Shoreline City Manager report from January 18, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
City Manager Update – January 18, 2016
Shoreline City Manager Debbie Tarry
Follow-Up from January 11 Council Meeting
City/Ronald Wastewater District (RWD) Assumption Plan: Deputy Mayor Winstead asked about the current RWD reserve levels. The following is a response from General Manager Mark Gregg: Cash
balance is about $3.9 million, which is slightly above the target at
assumption. We are managing to that level, although we may dip under it
briefly in the first part of 2016 as we pay for the 2 lift station
refurbishments that have been contracted out. After that, it is
anticipated that positive cash flow will bring us back above the target
level and we will remain at or above until assumption, barring
unforeseen circumstances.
Important Meetings This Week
· Joint Five City Council Meeting: On Tuesday night, we had five councilmembers attend the Five City Joint Meeting regarding ST3 candidate projects and specifically the 145th St (SR 523)/SR 522 Bus Rapid Transit corridor improvements and service. There was great representation from all the cities,
and ST Board Members Butler and Balducci appreciated hearing the
unified request that these projects be included in the ST3 ballot
measure. Mayors from the five cities will sign a letter to Sound Transit
(draft letter).
· Sound Transit - On Friday
I met with Rod Kempkes (Corridor Design Manager) and Ahmad Fazel
(Executive Director of Design, Engineering and Construction Management)
to discuss the partnership between Sound Transit and Shoreline as design
and construction of the stations in Shoreline moves forward.
· Evans School of Public Policy and Governance (UW): On Wednesday
evening, I had the opportunity to present on the topic of Politics and
Practice of Council-Manager Government to approximately 25 students in
the Urban Affairs – Municipal Management class.
Economic Development
· Bethel Lutheran Church: Dan Eernissee spoke with the broker who helped the Bethel Lutheran sell its facility on 175th between the library and North City.
· The facility was purchased by the Buddha Jewel Monastery, which will apparently be moving its northwest location from the Rainier Valley to Shoreline.
· The Lutheran Church, meanwhile, has purchased the yoga center building in North City -- it is south of Easy Monkey Tap House.
· Orange Theory: Deputy Mayor Winstead got word that Orange Theory, located in the Gateway Plaza, will have their grand opening on February 25, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Should be lots of excitement with Trader Joe’s opening the next morning at 8:00 a.m.!
2016 Legislative Session
· AWC City Action Conference, January 27-28: (Agenda) Currently Mayor Roberts and Councilmembers Hall and McGlashan are planning to attend.
· SB6314, County Roads Efficiency Bill: On
Thursday we received notice from King County that this bill was
introduced to the Senate. The county is seeking a number of roads
related administration and maintenance efficiencies to reduce their cost
of the county road system. (Flier). This includes segments of 145th from SR 522 to Aurora and 205th.
We are very disappointed that there was no discussion between the
County and affected cities prior to the introduction of the bill.
Companion HB2590 was introduced in the House. Representatives Moscoso,
Rodne, Clibborn, Standford, and Springer are the House sponsors and
Senators Fain and Mullet are the Senate sponsors. The orphan roads
language is in section 4 of this link . Staff will be following up with the County on this proposal.
· SB6115, Cap on Water/Sewer Utility Tax Rates: Senator Chase has introduced SB6115,
which was up for hearing on Monday, January 18. The bill would limit
water and sewer utility tax rates to six percent and require any city
that has a rate greater than this reduce it annually until the rate is
down to six percent. Although the City of Shoreline does not currently
assess a utility tax on water and sewer utilities, several cities
throughout the State have utility tax rates substantially higher than
six percent. The 2014 AWC fee survey lists cities and their water/sewer utility tax rates.
145th Subarea Plan Schedule
Staff has outlined the following schedule for moving forward with the 145th
Subarea Plan. This schedule assumes selection of a Preferred
Alternative that requires minimal new analysis and that the Planning
Commission and City Council complete their decision-making during the
allotted meetings.
· February 18:
Planning Commission meeting: Discuss two white papers produced by OTAK-
Geotechnical Considerations for High Groundwater or Peat Conditions,
and Station Subarea Wetlands Assessment· March 3: Planning Commission meeting: Update on 145th Street Corridor Study
· March 17: Planning Commission meeting: Discuss zoning scenarios analyzed in DEIS and any potential modifications based on information from white papers or Corridor Study
· April 7: Planning Commission meeting: Recommend Preferred Alternative zoning scenario (it is possible this recommendation could happen at the end of the March 17 meeting, but this date is reserved if any of the previous topics take more time than anticipated)
· May 2: City Council meeting: Council selects Preferred Alternative for analysis in FEIS
· May-June- OTAK produces FEIS (timeframe will depend on whether there is additional analysis with regard to zoning scenarios from DEIS)
· April 21, May 5 & 19, June 2 & 16- Planning Commission meetings: Discussion of Development Code amendments for 145th Station Subarea- number of meetings dependent on amendments proposed
· June-July- OTAK produces Subarea Plan, staff creates Planned Action Ordinance, Planning Commission reviews
· August 4- Planning Commission Study Session on ordinances
· August 18- Planning Commission public hearing on ordinances
· September 12- Council Study Session on ordinances
· September 26- Council adoption of ordinances
This and That
· We
received notice from the Liquor Cannabis Board of another marijuana
retail license application – BCD Enterprises. The proposed location is
16053 Aurora Ave N, Suite B. This is the location and owner of the
current collective garden – A Greener Today. This is more than 1,000
feet from any other retail establishment. Currently the state has
allocated a total of four retail licenses to Shoreline – so there are
more license applications in process than the state’s allotment at this
· We have scheduled a meeting with Seattle District 5 Councilmember Debora Juarez, for Friday, January 29. Councilmember Juarez’s district abuts 145th Street.
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