
Monday, May 2, 2016

Crime in Shoreline week ending 4-18-2016

Selected items from Shoreline Police Blotter, reported week ending 4-18-16

Family disturbances, shoplifting, graffiti in public places, counterfeit money. Problems with patients in institutions assaulting caregivers.

4-9  Suicidal, delusional woman at 4-Corners business telling people she wanted to die. Located by police and taken for involuntary commitment.
4-9  Police called for assist with combative 70 year old woman at Shoreline Rehab.
4-9  Resident makes disturbance and insists that police execute him. Involuntary commitment to hospital.
4-11 Highway robbery - four males confront and rob four other males outside the Little Store on Richmond Beach Rd.
4-11 Lost dementia patient from N 103rd found in Richmond Beach and returned home.
4-11 Woman walking down the middle of Aurora, resisted when police were trying to detain her. Involuntary commitment to hospital.
4-12  Attempted residential burglary at 145xx 1st Ave NE. Tried to cut screens and open windows - bathroom, bedroom, and rear window, and finally fled on foot.
4-16  Forced entry burglary at 192xx Meridian, stole cash and firearm.

1 comment:

  1. Time to legalize prostitution in Shoreline. Tax it, regulate it, and ensure public health is upheld. Decriminalize it, because it's well known that it's already been going on for decades along the Aurora corridor.

    Come on, City of Shoreline, if you (and your shills- Yeah Forterra---I'm talking to you--- and your for-profit twin Forterra Enterprises) are going to name-call those in favor of moderate and reasonable density, "NIMBY" and "Afraid of Change" and "Anti-Progress", then you'd best prepared to go all in.

    Let's take one of these vacant lots and create a regulated, sex-positive mecca for sex-workers! Affordable housing. Live/Work spaces. MUR, yo!

    Regulation will surely weed out those being taken advantage of by sex trafficking, don't you think? Seriously, it will. And your law enforcement will thank you. Less costs for incarceration and unnecessary legal fees, fees that will never be recouped.

    Let's be the real "New New Amsterdam" and be socially progressive before the capitalist version of "progressive" with upzoning and displacing those who make Shoreline great.


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