Amnesia and Alzheimer's at Third Place Books this week

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Visions of a destroyed world and families upended by Alzheimer's are the topics of new books being presented at Third Place Books this week.

Authors Paul James Keyes and Irene Frances Olson will read from their books, answer questions, and sign your purchased copies.

Third Place Books, upper level Town Center, intersection Ballinger and Bothell Way, Lake Forest Park.

Paul James Keyes
Wrought by Fire (Odysseus Publishing)

Tuesday, August 15 at 7pm

In this debut, local author Paul Keyes presents an exhilarating fantasy with science lurking at its core. A young man suffering from amnesia awakens near the rural community of Darrenfield. Nicknamed Belford, the man is plagued with visions of a destroyed world. When sixteen-year-old Javic Elensol discovers Belford on his property, it doesn't take long before he realizes that there is more to Belford than meets the eye.

Irene Frances Olson
Requiem for the Status Quo (Black Rose Writing)

Thursday, August 17 at 7pm

In this debut novel, a widow who recently found her own footing takes on the task of caring for her father, recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Olson explores the delicate balance of families upended by dementia, and reveals how family caregivers are often challenged by family members who are quick to condemn, but reticent to offer assistance.


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