
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

SWAT team standoff in Richmond Beach for armed teenagers resolved peacefully

Spin Alley parking lot was full of emergency vehicles
Photo by Harley O'Neil

Residents on 15th NW near Richmond Beach Road were shocked to see SWAT teams with guns drawn blocking their street around 6pm on Wednesday evening.

KCSO vehicle parked at Spin Alley on RB Road
Photo by Harley O'Neil

By 9pm they had also commandeered the parking lot at Spin Alley for their vehicles.

According to Shoreline police,

"Earlier this evening, Shoreline Detectives developed a lead on suspects that stole a pistol from a Snohomish County gun store. They contacted the suspects in the Richmond Beach area and one complied while the others ran into a nearby house.

"Due to the possibility of the suspects being armed, the house was surrounded and the KCSO Negotiations team and SWAT unit were called out. After some persuasive conversation, the remaining suspects gave up without fanfare."

The street was starting to clear by 9:45pm
Photo by Lien Tisdale Titus

After about an hour and a half, they surrendered peacefully. Two were taken into custody and two were released to their parents. No shots were fired and no one was hurt.

"Great teamwork was displayed by our Detectives, Shoreline Patrol, Kenmore Patrol, KCSO Detectives/HNT/SWAT, and Shoreline Fire.

"Suspects are being booked and the investigation is ongoing."


  1. I'm just wondering if all that display of guns, equipment and peoplepower was really necessary. It feels like we have a semi-military police state these days. Those photos could be out of one of those post-apocalyptic TV shows. I happened to be near the same situation on Queen Anne earlier this week and somehow it all just seems like overkill. All those people are being paid to be on the scene and the resources are being diverted from other uses. Maybe it is a bit of "we have all this fun equipment and we want to try it out."

    1. The kids had robbed 3 homes and stolen a gun. Law enforcement had no idea how many or what kind of weapons they were up against.

  2. I am happy the police were there with plenty of men and fire power. I live across the street from this stand off and I felt more secure seeing the strong show of force.


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