Scenes from the Shoreline Farmers Market

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Not all the produce is organic but Growing Washington
makes a point of it!

Steven H. Robinson was at the Shoreline Farmers Market Saturday (10am to 3pm at the upper lot of Aurora Square by Sears) and sent in these photos of some of the vendors, exhibitors, and musicians.

These guys are organic, too. Berries and cherries are still in season.

Organizations are present, including social services agencies
such as Shoreline-based World Vision
Jars of raw honey and a selection of the kid-popular honey sticks.

Wine tasting at the Market!

The Seattle Barkery is a regular at the Market with treats
for dogs and coffee for their owners

There's music at the market

If you missed this week, many of the same vendors will be back next Saturday - so you have another chance. The Market is an interesting mix of entertainment, information, and good things to eat.

Insects: Bald faced hornets

Bald-faced hornet nest
Photo by Frank Kleyn

Text and photo by Frank Kleyn

An ornamental plum tree draped above my Richmond Beach roof is the home for a large bald-faced hornet nest.

Bald-faced hornets are not truly hornets, and are more closely related to yellow jackets.

In the spring, bald-faced hornets begin building their paper nests suspended in the protective branches of trees. The spherical nests, created with wood fiber and saliva, can reach three feet in height.

Their nests house a large colony with a queen and hundreds of drones and workers.

When the rains and cold winds of autumn return to the Pacific Northwest, the queen will fly off, leaving the other hornets to die and the nest will be no longer be active.

LFP Citizens form volunteer Citizen's Commission - meeting Tuesday

A group of Lake Forest Park residents has formed a volunteer Citizens' Commission to "meet, deliberate City business, issues, and interests, support each other and work on specific projects targeted to make Lake Forest Park an exceptional place to live, visit, and work."

They invite the community to join them on Tuesday evening at Third Place Commons at Town Center, 7-9pm for a National Night Out event. Included on the agenda will be:

  • A Brief Crime Prevention Discussion 
  • The Future of Optional LFP Commissions 
  • Tree Ordinance Update 
  • Organizational Structure for the Commission

They report that the Lake Forest Park City Council has been working on a Strategic Plan since mid-2015, and are not expected to finish it until the end of the year.

Therefore, the City Council has chosen to “Pause” the Non-Mandated Commissions in Lake Forest Park for 3 months, and then for another 3 months, for a total of 6 months. They are considering retiring them, and instead using Task Forces as needed. They hope this will give them and the City Staff time to work on the Strategic Planning.
Organizers have formed this committee to fill the void.

At the Tuesday meeting, they will discuss organizational structure for this LFP Citizen’s Commission. They will create Sub-Groups to address issues of community concern.

They will set up a regular meeting schedule to organize volunteers; recruit, inform, educate, and activate, the current, local, and future community leadership to problem-solve, assess resources, and plan a future that makes Lake Forest Park "a better place to live, work, and visit." 

This meeting will be mostly focused on LFP, but people from other places are also welcome to attend and bring their ideas.
Some things expected to happen out of Future Meetings are:
Addressing Environmental Concerns, Transportation Needs, Issues, and ST3. Youth Support. Organizing Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Planning. Human Services Development, Public Safety and Emergency Management Improvement, Economic Development, Art Appreciation and Neighborhood Association Planning.  

For further information, contact Mike Dee at 206-607-9409, or email him

Update on Sgt. Wing Woo - progress is being made

Posted by Tracy Cooper

Today (four days ago) is Sgt. Woo's birthday! What a great day to be able to share some very encouraging news of progress, as well as a request for more help!

First, the awesome news. As you will remember, initially Sgt. Woo was only able to move a toe on one foot. There was significant swelling on the spine and surgery was needed to relieve some of the pressure in hopes that it would aid in his recovery.

Thankfully there has been some progress in his mobility. Yesterday, Wing was able to fully extend his right leg from the knee while sitting in his wheelchair. He was also able to grasp with one hand.

These are both positive signs for his overall recovery. He will continue to work with the amazing staff at Harborview for the next several weeks before hopefully being transferred to a rehabilitation / therapy facility.

Now for the request for continued help. The medical bills will continue to mount as he fights to recover. There will be countless months of ongoing therapy and expensive equipment will be required.

Every donation will assist Sgt. Woo and his family in providing for his care. Thank you so much for your continued generosity and prayers.

Wing's wife told me yesterday that the prayers have made such a difference for them. They are eternally grateful for each and every one of you. You truly have made a difference.

The GoFundMe page for contributions is here.

AG asks courts to hold Eyman and his committees in contempt

Despite court ruling, Eyman still withholding documents, impeding investigation

Attorney General Bob Ferguson is asking a Snohomish County Superior Court judge to hold Tim Eyman and his political committees in contempt for failing to meet the court-ordered deadline for disclosing documents in the Attorney General’s campaign finance probe.

A similar motion regarding for-profit signature gathering firm Citizen Solutions was filed in Thurston County.

If granted, the order would allow the Attorney General to seek the relevant documents directly from the federal government and the respondents’ banks. Ferguson also asked the court to issue a monetary penalty of $2,000 for every day the respondents fail to comply.

“Despite a subpoena and a court order, Tim Eyman continues to impede this investigation,” Ferguson said. “That’s unacceptable.”

On November 13, 2015, the Attorney General’s Office issued civil orders to Tim Eyman; his political committees, including Voters Want More Choices and Protect Your Right to Vote on Initiatives; his for-profit company, Tim Eyman Watchdog for Taxpayers; and Citizen Solutions and its principals.

In order to conduct its investigation, the Attorney General’s Office sought business and financial information, including banking and tax records, regarding Eyman initiative campaigns in Washington. The respondents produced only a smattering of records — many of those heavily censored. The respondents also failed to pursue any court protection for information they believed to be privileged.

Because Eyman and Citizen Solutions refused to comply with the AGO subpoenas and produce the necessary records, the Attorney General asked the courts to order the respondents to comply.

On June 29, Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Ellen Fair ordered Eyman and his committees to comply with Ferguson’s subpoena by July 13, and Thurston County Superior Court Judge Mary Sue Wilson issued a similar order for Citizen Solutions and its principals, Roy Ruffino and William Agazarm on July 1. Both judges also ordered the respondents to pay the Attorney General’s Office costs and fees associated with enforcing the subpoenas.

Following the courts’ orders, Eyman and his committees produced just 247 pages of records, a small fraction of what the court ordered. 
Eyman only produced partial tax documents for himself and his business, Tim Eyman Watchdog for Citizens LLC, and no tax records for any of the political committees. 
No financial records for the committees were produced at all, except 17 partial bank statements for Voters Want More Choices.

There is substantial evidence that other records exist. In 2015 alone, state Public Disclosure Commission filings show that one respondent committee, 2/3-For-Taxes Constitutional Amendment, made 11 separate payments to for-profit signature gathering firm Citizen Solutions. In 2013, Voters Want More Choices paid Citizen Solutions $50,000. And in 2012, Voters Want More Choices made six payments to Citizen Solutions totaling $623,234.99.

None of the records detailing these transactions has been produced.

Both courts also ordered the respondents to submit a declaration or affidavit to the court attesting that they have submitted all responsive materials. No such document has been given to the court.

The Attorney General’s motion filed asks the court for:
  • A penalty from each respondent of $2,000 for each day they remain in contempt of court;
  • An order authorizing the state to issue civil orders to the respondents’ third-party banks to directly obtain the records sought from respondents;
  • An order directing respondents to execute releases authorizing the state to obtain federal tax return information; and
  • An order awarding the state further costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in connection with bringing this contempt motion.
Hearing dates for each motion are to be determined.

Dance, Dance, Dance at the North City Jazz Walk with Kiki Valera

Kiki Valera y Los Guajibaros
The North City Jazz Walk is pleased to announce the return of the stage at Dorian Photography featuring Kiki Valera y Los Guajibaros.

Dancing is encouraged!

Kiki started playing tres under the guidance of his famous father Felix Valera Miranda when he was only 6 years old.

At 11, he enrolled in one of the most prestigious music schools in Cuba, the Conservatorio Esteban Salas in Santiago de Cuba and by 15, he was performing internationally. 

During his years as an electronic engineering student at ISPJAM (Instituto Superior Polytecnico Julio Antonio Mella) he co-founded the Cuban group Septeto Turquino.

Around that same time, his family was the subject of research by famed musicologist Danilo Orozco, which resulted in the first recording and documentary of his family's musical heritage - La Antologia Integral de Son.

In the early '90's, Kiki played cuatro and keyboards in the popular salsa group Los Karachi. At the same time, he was recording and touring with his family as La Familia Valera Miranda became well known across Europe.

His interest in sound engineering led to yet another career in music production and in 2000 he opened one of Santiago's most respected home recording studios. Since then, he has been performing, teaching, recording and producing.

The music begins at 6:30 on Tuesday, August 16 in North City.

We’re stuck with a huge voters' pamphlet

By Evan Smith

The local voters’ pamphlet that came in the mail was 112 pages long.

There’s little that King County elections officials could do about it. Lots of what makes the pamphlet so thick is out of county control because most of the pamphlet is made up of material from the secretary of state’s office. That includes many pages about candidates for U.S. Senate, the nine statewide offices and a place on the State Supreme Court.

It's particularly bad this year because we have 17 candidates for U.S. senator, 11 each for governor and 7th district congressional representative, and dozens more who want to replace retiring incumbents as lieutenant governor, state treasurer, state auditor, lands commissioner or state superintendent of public instruction.

A little material is countywide, but why do we get the material on ballot measures in Seattle and other places? And why the material on another congressional district and on legislative districts in other parts of the county?

The answer is that printing more editions of the local voters’ pamphlet would cost more than the county would save by mailing slightly smaller voters’ pamphlets.

So, for now voters need to figure out which is the right legislative district and congressional district.

Voters can avoid wasting time with the pamphlet two ways: compare their ballots to what’s in the pamphlet or check their personal voters’ guide online by going to the Secretary of State's website and entering their name and date of birth.

There’s good news and bad news for the general election. We'll have only two candidates for each office, but the pamphlet will add two State Supreme Court positions, some lower court positions, six statewide initiatives, one state constitutional amendment two state advisory votes and the Sound Transit III proposition.

Evan Smith can be reached at

For the Birds: National Night Out Bird—Common Nighthawk

Nighthawks are easy to identify by the bright white broad bar across each pointed wing
Stock photo

By Christine Southwick

August 2nd is National Night Out — a time when many neighborhoods in Shoreline and Lake Forest Park are having street-block get-togethers. This is a perfect time to observe evening birds that you might not take the time to notice otherwise.

American Robins sing the most loudly at dawn and dusk and are easy to spot. They are actually pretty birds.

Barred Owls (found in every local neighborhood) will often start calling in early evening, and continue through until about 5:00am.

But the really fun bird to find would be the Common Nighthawk!

Nighthawk at rest
Stock photo
Never heard of them? Their name is really a misnomer. They don’t hunt at night — they hunt at dusk and dawn (called crepuscular – meaning active during twilight) while flying with their wide mouths open to catch as many flying insects as possible.

They are not a hawk — they belong to the Nighthawk, Nightjar family. And here in Western Washington, they are no longer common.

They used to be found in the general Seattle area on the many flat, graveled rooftops. Now that most flat roofs have been rubberized, there are very few in our urban areas. Some believe that gulls and crows, having learned that nighthawk nests yield delectable morsels, are a contributing factor in their local decline.

During our long summer evenings, nighthawks can be seen flying over treetops, and especially around street lights where the high concentration of bugs makes their open-gape bug-catching the most effective.

They are easy to identify by the bright white broad bar across each pointed wing. Their call, an electric “peent” is also a diagnostic signal to look for these birds.

I have only seen Common Nighthawks east of the mountains, but reports of sightings in this area occur during their long migration every year. These cryptically-colored, black, gray, and white birds often roost on the ground, especially gravel and large horizontal branches.

During the day they choose not to move and are as easy to overlook as owls. Their short necks and large eyes give them a profile not usually associated with birds, adding to their disguise.

So while you are talking and eating outside with your neighbors, look and listen for local birds.  If you see a fast flying bird with a bright flash of white on pointed wings, and hear a “peent”, you may have seen a Common Nighthawk, and I would like to hear from you.

Tuesday is the deadline to turn in your ballot for the primary election

Is one of these sitting around your house?
Photo by Chris Roberts

If you have buried your ballot envelope, now's the time to dig it out because Tuesday is the deadline to turn in your vote for the August 2 Primary election.

Photo by Sarah Phillips

There are drop boxes by Lake Forest Park City Hall in Town Center and the Shoreline Library at 5th NE and NE 175th. The last pick up from drop boxes will be 8pm on Tuesday.

If you prefer, you can mail your ballot but it must be postmarked by August 2nd. Check the post office box for the last pick up of the day to make sure you have a postmark inside the deadline. Don't forget to put postage on the envelope.

Some races will be decided in this election. Most will winnow the field to two candidates, who will go on to the November ballot.

Free Concert by the W Lovers, Wednesday in Richmond Beach

The W Lovers


August 3, 6:30pm (rain or shine)
Richmond Beach Library Park
2201 NW 197th Street, Shoreline

Pack a picnic dinner, gather your family and friends, and come enjoy a free performance by The W Lovers at Richmond Beach Library Park on Wednesday, August 3, 6:30pm.

The W Lovers started with the meeting of two songwriters from different parts of the globe who fell in love.

Bring a blanket or low chair and find out more about how this dynamic duo is making waves with their own special brand of Americana/ Alt-Country style songs.

Plus, try delicious infused waters at Aegis Living of Shoreline’s free “Hydration Station.”

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council’s Concerts in the Park are always free and held at various community parks throughout Shoreline and Lake Forest Park on Wednesdays in July and August at 6:30pm, rain or shine. Concerts in the Park are supported by the City of Shoreline, City of Lake Forest Park, 4Culture, Aegis Living of Shoreline, and by Arts Council friends and members.

For more information and details, visit the Arts Council's Website or call 206-417-4645.

Death notices as of July 21, 2016

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Obituaries from The Seattle Times

Jo Ellen Fischer-Jones  1957-2016  Her Celebration of Life was held Saturday, July 9, at Ronald United Methodist Church in Shoreline.

John Coryell Black  1921-2016  Passed away in Shoreline at the age of 94. His career included working for Boeing and the Washington State Patrol before starting and successfully running Radio Systems in Seattle for over 26 years. He was also a life-long Ham Radio enthusiast, enjoyed bird hunting and tennis.

Betty S. DesJarlais  1924-2016  Funeral mass was held at St. Mark for Shoreline resident, Betty DesJarlais. After 37 years with the local Army Corps of Engineers, she retired and she and her husband John enjoyed traveling and military related activities. He died last year after 67 years of marriage.

Frederick (Rick) L. Herzog  1949-2016  Rick and Diane Herzog moved to Lake Forest Park in 1981 and raised their family there. An avid golfer, he died after suffering a sudden heart attack on the links at West Seattle Golf Course.

Edith M. Swenson  1940-2016  Edi and husband were married in 1961 and raised their two daughters in Shoreline. In 1994 they moved to Boise, Idaho. She was a lifelong Lutheran.

Dolores Barbara Holberg  1929-2016  Services were held at St. Luke for devoted Catholic and mother of ten Dolores Holberg. Married to husband Frank for 66 years, she was a business owner of Clearview Ribbon Company.

Spencer Vaughn Brewer  1996-2016  Services were held at Shorecrest high school for 2014 graduate Spencer Brewer. "He loved everything to do with boats and water" and died while working as an AB Seaman in Alaska. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Sea Scouts.

Richard Andersen  1934-2016 Memorial services were held at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Shoreline. A member of Local 32, he retired as the chief plumbing inspector for Seattle - King county.

Arcane Comics official grand opening continues Sunday

Jeff Parker signs autographs

Arcane Comics is having their official grand opening this weekend with reduced prices for past issues.

On Saturday, Jeff Parker. a writer for Marvel Comics autographed copies of his work.

The event continues Sunday. Arcane Comics is located at 15202 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline 98133 near JoAnn Fabrics and Iora Health Clinic.

A perfect evening for an outdoor movie

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

The weather does not always cooperate for outdoor evening events, but everyone seems to cope - Dress in Layers should be the Washington state motto.

Saturday evening the weather cooperated for the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association and their first outdoor movie event.

A crowd gathered at Paramount School Park with blankets, lawn chairs, and flashlights. Some brought food and others were happy to buy from the Off the Rez food truck.

The Bubbleman awed the kids with his giant bubbles and the adults enjoyed the music.

And everyone Found Nemo.

Registration open for Overcoming Barriers to Employment Summit

Overcoming Barriers to Employment Summit
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Shoreline Community College
SCC PUB 9000 Building
16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133

The 5th annual Overcoming Barriers to Employment Summit is ready for registration. Pre-registration is required but the event is free. Brown Paper Tickets

Keynote speaker: Todd Stabelfeldt
Todd is a native of Washington State and has worked on a local and global level to merge technology and accessibility together to bring new independence for persons with disabilities. Todd knows first-hand about facing and overcoming barriers.

At the age of eight, Todd Stabelfeldt became a C4 quadriplegic as a result of an accidental gunshot injury. Todd has his own foundation, The Todd Stabelfeldt Foundation. He is also a college graduate, successful engineer, business owner, entrepreneur, mentor and public speaker.

Workshops include:
  • Job Search on the Internet 
  • How DVR Can Help You Find a Job 
  • Interview Preparation 
  • Secrets to a Successful Interview 
  • Job Accommodations and Assistive Technology 
  • Is College Right for Me? 
  • Supported Employment 
  • Dos and Don'ts on the Job

Additional information:

The event is sponsored by the Northshore/Shoreline Community Network

Cartoon by Whitney Potter

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Previous cartoons by Whitney Potter can be found under Features 
in the first column of the front page of the Shoreline Area News

Planning Commission to discuss 145th subarea Thursday

Shoreline Planning Commission Thursday, August 4, 2016 - 7:00pm, Regular Meeting, City Hall Council Chambers, 17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline 98133.


  • 145th Street Station Subarea Planned Action Ordinance 
Link to full Agenda

Link to full Packet

"As has been envisioned since the light rail planning process began in 2013, tonight’s meeting will discuss the use of a planned action ordinance for the 145th Street Station Subarea Plan.

  1. Why adopt a planned action ordinance for the 145th Street Station Subarea Plan?
  2. Why use a planned action ordinance and not an overlay?
  3. How does the planned action ordinance correspond to the 20-year timeframe of the subarea plan?
  4. Why does the planned action ordinance only include the Phase 1 boundary of the Compact Community Hybrid zoning scenario?"
Comment on Agenda items

Planning Commission Webpage

LFP Police Chief for a Day: Ethan Hennig

Chief Steve Sutton and Chief for a Day Ethan Hennig

The Lake Forest Park Police Chief for a Day, Ethan Hennig spent the day with the other Chief, Steve Sutton yesterday. Their first stop was the LFP Rotary breakfast.

Chief Ethan and LFP Officers on the range

They spent the rest of his day out on the shooting range with Chief Sutton and LFP officers.

Chief Ethan was more than happy to give them pointers and instruction.

The last stop was for ice cream on the way home.

What a great day for Chief Ethan and all of us too. It truly is amazing to see him light up when he gets to be involved with our officers.

Man robs Ballinger Chevron station at gunpoint Friday

Shoreline police ask for the public's assistance to identify the man who robbed the Chevron gas station on Ballinger Way and 19th NE at gunpoint 1:30am on Friday, July 29.

KIRO has the surveillance video on their website. KIRO interviewed the clerk, who said that the man seemed nervous but she didn't think anything about it until he pulled out a gun and demanded money. There was only $70 in the cash register. The robber argued about it and then left with the money.

If anyone has any information regarding this robbery, contact the King County Sheriff's Office non-emergency at 206-296-3311.

Wednesday fire call

Shoreline Fire responded to a residential fire at 188th and Dayton Pl N on Wednesday evening. It was apparently a kitchen fire with no one home.

No injuries.

Double-decker buses for Snohomish county

Photo courtesy Sound Transit

Next spring you will see more double-decker buses on the freeway, as Sound Transit adds 32 more double decker buses to its Snohomish county fleet.

"We're able to carry more people on some of our most popular and crowded routes with the same number of buses and drivers – that's a big victory for thousands of riders every day," said Sound Transit Board Chair and King County Executive Dow Constantine.

Production of the buses is scheduled to begin in November 2016 with delivery expected to begin in April 2017. By late 2018 Sound Transit expects to operate double decker buses on all its Snohomish County-based routes.

The double decker buses will be limited to Snohomish County routes because Community Transit has experience maintaining and operating them following the launch of their "Double Tall" service in 2011. Sound Transit contracts with Community Transit to operate its Snohomish County-based routes.

Sound Transit is also reserving an option to purchase 43 more double decker buses in the future, making the entire Snohomish County fleet double deckers.

Over the fence: Noises from the north

Shoreline residents were surprised to hear what sounded like explosions Friday evening, and fireworks Saturday evening.

The sounds carried a long distance into the city.

It was the Tour de Terrace - the annual celebration in Mountlake Terrace. A Seafair event, the Friday night explosions were the Seafair Pirates in the parade, shooting their cannon.

Saturday night was the big fireworks show.

The events continue on Sunday - but without explosions.

See previous article.

Identified: owner of application for veteran's memorial brick

Dwight Stevens reports that he has been contacted by the person whose application and payment for a veteran's memorial brick was lost in a rainstorm (see previous article).

Dwight says, "I'm more than pleased to report than a Shoreline woman called to report that it was her application and check that was lost by me and that her bank has stopped the lost check without charge and that she will send a replacement payment. We have already ordered her memorial brick and all is well."

The deadline for ordering a brick - which will be installed in the Veteran's Memorial at Shoreline City Hall - is Monday, August 1.

For information about the memorial bricks download the brochure, and you can get in on this order by calling Dwight Stevens at 206 542-7350 Sunday.

This weekend only: Thoroughly Modern Millie at Driftwood Players

Cast photo by Dorothy Pierce

Thoroughly Modern Millie
Music by Jeanine Tesori
Lyrics by Dick Scanlan
Book by Dick Scanlan and Richard Morris
Directed by Dorothy Pierce
Music Direction by Jordyn Day Meeker
Choreography by Alia Thomaier
Edmonds Driftwood Players
July 29 – 31, 2016

Review by Doug Gochanour

Some may recall the 1967 film Thoroughly Modern Millie. It served as a basis for this play. A British version was called Chrysanthemum, and played in London in 1956. Fortunately for us, we can enjoy this musical presented by our own Edmonds Driftwood Players. What a treat to have excellent live theatre as an integral part of our community.

Dorothy Pierce, and the entire Driftwood Players Educational Team, delivers truly marvelous outcomes. Working with very talented actors, ranging from 9 – 16 years of age, they present a wonderful musical and also give these young thespians an experience they will never forget.

In fact, it’s often a family affair as volunteers support their kids, and are drawn to participate in the many facets of support. Volunteers may help with sewing or painting sets or anything that needs a caring hand. The result is a well-designed set and fabulous costumes ready for the talented cast to bring everything to life.

A parent shared that these young actors practiced from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Educational Camp for four weeks. They also practiced at home in the evenings and whenever they could. They can be very proud of their successful achievement.

The singing, dancing and plot are challenging and complex, making this production all the more impressive. As choreographer, Alia Thomaier is to be commended. The cast deserves congratulations for mastering this performance.

As for the plot, Millie Dillmount is a small-town young woman, who leaves Kansas for New York City. The year was 1922, and Millie’s plan included finding a job, where she could be near a wealthy man, and marry him. What could go wrong with that plan? Why not marry someone who has money?

Millie’s plan encounters some snags in New York, known for great opportunities, but also known for muggings and sex trafficking. Women were less populous in the work force. They were known more for their intent to enjoy life and disregard conventional standards. This flapper lifestyle becomes attractive to Millie.

You will enjoy watching how Millie reacts to her many new life experiences. Will she find the love she hopes for? Will her new love have the wealth to qualify for her planned outcome?

Still, the real reason to attend this musical is the great performance by this talented cast. Music and dance and costumes take the audience on a thrill ride to a by-gone time. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Tickets are just $12
When:  July 29 – 31, 2016
Where: Performances at Wade James Theater
950 Main Street, Edmonds
Or Call 425-774-9600

If you like to support Children’s Theatre, you may plan ahead to attend the Missoula Children’s Theatre presentation of Peter and Wendy. Mark your calendar for August 6, 2016 at 3:30 pm or 5:30 pm.

Peter and Wendy

Conceived and Written by Michael McGill
Music and Lyrics by Michael McGill

When Captain Hook sends his right-hand man Smee on a quest to capture Peter Pan, it's seemingly business as first. Little does Hook realize what fantastic adventures await him and his pirate posse in their search for the elusive Peter Pan.

Mistaken identities, ever-morphing clouds, a classy crocodile, some very lost boys, and a fickle shadow all add to the mayhem. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Darling embark on a quest of their own and find themselves trekking everywhere from Hawaii to the North Pole in search of their three missing children.

With help from the earth-friendly Neverlanders, exotic Neverland creatures, and faithful Tinker Bell, the Darling children are found, disputes are ultimately resolved, and everyone - including Captain Hook - finds a place where they truly belong.

Tickets $10 for adults/ $8 for children

When: Saturday, August 6th, 3pm and 5:30pm
Where: Performances at Wade James Theater
950 Main Street, Edmonds

BUY TICKETS HERE or Call 425-774-9600. 

Photo: Fledglings on the wing

The glory of flight

Photos by Steve Schneider

As suspected, the osprey fledglings in the nest atop a light pole near Hamlin Park were within a day of flight.

And today was the day. Steve Schneider took these shots on Friday, July 29, as the two young ones practiced their take offs and landings and soared above their nest.


Flaps down, ready for a landing.
And take off again

Select baseball and softball tryouts for East Corridor kids

Shoreline Royals are a third year program that supports Select Baseball, primarily on the east side of I-5 and primarily for kids going through the Shorecrest program.

They are hosting tryouts for kids ages 9-15 years old on August 27 and 31 at Shorecrest High School. Tryouts are completely free.

Registration here.

The program is run by Brian Hamshaw and Timothy Lee, both Shorecrest alums.

Brian has served as NKCLL and Shoreline Little League President for the last three years. Timothy recently graduated from the UW (2015) and started coaching baseball at Shorewood High School.

The Royals started with one team two years ago and expect to field four teams in 2017.

Shoreline City Council to discuss transportation of coal and crude oil through Shoreline

Shoreline City Council meeting, Monday, August 1, 2016 – Regular Meeting 7:00pm. City Hall Council Chambers, 17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Agenda highlights



The Council will go into Executive Session at 8:20pm for a discussion of Potential Litigation.

Comment on Agenda items

Sounder train to run Sunday for Sounders FC vs L.A. Galaxy match

Sounders FC fans can skip highway congestion and parking costs by riding Sound Transit's Sounder event train to the Sounders FC 1pm match Sunday against the L.A. Galaxy.

The train from Everett will depart at 10:45am and reach the Edmonds station about 20 minutes later. Return trains depart King Street Station 35 minutes after the match ends.

After-school steel band program opens registration to area youth and adults

Friday, July 29, 2016

Youth from the Edmonds School District's Summer Music School
perform on Steel Magic Northwest's brand new instruments, July 15

Steel Magic Northwest, the new continuous after school steel band program for youth 5th through 12th grades (and an evening class for adults) is finally a reality and has opened its registration to area youth and adults. After two years of planning and fundraising as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the independent program will launch in late September.

The debut performance on their new instruments took place July 15 as 45 youth in two bands played a short concert as a part of the Edmonds School District's Summer Music School, a three-week day camp. Steel Magic Northwest contracted with the district to provide the instruments and instruction for the camp. 

Executive and Artistic Director Gary Gibson says, "I founded this organization two years ago, after visiting some 200 other steel band programs around the country as guest artist and clinician/adjudicator. There has never been a sustainable, high quality organization like those I've seen elsewhere in the country here in the Puget Sound region. Until now." 

Students and adults interested in enrolling in the twice-weekly classes can do so on the website, by clicking on the "enroll" tab. Classes are limited to 24 students each (the number of instruments we have in the orchestra).

The first session will be twelve weeks, culminating in performances in December. From those classes, by invitation and audition, students will be chosen for two performance-oriented groups, which will rehearse and perform year-round on a schedule synchronized with the school districts. 

Shoreline boys take 2nd in state Junior Baseball Tournament

Shoreline Junior Boys Baseball take 2nd in State Tournament

Washington State contains 13 Little League districts each containing varying numbers of leagues per district. Each year, District All-Star champions are invited to play in Washington State Tournaments.

Shoreline Little League was one of the All-Star teams participating in the state tournament on Glenwood field in Vancouver, Washington from July 16 - 23.

Starting with a 21-1 victory over Asotin on Sunday, they moved to a 15-5 victory over Redmond in Tuesday. Moving up in the brackets, on Thursday Shoreline resoundingly won its game with Steel Lake / Kent 13 - 1.

On Friday, they squeaked by Lewis River 8 - 7. 

In the championship game on Saturday, they met powerhouse West Valley from Yakima. West Valley won its previous three games 23-1, 13-6, and 11-1. They won the game with Shoreline 11-1.

Shoreline finished second in the state tournament.

Free outdoor movie Saturday in Ridgecrest - Finding Nemo

Ridgecrest Neighborhood's 1st Annual Outdoor Movie Night
Saturday, July 30
Paramount School Park, corner of 8th Ave NE and NE 155th
Activities start at 7:30 - Movie starts at 9:15pm

The Bubble Man will be there - games, music and more before the Movie.
Food Truck: OFF THE REZ will be there 7-9:30pm - so you can buy dinner to eat at the park

Bring a blanket or sleeping bag or low level lawn chair. Don't forget your flashlight.

Refreshments will be available for purchase -- or bring your own (no alcohol). 

Until then, just keep swimming!

Over the fence: Help ID guy who robbed the Subway at SW 238 and SR 99

The Subway robber was wearing a sweatshirt like this one
Photo courtesy Edmonds Police.

This one is far too close to home. This guy robbed a Subway just a few blocks north of Shoreline on SR 99 at 238th (the county line is 244th/205th).

According to Edmonds Police, he walked into the store on Saturday, July 23 with a knife in hand, wearing a full face covering, hard hat, and sweatshirt.

The logo on the back of the sweatshirt says "Penn Cove Shellfish".

The video from the robbery is here.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Edmonds Police Department.

Help the Back to School Consortium outfit a child for school


It costs a family at least: $50—75 to provide school supplies for a K-12th grader and $15 to provide new socks and underwear for a child.

Donate online or make your check payable to the Back to School Consortium and mail or drop off your check at the Center for Human Services (Monday—Friday 9-5pm) located at 17018 15th Ave NE Shoreline, WA 98155.

Questions? Contact Tanya Laskelle at 206-631-8836.


Supplies you purchase and contribute would be appreciated. Donation collection boxes can be found throughout the local community. Here's a list of donation hosts.

Supplies needed:


If your business, church or organization would like to host a collection box to collect supply donations contact Bill Bear 206-496-3116


If you would like to volunteer to support the event you can see a list of opportunities on the BTS consortium website’s volunteer page. 

Center for Human Services, City of Shoreline, Dale Turner Family YMCA, Hopelink, Ronald United Methodist Church, Shoreline Community Care, Shoreline School District, Turning Point, The Works of Shoreline PTA Council. 

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