Shoreline City Council Meetings Monday
Monday, January 9, 2017
Shoreline City Council |
Shoreline City Council meets at City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N.
Monday, January 9, 2017 – Special Meeting 5:45pm with the Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County
Monday, January 9, 2017 – Regular Meeting 7:00pm Council Chambers
Agenda Highlights
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- Proclamation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for the Amount of $493,916.80 with Award Construction, Inc. for Construction of the 15th Avenue NE Pavement Preservation Project
- The 15th Avenue NE roadway is classified as a Principal Arterial. The segment between NE 148th Street and NE 155th Street will be repaved in this project. Existing curb ramps and sidewalk sections that do not meet ADA requirements will also be reconstructed.
- Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract for the Amount of $881,297.50 with SRV Construction for Construction of the Meridian Avenue N Pavement Preservation Project (see previous article)
- Motion to Waive Certain Sections of the Parks and Facility Naming Policy and Adopting the Name “Gloria’s Path” for the Path Commonly Referred to as the Fremont Trail
- Gloria and Herb Bryce have been maintaining the trail for the benefit of the community for many years. Council will consider formally naming the pathway for Gloria Bryce.
- Adoption of Ord. No. 769 – Amending Section 15.05.080 of the Shoreline Municipal Code, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems (NFPA 130) Amendments, to Require Public Restrooms at Stations
- Discussion of Ordinance No. 767 amending Development Code Sections 20.20, 20.30, 20.40, 20.50, 20.70, 20.100, and Ordinance Nos. 713 and 714 amending Municipal Code Sections 16.10 and 16.20
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