
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Two public meetings on Shoreline's financial sustainability

City to host two public meetings

Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Richmond Beach Congregational Church
1512 NW 195th Street

Wednesday, May 25, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Shoreline Public Library
345 NE 175th Street

The Financial Sustainability Citizen Advisory Committee has been reviewing the City’s Financial Sustainability Strategies since February, particularly as they relate to the expiring maintenance and operations property tax levy lid lift that Shoreline residents passed in 2010. The upcoming public meetings are an opportunity for the community to learn about what the City has been doing to secure Shoreline’s financial sustainability and what challenges lie ahead.

As long as the 1% cap remains on property tax increases, the City will continue to face budget gaps every six to eight years as the cost to deliver the same basic services outpaces revenue growth.

In addition to looking at ways to operate more efficiently and to cut costs, the City has also looked at different strategies for ensuring revenue keeps pace with costs. Come learn about those strategies and provide your input.

Visit the Financial Sustainability Citizen Advisory Committee page to review meeting materials.


  1. Stop spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on CONSULTANTS to study upzoning areas that do not wish to be upzoned, or studying the widening corridors and displacement of those who will fight you over being displaced (when the idea is to discourage cars --- road diet, a$$hole$!), or studying labor market information to give the most undeserving of your City staff raises (NOT THE ONES WHO ARE DOING THE REAL WORK/LABOR).

    You want to get real progressive... as in the social progressive sense... and not just in the real estate version of "progressive" ... GAME ON! We've got your number, CoS! #NoFatigue #ShorelineGovHateTrees #FakeFriendoftheEnvironment #WarOnThorntonCreek #SoundTransitHatesTrees #1000TreesToBeDownedBySoundTransit #Futurewise #ForterraNW #HousingDevelopmentConsortium

  2. @Anon 3:54

    I am not sure what your point is. Why should upzoning not be studied? According to you, we should just upzone without conducting any studies? Similarly, why not study 145th street corridor before making the changes? And what about folks like Janet Way who have sued the city over upzoning and never won? Have they not wasted our city's money and time, while never coming close to winning any legal argument? Speak of hypocrisy.

    Just stop with all your animosity towards your fellow citizens and make an effort to leave this blog free of hate. We come here to read news about our surroundings, not to hear your hatred.

  3. @anon 3:54... your case of bumhurt over Janet Way sounds oddly familiar, which leads me to the conclusion that you're either 1) on City Council, 2) on the Planning Commission, 3) on City Staff, or 4) (let's make this easy for you) an employee or volunteer for a lobbyist organization such as Futurewise, Forterra, HDC, or maybe a rogue citizen who reigns from atop a certain hill which shall not be named?

    FYI, upzoning was studied. It was studied by BAE Economics, and the results of that study supported the conclusion that the 'some growth' scenario would create the most successful outcome for the 185th Subarea, but NOOOOOOO! City Council, OTAK, and the Planning Dept KNOW BEST!!!

    Our homes are our investments, and real estate decisions, such as the 185th upzone, which went against the market study, are not in our best interests based on the factual projections. It's all in the data... it's all in the paperwork, m'dear.

    The fact that enough people cared to put enough time, effort, and money toward suing the City is very telling. In an age of political apathy, it's very telling. 145th DOES NOT need to be widened. It needs to be restricted for a transit only lane, not take 100+ homes, and create reliable transit to encourage people to get out of their cars.

    "Just stop with all your animosity towards your fellow citizens?"

    Just stop? How about... NO!

    You know what I wish would stop, reverse, and reboot? These ridiculous upzoning plans! I wish that Forterra shills would stop pretending like they're regular ol'
    Shoreliners and state what their association and intentions are before they testify before the PlanCom or City Council.

    If the City is making detrimental decisions that impact my neighborhood and my home? I SAY NO! You lay the foundation to RAVAGE my neighborhood, I say no. It's a matter of consent, and I say NO. The City of Shoreline does not have my consent, or my neighbors' consent to ravage our neighborhoods. It can't be said enough and this is not the last time it will be said and we're prepared to say it for as many times as it needs to be repeated.

    Funny this should come from someone also posting anonymously? Funny this should come from someone not only posting anonymously, but who also has the gall to call out a FELLOW CITIZEN of Shoreline and activist for our local environment. I have to wonder if your gall to call her out and *your* fellow citizens who voted in favor of Jesse Salomon's opponent comes from a place of hate?

    Honestly, if you perceive these comments of hateful, it's simply a matter of not scrolling down. No one is forcing you to read these comments. The very fact that you perceive comments that are different from your opinions as "hate" makes me feel very sorry for those surrounding you in your personal and work life, who may have a different point of view on something as simple as a flavor of ice cream.

    These comments are not going to "just stop", so you'd better find a way to deal with them.


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