-2.
2.  Jordan Megiveron (E) def. Ben Silber 6-3, 6-2.
3.  Lachlan Rogan (E) def. Reed Tangeman 4-6, 6-4, 6-1.
4.  Alec Matulka (E) def. Christopher King 6-3, 6-0.


1.  Harrison Steiner-Gabe Cano (E) def. Sam Rowbotham-Micah Glesener 7-5, 6-2, 7-5.
2.  Drew Boland-Arnold Hahn (E) def. John Burke-Tyler Keen 3-6, 6-0, 6-2.
3.  Tai Starchman-Josh Capuzzi (E) def. Gabe Vogel-Kelvin Schmidt 7-5, 6-2.

Briarcrest Elementary named Distinguished School by OSPI

Briarcrest teachers, support staff, and staff
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has announced that Briarcrest Elementary School has been selected as a recipient of the 2017-2018 State Title I, Part A Distinguished School Award.

They are one of only four schools in the state to earn the prestigious designation.

The recipients were selected by OSPI’s Title I, Part A program, which aims to provide every student with a fair, equitable, and high-quality education and close educational achievement gaps.

"We are thrilled and honored to be recognized with this award," said Briarcrest Principal Jonathan Nessan. 
"It is a true testament to all of the hard, continuing work of our staff, students, and families... our team approach to increasing the learning of each and every child is something that we take to heart, and it is so validating to receive this honor."

Eligibility for the award is based on three years of state assessment data in both English language arts (ELA) and mathematics for the past three school years. Schools must demonstrate student growth during those three years as identified through student growth percentiles and meeting or exceeding state average scores.

This award is special because it’s something your entire school community achieved together,” said Assistant Superintendent Brian Schultz in helping announce the award to Briarcrest staff. 
“From your teachers to paraeducators, to support staff, to parents, to volunteers and everywhere in between, you have come together with an aligned focus on supporting student achievement and have made an incredible impact.”

Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act is a federal program that serves the needs of children who struggle to learn. Title I, Part A programs and services provide customized instruction to help children meet academic standards and take an active, engaged interest in what they learn and can do.

State winners are invited to attend the 2018 National Title I Conference and will receive state-level recognition and $15,000 each.

Shoreline School Board Candidates Forum Thursday, Oct 12

Shoreline PTA Council 6.12 is hosting a forum for the Shoreline And Lake Forest Park communities to meet the candidates who are running for the Shoreline School Board in the November 2017 election. This is a great a opportunity to learn about State and local education issues.

The event will be moderated by Washington State PTSA Region 6 Director Sherry Rudolph.

Join us on October 12 at 7:00pm in the Mt. Rainier Room, Shoreline Center, at 18560 1st Ave NE,  Shoreline 98155, north end of complex.

More information here or on Facebook

See also: Five candidate forums in October

Post 227 meeting Tuesday

The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, October 3, 2017. A meet and greet session begins at 6:30pm and the program begins at 7:00pm.

The public is invited to hear the program, which will feature Post 227 chaplain Roy Harrington speaking on the work he is doing to connect veterans with the services that are available to them. There will be time for questions at the end.

A short break will follow Harrington’s presentation, during which guests can depart. Post members are asked to remain for the business meeting following the break.

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

All military veterans, guests and people in the community are welcome to attend the program.

While at the Post, you can check out the Post library that contains many militarily related books, video tapes and DVDs. People in the community can borrow, use and return any of these items at no charge. They are encouraged to stay for the program as well. Learn more about the Post here

Post 227 members look forward to seeing you on October 3.

Kellogg Middle School awarded $10,000 grant from Best Starts for Kids

Kellogg Middle School

Kellogg Middle School was recently announced as a Trauma-Informed and Restorative Practice Grant recipient through King County’s Best Starts for Kids.

The goal of the $10,000 grant is to create what is referred to as a trauma-informed school, where the faculty, staff and students have the skills and tools needed to create environments where children facing unpredictable, ongoing stress or trauma in their lives feel safe. These environments build resilience so that all students are better able to bounce back when facing adversity.

“We are specifically looking at the impact of stress and trauma on students in regards to academic success, attendance and discipline referrals,” explained Kellogg Principal Heather Hiatt. 
“We will be using the resources to create support systems for these students, such as restorative justice practices, adult mentors, professional development in culturally relevant teaching practices, and the impact that traumatic experiences can have on adolescent brain development.”

Hiatt hopes to see the grant support a reduction in absences, discipline and suspensions, and an increase in student achievement.

About Best Starts for Kids
Voters in 2015 approved a six-year levy proposed by Executive Constantine to fund Best Starts for Kids, an initiative to help put every baby born and every child raised in King County on a path toward lifelong success.

It invests in the promotion, prevention, and early intervention strategies that promote healthier, more resilient children, youth, families and communities. It is considered the most comprehensive approach to early childhood development in the United States, starting with prenatal support, sustaining the gain through teenage years, and investing in safe, healthy communities that reinforce progress.

Kellogg is located at 16045 25th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155. Kellogg students go to Shorecrest High School.

Candidate for Port Commission at Jersey's Great Food on Saturday

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Meet Ryan Calkins, Candidate for Port Commission
and Special Guest Chris Roberts, Mayor of Shoreline
September 30th at 2pm at Jersey's Great Food and Spirits

Campaign statement

Ryan Calkins is a business owner, nonprofit professional and lifelong Democrat active in progressive politics. For over ten years, Ryan ran an import company, working directly with shipping operations at the Port. He now works for Ventures, a nonprofit that supports low-income entrepreneurs as they start and grow their businesses.

As Port Commissioner, Ryan will work to:
-Support local businesses in creating good, family-wage jobs
-Act as a custodian to our local environment, by making the Port as efficient and clean as possible
-Improve transparency around contracting, pay increases, and more

Ryan has been endorsed by The Stranger, Seattle Weekly, 10+ District Democrat groups, including the local 32nd District Democrats, SEIU Local 6, and many other local elected officials. In their endorsement, Seattle Weekly wrote: "No candidate for Port Commissioner has been so precise in his opposition to the Port’s potential role in fossil-fuel extraction...Add to that some very specific ideas for how to use the Port’s authority and dollars to help reduce urban sprawl, wean us from our car addiction, and reduce carbon emissions, and you’ve got a fresh, eco-conscious voice to add to a Commission that could definitely use another shove in that direction."

Learn more about Ryan and his campaign on Saturday, September 30 at Jersey's Great Food and Spirits, 1306 N 175th St Shoreline 98133. Ryan will be joined by special guest Shoreline Mayor Chris Roberts. RSVP on Facebook.

Shorewood tennis v Meadowdale 9-28-17

WesCo South 3A boys varsity tennis
9-28-l7 at Shorewood Courts


1.  Gunnar Thorstenson SW def, Ben Fahey MD 6-1, 6-1
2.  Chris Combs SW def. Daniel Tameishi MD 6-1, 6-1
3.  Ari Webb SW def. Vlad Myroniv MD 6-0, 6-1
4.  Derik Han SW def. Caden Chun MD 6-0, 6-2


1.  Andrew Counter / Steven Lin SW def. Djelli Berisha / Ryan Johnson MD 6-2, 6-2
2.  James Qui / Aden Helland SW def. Kyle Perez / Andy Kellum MD 6-1, 6-1
3.  Tyler Gettman / Matt McMillan SW def. Antonio Yun / Andrew Siaterlis MD 6-0, 6-0

Shorewood won its ninth straight match, since a loss to Jackson on September 8th, beating Meadowdale 7-0. This improved their first place record in WesCo South to 6-0 and 11-1 overall.

The T-Birds were led by their number one doubles team, with Andrew Counter and Steven Lin's win over an undefeated team from Meadowdale.

Shorewood travels to Mountlake Terrace on October 3rd with the match starting at 3:30pm.

--Coach Arnie Moreno

Produce missing from Animal Acres Demo garden

Animal Acres Demo Garden
Photo by Linda Holman
By Linda Holman

While harvesting the produce at Animal Acres garden this week we discovered that food had been stolen.

This was very discouraging as we have worked all season to ensure a good harvest and because the food is donated to a worthy cause.

Luckily we have much community support and we are grateful.

Below is a statement from Chief Stephen Sutton of LFP Police which we felt was important to share.

"Community members here in Lake Forest Park have been excellent stewards of our public land. At Animal Acres Park for instance, they have created a Master Gardener Demo Garden, whereby all of the food goes to POPY'S Cafe located at the Prince of Peace Church. 
"Unfortunately, someone has been stealing food from the garden. I urge our community to be respectful of this great service to the community."

Classifieds: Shoreline Permit services and planning closed two days for move


City of Shoreline’s Permit Services desk and the Planning and Community Development Department will be CLOSED while they move from the first floor to the third floor of City Hall.

The Addams Family opens at SCC Oct 6

The Addams Family: A New Musical, October 6–15, 2017, Shoreline Community College Theater, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133

Shoreline Community College Musical Theater Program is proud to present The Addams Family – A New Musical Comedy.

It’s a dismal day with the Addams family, and the abnormally ghoulish and gloomy atmosphere of the Addams’ family mansion is suddenly disrupted when outsiders come to dinner, hurling Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fester, Grandmama and Lurch headlong into a night that will change the family forever.

Based on Charles Addams’ beloved characters, with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa (Wild Party, Big Fish), book by Marshall Brickmann (Annie Hall, Jersey Boys) and Rick Elice (Peter and the Starcatcher, Jersey Boys), The Addams Family will supply all the ghoulish laughs and tortured entertainment you’ll need to jumpstart your Halloween season!

Tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets and at the door.

  • Friday, October 6, 2017, 7:30pm
  • Saturday, October 7, 2017, 7:30pm
  • Sunday, October 8, 2017, 3:00 pm 
  • Friday, October 13, 2017, 7:30pm
  • Saturday, October 14, 2017, 7:30pm
  • Sunday, October 15, 2017, 3:00 pm 

Shorecrest swim meet results

WesCo 3A/4A varsity girls swim dive
Dual meet
At Shoreline pool 9-28-17
Coach Bill Murray

Shorecrest vs Mountlake Terrace

Shorecrest High School 102.00 -- 41.00 Mountlake Terrace High School
Individual scores

Shorecrest vs Edmonds-Woodway
Shorecrest High School 87.00 -- 58.00 Edmonds Woodway High School 

Enjoy some great retro jazz Saturday night and support the 5 Acre Woods project

Come on out to hear the talented "ZepTet" perform at Grinders at 19811 Aurora Ave N. on Saturday, September 30th 8-10pm.

Thanks to the generosity of band members, they will collect donations for the Stewardship Foundation's 5 Acre Woods project.

Catch the "Vibe" as ZepTet performs as a trio featuring Kevin Boyd on vibraphone supported by LFP's own Dan Benson on bass and Zep on drums.

This is an all ages, family friendly event and children are welcome. Grinders features enormous sandwiches and other dinner items.

PLEDGE donations to help fund the purchase of 5 Acre Woods. Contact Brad Keefe or

Privacy in the New Millennium Monday

North City Tech Meet up
Privacy in the New Millennium, Monday, October 2, 2017, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, Shoreline Public Library 345 NE 175th St, Shoreline.

Everyone is invited, there is no fee. You may RSVP at the Meetup page, but feel free to show up without registration.

Privacy in the New Millennium - how much do you really know about current practices and risks, and is there anything you can do about it?

Most people have no idea of how broad and deep personal data collection is today, both online and offline. Learn about:
  • the types of personal data that are being collected,
  • how it's collected
  • how it's being used
  • why you should care, and
  • what you can do about it

Program Chair’s note: I can guarantee that you will find this presentation thought provoking and perhaps even terrifying. The presenter takes a very strong stance in favor of stronger protections of your own data.

Speaker Bio: Jon Dough – the Privacy Guy

The presenter, who, in the spirit of this presentation, prefers to keep his name private, has a Computer Science degree from the University of Washington, and has been working in tech for over 35 years, specializing in privacy and security issues for most of the past 10-15 years.

The North City Tech Meetup is a free meetup, usually the first Monday of each month at either the Shoreline or Lake Forest Park Library.

North City Tech Meetups follow an every-other-month schedule. One month they feature a speaker and alternate months are general discussions. You can check out the Meetup page for each month’s topic.

No Homeless Kids Sleepout

No Homeless Kids Sleepout at Shoreline Covenant Church

No Homeless Kids Sleepout
Friday night, September 29th

Did you know there were 381 children in the Shoreline School District who were homeless last year?

Women and friends of Shoreline Covenant Church will be spending Friday night sleeping in the church’s parking lot in solidarity with these moms who struggle every night to find a safe, dry, and warm place to sleep with their kids.

You can help! Stop by with a donation or to talk to someone about this need. The church’s address is 1330 N 185th Street, Shoreline 98133.

ALL DONATIONS will support the construction of a second Vision House building in Shoreline, a transitional housing complex for homeless women and children. Questions? Contact Pastor Erika Haub.

Ask the Bird Lady: What's that bird?

What's that bird?
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Wayne Pridemore wanted to know the identity of the bird in his backyard, so he sent along a photo.

Easy one for Bird Lady Chris Southwick:

It's a female Dark-eyed Junco, most probably a female Oregon Junco subspecies.

Death notices as of September 25, 2017

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them.

Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Obituaries extracted from The Seattle Times

Fred William Grotjahn, Jr.  1926-2017  His WW II Navy Service concluded in Tokyo Harbor watching the final signing of the Japanese surrender. In 1977 he was recognized as Volunteer Scout Leader of the Year, by Boy Scouts of America. After retirement from Overall Services, he volunteered as Shoreline Block Watch Focal and participated in the emergency training for the container spill response team at Richmond Beach.

Nathaniel Shipman Penrose, Jr  1932-2017  Died at home in Shoreline where he had lived since 1981. Nat served for many years on the boards of the University of Puget Sound, St. Joseph Hospital, Franciscan Health System, the Washington State Hospital Association, and the Seattle Children's Home. He was a past president of the Tacoma Country and Golf Club and a member of the Seattle Golf Club since 1981.

Berit Karin Ingebrigtsen Sjong  1936-2017  Services at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach for Shoreline resident. Born in Ålesund, Norway, she came to America with her parents in 1947 aboard the Queen Mary. She gave years of service to Seattle Milk Fund, Nordic Heritage Museum, Norse Home, Shoreline Schools, Brownies/Girl Scouts and First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach. She was a Precinct Committeeman and active member of the King County Republican Club.

Jesse Prinz  1993-2017  Services at St. Luke for Jesse Prinz, who died suddenly and unexpectedly on August 23rd. 

Helen Louise Bevan  1934-2017  Services at Shoreline Free Methodist Church for Louise Bevan.

Kenneth John Jones, Sr 1918-2017  Kenny, a meat cutter by trade, worked, sang and laughed at Jones Bros. Meats, the family business. Services at Berean Bible Church in Shoreline.

Kimberly Lillquist 1959-2017  Lived in Edmonds and attended Shoreline Community College.

Ronald Michael Rhodes  Age 76  Graduate of Shoreline High School. Married Mary Ann in 1962. Served in the Navy on the USS Hancock, Ranger, and Enterprise, and worked 30 years for Boeing.

Ralph Max Bremer 1929-2017  A celebration of life was held at Shoreline Community Church. Bremer was a staff attorney at Safeco Insurance Company and Vice President and Chief Counsel of Safeco Credit Company. He was president and chairman of the board of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound from 1980 to 1982.

Martha Jane Cutler  1935-2017  Long time Shoreline resident was an LPN at Ballard Community Hospital and Swedish Medical Center Ballard for 56 years.

Linda Joyce McFarlane  1954-2017  Raised her family in Shoreline. Proud Shorecrest and WWU mom / football mom. She was a proud union worker and always searched for USA-made products.

Mary Catherine Bayard  1930-2017  Married William Bayard in 1949 and raised five children while living in the Shoreline area for over 50 years. Worked in the mental health field for 40 years.

Consuelo Ranike Banaag Cannon  1944-2017  In lieu of flowers, please make donation to: Lake Forest Park Elementary School, 18500 - 37th Ave NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155.

Kathy (Kate) Moll  Age 56  Though always positive and optimistic about her illness, she lost her 4 year struggle with colorectal cancer, a fighter to the end. Kathy was the daughter of Frank and Phyllis Moll, raised in Shoreline and graduated from Shorecrest in 1979. She also attended WSU and Shoreline Community College. Worked for Rainier Bank for 15 years before moving to CA in 2002, where she worked as a project manager for Verizon. Part of a close group of surfing friends, who held a "Paddle-Out" as a memorial in her honor in Huntington Beach.

Eugene Randall Morton  1923-2017  Member of Shoreline Methodist Church and volunteer at Warm Beach Campground. Interment service will be October 7, 2017 at 2:00pm in the Acacia Memorial Park in Lake Forest Park.

Earl E. Moselle  1934-2017  Served three years in the U.S. Army. He was proud of his military service and was a member of the American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline for the past 17 years. Graveside service at Evergreen Washelli will include military honors.

Betty Marie Dull  1924-2017  Shoreline resident loved her children and grandchildren and her later life career in real estate.

Dorothy J. (nee Paul) Raymond  1923-2017  Met her husband Lowell and married in 1943, raising one daughter and three sons in Lake Forest Park. Member of the American Slavic Women's Club and the Norwegian Ladies' Chorus.

William "Bill" Calhoun Barham  1938-2017  Barham passed away in his sleep at his home in Shoreline. Served in U.S. Navy. Member of Elks. Owned Barham Cement Contractors for 35 years.

Calvin Garden work party Oct 7 - volunteers needed

Join Diggin' Shoreline to prepare the Calvin Community Garden for winter. Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 9-11am. Dress for weather, wear sturdy shoes. Bring garden gloves and hand tools.

Community Garden at Calvin Presbyterian Church, NE 185th/RB Rd and 3rd Ave NW.

LFP City Council to vote on acquisition of SPU property

LFP City Council will vote Thursday on resolutions to acquire property from Seattle Public Utilities and to partner with the LFP Stewardship Foundation.

The largest part of the property is referred to the the 5 Acre Wood and has been the object of a lot of citizen activity. The Stewardship Foundation is actively raising money from private donations to help support the purchase price of the land and assisted the City in obtaining a grant to purchase the property.

LFP City Council regular meeting Thursday, September 28, 2017, City Hall 17425 Ballinger Way NE, LFP 98155, 7pm.

Classifieds: Public Hearing Northshore Fire Department

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Notice of Public Hearing
Northshore Fire Department
King County Fire Protection District No.16

TO: All residents and owners of personal property and improvements to real property located within the geographical boundaries of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 (City of Lake Forest Park, and the City of Kenmore);

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 16 will hold a public hearing at the date, time and place specified below to:

  1. Review the proposed 2018 budget and revenue sources including revenue from property taxes and possible increases in property tax revenues, if any, as required by RCW 84.55.120; and 
  2. Review and establish the Fire District’s benefit charges to be imposed in year 2018 for the support of its legally authorized activities, which will maintain or improve the services afforded in the District, as provided in RCW 52.18.060. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

5:00 pm

Headquarters Station 51
7220 NE 181st Street
Kenmore, Washington 98028

DATED this 26th day of September 2017.

Board of Commissioners
KCFPD No. 16

Jobs: Basketball coach

Shoreline Community College has the following Admin/Exempt position: 

Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach (Part-time, Temporary) 
 OPEN: 9/25/17    CLOSE: 10/8/17

Job description and application

Application materials and information on this and other open positions can be found online at Questions regarding employment at the College may be directed to HR by email or by phone at 206-546-4769.

Early morning lane closures on I-5 south in Seattle this weekend

I-5 express lanes in Seattle
Photo courtesy WSDOT
Early morning drivers who use southbound Interstate 5 to get into downtown Seattle should prepare for delays on Saturday, September 30, and Sunday, October 1.

Washington State Department of Transportation bridge maintenance crews will close lanes and ramps on southbound I-5 between NE 50th St and Boylston Ave to perform deck repair work on the Ship Canal Bridge.

Closure details
  • Saturday, Sept. 30 – The two left lanes of southbound I-5 will be closed from 2 to 10am.
  • Sunday, Oct. 1 – The two right lanes of southbound I-5, and the Northeast 45th Street on-ramp to southbound I-5, will be closed from 2 to 10am.

Travelers heading south should expect backups to form around 8am, and continue to build until all lanes reopen. The I-5 express lanes will still open southbound at 8am.

In the Seattle area, drivers can get real-time traffic information on their phone with the WSDOT traffic app, tracking the WSDOT traffic Twitter feed and get advanced information from the Seattle Area Construction Page.

After game party Friday for Shorewood and Shorecrest students

Shoreline Recreation Teen Programs is hosting a party this Friday at the Spartan Recreation Center next to the Shoreline Stadium following the Shorecrest vs Shorewood football game.

It is free to all Shoreline high school students. There will be music, food, raffle giveaways, and games!

From game end until midnight.

Burke-Gilman Trail tree removal Thursday

King County Parks Regional Trail Alert
Burke-Gilman Trail tree removal at 15724 Beach Dr. NE

Two trees, an Alder and a Cottonwood, have been marked for removal along the Burke-Gilman Trail this Thursday, September 28, 2017 as Seattle City Light has identified them as a maintenance problem and chronic electrical hazard.

Although most of the work will be off-trail, traffic control signs and a flagger for the work zone will be on site to ensure trail safety.

While minimal impact to normal trail activity is expected, there may be short delays over the course of the removal.

Blessing of the animals Sunday at St Dunstan's

St Dunstan’s Episcopal Church Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 1, 2017 during the 8am or 10am worship services. 

This Sunday we celebrate St Francis and offer a Blessing of the Animals to everyone.

No - you don’t have to be a church member!

Bring your beloved furry and/or feathered family member.

And yes, we have, ah hum, blessed snakes in the past, but please bring them in a container. The congregation almost never recovered from the guy that came in “wearing” his boa constrictor!

2016 Blessing of the Animals

Just a warning, we expect lots of dogs, so if your cat does not play well with dogs, bring a picture and the clergy will bless your beloved pet’s picture.

St Dunstans’ address is 722 N 145th, Shoreline 98133
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