The Shorewood Experience - Shorewood PTSA sets up fund to help all kids participate in school community
Monday, September 5, 2016
New Shorewood High School PTSA fund will help all kids participate in school activities.
What is the Shorewood Experience? Being part of the school, having the opportunity to be involved and participate in your own community. Some examples include sports, cheer, flags, band and drama...
but it’s more than that … it’s getting to go to sporting events, dances, Senior Spree, Prom and so much more.
It is estimated to cost as much as $250 a year to participate in the community at Shorewood and that number at least doubles in Senior year.
What is the Shorewood Experience? Being part of the school, having the opportunity to be involved and participate in your own community. Some examples include sports, cheer, flags, band and drama...
but it’s more than that … it’s getting to go to sporting events, dances, Senior Spree, Prom and so much more.
It is estimated to cost as much as $250 a year to participate in the community at Shorewood and that number at least doubles in Senior year.
Did you know…
What can you do to help?
Take a moment and consider a donation to the Shorewood PTSA’s Shorewood Experience fund. Your dollars will contribute to our Invest Ed funding that provides this assistance to the students who need it most.
Why Help?
- 28% of students at Shorewood are on Free and Reduced Lunch?
- 356 students identify as Homeless in the Shoreline School District? One of the highest percentages in King County.
What can you do to help?
Take a moment and consider a donation to the Shorewood PTSA’s Shorewood Experience fund. Your dollars will contribute to our Invest Ed funding that provides this assistance to the students who need it most.
Why Help?
Studies show that students that have stress at home regarding financial issues around covering just the basic needs, food and shelter, are more likely to drop out of high school in favor of the short-term “fix” of a minimum wage job.
A student that can be supported and engaged in their community are less likely to do this because they are more optimistic by the support provided in their community.
Students that are able to graduate high school have better outcomes for the long term and this is better for society as a whole.
A student that can be supported and engaged in their community are less likely to do this because they are more optimistic by the support provided in their community.
Students that are able to graduate high school have better outcomes for the long term and this is better for society as a whole.
Contact Carrie Campbell with questions.
Goal for 2016-17 School Year: $5,000. Donate using the Pay Pal link on the PTSA website
Here's what it costs to be a student at Shorewood
School Supplies
Estimated cost per year
School ID Picture
Personal copies are extra
School Tech Fee
ASB Card
*Required to participate in
Class Fees
Per class for classes with class
Class Field Trip Fees
For classes with class field trips,
students have the option to not attend
Sports Fees
$100 per sport if student
Activity Fees
Cost varies for activity if student
Graduation Cap/Gown
Seniors only
Counselors distribute used, some
available from vendor
Total Cost for Required Items:
*Not including
sports fees and using the lowest costs.
Annual for Seniors
SAT Prep
Scholarships for those who ask
Shoreline Virtual Learning
Cost per class
Used for graduation requirements, not
credit recovery
Summer School
Cost per class
Used for both graduation requirements
and credit recovery
Shorewood Pride Items
Sports Camps
Students can opt out of camps, but
they are a high priority for students. Partial scholarships usually
mean a student cannot attend.
Drill and Cheer
Drill and cheer are optional
Music Trips
Students can opt out of trips, but
generally don’t sign up for the class instead
Musical Instrument Rental
Play tickets
There are 2 play productions each
Dance tickets
There can be 3 to 4 dances in a year.
Sporting events
Throughout the year.
Thank you. As a "junior high" student at Glendale I wasn't allowed to join the tennis team because my mother couldn't pay the $2 necessary for the required insurance...
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