
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

32nd District Democrats endorsement meeting May 11

32nd Legislative District Democrats  
2016 Endorsement Meeting and Spaghetti Dinner 
Wednesday, May 11th, 6 PM 
Richmond Masonic Center
753 N 185th St, Shoreline

Come to the May 11th meeting at 6pm to visit with friends and neighbors over dinner. We will be endorsing candidates in state wide and local races as well as discussing the April 17th Caucus and 32LD platform. You are invited to bring a salad or dessert to share - suggested dinner donation is $10 - no one turned away.

Thinking about running for National Delegate? File your form by May 6th at 5pm - see below.
Get involved locally - become a 32nd LD PCO - we want you!

We are starting dinner at 6pm with our meeting starting a little early at 6:45pm - FB Invite here

--Carin Chase

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