
Friday, March 24, 2017

Update: Sgt. Wing Woo

Sgt. Wing Woo and friend, Harborview nurse Moe
who visits regularly
Sgt. Wing Woo of Shoreline Police was gravely injured in a body surfing accident in Hawaii on June 24, 2016.

After emergency treatment and reviving from a coma, he was left with no movement below the waist.

After being transported by medical flight to Seattle, he spent months in Harborview, then in several care facilities, before coming home three months ago.

As a police officer, he has excellent insurance, but the family quickly found out how much was not covered, and how hard they had to fight to get insurance to pay for treatment.

In addition, paraplegics need mobility vans, special beds, lifts, home remodeling for wheelchairs.

A family member set up a GoFundMe page to help the family financially.

He has been making steady progress, from initially being able to move only one toe. And his outgoing personality and sense of humor have remained intact.

Here's the most recent update.

By Tracy Cooper

My husband and I had the opportunity to spend several hours with Wing and Jackie this past weekend. Jackie’s quiche and Kahlua Cream pie were amazing, but the best part was seeing firsthand the progress Wing is making, as well as the upgrades taking place in their home!

They asked that I share with you where they are in their quest for full mobility for Wing. With never-ending battles with the insurance company, Wing had to choose between outpatient therapy and in-home therapy. Wait, What?! Ultimately they have chosen for the insurance company to cover the intensive outpatient therapy as the cost is higher. However, that leaves them paying out of pocket approximately $1800/month for therapy in the home.

Currently Wing goes every Tuesday and Thursday to the University of Washington for two hours each visit. He receives both occupational and physical therapy. Monday through Saturday there is a CNA that comes to the house and assists with physical therapy. It is awesome that Wing is FINALLY receiving some level of therapy 6 days each week on a consistent basis!

Bathroom remodel in process. Woo currently
goes to a neighbor's house to shower.
In addition, they are in the process of expanding a small bathroom on the main level and installing a shower for Wing.

Since coming home, he has needed to go across the street and use a neighbor’s shower.

The other picture is of Wing with his friend Moe, who visits regularly. Moe was Wing’s favorite nurse during his time in Harborview.

Wing continues to struggle with mobility on his left side, but is working hard to increase it. He is able to lift both legs now, and told me he could even kick me with his right leg if he needed to. Ummmm, I think I'll take his word for it. LOL.

His attitude and sense of humor are inspiring! He is determined to kayak again one day in Puget Sound. I have no doubt he will!

My last update let you all know that Wing needed to purchase a mobility van. They have located a van that will be perfect, but it has a recall issue right now that is preventing them from actually purchasing it. It sits at the dealership waiting for that to be resolved. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer. In the meantime he is utilizing both King County Access and Snohomish County D.A.R.T. for his transportation to and from therapy.

Wing and his family wanted me to thank each and every one of you for your kindness, generosity and prayers over these past 7 months. 

It has been a difficult and challenging journey for them and there is much work to be done, but they continue to face the challenges head on and are thankful for every sign of progress along the way. Thank you and God Bless.

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