Proposed changes to 145th to be revealed at Open House
Saturday, February 13, 2016
A design concept for 145th from the 9-30-2015 open house
145th, from the freeway to Bothell Way, will be a major traffic corridor for the new Sound Transit station planned for 145th.
It is one of only two major routes from Lake Forest Park to I-5. Right now it is a narrow, two-lane road bordering a residential area. Shopping areas make for challenging intersections at 15th NE and at Bothell Way.
As the dividing line between Shoreline and Seattle, the ownership of the road is a complexity of shared space.
It is high-traffic, accident-prone, and lacking in safe and accessible sidewalks.
Shoreline transportation planners have been working on changes to the road for a year and have held two previous open houses to share their work.
The third and final open house for the 145th Street Multimodal Corridor Study will be on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 6 - 8pm (presentation at 6:30pm) at Shorecrest High School, 15343 25th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.
At this time, a draft preferred concept for the corridor will be presented and the project team would like to hear your comments.
Additional information can be found here
If there are questions about this study, the project manager is Kurt Seemann 206-801-2483.
So is anyone thinking bike lanes...maybe next to the sidewalk away from the driving lanes....or are you going to tear up the road and add those later. We also need to get east and west, not just north and south
Bike traffic is part of the planning. In Concept 4 they would share a wide sidewalk with pedestrians. In another concept there was an elaborate system of bike routes in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Why in the world would they put bike lanes on a state highway? That would be like putting them on Aurora or Lake City Way/522. Even if they're separated, it would still be unsafe and seldom used. Put the bike routes on the residential streets. Take a cue from Greenwood and do like they did on Fremont.
Bike lanes that no one will use...who the hell is dumb enough to ride a bike along 145th?
I mean, screw the hundreds of homeowners that will lose their homes for the bike lanes that nobody will I right?
In the design concept slide above, the bike "lanes" are already integrated into the sidewalks, away from traffic. The sidewalks would be 14' wide, as opposed to the standard 5' to accommodate a shared bike/ped use. A similar set up can be seen on the 19th slide in this PowerPoint "Buffered bike lane with sidewalk"
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