Shoreline Farmers Market has a little of everything

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Photos by Steven H. Robinson

Shop. Eat. Talk. Admire the baby. Music. Play.

It's all there at the opening of the Shoreline Farmers Market. Saturdays, 10am to 3pm on the upper level of Aurora Square by Sears and Central Market at 155th and Westminster Way, just off Aurora.

Soaps and organics

Most intriguing booth - Sacred Sasquatch Soaps and Organics. And no, I have no idea what the giant metal plate is for.

Quesadillas, a Filipino food truck, Hawaiian poke, and for dessert, pies, and chocolate lava cakes. Lava? Really? Oh well, anything with chocolate has to be good.

The soap bubbles were really popular - who can resist? And there was a play area with toys for the young ones, with a circle of chairs for the parents.

And since it's a Farmers Market - there were even vegetables and fruit! Lots of berries this time of year.

--Diane Hettrick


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