Friday Afternoon at the Movies - Sunset Blvd at Senior Center

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Friday Afternoon at the Movies, 
September 1, 1:00-4 pm

Shoreline-LFP Senior Center, 18560 1st Ave NE

Hosted by Scarecrow Video, the Silver Cinema Project is an opportunity to enjoy and then discuss golden age Hollywood classics.

Each screening is introduced by a Scarecrow expert.

This month’s film is Sunset Boulevard, Billy Wilder’s 1950 film noir drama about an aging silent film star who refuses to believe her stardom has ended.

According to Wikipedia,

The film stars William Holden as Joe Gillis, an unsuccessful screenwriter, and Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, a faded silent film star who draws him into her fantasy world where she dreams of making a triumphant return to the screen, with Erich von Stroheim as Max von Mayerling, her devoted servant. Director Cecil B. DeMille and gossip columnist Hedda Hopper play themselves, and the film includes cameo appearances by leading silent film actors Buster Keaton, H. B. Warner and Anna Q. Nilsson.
Praised by many critics when first released, Sunset Boulevard was nominated for eleven Academy Awards (including nominations in all four acting categories) and won three. Deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the U.S. Library of Congress in 1989, Sunset Boulevardwas included in the first group of films selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

The film screening is free.

Book drive for kids at Echo Lake Elementary

The PTA of Echo Lake Elementary has an ambitious goal.

Fundraising Chair Samantha Branca says, "We are trying to collect a book to give away to each student in our school during our Read-a-thon in September to get the kids excited about reading."

They are collecting new and gently used books for kids in grades K-6 but really need more books for kids in grades 3-6 (age 8-12).

The book drive runs until September 15th. There are drop points for book donations at the Shoreline Farmer's Market on Saturday next to the info booth and at Third Place Commons (every day) next to the info booth at Third Place Books.

You can also contact Samantha to pick up larger donations.

The Shoreline Farmers Market is held on the upper level of Aurora Square, outside of Sears and Central Market. Third Place Books is on the upper level of Town Center at the intersection of Bothell and Ballinger Way in Lake Forest Park.

Local tennis team wins Sectionals and a spot at Nationals

A toast to victory
Photo by Steven Gordon

The 4.0 40+ men's tennis team just won Sectionals during the August 25-27, 2017 Adult 40 and Over Tennis Sectionals tournament in Beaverton, Oregon.

This local team, out of Harbor Square Athletic Club in Edmonds, has players from Edmonds, Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and Seattle.

Next month they compete in Nationals in Orlando, Florida.

Pictured, from left, are Wolf Yeigh, Mike Liner, Jim Vana, Brad Tenney, Jim Benge, Hal Blumberg, Steve Gordon, Don Little, Paul Reni, John Fauver, Geoff Harrison.

Not pictured are Trevor Branch, Jim Coghlan, Dave Loveland, Rob Mann, Scott Martin, Don Robey, and George Webb.

Development: Paceline Apartments on Aurora

Paceline Apartments at 172nd and Aurora
Photo courtesy City of Shoreline

The $35 million Paceline project is progressing well at 172nd and Aurora.

The developer anticipates that the north tower will receive occupancy as early as April 2018 with the entire project reaching completion a few months later.

Graphic courtesy City of Shoreline

The project will provide 221 new apartment units, 44 of which will be designated as affordable.

The name “Paceline” is a cycling term, drawing attention to the project’s strategic location along the Interurban Trail.

Check, chill, and cook - be careful with shellfish

Manila clams
Photo courtesy Dept of Health
Washington State Department of Health is urging recreational shellfish harvesters to take extra precautions and check, chill, and cook – the Three Cs – over the Labor Day weekend and into September.

The combination of hot weather, low tides, and little rain have contributed to more than 10 reports of vibriosis illnesses from people who ate raw or undercooked oysters they collected themselves.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria is found naturally in the environment and thrives in warm temperatures.

“The shellfish industry follows special control measures during the summer months to keep people who choose to eat raw oysters from getting sick. 
"For those who enjoy collecting and consuming their own shellfish, it’s important that they follow a few simple measures to stay healthy,” said Rick Porso, director of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.

Before heading to the beach, people who gather their own shellfish should check the DOH Shellfish Safety Map to determine if any areas are closed. Shellfish gathered from open and approved areas should be harvested as the tide goes out, chilled as soon as possible, and cooked at 145 F for 15 seconds to destroy Vibrio bacteria.

Vibriosis symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, and chills. The illness is usually mild or moderate and runs its course in two to three days.

Jobs: Shoreline Community College

Shoreline Community College is recruiting for the following positions:

Instructor/Director-Medical Laboratory Technology
(Tenure Track)
OPEN: 8/30/17 CLOSE: 10/22/17
Description and application

Associate Dean - Nursing 
OPEN: 8/28/17 CLOSE: 10/22/17
Description and application

Application materials and information on this and other open positions can be found online at Questions regarding employment at the College may be directed to HR by email at or by phone at 206-546-4769.

Letter to the Editor: What NOT to do if you find a dead cat

To the Editor:

We recently learned through our neighborhood grapevine that a cat matching our missing cat’s description was found dead at the Berean Church, 185th and 1st NE. She had been missing for less than 12 hours.

The pastor found her Friday morning and called Animal Control. Before Animal Control could retrieve her, an unknown person removed her to an unknown location, probably the nearest garbage can, without making any apparent effort to locate her human(s).

Our cat didn't have a collar on but she was chipped and licensed. Had her body been left for Animal Control to pick up, they would have scanned her and notified us.

Had her body not been "disappeared" we could have seen her one last time and possibly determined what befell her. At the very least, we could have brought her home and buried her where she lived and was loved.

So if you find a dead animal with no collar, CALL ANIMAL CONTROL and secure the animal for safekeeping until they arrive. Don't assume it's a stray and don't treat it like garbage even if it does turn out to be a stray.

Consider the possibility that its human doesn't even know it's been killed and is looking for it. If it's injured and you can't find its human, CALL ANIMAL CONTROL and secure the animal until they arrive. If you're like many of us, you'll take the animal to the closest vet who will scan it for a chip and notify its human(s).

Whatever you do, DON'T throw a dead animal in the garbage! Odds are, that's someone's beloved pet and they'll be heartbroken when they learn their furbaby has died - but even worse is having a beloved pet just disappear without knowing what happened.

Paige Garberding

Flood relief donation at Ahipoki Friday will get you 50% off your bowl

Friday only!
On Friday, September 1, visit the Aurora Village Ahipoki (or any Washington state location).

Donate (in store) $10 cash or more to the JJ Watt's Houston Flood Relief Fund and receive your bowl at 50% off!

Aurora Village, N 200th and Aurora.

Northbound I-5, SR 104 ramps closed overnight Sept 5-6

Photo courtesy Google maps
The northbound Interstate 5 ramps to and from State Route 104 will close overnight early next week for road repair work.

Granite Construction crews will repair cracked pavement on both northbound I-5 ramps during the two overnight closures.

The work will not affect the southbound I-5 ramps.

Ramp closures
  • The northbound I-5 off-ramp to westbound SR 104 / NE 205th and the eastbound SR 104 / Ballinger Way on-ramp to northbound I-5 will be closed from 9pm Tuesday, Sept. 5 to 5am Wednesday, Sept. 6.
  • The eastbound SR 104 / Ballinger Way on-ramp to northbound I-5 will be closed from 9pm Wednesday, Sept. 6 to 5am Thursday, Sept. 7.

Northbound I-5 drivers can use the 220th Street Southwest exit to loop around onto southbound I-5 to come back and access SR 104. Travelers trying to get on northbound I-5 from SR 104 will get on southbound I-5 and use the Northeast 175th Street exit to turn around.

Post 227 presents Life Changer award at Tuesday meeting

The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, September 5, 2017. At 6:00pm, a light meal will be served for post members and post affiliates.

The public is invited to attend the program, which begins at 6:40pm.

The 2017 winner of the Life Changer Award will be recognized. The boys who were sponsored by the Post 227 will speak of their experiences at Washington Boys State. There will be time for questions at the end.

A short break will follow the Boys State presentation, during which guests can depart. Post members are asked to remain for the business meeting following the break.

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155 (on the street behind Goodwill). All military veterans, guests and people in the community are welcome to attend the program.

While at the Post, you can check out the Post library that contains many militarily related books, video tapes and DVDs. People in the community can borrow, use and return any of these items at no charge. They are encouraged to stay for the program as well. Post 227 members look forward to seeing you on September 5.

Two vehicle crashes in Shoreline Thursday

NE 145th and 32nd NE
Photo courtesy Shoreline Fire

Around 5pm a motor vehicle crash north of 175th and Dayton required a road closure from 172nd to St. Luke's Place on Dayton. Minor injuries only.

Shoreline Fire extricating driver from vehicle at NE 145th and 32nd NE

An hour later, a two car motor vehicle crash on NE 145th Ave and 32nd Ave NE turned into a rescue.

The children in the vehicle were not injured but the driver needed to be extricated. Driver was taken by the medics to hospital with non- life threatening injuries.

Ian McFeron Band at Third Place Commons Friday evening

Ian McFeron Band to play at
Third Place Commons Friday
Shorecrest High grad Ian McFeron will play at Third Place Commons on Friday, September 1, 2017 at 7:30pm.

The Ian McFeron Band, which also features McFeron’s wife and fellow Shorecrest alumna Alisa Milner, has recorded eight studio albums and toured extensively around the country and even internationally.

McFeron – who has shared a stage with musical heavy hitters including Patty Griffin, Sister Hazel, Shawn Mullins, and Brandi Carlile among others – brings his soulful warmth to a musical tour through folky-pop Americana.

Music at The Commons is always free to the public. Commons restaurants Honey Bear Bakery, Burney Brother BBQ, and Kitto Japanese Noodle House will be open for business.

Photos: An explosion of flowers

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Here's an explosion of vibrant flowers, courtesy the camera and eye of Lee Lageschulte.

Savvy Gardener: Fall and Winter Garden Strategies

Fall and Winter are the perfect seasons to prepare for an abundant, eco-friendly, and water-saving gardening season next year!

North City Water District is hosting a workshop on Fall and Winter Garden Strategies

Thursday Sept. 21, 2017
6:30–8:00 pm
at North City Water District
1519 NE 177th Street in Shoreline

Ladd Smith will teach Fall gardening practices that will minimize Spring gardening labor — from creating healthy soil, planting to take advantage of the fall and winter rains, and redirecting stormwater in the winter for garden use, to getting rid of pests using non-pesticide options.

Establishing a good foundation during the Fall and Winter seasons will increase your gardening pleasure next year, while reducing your gardening chores and water use.

This class is free, but you must register to attend. Send an email or call the main office at 206-362-8100.

Ladd Smith
About The Presenter:

In 1994, Ladd Smith co-founded In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes in Bothell with his business partner Mark Gile, based on their life-long shared passion for protecting the environment. 

Ladd is a graduate from University of Nevada in Reno with a BS degree in Ornamental Horticulture. 

He has more than 25 years’ experience as a professional horticulturist, and a sought after speaker on various organic landscaping topics.

Texas Floods & Hurricane Harvey Relief Donations

Tropical storm Harvey from the International Space Station
Photo from NASA

From Carl Lunak, Emergency Manager 
Northshore Emergency Management Coalition

In response to numerous inquiries from our community Northshore Emergency Management Coalition is providing the following recommendations for relief donations for those impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
  • Red Cross: The Red Cross depends on financial donations to help provide immediate relief. Text the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation. You can also visit or call 1- 800-RED CROSS.
  • United Way: text UWFLOOD to 41444 to donate to the United Way Flood Relief Fund.
  • Salvation Army: Donations to support The Salvation Army's Hurricane Harvey relief efforts can be made at or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY. 

Donate cash, not supplies:

Most charities prefer monetary donations instead of supplies. These are more flexible and cause less of a strain on the charity, allowing them to help more.

USAID explains, "Unlike material donations, cash involves no transportation costs, shipping delays, or customs fees. It also enables relief organizations to spend more time providing aid by spending less time managing goods."

Dahlia show attracts Swedish and Danish dahlia societies

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Danish dahlia lover Pernille Højsgaard in front of some of the displays.
Photo by Martin Král

By Martin Král

Irish Blackheart
Sandy and Steve Boley
Our PSDA dahlia show at Sky Nursery this last weekend (see previous article) was a resounding success!

We had more entries than in the past two years, despite a late planting period.

The response from exhibitors was altogether remarkable. Our Challenge Flower was Irish Blackhart by Birch Bay growers Sandy and Steve Boley. There were at least 50 of this striking new dark red-white dahlia on display.

The public also came in great numbers to Sky to take in the colorful sights. The show much impressed the visiting presidents of the Swedish and the Danish dahlia societies.

The two Scandinavian presidents and Pernille (of the Danish society) came specifically to see our show and to visit as many dahlia gardens as they could in one week.

updated 8-31-17

Help restore local blood supplies at Richmond Beach blood drive Saturday

Bloodworks Northwest has already sent emergency shipments of blood components to Texas.

Units from Bloodworks were among the first to reach flood-ravaged Houston over the weekend.

“While our primary mission supports local patients, when catastrophes happen we do whatever we can to help -- even when local supplies are as tight as they’ve been in recent weeks,” 
James P. AuBuchon, MD, president and CEO of Bloodworks said, “It is our amazing donors who make it possible.”

“We’re asking local donors who have not donated recently -- regulars and first-timers -- to help us restore local inventories by donating this week,” AuBuchon said.

“Having seen the images from Houston, we need to be ready to respond if additional shipments to Texas are needed in the days and weeks ahead to help people recover from the devastation caused by Harvey and its aftermath.”

Bus at the Richmond Beach Fire Safety Center
1851 NW Richmond Beach Rd

Saturday, September 2
10am to 4pm (lunch break 12pm to 1pm)

To make an appointment, call 800-398-7888 or sign up online

Walk-ins welcome. Please bring a photo I.D.

All registered donors who give at this blood drive will receive a $5 Elysian Brewery Gift Card. (While Supplies Last) Gift cards are non-transferrable and not redeemable for cash.

Neighbors on Serpentine startled by loud crash

Broken tree across Serpentine
Photo by John Boril

Neighbors on NE Serpentine Place, just east of 5th Ave NE were startled by a loud crash about 12:45pm on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

The tree broke fairly high from the ground
Photo by John Boril

John Boril and his neighbor went outside to find sections of a tree trunk across the road.

John says that "An apparently dead or injured tree had snapped off and fell onto NE Serpentine Place. Nobody was hurt, and there was no property damage."

The City sent a crew out to clear the shattered pieces off the road.

Art, Music, Writing, & Languages – September at Third Place Commons

As we all begin to wind down our summer fun and fall into a season of shorter days and cooler temperatures, Third Place Commons will ease your transition this month with a variety of fun and engaging programs.

Alisa Milner and Ian McFeron
The Commons will start the month with an ending of sorts, the finale of the summertime folk, country, and Americana music series, The Sounds of the Season.

On Friday, September 1st, the series will end on a high note with the return of Lake Forest Park’s favorite wandering troubadour, Ian McFeron.

Many folks will remember that Shorecrest High grad McFeron was the keynote speaker at the Commons’ annual community breakfast last winter where he touched everyone with his heartfelt words.

The Ian McFeron Band (which also features McFeron’s wife and fellow Shorecrest alumna Alisa Milner) has recorded eight studio albums and toured extensively around the country and even internationally. McFeron – who has shared a stage with musical heavy hitters including Patty Griffin, Sister Hazel, Shawn Mullins, and Brandi Carlile among others – brings his soulful warmth to a musical tour through folky-pop Americana this Friday, Sept. 1 at 7:30 PM.

Cami Ostman
On Saturday, September 23rd starting at 10am, the Commons will offer up something truly special for writers in the community when writing coach Cami Ostman serves up a free, full day workshop for writers.

The Get Your Book Done: Writers' Retreat will help you find out why your story is important and needs to be written. Learn how to overcome the four stumbling blocks writers face, calm your inner critic, and stay inspired to finish your book. Like every event at the Commons, the workshop is free, but registration is requested for planning purposes.

Looking for another way to be creative? Want to get some firsthand experience with the always beloved, but newly refinished wooden tables? Drop by on Saturday, September 2nd from 10am to 4pm for the monthly Commons Art-In when visual artists of all media and experience levels gather at the wooden tables to create together. Or chill out with new friends by heading to the tables for the stress relief fun of Coloring for Adults on September 26th (and every 4th Tuesday) from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Or enjoy the freshly renovated Stadler Meeting Room by stopping into one of the weekly foreign language conversation groups. French conversation takes place on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7pm and the Spanish language group meets on Thursdays at the same time. Both groups welcome speakers of all levels and will be delighted if you come by to say “Bonjour!” or “¡Hola!” German and Turkish groups also meet during the month and a new Irish study and discussion group is just around the corner, so check the calendar.

Of course, the month is jam-packed with other great programs as well, like live music every Friday and Saturday night (dancers welcome!), a special day of talented student musician recitals on September 16th, and the welcome return after a summer break of Kaleidoscope Play and Learn sessions for little ones and their caregivers every Thursday morning at 10:30.

Well Fed Farms
Photo by Jerry Pickard
And yes, the fabulous Lake Forest Park Farmers Market continues every Sunday from 10-3 through October 15th, which means you can also enjoy your favorite healthy, farm-fresh food and locally made treats all month long.

Events at Third Place Commons are always free and open to the public. So be sure to check the Commons calendar and join in the fun!

Third Place Commons is a community-supported, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to creating real community in real space.

It is located at 17171 Bothell Way NE in Lake Forest Park Town Center.

Photo: Kirkland Marina

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

A view from the other side of the lake - the Kirkland Marina. There's a pretty little green park next to the marina, with a park bench I have my eye on. Nice view of the world.


Washington Husky 2017 Kickoff Party

Washington Husky 2017 Kickoff Party!

Friday, September 1, 2017, 5pm Kickoff

At the Flying Dragon Restaurant at Spin Alley, 
1430 NW Richmond Beach Rd, Shoreline, Washington

Huskies vs. Rutgers

*Free admission *Free football pool

*Free giveaways *Food and drink specials

*Raffle and halftime auction to benefit the Chamber

Watch the Huskies beat Rutgers and support the Chamber at the same time!

Turn in your business photos - there will be prizes

By Diane Hettrick

You have a camera - it's right there in your cell phone.

Go take a photo of your favorite business - or the one you are closest to! Interior or exterior or human interest or whatever inspires you!

Send it to the Chamber of Commerce - their business photo contest ends very soon and there are many lovely prizes donated by members.

Send photos and optional captions to

Here are all the details, including the fine print!

The deadline is very, very soon, so Wednesday and Thursday will be good days for photographs.

Come for dinner - Cub Scout BBQ held Tuesday in Hamlin Park

Pack 850 has been an active Pack for over 50 years in our community and is often awarded the "Most Active Pack Award" for our district. We are proud to welcome all that are interested in joining us.

Calling all young active busy fun Boys! Pack 850 had their kickoff BBQ Tuesday night, August 29, 2017 at Hamlin Park.

All boys K-5th grade are welcome from Lake Forest Park, Brookside, Ridgecrest, and Briarcrest Elementary schools!

For more information about Pack 850, contact Tiffany.

Classifieds: Shoreline council meeting cancelled because of holiday

Shoreline City Council Meeting CANCELLED

You are hereby notified that the September 4, 2017 Shoreline City Council Regular Business Meeting has been cancelled due to the Labor Day holiday.

The next meeting of the Shoreline City Council is Monday, September 11, 2017.

Seattle Humane housing Texas pets to make room for storm-displaced animals

Photo courtesy Seattle Humane
Seattle Humane is prepared to take in up to 300 pets (200 cats/100 dogs) from animal rescue organizations in Texas following Hurricane Harvey that left thousands of families and their pets stranded.

This effort is to relieve overcrowding and open up space and resources for pets displaced by the storm, and for those in need of temporary housing while their owners reside in evacuation shelters.

Seattle Humane will not take in pets separated from their owners in the disaster.

Wings of Rescue will transport shelter pets from Texas to Boeing Field on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 2:45pm where Seattle Humane staff and volunteers, along with several other local shelters, will be waiting to receive the animals.

LifeSaver rescue vehicles transport pets to Seattle Humane
Photo courtesy Seattle Humane

The Seattle Humane team will transport pets to our shelter in Bellevue where they will be placed for adoption. This is the first of several expected flights to Seattle to help shelters that are directly housing displaced pets outside of Houston.

Seattle Humane is organizing an emergency foster care orientation for prospective volunteers who can temporarily house pets currently in our care to create more space for animals flying in from Texas.  Email for more information.

Detour from 8th NW Sept 5-7 - take it slow and follow the signs

8th Ave NW detour south of Richmond Beach Rd
Tuesday, September 5 - Thursday, September 7 
between 8:00am and 5:00pm

Approximately 200 feet of 8th Ave NW in both directions will be closed south of Richmond Beach Rd NW, including the right turn from Innis Arden Drive NW onto 8th Ave NW, between 8:00am and 5:00pm Tuesday, September 5 through Thursday, September 7.

This work is being done to replace a severely failed section of concrete stormwater pipe crossing 8th Ave NW south of Richmond Beach Road. Overall poor conditions of this pipe warrant complete structure-to-structure replacement.

Detour routes will be signed along 3rd Ave NW and NW 185th St. 8th Ave NW will be re-opened in both directions on Tuesday September 5 and Wednesday September 6 from 5:00pm to 8:00am the following morning using steel plates to cover work areas.

Any questions or comments should be directed to project manager John Featherstone 206-801-2478.

Classifieds: Agenda for Ronald Wastewater Board special meeting

August 31, 2017, 3:00 p.m.

District Office
17505 Linden Avenue North
Shoreline, WA 98133

1.  Public Comment: 3 minutes for individual, 5 minutes for agency representative

2.  Draft Wastewater Utility Operating Services Agreement: Discuss/Provide Direction

3.  Call and Schedule of Special Meeting of Board (Possible)

4.  Transition Issues:

     a)  Possible billing message on Sept and Oct billing statements Discuss

     b)  Employee orientation prior to October 23 Discuss

5.  Conclusion

Shorecrest welcomes new families with Thursday BBQ

Shorecrest PTSA is hosting a BBQ on Thursday, August 31, 2017 to welcome all incoming Freshmen and their families along with new students to Shorecrest.

6 - 7pm Activity Fair in the Commons with the main program in the gym from 7 - 7:45pm.

Shorecrest High School, 15343 25th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Shoreline motorcyclist's video will be part of KCSO training

A Shoreline motorcyclist who posted a YouTube video of an unpleasant encounter with a King County Sheriff's deputy during what turned out to be a traffic stop, will now be part of training for new officers.

King County Sheriff John Urquhart, in an interview on KIRO FM 97.3, said that the video (see it here) will be shown to all current officers, then used as part of the training for new officers as an example of what not to do.

The video, shot on August 16, 2017 from a helmet camera, shows the motorcyclist, Alex Randall, driving in traffic on N 145th, then coming to a stop at the red light. After a few moments, an angry man in plain clothes, holding a gun tightly against his chest, confronts Randall.

The man, who turned out to be a sheriff's deputy, shows no ID, refuses to allow Randall to pull to the side of the road, turn off his bike, or remove his helmet, even though Randall says he can't hear through his helmet.

Eventually the man put the gun away, identified himself as a police officer, and claimed that the motorcyclist was going 100 mph. The motorcyclist then is able to turn and sees that the unmarked car behind him has flashing lights inside the vehicle.

BBQ Wednesday for families of new Shorewood students

Monday, August 28, 2017

Shorewood main entrance
Freshman and New Student Families at Shorewood High School are invited for a night of community building and information Wednesday August 30, 2017.

The Barbecue begins at 5:30pm in the Commons / Courtyard and the Orientation begins at 6:45pm in the Theater.

The evening brings:
  • Dinner hosted by SW PTSA and Booster parent community. 
  • Community information fair including school clubs and activities for new students and Shoreline community groups from 5:30 to 6:45pm
  • Information Session for new families - around 6:45pm in the theater
  • Self-guided tours and student information docents available during the fair and after the information session. 

The event is sponsored by Shorewood PTSA, Shorewood Boosters and ABC Driving School.

Are you a student or have a student that needs volunteer hours? Check out the Student Volunteer list

Shorewood High School is located at 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Northwest Spelmänsstamma in Clearview Sept 2

2016 Ball
Photo courtesy Skandia Northwest
Skandia Northwest presents:

Northwest Spelmänsstamma, Saturday, September 2 at the Clearview home of Jim and Margaret Noyes.

This year’s theme is Norway, featuring both hardingfele and flat-fiddle workshops, a nyckelharpa workshop, and even dance workshops!

Featured dances are telespringar and telegangar, with Larry Reinert teaching.

Music workshops will begin at 1pm, and teachers include Peter Michaelsen, Bill Boyd, Rachel Nesvig, Vicki Watt Warshaw, and Bart Brashers.

Dance workshops will begin at 2:30pm. A potluck dinner follows, usually around 5:30pm. Don’t forget to bring a generous dish to share.

After supper, plan to stay for dancing to the music of all of our local musicians, not to mention dessert!

The suggested donation for this event is $15. Come for a workshop or two (or even three!), stay for supper, and then dance and/or play. Email for the address and directions, email 

Sitting on the ADHD Fence - does your child have ADHD

Do you wonder if your child has ADHD? Could you have ADHD? What is ADHD?

Why do we need to know how ADHD affects learning, work, life, and love?

Christine Larson, M.D., FAAP, answers your questions at this informative meeting. Learn how we diagnose and treat ADHD, which affects both males and females.

What can parents do to help their children develop positive, effective, life skills? Dr. Larson specializes in working with kids and parents in the Kirkland area.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 7 - 9pm; doors open at 6:30pm
CHADD Members - Free; Non-Members: Suggested Donation - $5

Evergreen Healthcare (Formerly Evergreen Hospital Medical Center) Surgery and Physicians Pavilion, 12040 NE 128th St, Kirkland 98034, Room TAN 101 (downstairs)

Strategies to simplify your home

Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Shoreline - LFP Senior Center
18560 1st Ave N #1

10:30 - 11:30am
Simplify Your Home

Free presentation

Classifieds: Fire Commissioners meeting

Special meeting August 30, 2017
Shoreline Fire Board of Commissioners
4pm 17525 Aurora Ave N 98133

Shoreline Fire calls Aug 21-27

2011 residential fire on NW 177th
Shoreline Fire calls for the week of August 21-27

  • Aid - 79
  • Aid Non Emergency - 15
  • MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) - 4
  • CMT (Community Medicine Team) - 2
  • Medic - 15
  • MVA Medic - 0
  • Cardiac Arrest - 3
  • AFA (Automatic Fire Alarm) - 11
  • Appliance Fire - 
    • 2 pan on fire w/some extension at Apt Complex, 
    • 1 dryer fire at residence
  • Bark Fire - 6
  • Brush Fire -
    • 1 dispatched and cancelled due to burning south of Shoreline in Seattle. Seattle extinguished it.
  • Gas Spill/Absorbent - 1 vehicle with a fuel leak
  • Natural Gas in the Area - 1
  • Service Call - 
    • 1 blood draw, 
    • 2 calls stuck in elevator, 
    • 1 extinguished fire requesting an investigator at a business
  • Smoke/Burn Complaint - 3
  • Structure Fire - 1

Garage fire in LFP wakes up the neighbors Monday morning

Northshore and Shoreline firefighters
Photo by Jacob Kimerer

A garage fire in the 40xx block of NE 196th St in Lake Forest Park at 1:45am Monday morning meant the temporary evacuation of several neighboring houses.

Neighbors who called in the fire stated that they heard "explosions" and saw flames.

Residents - and a large, fluffy dog - were temporarily
out of their homes until the fire was under control.
Photo by Jacob Kimerer

Everyone got out safely as the fire consumed the detached garage. Several neighboring houses were evacuated as a precaution.

Northshore Fire, assisted by Shoreline Fire, quickly extinguished the blaze and residents were allowed back into their homes.

Battalion Chief stated that the detached garage was a total loss.

The specific cause was the improper disposal of rags that had been used to apply wood preservative to a deck. The preservative was susceptible to spontaneous ignition. The explosions that were heard were most likely from 2 propane tanks and a few aerosol cans that were in the garage. The estimated damage was $50,000.

updated 8-29-17

Medicare survey is NOT a scam

Photo copyright Marc Weinberg
Medicare is partnering with the University of Chicago for its regular Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS).

Survey results help the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and researchers learn more about people who use Medicare and their health care experiences. 

The study includes randomly selecting 16,000 Medicare beneficiaries nationwide.

Participants will receive a letter and a brochure from NORC (non-partisan and objective research organization) at the University of Chicago about the survey and how to participate in the study.

If they choose to participate, the survey team will call them to set up an in-person interview.

If you receive this survey, it is not a scam. The survey is authorized by Section 1875 of the Social Security Act.

Shoreline artist to stage pop up art show in Seattle Sept 8

Shoreline resident and artist Margaret Hartley is staging a one day, pop up art show fundraiser for Syrian refugee children on Friday September 8, 6pm in downtown Seattle

There will be art, music, Syrian poetry and food.

The event will take place at 1406 E Pike St in Seattle.

Photos: Doe and buck coming visiting in Lake Forest Park

Photos and text by Karol Milner and Glen Milner

Neighbors were fortunate to share their backyards Sunday morning and afternoon with a doe and a buck, near 32nd Ave NE and NE 198th Place in Lake Forest Park.

We first saw the pair around 11am.

After about 15 minutes, the buck stepped out of sight after the doe led it down a hillside.

The doe returned and stayed until 1:30pm under the shade of a cedar tree.

Both reappeared in a neighbor’s yard around 2pm, enjoying the hostas and hydrangeas.
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