Reception Thursday for Garden Essentia featured artist Andrea Loewen

Monday, February 29, 2016

Meet March Featured Artist: Meet and Greet Andrea Loewen (Photography)

Thursday, March 3  - 5:00 - 8:00pm (open house)
Garden Essentia
20152 Ballinger Way NE, Shoreline 98155
Phone 206-453-3920

We are excited to have Andrea Loewen share her amazing photography with us this month.
Her art will be up throughout March.

'Beauty and Oddities: Miscellany from the Vaults'
Photography by Andrea Loewen

Andrea is a long-time Seattle native, now living in Edmonds, who developed her sensibility and eye for beauty over many years traveling widely, imbibing various cultures and subcultures and devouring all things art, film, music, fashion, architecture and as many provocative ideas as she could get her hands on, often with an undercurrent of mysticism and the esoteric. She brings these elements and influences to her work as a nature photographer, continually developing and refining her visual language with a particular interest in the deep structure of nature from which it all emerges.


Solitary expeditions; raw, wild nature; a receptive spirit: the recipe for magic.

Visual components compete for our attention daily. Line. Form. Shape. Combinations of elements. Photography, for me, is a way of capturing those exquisite moments when the light is just right - when colors and shadows are enhanced, and objects or scenes once dull and lifeless become enchanted inroads to another world.

I believe that nature's anatomy triggers something deep in the psyche that yearns for an antidote to the stresses of our modern world. My work is an ongoing dialogue with and investigation of this process. And my hope is that each piece may offer some unconscious insight, or reveal some question as yet unasked.

Meridian Park PTSA and Dandylyon Drama present "Out of the Woods" Friday & Saturday

The Meridian Park Elementary PTSA Drama Club and Dandylyon Drama present a student musical Out of the Woods, this Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5, both at 7pm at the Shorewood High School Performing Arts Center, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

The public is encouraged to attend. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students and are available at the door.

SCC Theater presents "Live! From the Last Night of My Life"

Shoreline Community College Theater Department is proud to present Seattle based Wayne Rawley's "Live! From the Last Night of My Life", opening Thursday at the campus theater.

Doug Sample is a man who has decided his experiment with life has, for all intents and purposes, failed. He has achieved nothing, accomplished nothing, and has nothing except his graveyard shift at a local gas station and Mini-Mart. 
He has decided that the best thing for everyone would be if he shot himself in the head, and he is planning to do it right in front of the Mini-Mart's security cameras at the end of this, his last shift. 
But before the night is over, Doug will be visited by his past, his present, his possible futures and some particularly annoying customers as he struggles with some of life's most challenging questions like, "Why should I go on?", "What does it all mean?", and perhaps most importantly, "Did I remember to change the cherry syrup in the Slushie Machine?"

Written by Wayne Rawley and Directed by Debra Pralle


March 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12  at 7:30pm

Shoreline Community College Theater, 16101 Greenwood Ave N
SCC Campus Theatre, Bldg. 1600, Shoreline 98133 (campus maps)

Ticket Information:
  • General Admission - $12
  • Seniors, Non-SCC Students - $10
  • SCC Students - $8
Not appropriate for children under 15

Sell out crowd for Third Place Commons Breakfast

2016 Commons Breakfast
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Last week Third Place Commons held its annual fundraising breakfast with more than 240 people in attendance. Allen Schauffler brought his usual charm to the job of Master of Ceremonies and Mayor Jeff Johnson shared some of his visions for the city.

This year the Commons’ Community Partner Award honored the Church of the Redeemer for its generous contributions to the Market Bucks program over the past five years. (see previous article)

LFP resident Allen Schauffler
was the Master of Ceremonies
Photo by Jerry Pickard

After a wonderful breakfast of Honey Bear bacon, eggs and scones and a tasty chocolate from the Chocolate Man served up by the Interact Club and the Youth Council students, Schauffler led a short but lively auction.

Many thanks to all of you who came to the event, donated to the Commons and to all of the friends and supporters of this amazing community asset. 

Mayor Jeff Johnson shared his vision for the city
Photo by Jerry Pickard

The annual breakfast raises about a third of the annual budget of the Commons. These funds help support the staff who organize events, provide sound and tech support and manage the Commons.

Auctioneer Chuck Paulson presents the annual Community Partner award
to The Rev. Fr. Jed Fox for the Church of the Redeemer's
participation in the Market Buck program
Photo by Jerry Pickard
As you can see below the Commons is hopping. Here is a sampling of what is coming up just in the next week.
  • Monday: Mah Jongg 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Tuesday: French Conversation, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday: Third Place Commons Game Night 6:00pm - 10:00pm
  • Thursday: Kaleidoscope Play and Learn 10:30am - 12:00pm Join other parents, grandparents, and caregivers with children ages birth to 5 in front of the stage for art, games, and conversation, sponsored and led by the Shoreline Family Support Center.
  • Thursday: Spanish Conversation 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  • Friday: Kellogg Middle School One Love Festival with special guest, Blues Artist Chic Streetman. 7:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Saturday, March 5, 2016, In the Commons
    • T’ai Chi 8:30-9:30am Stadler Room
    • Clay Day in the Commons 9:00am - 5:00pm
    • Commons Art-In 10:00am - 4:00pm
    • LFP for Peace 10:00am - 11:00am
    • Keiki Hula 2:00pm - 3:00pm On the stage, Hula and Polynesian dance featuring the youth of Hula o Lehualani
    • Gin Creek "Blues/Roots" Live Music brought to you by Third Place Commons 7:30pm - 9:30pm
  • Sunday, March 7
    • Sunday Morning Wordplay 11:00am - 1:30pm All kinds of word games, from Prolix and Wordsters to Fictionary and Word on the Street. Come and enjoy wordplay with other logophiles!
    • Turkish Conversation 1:30pm - 3:00pm

For more information on events check out our calendar at Third Place Commons calendar  -- and do come join the fun!

How to get health insurance if you missed open enrollment

From the office of the Insurance Commissioner

If you missed open enrollment and didn't sign up for health insurance by Jan. 31, 2016, you may have to wait until next year's open enrollment period, unless you have a life event that makes you eligible for a special enrollment or you qualify for Apple Health (Medicaid).

Such events include, but are not limited to:

  • Losing health insurance, including an employer plan or individual health plan 
  • Losing Apple Health (Medicaid) because you no longer qualify 
  • Giving birth to or adopting a child 
  • Permanently moving to a new area where your current plan doesn't provide coverage 
  • Your employer not paying your COBRA premiums on time 
  • Your COBRA coverage ending or reaching the lifetime limit 
  • Your dependent turning age 26 and losing their coverage on your employer plan 
  • Getting married or entering into a domestic partnership 
  • Getting divorced or ending a domestic partnership 
  • Cancelling your Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP) coverage 
  • Your health plan no longer being offered for sale in Washington state 
  • Most special enrollment periods are limited to 60 days from the qualifying event. 

Keep in mind that you do won't qualify for special enrollment if you voluntarily cancel your health insurance or if your insurer cancels you because you didn't pay your premium.

Next year's open enrollment for individual and family coverage starts Nov. 1, 2016.

On the Mayor's Mind: Leadership qualities and tonight's meeting

Shoreline Mayor Chris Roberts
By Shoreline Mayor Chris Roberts

This week I had the pleasure of visiting with the Shorewood High School Leadership class. The students asked me questions about the most important leadership qualities working in politics.

The most important leadership quality to me in an elected official is the ability to listen with an open heart and to be respectful. What I like about our Council is that the seven of us remain open to new ideas to make the best decisions for everyone in our community. I also recognize that we do not always get things right for everyone.

This Monday we will discuss how the City’s Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) affects new businesses. In July 2014, the Council adopted a TIF to help improve the level of service for Shoreline’s streets. We recognized that all developments have a shared responsibility to provide  transportation facilities that support the growth associated with the project. Before the adoption of the TIF, the only developments that were required to pay for their growth were those developments that caused traffic to “break” an intersection.

Since adoption of the TIF, the Council has made multiple changes to the program. In August 2015, the Council adopted several amendments to the program to encourage the development of low-income housing and to provide credit for businesses who enter vacant storefronts. In the 2016 budget, the Council reduced the increase in the fee after we learned that the TIF would increase from 2014 to 2015 by 34.98%. Earlier this year the Council determined that business growth and vitality was in the public interest and directed the staff develop an ordinance to provide an exemption or partial exemption to new businesses.

I continue to learn from the community and learn from my colleagues on the Council. Sometimes we disagree, but we know that we are going to continue to work collaboratively to benefit the entire City.

Food truck summer hours start this week

Off the Rez
smoked pork sandwich w/spicy honey mustard

Ridgecrest Public House Week Food Truck Schedule
February 29 to March 7, 2016
5 - 9pm

The Ridgecrest Public House at 5th NE and NE 165th sponsors food trucks outside their business every day of the week.

Those over 21 are welcome to bring their food inside the Pub to eat.

Spring hours are now in effect - 5 to 9pm.
When the weather gets reliably better, outdoor seating will be available.

Schedule for the week:

Monday Feb 29th: El Cabrito
Mexican food.

Tuesday March 1st: Bread and Circuses
Sandwiches: burger, roast pork, salmon reuben, chicken, tofu taco, and fried Brussel sprout caesar.

Wednesday March 2nd: Napkin Friends
Soups, sandwiches, salads

Thursday March 3rd: The Peach and The Pig
Pulled pork, grilled chicken, or mushroom sandwiches, meatballs and mushrooms, prawn salad, beer.

Friday March 4th: Streetzeria
Italian food, salads, salads on flatbread, 11 different pizzas.

Saturday March 5th: Off the Rez
Tacos (pulled pork indian, beef chili indian, chicken chili verde), Quinoa Succotash. Indian as in Native American.

Sunday March 6th: Charlies Buns 'N Stuff
Burgers from local, 100% pasture-raised beef, free of growth hormones, antibiotics, and animal by-products. Cheesesteaks in steak and chicken on a fresh baked (daily) hoagie roll.

Monday March 7th: Crisp Creperie
Savory crepes, sweet crepes, handmade milkshakes, real fruit smoothies.

Photo: Windy day brings out the kite boarders

Kite Boarder
Photo copyright Marc Weinberg

It was a great day on the water for kite boarders at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park.

Plant Amnesty Prune-a-thon at Sky Nursery Saturday

2015 Prune-a-thon
Photo courtesy Plant Amnesty

Saturday March 5, 2016 at Sky Nursery, 18528 Aurora Ave N, Seattle 98133, Plant Amnesty will be holding its annual Prune-a-thon, 9am to 4pm

Cost: FREE!

Would you like to get some guidance on how to prune your own trees and shrubs without fear? Come see us at Sky Nursery on Saturday, March 5, when we put on our sixth annual Prune-a-thon. The Plant Amnesty experts will offer free pruning classes on topics like Japanese maples, fruit tree, hydrangeas, and more!

Need some ideas to help you create your dream garden with a free consultation? Just bring along a photo of an area in your yard you would like to rework and our professional garden designers will give your practical suggestions to suit your location and garden style.

Don’t miss the PlantAmnesty booth where we highlight shearing horrors (like poodled shrubs) and provide handouts so you can avoid the embarrassment of these unsightly faux pas, along with great information on perfect pruning practices. We will be joined by some of our horticultural sisters, like the Master Gardeners, Seattle Tilth, and the Seattle Fruit Tree Society.

New this year: Stump the Experts! Bring your really tough pruning questions to the All Knowing answer booth.

Experts, including PlantAmnesty’s founder, Cass Turnbull, will have the answers to your questions. (If we don’t have the answer, we’ll make one up.)

Come to learn and stay to buy—a portion of Sky’s sales for the day will be donated to Plant Amnesty to support their educational programs.

If you are available and inclined to help us put on the best Prune-a-thon ever, we need people for set up and take down, boothers, greeters, and more! Contact Pandora Touart at 206-783-9813, x3.

Updated 02-29-2016

Mexico's Consul General will speak at SCC Thursday evening - open to public

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Cathedral in Mexico City

Mexico’s Development and Priorities

Eduardo Baca Cuenca
Consul General of Mexico, Seattle

Shoreline Community College
Thursday, March 3, 2016
7:00 - 8:30 pm

The Global Affairs Center at Shoreline Community College will present a FREE program this Thursday, featuring Eduardo Baca Cuenca, Mexico’s current Consul General in Seattle. Sr. Baca Cuenca will be discussing Mexico’s international priorities and its relations with the United States.

Mexico shares a 2,000-mile border with the U.S. and bilateral relations between the two have a direct impact on the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in both countries. The level of bilateral cooperation on various issues is unprecedented. However, Mexico often has a distinct response, especially regarding relations with other countries in Latin America and with developing countries in general.

Consul General Eduardo Baca Cuenca
will speak at Shoreline Community College

Previous to coming to Seattle, Sr. Baca Cuenca was Deputy Assistant Secretary for North American Affairs in Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City.

The program starts at 7:00pm, and is open to the public. Parking on campus in the evening is FREE. 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Trader Joe's - before and after photos

Parking lot before store opening

Kirstie Cameron sent in these before and after photos of the Trader Joe's parking lot and store interior. Quite a contrast.

Parking lot opening day

Store interior during build out
Store interior opening day

Remember when we were all worrying that the site would sit vacant for years, as it had in the past? Now I expect we'll be talking about lack of parking and dangerous driving getting in and out of the site.

Mud Bay will open soon and the Everett Clinic will be starting build out. These businesses will be a vibrant addition to our Town Center.

--Diane Hettrick

My Leap Day birthday

By Michael Henderson, Shoreline

It’s the 29th of February, the most unique of all days. Those of us born on the 29th get to celebrate our “real birthday” for the first time in four years.

Many people have asked me what it’s like being born on February 29th. In short, it’s great! In my opinion, it's really the best of all birthdays. Why? Because it’s unique. You don’t meet a lot of other people with a leap day birthday.

I have only met two other people face to face who share my birthday. One was the young daughter of friends - long since moved out of the area. The other was a fellow who worked for the same company I did 20 years ago when I was turning 40. A little fanfare was being made about my birthday and we found each other, Comparing notes, we discovered we were both born in 1956 at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle. So we shared the hospital nursery at the same time. It was pretty bizarre coming back together 40 years later.

In spite of my personal experience, the birthday really should not be that rare. There are 365 days in non-leap years, and 366 in leap year, so that makes a total of 1,461 days in the four year cycle. So your chances of being born on Leap Day are 1 out of 1,461. Of the approximate 55,000 people who live in Shoreline, there should be about 38 people with Leap Year birthdays.

With the advent of social media, community pages have been created for people with Leap Year Birthdays. There are at least three that I know of with a total of 2,232 members. With Facebook’s 1.6 billion active monthly users, there should be just over one million Leap Year Birthdays among Facebook users. So we appear to be way under-represented.

Those of us with this unique birthday almost universally like it. An expectant mother with a February 29th due date recently polled a Facebook group of Leapers about whether they liked their birthdate, and especially if it was difficult for them as a child. 65 people responded that they were either very enthusiastic or loved the birthday. Only one said she hated it, and one said it could be difficult as a child. That was not my experience at all.

So if you are lucky enough to know a leaper, wish them an especially hearty Happy Birthday today. You won’t have to do it again until 2020.

Crime in Shoreline - week ending 2-22-2016

Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter, week ending February 22

2-11  Residential burglary 185xx Ashworth. Forced open rear kitchen door and used victim's wheeled suitcase to load up jewelry, men's clothing, and shoes.
2-16  Residential burglary. Door of empty home kicked open. 21xx N 155th.
2-16  Unknown vehicle knocked down a set of locking mailboxes at 174xx 10th NE.
2-16  Residential burglary. Unknown method of entry. 8xx NW 165th.
2-17  Level 3 sex offender registered address at 197xx 21st NW.
2-17  Elderly Ethiopian woman who speaks only Amharic was lost in Shoreline. Reported missing from Lynnwood. She was returned to her family.
2-18  Unknown suspect used green Silly String to draw penis and testicles on victim's car.
2-18  Unknown female shoplifted a vibrator from Lovers Package and escaped on foot.
2-18  Five juveniles loaded three hand baskets and two backpacks with alcohol at Safeway and left without paying. Approximate value $1500.
2-19  Attempted residential burglary at 12xx N 173rd. Glass of front door broken with rock.
2-20  Window broken at Richmond Beach Library.
2-21  15 year old was driving his dad's car without permission and his 16 year old passenger had marijuana. Passenger was booked on three warrants. Car released to dad. Driver released to mom.

Shorecrest Girls are going to State, too

#40 Uju Chibuogwu at Hoopapalooza in January
Photo by Geoff Vlcek

By Frank Workman

You'll be forgiven for thinking the Shorecrest girls basketball team listened to an endless loop of 'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better' on their bus ride Saturday afternoon, on their way to their Regional game in Puyallup to face Franklin Pierce.

After the boys' team qualified for the 2A State Tournament the night before by eking out a close overtime win against Steilacoom, the girls matched the boys' feat (and then some) by swamping the Cardinals 59-24.

After trailing 5-2 early, the Scots went on an amazing 30-2 run, taking a 34-9 lead into the half. In the second half, the Scots' lead reached 40 points, automatically kicking in the WIAA's running-clock rule.

Senior Uju Chibuogwu scored 14 points, with 10 assists and 15 rebounds to lead the way. Jazlyn Owens scored 12 points, and Sheridan Stephenson, playing her best game of the year, added ten, as well as providing outstanding defense against FP's top scorer, Alexius Foster, holding her to only 6 points.

Shorecrest                          14    20    21    4 —59

Franklin Pierce                   5      4       8    7 —24

The WIAA conducted a drawing Sunday afternoon to determine the match-ups for the 2A State Tournament that starts Thursday morning in Yakima, and the girls won't have a lot of time Thursday to stew about the game as they kick off the festivities with the early game, 9am, against Washougal.

The boys open Thursday night against River Ridge. Game time is 7:15pm.

Reminder: Upcoming meeting at Fircrest to open the Rec Center

Activity building at Fircrest

We will be having a meeting at the Fircrest Recreation Building regarding how to achieve the opening of the facilities at the Recreation Building to the public.

These include the extensive pools, the meeting rooms, the gym and stage, and the kitchen activity room. For too long this remarkable asset has been closed, we hope to organize a movement of those interested in opening this resource to the community.

Thursday, March 3, from 7-8:30pm at the Fircrest RHC Activities (Recreation) Building, 15230 15th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Directions: Enter Fircrest campus where 155th street intersects 15th Ave NE, turn left and then right, the building is on top of the small hill. There is parking in front.

Euphonium player from "The President's Own" joins Shoreline Concert Band Mar 8

Gunnery Sgt. Ryan McGeorge
will play with Shoreline Concert Band
The Shoreline Concert Band directed by Ken Noreen presents a very special concert on Tuesday March 8 at the Shorewood High School Performing Arts Center at 7:30pm.

The special guest performer will be Gunnery Sgt. Ryan McGeorge from “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band in Washington D.C. He will also perform solos with the two guest groups, Einstein Middle School Band and the Shorewood High School Wind Ensemble.

Euphonium player Gunnery Sergeant McGeorge joined “The President’s Own” in May 2004. He began his musical instruction at age 8. Upon graduating from Grossmont High School in El Cajon, CA, he attended and graduated from the University of North Texas in Denton.

His appearance here is made possible through a grant from the Shoreline/LFP Arts Council. That organization has enabled the Shoreline Concert Band to have an annual visit by an outstanding soloist like Sgt. McGeorge for the past 18 years.

This concert also features our national known composer in residence, Richard Brown, conducting his own work “Fanfare for a Fallen Soldier.” Mr. Brown is a member of the band’s French Horn section and is a retired music educator.

The theme of the concert “Musically American” will be demonstrated by the band playing “American Salute”, a selection featuring the “Blues” and ending with the most American piece possible, “Stars and Stripes Forever.”

No admission is charged for this very special concert, but donations will be accepted at the door for the band’s scholarship fund that helps fund participation for students in the band.

In The Garden Now ... Zig Zag Contorted Camellia ... Dragon in the Clouds Camellia

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Camillia Unryu closeup

Text and photos by Victoria Gilleland

If you like something a little different you might like growing this special camellia in a container or a garden bed. Camellia ‘Unryu’ originated in Japan and its Japanese name means “Dragon in the Clouds” suggesting the twisting of a dragon as it climbs to the sky. I love the name and the distinctive growth pattern of this small shrub!

This is an unusual camellia variety because the plant has such a twisted or contorted growth pattern. Branches make a zig zag pattern of crisscrossing branches from top to bottom. This is an upright small to medium size camellia growing to a linear 6 feet tall. Many camellia varieties are notorious for becoming great hulking masses that are not very attractive for much of the year. Because of its smaller size and unusual branching pattern this plant can become a focal point in the garden rather than a problem plant.

A Dragon in the Clouds

I really do like red flowers and there are quite a few red camellias out there. In fact you might have read the article about the Yuletide Camellia that I wrote in December. This one is a little different…. with nodding rose red flowers, a contorted shape and a later bloom time.

I’ve been growing my Zig Zag Camellia in a container perched on a stump in a shady garden area for about five years now. The plant is about four feet tall and has some side branches to four feet wide but still has a very open growth pattern.

It took several years for my plant to get settled. The first three or four years it just sort of sat there looking okay but not wonderful. A few flowers were produced each year, but nothing spectacular. Last year only two flowers opened. The buds were hit by an early frost the previous fall and were lost or damaged. This year there are 15 open flowers on my plant at this time with at least 15 more to come. This makes me happy!

Zig Zag Camillia
This single shrub planted in a pot near your front door could brighten your world year round. Even when it’s not sporting its striking bell shaped red flowers, the deep green leaves and the distinctive silhouette are eye catching. How about a “Climbing Dragon” for your garden?

(Botanical Name: Camellia japonica ‘Unryu’ )

Victoria Gilleland is the owner of Cottage Garden Designs, a Garden Design company specializing in Redesign of Residential Gardens, Garden Consultation and Coaching. She has been designing gardens in the northwest for over 20 years.

Documentary film about raising boys showing at Shoreline Center Mar 6

The Shoreline Community is invited to a screening of the award-winning documentary “The Mask You Live In,” a film about how we raise boys.

Sunday, March 6, 5:00pm at the Shoreline Center Auditorium, 18560 1st Avenue NE, Shoreline (north end of Shoreline Center). This event is sponsored by Shorewood High School PTSA, Shorecrest High School PTSA, and the Women’s Funding Alliance.

On site childcare ($15 first child, $10 subsequent) by YMCA is available; please reserve through Brown Paper Tickets by March 1st so that we can make arrangements.

Stacks Burgers will start serving from their food truck in the north parking lot at 4:00pm. Screening of the 90-minute film will begin in the auditorium at 5:00pm, followed by a 30-minute panel discussion.

The film is recommended for adults and teens 14 and up. For information about content, see Common Sense Media.

Tickets $7 online or at the door (exact change would help us greatly!).

High school students will be admitted free with school ID.

View the trailer

Shoreline restaurants are favorites of Seattle chef

According to a story that ran on King5, when Chef Eric Tanaka - partner of the better known chef Tom Douglas - takes his family out to eat, two of his three favorite restaurants are in Shoreline.

Here's the story

King County Library director at Library Board meeting Thursday

King County Library System Director Gary Wasdin will be the guest at the Shoreline Library Board Meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2016 6:30-8:00pm at the Richmond Beach Library, 19601 21st Ave NW, Shoreline 98177.

Link to Agenda

Comment on Agenda items

Shoreline City Council Monday - light rail facility design and Ronald Wastewater assumption

Shoreline City Council Meeting
Monday, February 29, 2016 – Regular Meeting 7:00pm

Agenda Highlights - Link to full Agenda

  • Adoption of Res. No. 381 Amending the Council Rules of Procedure
  • Adoption of the Ronald Wastewater District Assumption Transition Plan
  • Discussion and Adoption of Guiding Principles for Light Rail Facility Design
  • Discussion of Ord. No. 739 – Development Code Amendments
  • Discussion of Ord. No. 717 – Transportation Impact Fee Amendment for Certain Businesses

Comment on Agenda items

Shoreline Planning Commission - 145th Street Corridor Study - Thursday

Shoreline Planning Commission, Thursday, March 3, 2016, 7pm, Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

New commission member Susan Chang will be sworn in.

The entire agenda is devoted to study of the staff report for the 145th Street Corridor.

The next meeting, on March 17, will be a discussion of zoning scenarios analyzed in DEIS (draft environmental impact statement) for 145th Street Station Subarea Planning and the Staff Report.

Link to full Agenda

Link to full Packet

Comment on Agenda items

Clean out your closet or donate money for a yearbook to help Shorewood PTSA

Shorewood High School relies upon the support of our community. Currently, there are a few ways that Shoreline residents could help Shorewood students. All items can be dropped off at the Shorewood front office 8:00am - 3:00pm.

Counseling Department: Study Aids and Graduation Gowns
  • Gently used ACT study books no more than five years old
  • Gently used Shorewood caps and gowns (perhaps you have unused ones in your closet?)
  • Metro Passes from Chinook Books
PTSA: Buy a Yearbook
  • Donate a yearbook for an outgoing senior who cannot afford one.
Even though Shorewood is a public school, families are responsible for ASB, class, and athletics fees, and seniors have additional obligations like graduation gear and application fees. Please consider purchasing a yearbook for a senior or going in with a friend to cover the cost. The keepsakes cost $70 each; your donations are tax-deductible.
Donate in either of two ways:
  1. Online via the Shorewood PTSA website
  2. Send a check for $70 or another amount to Shorewood PTSA, 17300 Fremont Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133. Note "yearbook donation" on the check. 
Theater Department: Clothing for Costumes

The Shorewood Drama Department needs your clean, quality cast-offs! We are planning for our April production of Grease and boosting our costume inventory. Please leave at the front office, to the attention of Zachary Gill.

Through mid-March, we’ll take:
  • girls and women’s old formal dresses 
  • Keds™ and Converse™-style tennis shoes
  • leggings of all sizes and colors 
  • men’s suits, 40R and smaller
  • pants and jeans, waist 30-35”
  • dress shirts, 15x33 and smaller or sizes small and medium 
  • men’s dress shoes and belts, all sizes

The Shorewood PTSA, on behalf of the Shorewood community, thanks you for your support of our high school students. If you have questions, please email

Shorecrest stuns Steilacoom in OT - surges to State

Steven Lin (40) and Omar Camara celebrate with their teammates after SC's OT win
Photo by Geoff Vlcek

For the second week in a row, the Shorecrest boys' basketball team overcame a horrid first half to charge from behind in the second half to overtake a scrappy squad from Steilacoom Friday night, 66-57 in overtime, to advance to next week's 2A State Championship tournament in Yakima.

Trailing 34-24 at the half, Scots' Coach Brian Fischer pleaded with his team "to quit thinking so much and just play ball like we know how".

As big a hole as the Scots dug themselves in the first half, it would have been substantially worse had it not been for the long-range shooting accuracy of junior Daggy Menelik, who hit all three of his 3-point attempts in the second quarter. Later in the game, it was Menelik whose 3-pointer with :30 to play in the game finally brought the game back to even for the Scots.

The Sentinels had a chance to win the game in regulation, but Philip Pepple had his eighth blocked shot as time expired.

#10 - Dagi Menelik with one of his 3-pointers that got SC back into the game
Photo by Geoff Vlcek

In the overtime, SC took the lead for good on a free throw from Tobyn Lawson. Then junior Malcolm Rosier-Butler made a lay-in, was fouled, and sank the free throw to extend the Scots' lead to 58-54 with 1:30 to play.

"Coach reminded  us at halftime that we'd come from behind last week (in Districts against Squalicum), and that we could do it again", said an excited Rosier-Butler minutes after the game. 
"We had, I had, too many turnovers in the first half. We wanted to feed the ball to Philip (Pepple) down low. It was a great team win for us". 

Feed Pepple they did, as he had 12 of his 14 points in the second half and overtime, while Rosier-Butler led the Scots with 18.

For Coach Brian Fischer, he felt the relief of a jinx being removed. Seems the site of the game, Mountlake Terrace HS, has been a haunted house for him over the years.

Four years ago his team had a chance to advance to State with a win over Glacier Peak. The Scots led the entire game until 8 seconds remained when GP took a 1 point lead. A shot at the buzzer was off the mark, and that dream of going to State was dashed.

Two years ago his team faced O'Dea with a berth at State on the line. Roaring back from 11 points down with three minutes to play, the Scots had the ball and a 2 point lead with 30 seconds to play, only to have that game slip through their fingers.

"I think I know how the Boston Red Sox felt when they finally won the World Series in 2004 and lifted the Curse of the Bambino".

Steilacoom                 15         19        9      10       4         57
Shorecrest                    7         17       18     11      13        66

On Sunday, the WIAA will announce all the pairings for the State Tournament which begins on Thursday.

--Frank Workman

Meet Karen Nicholson

Karen Nicholson
Photo by Shari Winstead
Meet Karen Nicholson
Echo Lake teacher, volunteer 
and outstanding community member!
By Shari Winstead

Before I met Karen for our interview, I wondered what her story would be. A friend had told me about some of the many great community projects Karen had been involved in, but the question on my mind was, how did she end up in Shoreline?

It wasn't a surprise when Karen told me she had moved to Shoreline for the schools. It’s the same story that many of us share, the common thread of moving to a new community to make sure our kids get the best education possible.

There is something else that many of us in Shoreline seem to share, I’ll call it the “volunteer gene”. Sometimes it is at the school, or at one of the “extra” activities. We see the need, and we step up.

And we learn through that process that these groups (like little league or boy/girl scouts), don’t happen without parents working behind the scenes.

While most everyone with a school-age kid has probably joined the PTA at some point, not everyone turns the PTA experience into a career.

Karen was already working as a preschool teacher when her kids started school. In fact, she was in charge of the children’s programs at her church, Shoreline Covenant, where many Echo Lake kids have started their education.

With a degree in social work, and after many years of volunteering in many various ways in the Echo Lake community, she realized the right place for her professionally was at Echo Lake Elementary. After returning to school and receiving her degree in education, she did her student teaching at Echo Lake - and was then hired as a full time teacher at Echo Lake Elementary.

After interviewing Karen, it was clear that Echo Lake is truly a fortunate school, to have a teacher like Karen. In fact, I found myself wishing my son had been in her class, or even better, that I had a teacher like her in my school years.

As Karen described the different activities her classes were involved in, I begin to see not just the teacher, or the Mom, or even the volunteer, but a woman who has dedicated her life to helping make others’ lives better. In addition to the three R’s, her kids learn skills that will help them to be the kind of adults I want leading my community.  

She embraces diversity and culture in new and different ways. Her kids learn that a person’s skin color is not the only indicator of a different culture. She uses herself as an example - of Swedish descent, her class learned about St. Lucia Day as a part of her heritage. Likewise, the kids have learned about a Bulgarian Christmas celebration, and many other culture’s holidays and traditions.

The fact that her class speaks (at least) seven different languages is an indication of the different cultural experiences that her kids get to share with each other, and the knowledge that these kids will grow up with. It’s the best kind of learning - a true hands-on experience.

And then there is the "Great Kindness Challenge.” Echo Lake Elementary was the first school in the Shoreline School District to embrace the Great Kindness Challenge, which has now been done at many other elementary schools.

And speaking of diversity - you can hear how kindness matters in 21 different languages!  Take a moment to check out this really sweet and inspiring Echo Lake Kindness video.

Hand in hand with the Great Kindness Challenge, is “Kind Coins for Kenya”. After learning about kids in the village of Mikei in Kenya, this fundraiser was chosen to help build a school. It really gives our own children a reason to pause, when they see other kids without desks or books, who walk for hours to get to “school” - which is held somewhere different every year. The Echo Lake kids saw the need - and they responded. This video will warm your heart.

The more I listened to Karen, I realized that she was a “matchmaker” of sorts. She was connected with great organizations, and she was seeing, first hand, great need. Most of her volunteer projects are a beautiful intertwining of the things she loves - her school, her church, the kids, her community.

We’ve all heard the expression that “it takes a village” to raise healthy, happy, successful kids. Hearing Karen talk about the many projects she has been involved in takes this expression to a new level. She has the vision to see how community groups can accomplish more by working together.

When her church was interested in doing a community project, it was a natural fit that they help with the elementary school. And Karen knew exactly what the needs were, because she is on the ground with the kids. She sees the kids who have needs - whether it’s food, clothes or emotional support. She is the perfect person to make the connections to help our kids. Kids that will likely become our neighbors and our leaders.

It is inspiring to see so many of our kids stay in Shoreline and give back to the community where they grew up. because of teachers and role models, like Karen. It’s not unusual to find past students in Karen’s class, dropping by to say hello, but usually volunteering.

While kindness and helping others in a seemingly distant place have been important projects, one of the most powerful projects Karen has been involved in, led by Pastor Erika Haub of Shoreline Covenant Church, is “No Homeless Kids Sleep Out”.

I had noticed the bright orange signs on 185th Street and on Aurora Avenue last September, telling the story of how many homeless kids we have in Shoreline (currently over 350 kids in the Shoreline School District self-report as homeless). And then I saw the tents and cars in the parking lot of the church - women choosing to sleep in a tent or their car, to bring awareness to homeless kids.

While most people believe the homelessness issue is exclusive to single adults living in Seattle, the need in Shoreline for families is also very significant, especially the need for transitional housing.

This Sleep Out is a fundraiser for Vision House, formerly known as Jacob’s Well, which offers housing for families in crisis. While Vision House consistently has a waiting list, the fundraising done by volunteers and Shoreline Covenant Church makes a difference.

Funds raised in the last couple of years have been used to help build a new wing at Vision House. (See previous article). Raising between $14,000 and $18,000 for a single night of sleeping out takes a huge effort - and is a tremendous response by our generous community.

Besides all of the important, great work Karen does for the Echo Lake Elementary Eagles and Shoreline Covenant Church, she has a great wit, and knows not to take herself too seriously.

While Karen jokes that she has no reason to leave our neighborhood, her recently published article in Chicken Soup for the Soul, about one of her experiences in Sweden, is a heart warming story of learning to trust and let go, even when we are feeling the most uncomfortable. And talk about patient! The story was submitted 6 years before she had the experience that all writers hope for, a letter saying she was being published.

While Karen continues to have her adventures - whether it’s in Sweden or the neighborhood, the one thing Karen assured me, is that her heart will remain at Echo Lake. And now when I drive by the school, I have a much better idea of all the great things happening inside because of teachers like Karen. Not only are the kids learning in different, creative ways, they are loved, supported and cared for by the wonderful educators within our Shoreline schools.

Our great city of Shoreline is full of interesting people and places. If you know of a secret gem in Shoreline - person, place or thing, drop me a line.

Trader Joe's grand opening Friday

Friday, February 26, 2016

The line formed before 8am for the opening of Trader Joe's

Photos by Wayne Pridemore

By all accounts, the mood was cheerful at the opening of the new Trader Joe's store in the Shoreline Marketplace on N 175th, across from City Hall.

Orderly lines of happy people formed before the 8am opening ceremony.

Store "Captain" Tim Weiss, 3rd from left, and his crew of workers
are assisted by Shoreline Mayor Chris Roberts, 2nd from left

City Council and City staff have been watching the store progress from City Hall windows across the street, and several were on hand for the opening.

From left store manager "Captain" Tim Weiss, Deputy Mayor Shari Winstead,
City Manager Debbie Tarry, Mayor Chris Roberts, and Economic Developer Dan Eernissee.

Trader Joe's was welcomed to Shoreline by the Highland Terrace Neighborhood Association. On the left is Scott Shiebler, Kyrie Cataldo with sons Calvin and Henry, and then Jeanne Parrent.

As a perq for the opening, customers were greeted with leis.

Trader Joe's staff presented everyone a colorful lei to set the stage for a fun shopping experience.

Young Cooper Shosten was having more fun than anyone as he gave leis to people as they entered the store. Cooper's father, Ryan Shosten is a Trader Joe's employee.

ParentMap Camp Fair in Lynnwood Mar 6

ParentMap will hold its North Camp Fair on Sunday, March 6, from 11am to 3pm at the Cedar Valley Community School, 19200 56th Ave W in Lynnwood, featuring organizations that hold summer camps for "tots through teens".

RSVP here

Pop culture captured in ‘selfies’ photography is focus of new Arts of Kenmore exhibition

Dream is but a Life by Kathy Greisen
The Arts of Kenmore presents

The Art of Selfies
Please join us for an Opening Reception 
Friday March 4, 6:30-8pm

Featuring Artists: Christie Avery-Cooper, Kathy Greisen, Torii Hayashi, Megan Jensen, Skyler Larson, Kellie Moeller, Kim Murphy, Robert Routt, Bill Royce, Sara Solum, and Melissa Wax.

Guest Artist presentation by photography artist Melissa Wax of Seattle.

“The Art of Selfies,” a juried exhibit from eleven Pacific Northwest artists incorporating self-photography, will open Friday, March 4 at the Arts of Kenmore Gallery in Kenmore City Hall, 18120 68th Ave NE. 

Selected to exhibit their work are Christie Avery-Cooper, Kathy Greisen, Torii Hayashi, Megan Jensen, Skyler Larson, Kellie Moeller, Kim Murphy, Robert Routt, Bill Royce, Sara Solum, and Melissa Wax.

The public is invited to an opening reception from 6:30-8 p.m., featuring a presentation by photography artist Melissa Wax of Seattle (

Ms Wax will discuss her unique approach to photographic portraiture in both fine art and commissioned pieces. Working mostly in natural light, her eclectic work evokes strong narratives expressing music, wind, and suspended time within each frame.

To learn more about the Kenmore Art Show, purchase artwork from AOK Gallery exhibits, support AOK Grants for Schools program and get involved with the Arts of Kenmore, visit Arts of Kenmore.

Death Notices as of February 21, 2016

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Obituaries from The Seattle Times

John Daniel Sullivan  1921-2016  Graduated from US Merchant Marine Academy 1944 and served as naval officer (Lieutenant JG) in WW II delivering troops to Utah Beach on D-Day. Shoreline resident. Sang in church choir. Services at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.

Robert (Bob) Burton Frost, W7TOM  1938-2016  Born and raised in Lake Forest Park "back when kids could be kids." A Ham Radio operator, he upgraded radio equipment and operating procedures for the Pacific County Emergency Operation Center in Long Beach. He worked on Boeing rocket programs for 40 years.

Dale Lawrence Wright  1924-2015  Served in Europe during WW II. Retired accountant who traveled widely and volunteered in the Shoreline community. Services at Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church.

Richard Gerring  Age 60  Musician and maker of ukeleles, the Lopez Island resident died suddenly. Services held at Shoreline Elks.

Stephen Chase Kelly  1941-2016  Popular Shorewood teacher who grew up in Shoreline. Taught English, Creative Writing, and Special Ed in several Shoreline Schools, and coached soccer and girls basketball. Faculty advisor for Imprints, the student literary magazine. Known as an inspirational teacher and coach, whose students maintained contact with him long after their graduations.

Jean Thesman  1929-2016  Author Jean Thesman married and moved to Lake Forest Park in 1960, where she and her husband raised three children. She published 43 young adult books, winning numerous awards.

George Edward Banschbach  1930-2016  George married in Seattle and they eventually settled in Shoreline to raise their children. Services at St. Mark in Shoreline.

Marian Lorraine Halpin  1919-2016  At the age of 85, she helped roof a garage. At the age of 92 she moved to Aegis of Shoreline and found one of her golfing partners living two doors down the hall. Services at St. Mark in Shoreline.

Eric Pedersen  1967-2016  1985 Shorewood graduate died unexpectedly at his home in Hansville. Worked as a steward on factory trawlers in Alaska, then moved to Boeing manufacturing. Services at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.

Henry Robert Aydelott  1933-2016  Led the restoration of the Florence Henry Memorial Chapel in The Highlands. Services at City Calvary Chapel in Shoreline.

Jean "Jay" Danson  Age 73  Services at St. Mark Catholic Church in Shoreline.

Anson "Andy" Burwell Goff  1941-2016  Shoreline resident was a member of Trinity Presbyterian Church, where services were held. Stricken at 18 with a neuromuscular disorder, he worked in a sheltered workshop, traveled, volunteered, and was active at church.

Danny Lowell Raymond  1955-2016  Grew up in Lake Forest Park. Graduated from Cornish and had a career in theatrical makeup and interior design.

Fern Arleen Vik Goodlett (née Holm)  Age 91. She had a 20 year career at Frederick and Nelson. Services at Ronald United Methodist Church in Shoreline.

Carol T. Bergman  1919-2016  Worked in sales in the toy and hobby field and retired at age 90. Memorial service at American Legion Hall in Shoreline.

Sibyl Cass  Age 94  RN at Northgate and Northwest Hospitals. Memorials to Shoreline MedicOne.

Judith B. Mitchell  1932-2016  Services held at Richmond Beach United Methodist Church in Shoreline.

Luella J. Petrie  1934-2016  Services at First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach.

Richard Samuel Mills  1941-2016  Shoreline resident retired from Bartells. Served as a sports photographer for the Olympic Soccer League in Seattle and ran a doggie daycare and kennel out of his home.

Kenneth James Carlson  1920-2016  Shoreline resident was a Navy officer during WW II. Boeing engineer. Faithful member of the Berean Bible Church in Shoreline, and supporter of Crista.

Applications for the Shoreline Arts Festival Artist Marketplace due Monday, Feb 29

Apply today to become one of the 70+ artists that make up the beating heart of the Shoreline Arts Festival!

This free community event will gather 10,000+ art lovers at Shoreline Center on June 25 - 26, and the vibrant Artist Marketplace is situated on its most prominent street front, with booths occupying the large space between the Shoreline Center building and 1st Ave NE.

How to apply
Submit your application and $20 application fee online via Call for Entry by 10:59pm on Monday, February 29.

• All work must be handmade. No commercially produced work, kits, or imported goods
• All work must be original and created by or under direction of the artists(s).
• Artist(s) must attend the entire Festival (June 25, 10am – 6pm and June 26, 10am –5pm).
• Items must match type and quality submitted for jurying. No work by non-juried artists.

Booth Specifications
Two types of outdoor booth spaces are available:
• 10’ x 10’ uncovered, on asphalt: $175
• 10′ x 20′ uncovered, on asphalt: $350

All booths must withstand Northwest weather conditions, with canopies weighted against wind. Tables and chairs are available for rental. Overnight security is provided. In addition to booth fee, a Shoreline business licenses may be needed.

The jury panel includes working artists, gallery managers, and/or Festival directors, who determine the balance of categories and select the artists. Category sizes are based in part on average sales from previous years, and the organizers strive for a well-balanced mix of art types and price points, with emphasis always on quality of craftsmanship and vision. Jury decisions are confidential.

FREE Sustainable Gardening Classes at Northshore Utility District in April & May

Join us for the 2016 Savvy Gardener Class Series sponsored by Northshore Utility District and the Saving Water Partnership! Brand new or experienced gardeners will get inspiring and expert advice on creating healthy, sustainable and beautiful gardens and landscapes.

Wednesday, April 6, 6:30-8pm: “Right Plant, Right Place” with Emily Bishton, landscape designer and environmental educator. Step-by-step with hands-on demos, Emily will share tips for choosing plants that will thrive long-term, planting 101, plus best practices for watering, mulching, fertilizing and pruning, and more!

Wednesday, April 20, 6:30-8pm: “Incredible Edibles” with Emily Bishton. Start growing your own organic food in your own backyard or container garden! Emily will cover simple strategies for soil building, planting, drawing pollinators, rotating crops, and more great ideas for your fabulous edible garden!

Wednesday, May 4, 6:30-8pm: “Water-Wise Gardening” with Ladd Smith, co-owner of In-Harmony Sustainable Landscapes. Ladd will cover strategies to help your plants beat the heat—with less water. Topics include how to maintain healthy soil, mulch, choose the best irrigation methods, water wisely, and more! A timely and important class for the upcoming summer.

All classes are held at Northshore Utility District: 6830 NE 185th St in Kenmore.

All classes are FREE, but pre-registration is required. Reserve your seat(s), via email or phone 425-398-4417.

Going to the Shorecrest game tonight? Save your ticket

For those of you planning to attend the Shorecrest Boys Basketball Regional game vs Steilacoom, 7pm at Mountlake Terrace tonight, be sure to hang on to your ticket and hand stamp. This will allow you access with the same ticket for the Shorecrest Girls Game on Saturday vs Franklin Pierce, 4pm at Puyallup HS.

Per the WIAA: In order to alleviate the concerns regarding the price of a ticket for a single game regional site, the WIAA determined that anyone who purchases a ticket at a single game site on Friday could use that same ticket for entry into any regional site on Saturday provided that person has the ticket stub and hand stamp. Those fans will have the option to watch multiple games at different sites if they choose to do so.

--Don Dalziel
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