
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Assessors in Shoreline - follow up

After a recently published story about appraisers for the King County Assessor's Office working in Shoreline, a reader asked if appraisers could enter his yard and worried about how his dogs might react.

According to a spokesperson for the Assessor's Office,

"State law authorizes us to enter every property in the state and requires it at a minimum of once every 6 years. We ask our appraisers to use common sense. If they see a threat such as a dog or a potentially dangerous situation they aren't going to approach it."

Another reader asked how to tell the difference between an authorized appraiser and a burglar casing the street.

The spokesperson said to ask them for ID, which all Assessor's office staff carry.

"Burglars are fast. They want to be in and out undetected. Our appraisers aren't nearly as quick. They are slow because they are documenting everything and taking pictures."

Other people who look suspicious but are authorized are City Light meter readers. They are supposed to wear uniforms, but not all do. They are supposed to carry ID. City Light is in the process of installing meters which will be read remotely, from their facilities. This will replace the door to door meter readers.


  1. Is City Light installing digital meters or smart meters?

  2. Don't forget about people reading gas meters which are usually on the sides of houses.


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