Former King County Councilmember running for County Council - in Pierce County

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Former King County Councilmember Carolyn Edmonds, who represented Shoreline, Lake Forest Park and other northern suburban cities, is running for County Council again - but from Tacoma.

Edmonds, who has been a real estate agent and small business developer in Tacoma for several years, is running for a seat on the Pierce County Council, District 2, as a Democrat.

In her announcement, Edmonds contrasted herself with her presumptive Republican opponent, embattled Sen. Pam Roach, who recently moved from King County to run for the Pierce County Council seat.

“Passion is important to getting things done,” said Edmonds, “but it’s also important to build relationships and treat people right. I pledge to help build a County Council that Pierce County can be proud of.”

Robotics demonstrations, 3D printing, and more at Shoreline’s Advanced Manufacturing Open House

Manufacturing open house Thursday at SCC
Photo courtesy SCC

On Thursday, June 2, Shoreline Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing department will open its doors to the public for an open house event featuring live machining demonstrations, a stirling engine competition, student projects, and more.

The event runs from 2-5pm in the 2500 building on campus at 16101 Greenwood Ave N (campus maps). Small charge for parking on campus.

In addition to being an opportunity for students to share their work with family, friends, and the general public, the open house is also a chance for anyone interested to tour the shop and learn more about a career in advanced manufacturing. Local manufacturing employers will also be in attendance, providing career seekers a networking opportunity.

“We’re excited to show off the stellar work our students have been doing this year,” said Keith Smith, lead faculty for the program. “We have an intensive program that’s designed to prepare students for entry straight into the job market, and I think the caliber of projects our students will show off at the open house will reflect that level of training.”

Demonstrations of student work will include robots simulating a game of checkers, 3D printing of dolphin trinkets, and milling of stackable blocks. Students will also show off their skills in a stirling engine competition and will conduct live machining demonstrations.

A highlight of the event will include student and employer speakers who will give their take on both the Shoreline CNC program experience and the current climate of the manufacturing industry.

“As the current workforce ages into retirement, we’re seeing a crucial need for skilled workers to enter the industry job-ready,” said Lauren Hadley, Acting Director – Manufacturing Grant Programs. “Shoreline students are highly sought after by employers because our graduates walk onto the floor already trained in skills essential to today’s manufacturing landscape.”

Members of the Manufacturing program’s Advisory Committee will be in attendance at the Open House event.

Ask the Bird Lady: Why are the hummingbirds dive-bombing us?

Hummingbird at feeder
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Question for the Bird Lady:

Jeanne says: I was watering plant containers. We were standing by the red hot pokers, and there was a hummingbird feeding off of it, then another, and then more buzzing around. They really make a noise when they’re flapping their wings. We think there were at least 5 of them. They were all but dive bombing us! I’ve never had that experience before. Wow!

The Bird Lady (Christine Southwick) replies:

Most hummingbirds, are by nature, drawn to red tones. Consider the red to red-orange gorgets (throat coloring) of the male Anna's and Rufus hummingbirds. Lots of hummingbird feeders have parts of the feeder decked out in red (NOTE: red food coloring is NOT required, and there is some research that seems to point to the food coloring having detrimental effects -- in addition, people can't see when to clean the feeder).

Hummingbirds have evolved to be able to remove nectar from tubular flowers, to the point that some flowers totally depend on the long curved bills of some South American hummingbirds. Did you know that only the Western Hemisphere has hummingbirds?

At any rate, the hummingbirds that visit Washington State are more generalists. They prefer tubular flowers like Fuchsias and "Red-hot Pokers" (kniphofia, aka red hot poker, poker plant, torch lily) and phygelius, but will visit dahlias, fruit blossoms and even pansies.

On hot days, they will be drawn to sprinklers, and if you stand really still, with your garden hose on a soft shower, or mist, they will even fly through the water droplets.

Times Outdoors reporter loves Grinders

Grinders sandwich

When an Outdoors reporter (Mark Yuasa of The Seattle Times) writes a restaurant review, you know it's love. These are not the kind of sandwiches you pack on a hiking trip.

"Grinders Hot Sands in Shoreline ... has raised the bar on what a sandwich should be 
"The first thing you’ll notice at Grinders is its signature lightly toasted, yet very soft Italian roll or the warm, thick ciabatta bread. 
"While the bread sets the tone, don’t overlook what you’ll find inside. Each sandwich is layered with meat, vegetables and cheese; many contain its signature caramelized onions."

This answers the question about what would happen to Grinders under new ownership - apparently only good things.

Read Mark's article here.

Continuing Education Classes at Shoreline CC Summer Quarter

Summer 2016
We've added to our Continuing Education program! 
Along with our new, Bridges to Shoreline offerings (formerly Plus 50: computer training, and business and professional development offerings), we’ve launched courses to hone writing skills, improve and maintain mental and physical health, reveal lesser known regional history, and lots more. Browse the Summer schedule and stay tuned in coming weeks for added courses and more details!
Bridges to Shoreline
Are you an older adult with a passion for learning? Whether it’s for personal interest, to build new skills, to make new social connections, or to remain active and engaged in your retirement, you may find what you’re looking for through Bridges to Shoreline. Bridges offers non-credit classes and workshops to stimulate your personal enrichment, inspire self-actualization, and maintain connections to a community of like-minded people. Expand your learning, redefine your retirement, or simply be engaged as an adult learner.
Computing and Technology

Design and Publish Your Home Business Website                                                                                $24.28
Everyone knows a successful business starts with a sharp and navigable website. Students will design a basic, fully-finished, business site starting from scratch using Wordpress.  Pick and purchase a domain. Set up hosting, install Wordpress and a theme.  Add content and set up your site! Upon completion of a basic Wordpress website, you will learn how to market it on social media.  Requirements: Registration with Hostgator. Plan on investing approximately $100 for a year of hosting, domain registration, and other incidental costs of maintaining a website.
10:00am—1:00pm Saturdays
Start date: 7/16/16 | End date: 7/30/16
Building 1300, Room 1308
Instructor:  Ikuseghan, J. | P-CMP 103 | Item 0817
Getting Started with Computers                                                                                                             $24.28
For many of us the mere thought of learning the basics of computer use can be uncomfortable, even overwhelming. This is a beginning level class designed to help you overcome these common anxieties, and get you emailing, researching, and working right away! Achieve a range of basics and practical applications for personal or business use. Topics include:  Overview of PC hardware and software concepts, Windows 8, word processing and spreadsheets, printing and  Internet browsing, email use, and computer and Internet safety. No previous experience required.
Text: Welcome to the World of Computers, 3rd Ed, 2010, Labyrinth Learning Publishers,

available in bookstore. ISBN 978-1-59136-332-3
6:00-9:00pm Mondays
Start date: 7/11/16 | End date: 7/25/16
Building 1300, Room 1308
Instructor: Berkley, W. | P-CMP 102 | Item 0815
Type Faster and with More Accuracy: Quick Keyboarding with Keytimer                                       $39.46  
Learn to type by touch using all your fingers and/or increase your speed and accuracy.  At the end of the first session, you will be able to type all the letters of the alphabet, the horizontal numbers, comma and period on the keyboard without looking at your fingers.  Using a scientifically designed book, you will see quick results.
Required text (with software): KEYTIME® Skillbuilder© Learning Kit and KEYtimer© Software CD, available in bookstore. ISBN 978-0-9627395-0-7
8:00am-12:00pm MTWTh
Start date: 7/25/16 | End date: 7/28/16
Building 5000 |Room 5116
Instructor: Lewis, L. | P-CMP 100 | Item 0811
 PowerPoint 2013 Essentials                                                                                                                   $24.28
PowerPoint is like an electronic slide show, but with a nearly endless choice of colors, fonts, and presentation styles.  Create text animations to make pictures appear and move, add impressive backgrounds, charts and tables, different kinds of art and graphics, and much more.  Learn the skills to create a slide show of any kind, with tips on integrating your oral presentation. Additionally, with PowerPoint, you will gain intuition and insights for other graphics programs. Note: Previous experience with Microsoft Word and familiarity with a Windows environment are recommended. 

Textbook:  FastCourse Microsoft PowerPoint 2013: Level 1, ISBN-13: 978-1-59136-506-8,
Labyrinth Learning Publishers.  Continuing Education books are no longer available from the Shoreline Community College Bookstore.  Most textbooks are now ordered online from the University Bookstore, or by visiting: UW Bookstore, 4328 University Way, Seattle, WA  98105. For assistance, please call: 206-634-3400 x331.

6:00-9:00pm. Mondays
Start date: 8/1/16 | End date: 8/15/16
Building 1300, Room 1308
Instructor: Berkley, W. | P-CMP 113 | Item 6911
Word 2013 Essentials in Action!                                                                                                            $36.42
A serious introduction to the basics and beyond of this robust word processing program. You will create, edit, and proofread documents, change the look of text and the document, present information in columns and tabs and work with graphics, symbols, and diagrams. Prerequisites: Familiarity with the Windows environment and working with a mouse and keyboard. 

Step by Step Microsoft Office Word 2013ISBN: 978-0-7356-6912-3.
Continuing Education books are no longer available from the Shoreline Community College Bookstore.  Most textbooks are now ordered online from the University Bookstore, or by visiting: UW Bookstore, 4328 University Way, Seattle, WA  98105. For assistance, please call: 206-634-3400 x331.

6:00-9:00 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
(Class does not meet on Wednesday, 6/29 or Monday, 7/4)
Start date: 6/20/16 | End date: 7/11/16
Building 1300, Room 1304
Instructor: Aldrich, M. | P-CMP 129 | Item 6908
Excel 2013 Essentials in Action!                                                                                                              $36.42
Get the basics and beyond for creating spreadsheets. You will create, edit and format a worksheet, perform calculations, print workbook contents, filter and sort data, and work with charts. You'll learn to use the Help and other built-in tools. And here’s the exciting part! You will apply your newly learned Excel skills in practical activities, such as creating a household budget, creating a household inventory, etc.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with the Windows environment, or Getting Started with Computers, or Integrated, Self-Paced Computer Lab. A memory stick or thumb drive is required for this class. Word experience is helpful but not required.
Textbook:  Mastery Series: Microsoft Excel 2013 Introductory Skills, ISBN: 978-1-59136-521-1. Continuing Education books are no longer available from the Shoreline Community College Bookstore.  Most textbooks are now ordered online from the University Bookstore, or by visiting: UW Bookstore, 4328 University Way, Seattle, WA  98105. For assistance, please call:
206-634-3400 x331.
6:00-9:00 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
Start date: 7/13/16 | End date: 7/27/16
Building 1400, Room 1401
Instructor:  Aldrich, M. | P-CMP 132 | Item 6909
Life Skills and Enrichment

Get Rich, Stay Rich!                                                                                                                                 $24.28
One of Ariele Huff’s most popular courses!
Make money your friend and servant. This workshop is a step-by-step guide to bettering your life and your circumstances: A money makeover! Wealth is within your grasp. Participants will leave with increased confidence and wealth awareness, a game plan, a treasure map, and step-by-step guidance, which has helped many become wealthy.

6:00-8:30pm Tuesdays
Start date: 7/12/16| End date: 8/2/16
Building 1400, Room 1402
Instructor:  Huff, A. | P-SKL 106 | Item 6925

NEW! Make the Right Medical Decisions—Med Advocacy 101

Everyone needs a Medical Advocate—another pair of ears to listen, someone who is calm and knowledgeable during stressful times, another pair of feet to get a warm blanket, another voice to question or demand in critical moments. Prepare for this role, learn strategies, set an action plan. Advocate for loved ones, clients or yourself. Teacher has advocating background.

10:00am—2:00pm Saturday
Start date: 7/30/16| End date: 7/30/16
Building 1400, Room 1402
Instructor:  Huff, A. | P-SKL 115 | Item 6988

Birding for Beginners                                                                                                                              $15.75
Introduced for Spring Quarter, this class went full capacity!
Students will learn field identification skills and the natural history of birds in the Pacific Northwest through indoor lectures and field trips. This class will prepare students to enjoy a rewarding hobby in bird watching, meet and network with other birders, and provide foundational skills for a career in wildlife management. Please bring binoculars. And sign up soon, this will probably fill up!

8:00-10:00am Saturdays
Start date: 7/9/16 | End date: 7/23/16
Building 1800, Room 1802
Instructor:  Furbush, R. | P-SKL 131 | Item 6999

Success! Buy and Sell on the Internet                                                                                                    $16.00
Learn how to create eBay, Amazon, and other seller accounts, create successful listings, load pictures, and accept credit card payment with PayPal. the course covers selling tips, tricks and traps, market analyses, and best ways to determine shipping costs. Also, discover where to get free shipping supplies, how to print shipping labels from your home computer, and get free home pickup. Please have at least a year experience navigating the web and a functional home operating system. A home printer/scanner is an added advantage, but not necessary. Lecture only.
6:00-900pm Wednesdays
Start date: 7/13/16 | End date: 7/20/16
Building 1300, Room 1305
Instructor: Ikuseghan, J. | P-BUS 101 | Item 0803

QuickBooks: A Serious Introduction for General Use                                                                        
Get started with this valuable accounting software that is used by more than 80% of small to mid-sized businesses. You will learn the basics of how QuickBooks can aid you in performing daily, weekly, and monthly bookkeeping and accounting operations for a business. This one fills up fast, so register early!  Prerequisites: Familiarity with the Windows environment and working with a mouse and keyboard. A memory stick or thumb drive is required for this class.
6:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesdays
Start date: 7/5/16 | End date: 7/19/16
Building 1300, Room 1308
Instructor: Hudson, J.R. | P-CMP 104 | Item 6906
Online Learning
Ed2go provides the highest-quality online continuing education courses that are affordable and easy to use through a network of more than 2,100 top colleges and universities. As a virtual online college, we offer the latest instructor-led online courses from the top professionals in their field. Start your online training program today!
Browse the Instructor-Led Courses and Career Training Programs:
Professional and Business Development

Introduction to Project Management Certifications
PMI certification is the most essential project management professional designation. This class is an introduction to certification based on the global industry leader, the Project Management Institute. Students will also gain insight into a variety of professional project management certificates. With a PMI certification behind your name, you can work in virtually any industry, anywhere in the world, and with any project management methodology.
Instructor, Dr. Larry Adeyemi, Ph.D., PMP has over 20 years of project management experience in both the private and public sectors along with his experience designing customized professional courses and instruction. While bringing his work experience to the sessions to clarify topics, Larry assists his participants to look at their own experiences and make the connection to the material and topics. Dr. Adeyemi was also Project Management Certification Program VP for Project Management Institute (PMI), Puget Sound Chapter, as well as a PMP exam item writer for the PMI.  
6:00-8:00pm Thursdays
Start date: 7/7/16 | End date: 7/28/16
Building 1400, Room 1402
Instructor: Adeyemi, L. | CEBUS 105 | Item 6565
Writing, Language Arts and Literature

Writing and Selling Magazine Articles                                                                                                  $64.00
The ins-and-outs of nonfiction magazine article writing: Ideas, research, marketing, writing, building your platform, and more. Instructor Christine Dubois is an award-winning writer who has published more than 400 magazine articles in 45 different magazines and newspapers. She teaches writing workshops at local community colleges as well as for local businesses. Her warmth, knowledge, and enthusiasm make her a popular instructor.

6:00-8:30pm Wednesdays
Start date: 6/22/16 | End date: 6/29/16
Building 1400, Room 1402
Instructor: Dubois, C | CEWRT 200 | Item 6560
Free Your Creativity, Bring Your Writing to Life!
Bring your writing to life by tapping into your hidden creativity! This workshop covers what creative people have in common, how to ward off negative influences, and how to listen to and trust your creative instincts. Through a variety of fun writing exercises, you'll learn to nurture your creative side and use it to enrich all your writing projects. Instructor Christine Dubois is a widely published writer.
10:00am-2:30pm Saturday
Start date: 7/16/16 | End date: 7/16/16
Building 1400, Room 1402
Instructor: Dubois, C. | CEWRT 210 | Item 6575

Private Instruction Music Lessons
Voice • Guitar • Piano • Drums & Percussion • Brass & Woodwinds • Production
Shoreline Continuing Education now offers private instruction music lessons from our faculty at the SCC Music Building (Building 800). Lessons are offered in piano, voice, guitar, bass, percussion, brass and woodwinds.
Ten lessons of 30 minutes each are offered during the Summer Quarter, June 20 through August 10.
These weekly lessons are arranged between student and teacher, with a consistent agreed upon day and time.  
Students study technique, sight-reading, rhythm, literature, and artistry, always at their own level, beginner through advanced.  Beginning pianists and singers are encouraged to take the class piano and class voice courses at the college to gain some experience before private instruction lessons, but some beginners will be accepted for lessons when space is available.
Tuition for 10, 30-minute lessons for all disciplines: $349 + $5 tuning fee for piano lessons. 
Enrolling is easy:
1Register and pay tuition: Please contact Ron Carnell: (206) 533-6706
Arrange your meeting days, times, and classroom with your instructor.

 • Voice with Meg Stecker-Thorsen | Item 6510 (206) 546-4617
Morning and afternoon weekly lesson times, Mondays through Thursdays.
Please contact instructor for more information about available time slots.
• Guitar with Andy Ferguson | Item 6511 (425) 941-5327
• Piano with Helena Azevedo, Charles Enlow, Jensina Oliver | 6512           
Helena Azevedo: 533-6608
Charles Enlow: (206) 546-4524
Jensina Oliver: (206) 546-4618

• Drums and Percussion with Don Dietrich | 6514 (206) 782-3942
• Brass & Woodwinds • Coordinators, Doug Reid and Karl Fagerstrom | Item 6513 (206) 546-4759 (206) 792-6837
 • Music Production & Recording Techniques • Bahaa Sadak | Item 6515 (206) 920-8063 
Logic, Bitwig, Ableton, Reason and Hardware Workstation
 This course will introduce the students to digital audio recording and midi sequencing using the most common DAWs ( Digital Audio Workstations) such as Logic, Ableton Live, Bitwig, Reason and commonly used hardware such as Korg Kronos, Yamaha Motif , and Roland Fantom series. Classes will also include advanced tips and tricks in recording and mixing.
• • •
Although it happens infrequently, there is a possibility that times, dates, and classroom locations may change. For the most current information on Bridges to Shoreline and other SCC Continuing Ed courses, please visit call 206-533-6706

Friday’s Roundtable: Get Hired with Enterprise

This Friday’s Roundtable (6/3): Get Hired with Enterprise! 

Do you have a BA/BS? – Enterprise has a management training program and positions in accounting and finance, corporate, and administrative. For those without or still working on their degrees, there are customer service jobs (including work from home possibilities), rental operations and sales positions.

Please join Talent Acquisition Specialist, David Postforoosh on Friday, June 3 for the lowdown. As usual, great coffee and treats are on hand, compliments of Central Market.

Friday, June 3, 1:00-2:30pm, Shoreline Community College, Room 5116, Building 5000 (ground floor). SCC Campus Map, and Parking.

Open to anyone of any age who is job seeking or interested in career change.

Led by Ron Carnell, Program Coordinator, Workforce and Continuing Education / Plus 50 Career Builder, Shoreline Community College, 206-533-6706.

Op-Ed: Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Diane Pottinger, P.E. is the Distirct Manager of the North City Water District, which serves Shoreline east of I-5 and an eastern section of Lake Forest Park.

Remember the Skagit River Bridge collapse, when every media outlet couldn’t stop talking about our state’s serious infrastructure problem? Fast forward three years, and our legislators are considering eliminating funds and the funding source that were dedicated to infrastructure improvements.

Known as the Public Works Trust Fund, this source of funding has enabled over $2.6 billion in infrastructure improvements since 1985 — including 21 low interest loans for $23 million dollars of infrastructure projects right here in Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. The Public Works Trust Fund is key to helping us to keep rates low for water, sewer and stormwater services.

What caused our legislators’ priorities to shift, even though our infrastructure is still in crisis? Two words: educational funding.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul: what schools, bridges, and water systems have in common.

We at North City Water District are huge supporters of schools, and recognize the serious financial crisis that our educational system is facing. Something must absolutely be done. However, taking funding away from infrastructure does not seem wise, nor is it a sustainable solution.

Without funding for infrastructure repair and upgrade, the safety of bridges (over which school buses traverse), the safety of our water system (from which our children drink), and the safe removal of waste from homes, businesses and schools are all at risk—and no less critical to our childrens’ well-being—especially when you consider the risk of an aging infrastructure during a major emergency event like an earthquake.

Sadly, the “invisibility factor” of infrastructure (the majority of which is underground) has led to Public Works Trust Funds being diverted to other uses: this was the 7th year in a row that legislators used money from this fund to balance the budget, hoping that infrastructure systems will keep functioning with minimal or emergency-only attention.

Here at North City Water District, we believe a significant reduction in financing for infrastructure improvements is not the best way to address the financial shortfall in our educational system. We believe BOTH education AND infrastructure are imperative to the well-being of our children and our state.

If you too feel that infrastructure and schools are important, we urge you to contact your Legislator.

Shoreline police precinct closes for disposal of suspicious package

The Shoreline Police precinct at N 175th and Midvale was closed for an hour because of a suspicious package left outside.

The precinct was temporarily closed.

The King County Sheriff's Bomb Disposal Unit investigated and determined no threat.

It turns out a suspect was returning something from a car prowl. We are currently working on contacting the victim.

The precinct is now open.

UPDATE: The package was determined to be the cremains of a dog, taken in a car prowl from Boeing Creek Park in 2013.

"Apparently, the conscience development is not fast acting..."

Photo: In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

In Flanders Field
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

According to Wikipedia,

"In Flanders Fields" is a war poem in the form of a rondeau, written during the First World War by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral of friend and fellow soldier Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres. According to legend, fellow soldiers retrieved the poem after McCrae, initially dissatisfied with his work, discarded it. "In Flanders Fields" was first published on December 8 of that year in the London-based magazine Punch.

It is one of the most popular and most quoted poems from the war. As a result of its immediate popularity, parts of the poem were used in propaganda efforts and appeals to recruit soldiers and raise money selling war bonds. Its references to the red poppies that grew over the graves of fallen soldiers resulted in the remembrance poppy becoming one of the world's most recognized memorial symbols for soldiers who have died in conflict.

Shoreline Rotary helped to place flags at Evergreen Washelli for Memorial Day

Flags at the ready for placement
Photo by Jan Hansen

Members of the Shoreline Rotary club were among the volunteers helping to place flags on veteran's graves for the ceremonies at Evergreen Washelli Cemetery on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30.

Volunteers placing flags
Photo by Jan Hansen

International films showing at SCC Tuesday - Thursday

The Seattle International Film Festival continues showing films at its new venue at the Shoreline Community College Theatre, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133 (campus maps). Parking is free in the evenings.

This week there are two films a day.


Therapy for a Vampire
Der Vampir auf der Couch
Austria - 2014 - 87 minutes - David Ruehm 

One night Sigmund Freud discovers a new patient on his couch, a mysterious count who has entered therapy because he can no longer bear his "eternally long" relationship with his wife, in this humorous mashup of vampire legend and neurotic obsessions.  Tuesday, May 31, 2016. 7:00 PM

Battledream Chronicle
Martinique - 2015 - 108 minutes - Alain Bidard 

In a futuristic world where humans have been reduced to virtual-reality slaves, a young woman fights for her freedom in a dazzling and inventive sci-fi adventure, the first feature-length animated film from the Caribbean island of Martinique.  Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 9:00 PM


La Vanité
Switzerland - 2015 - 75 minutes - Lionel Baier

"Euthanasia comedy" seems an odd descriptor, but the latest from Swiss director Lionel Baier (Longwave, SIFF 2014) is a blackly humorous Christmas tale about one man's absurd journey to die with dignity.  Wednesday, June 1, 2016 7:00 PM

The Eyes of My Mother
USA - 2016 - 77 minutes - Nicolas Pesce

When a grinning lunatic attacks a Portuguese-American family living in a secluded farmhouse, it awakens dark desires in a young girl who begins to act on her psychotic impulses in this gorgeous, Lynchian horror fable shot in sinister black and white.  Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - 9:00 PM


A New High
USA - 2015 - 100 minutes - Samuel Miron, Stephen Scott Scarpulla

An inspiring documentary following ex-Army Ranger Mike Johnson, who enriches the lives of a group of recovering addicts at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission by encouraging them to join him on a mission of personal discovery and redemption–climbing to the 14,400-foot summit of Mt. Rainier. Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 7:00 PM

Spa Night
USA - 2016 - 93 minutes - Andrew Ahn

A young Korean-American (Joe Seo, in a Sundance-winning breakthrough performance) discovers his burgeoning sexual desires amid the steamy underground world of gay hookups when he takes a job at a spa in Los Angeles' Koreatown.  Thursday, June 2, 2016 9:30 PM

Shoreline City Council Special Meeting Notice

State of the City 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016, 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
City Hall - Council Chambers

As required by RCW 42.30, the Open Public Meetings Act, you are hereby notified that the Shoreline City Council will attend the State of the City Breakfast on Thursday, June 2, 2016. For more information, please see the Special Meeting Notice.

Shoreline company builds a ramp for three-year-old Mountlake Terrace toddler

Elsa's family couldn't lift her power chair over the steps
Photo courtesy Irons Brothers

Ramp captain Joseph Irons, President of Irons Brothers Construction in Shoreline and this year’s Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBA) President, and his team of staff and volunteers, designed and constructed a free wheelchair access ramp for Elsa Wall of Mountlake Terrace during the annual Rampathon event on May 21.

Elsa, who is 3, has been diagnosed with spastic Cerebral Palsy quadriplegia. She has an electric power chair, but up until now, has only used it on rare occasions as her parents have to lift the very heavy equipment over the doorway and stairs.

Elsa’s father, Rich Wall, a fellow MBA member, lacked financial resources due the financial strain of Elsa’s medical expenses and therapy. Therefore, to fund the ramp, the MBA’s Rampathon program and its sponsors volunteered their time and materials to build the new home’s walkway and wheel chair access.''

Elsa puts her hand prints in the drying concrete.
Photo courtesy Irons Brothers

Elsa requires full-time care and this is performed by her mother, Bevan, who stays at home with her, while father Rich is the operations manager for a painting company. Elsa loves to listen to music and watch sports with her family. She also can be found smiling when her Grandmother, Janice dances for her!

“Elsa is getting heavier to carry in and out of the house from the car as she’s getting older, “says Bevan. With the new concrete accessible wheel-chair ramp, the family and Elsa are looking forward to an improved way of life.

This year’s Rampathon project, built of easy to maintain and eye-pleasing concrete, is one small way that these local builders and volunteers from Irons Brothers Construction have helped this family to improve their daily lives. 

Volunteer team from Irons Brothers
Photo courtesy Irons Brothers

The dozen volunteers, included Irons Brothers Construction staff, colleagues, friends, family, along with the owners of Foundations, Etc. and Greenworks Concrete.

This year marks the 23rd year of Rampathon – providing over 350-wheelchair access ramps, totaling more than 1.7 million dollars of in-kind contributions since 1993. This year, Irons Brothers Construction, based in Shoreline, participated in its 12th year with Rampathon. Thanks to the Master Builders Association and the generous donors, the ramp was built at no cost to the recipient.

Irons Brothers Construction is celebrating 17 years of business in 2016 has a Design + Build Center showroom located at 1510 NE 170th St, Shoreline 98155.

Toddlers falling out of windows - Shoreline Fire wants to prevent this summer tragedy

Window Guards prevent windows from opening more than 4 inches

One of the saddest stories of summer is that of toddlers falling out of windows. In the summer heat, people open windows for ventilation. The screens seem secure - until a young child leans, falls, or bumps into them.

From The Seattle Times
Four young children have been treated at Harborview Medical Center in the past month (May) after falling from windows, prompting health officials to warn parents about the under-recognized danger. 
“The most common scenario we see here is a kid who is being what most parents would consider well-supervised,” said Dr. Brian Johnston, chief of pediatrics at Harborview in Seattle. “They lean against a window screen, the screen pops out — and they fall after it.” 
Last year, 14 children were treated at Harborview alone after window falls, officials said. More than 330 children in Washington were hospitalized after such incidents between 2011 and 2013, according to the state Trauma Registry.

The Shoreline Fire department wants to make sure that doesn't happen here. They are trying to raise awareness about the danger of open windows around small children.

Shoreline Fire is giving out these kit

Beyond that, they are giving out Window Guards. These simple devices prevent a window from being opened more than four inches, providing ventilation and child safety.

Just drop by the department headquarters at 175th and Aurora during business hours. (enter parking lot from southbound Aurora).

Sponsored by Safe Kids Washington and the Regional Trauma Council. More information available here

Bad landing: crash on Aurora Sunday

Crash on Aurora Sunday
Photo by DVT

Thanks to Secret Shoreline for these photos of a very bad landing on Aurora Sunday afternoon. The vehicle was headed northbound on Aurora and managed to jump the curb, to be stopped by what appears to be one of the light poles. 

Photo by DVT

No word on cause or driver injuries.

Cowboy Poetry, Story and Songs with Briarcrest neighbors on Friday

Sharon Glenn and George Thomsen - Northfork
Performing Friday at Shorecrest

Hey Neighbors! The Briarcrest Neighborhood Association, in partnership with Northwest Heritage Resources, is pleased to invite you to a performance of Cowboy Poetry, Story and Songs this Friday, June 3, 2016 beginning at 7:00pm.

This family-friendly evening will take place in the Shorecrest High School library, 15343 25th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155. Join us for entertainment, snacks and neighborly socializing!

Award-winning cowboy-poet Sharon “Silver” Glenn and her cowboy-musician husband George Thomsen are the real deal, having grown up in Eastern Washington surrounded by horses and livestock.

Sharon and George have lived the cowboy life for many years, working for local cattle and sheep outfits and training horses. Together they perform as the musical duo Northfork, singing traditional cowboy songs of the rural west as well as their own original music.

Sharon and George will be joined by Glenn Bair, who grew up cattle ranching and farming in Ephrata. Glenn will share his poetry and songs based on true stories from the cowboy and ranching life he has lived.

All three of our guests are seasoned performers, having entertained at the well-known Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nevada, Cowboy Poets of Idaho, the Columbia River Cowboy Gathering in Kennewick, Spirit of the West in Ellensburg, and the Northwest Folklife Festival.

Admission is a suggested donation of $5.00 for guests 18 and over, collected at the event.

Space is limited, so reservations are recommended. For reservations or more information call 206-306-1181 or email. This event is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, 4Culture, and Northwest Heritage Resources.

--Jean Hilde

Mark your calendar for the Shoreline Farmers Market on June 11

2015 Market
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

Season 5 of the Shoreline Farmers Market in style kicks off on Saturday, June 11 at Aurora Square 15300 Westminster Way N from 10am to 3pm.

All of your favorite farmers, artisans, food trucks, chef demos, music, games and prizes and fun for the whole family!

Choir of the Sound sings rock n roll


Choir of the Sound will rock you as we pay tribute to the music that changed America. Songs by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Queen, U2, and The Rolling Stones will headline this epic rock-fest!

Concerts are at Shorecrest Performing Arts Center, 15343 – 25th Ave NE, on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 3pm and 7pm and Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 3pm.

Tickets are available at the door.
General $20, children $10, Seniors and Young Adults (under 30) $18.

Find out more information here and hear some of their previous performances.

Shorecrest girls track wins 2A State title - Wurrie Njadoe is State Champ in 3 events

Shorecrest girls track State 2A Champions
Photo courtesy Shoreline Schools

The Shorecrest girls track team won their second consecutive 2A State Championship at Mt. Tahoma HS last week. The Scots (60 points) outscored Burlington-Edison (55) and Olympic (47).

Senior Wurrie Njadoe accounted for fully half the team's points this year by repeating as State Champion in the 100 and 200 Meter Dash as well as the Long Jump, while eight of her teammates pitched in for the remaining 30 points.

Sophomore Sydney Brandt took 3rd in the triple jump and ran in the 4x100 relay that took second place.

Freshman Lillian Visser was 6th in the 3200.

Freshman Lauren Block finished 8th in the 800 and was in the 4x400 meter relay that took eighth.

Wurrie's sister Ami Njadoe, a sophomore, took 7th in the 300 meter hurdles, as well as running in the 4x100, the 4x200 (3rd place), and the 4x400 relays.

Sophomore Ronna Iverson wound up 6th in the 400, as well as running a leg on the 4x100 and the 4x400.

Senior Sophia Viviano, a Gonzaga-bound soccer player, also ran in the 4x100 and the 4x200, and freshman Amanda Kagarabi was on the 4x100 team that racked up 8 points by finishing second.

Freshman Isabella Berntsen also ran a leg on the 4x400 that finished 8th.

Scots Head Coach Brandon Christensen, understandably proud of his athletes, said "When you win a state title, it's fantastic for the program. So many girls scored points and they all did great jobs, competing against the people they needed to compete against in their events to score points for us.”

He had plenty of praise for his coaching staff (Juli Van Pelt, jumps; Brad Upton, hurdles; Sheri Goodwin and Mike Osborne, distance runners; Paul Cole, pole vault; and Jacob Fraser, throws).

"We've got the best coaching staff in the state. I'd rival them with anybody. They're all dedicated and it shows in the way the kids appreciate and respond to them.”

Wurrie Njadoe poses with Frank Workman
at the 2A District meet

But the star of the show for the second consecutive year was the senior Njadoe.

Wurrie won four individual state championships last year (LJ, HJ, 100, and 200, to go along with the SC girls basketball team championship this year).

First girl to jump 20 feet at State - Wurrie Njadoe
Photo by Juli Van Pelt

Her three individual championships this year were capped off by a record-setting long jump of 20'00.25".

It was the first time a girl had ever jumped 20' at State.

A slight tail-wind will keep her from going into the record book, but as the song says "They can't take that away from me".

For a glimpse of what a twenty-foot-plus jump looks like, click here.

--Frank Workman

Memorial Day 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Tickets available now for the 2016 Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour

Begonia in Basket
Photo courtesy LFP Garden Tour

At the same price for 14 years, pre-sale tickets to the always engaging Lake Forest Park Garden Tour are just $12. You can purchase these pre-sale tickets for the June 18, 2016 event now online 

Tickets are also available at:

On the day of the tour you exchange your pre-ticket at the LFP Town Center for a map of the six gardens. Visitors on this self-guided tour can stop at the gardens in any order during open hours, 10am to 4pm.

This year the tour features a heritage garden, a Japanese garden with ponds, hillside gardens with spectacular views of Lake Washington and several certified wildlife habitat gardens.

Each location is unique and shows off the plants and landscape in ways that will inspire. Master Gardeners will be on hand in some gardens to answer questions and all gardens will have artists and musicians to enhance your visit.

Be sure to mark your calendar and get your tickets early. This is one spring event you won’t want to miss!
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