Seattle Times: Shoreline Sculpture Garden

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Valerie Easton wrote a lovely article in The Seattle Times, with photographs by Mike Siegel, on the Shoreline garden of Bruce and JoAnn Amundson. The garden is built down a steep hillside overlooking Puget Sound and features sculptures, some commissioned for the site.

Visitors to this art-studded, half-acre garden high above Puget Sound certainly will leave stirred, if not transfixed, by a garden that unfolds down the hillside to reveal monumental sculptures integrated with artful plantings. 
Paths and steps lead from the house down a slope to terraces and meadows, through groves of trees, ending at a bench overlooking a forested ravine. Bruce puts it simply: “It’s been so fun to merge art and plants; it makes the garden so much more rewarding.”

Read it here


Unknown December 7, 2015 at 7:17 PM  

Is this garden open to the public?

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