
Monday, June 26, 2017

Art work stolen from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

Stolen from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

From the Board of the Richmond Beach Community Association

Sometime Sunday night one of our beloved Beach Orcas was stolen from its post at the entrance to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park.

The individual(s) that made the decision to steal from our Richmond Beach community may be rethinking that decision in the light of day, and since this is a "small town" of caring and concerned neighbors who love to talk, it is unlikely that this theft will go unsolved for long.

Since this was a valuable piece of commissioned art, if the orca is not returned, we will have no choice but to move forward with an investigation, police involvement and potential subsequent charges.

Before we start down that path, we would like to offer a “no-questions-asked” drop-off of the Orca, regardless of its current condition.

Please deliver our orca to the Richmond Beach Library by Friday, June 30.

As a board we thought long and hard about this project and whether an installation of orcas would work in Richmond Beach. We all felt that this was a place where sense of community could and would protect these beauties for years to come.

Needless to say, we are saddened for all concerned -- the artist who created it, the community that paid for it and the folks, especially the children, who delight in them.

Let’s work together, hold out for someone to do the right thing and keep our Beach Orcas from becoming an endangered species.

Please contact RBCA Executive Director Sheri Ashleman at (206) 542-9147 with information relating to the missing orca.


  1. Sadly, it's probably sold for drug money by now.

  2. I was at the beach for low-tide on Saturday and saw the two orcas over the sign - it was a great installation with the blue sky and big water behind them.


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