
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Sasquatch lives in Shoreline - new campaign speaks to non-residents

Shoreline's new ambassador
Shoreline has launched a promotional campaign aimed at attracting residents and businesses.

Led by consultant PRR, the city surveyed over 600 non-residents to help shape the campaign’s message.

“Other cities have asked us to help them reach outside their borders,” stated Denise Walz, PRR Co-President and Shoreline resident, “but Shoreline was the very first to ask us to research what non-residents thought.”

The results were dramatic, showing that while potential residents appreciate the qualities that Shoreline offers, many either know little about Shoreline or harbor misperceptions against it.

The campaign responds directly to these findings through a new website,, which simultaneously informs and debunks. Visitors quickly engage with the very best of Shoreline in a playful, illustrated style that appeals to all ages.

To help the curious find, the campaign introduces a new Shoreline ambassador: Squatch. Squatch is the friendly sasquatch who has lived in Shoreline for years, but since people know so little about Shoreline, they think he’s been hiding. Squatch wants everyone to learn more about Shoreline and its wonderful people and places.

Look for Squatch encouraging those who “don’t know Squatch about Shoreline” to visit You may see Squatch riding buses, on drink coasters, at the farmers market, on social media, or even in his own coloring book!


  1. And the City paid how much money for that creature?

  2. The city paid close to $250k for this!! many much needed police officers could have been hired for that?

  3. The biggest mistake in this campaign is the focus that economic development = housing. Where's the emphasis on enticing cool, unique, small business? Businesses that the big 'ol hairy, unkept squatch would be a patron of? Unless that business is a waxing parlor, of course.

    The model that heavily focuses on housing, demo'ing, and rebuilding for economic development is not sustainable, because sooner or later, we'll run out of space. Then what? Our children and grandchildren will have to pay for the poor financial decisions made today.

    The local marketing firm hired by the city showed a big demand for those looking for single family homes among the non-Shoreline people that they surveyed. So why upzone and set the stage to remove those opportunities for which there demand is there for?

    The fear-mongering of the McMansions coming for our neighborhoods lines are getting funnier each time we hear them. I'm more afraid for the squatch's natural habitat... the thousands of trees that are in danger of being demolished.

    Did the city make promises to Sound Transit's housing affiliates that they now can't keep? Because the citizens wised-up and wised-up fast to the potential for displacement by direct and indirect methods?

  4. And WHY do we need to entice more people to move here?

  5. Why wasn't a mascot chosen that demonstrates Shoreline's commitment to diversity? Is there some reason that squatch appears to be a privileged, white male, bro-grammer!? And a bully at that? Children often don't get the nuanced humor of this video derivative of Portlandia, so who thought it was a good idea to have the character get aggressive while playing basketball. The lack of forethought that's gone into this frivolous expenditure is shameful.

  6. Think of the length of sidewalk that could have been built for $250,000

  7. Our resident sasquatch web developer is going to be when the developers finish tearing out all our city's trees.


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