Obituary: Mark Fraser McVeety

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Memorial service for Mark McVeety was held
at the Shoreline Community College Theater Thursday
Photo by K McGlashan

Mark, age 46, died quietly with his wife by his side on December 27 after a short but aggressive war with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Tiffany, his mother Ann Holt (the late Al Grove), his father Roger McVeety (Vallea), siblings: Heather (Dewayne), David (Violet), Lindsey and their families and the many others who Mark elected as family.

His compassion and innate kindness led to humanitarian work around the globe starting at age 16 with a mission to Kenya where he helped immunization for malaria in remote villages. In his 20’s he participated in the USAID Food Aid Mission to Myanmar, and more recently with work for the World Affairs Council training visiting leaders from emerging nations.

He created innovative and acclaimed entrepreneurial development initiatives, like Quick-Start Shoreline, that made significant economic impact on individuals and communities around the globe.

Mark is known as being a fierce friend; able to play any instrument; and an exceptional guitarist heard on world-music releases. His northern Italian-style pizza making and paella on the grill was legendary as were his summer block parties.

He was also known as an aficionado of live music, Summer Meltdown volunteer, sailboat racer and cruiser, best friend and partner of Tiffany. They were ‘two peas in a pod’.

Continue Mark’s legacy of service by contributing to the Mark F. and Tiffany T. Student Fund administered by Shoreline Community College Foundation. A charitable fund to help students in need.

A formal Memorial will be held in Minneapolis, MN on January 13 at 1pm at Sunset Memorial Park.

Star Wars with subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing at Edmonds Theater

Star Wars with subtitles in Edmonds

Star Wars: The Force Awakens with subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, hosted by Edmonds Theater, Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 6pm.

Edmonds Theater, 415 Main St, Edmonds 98020

Tickets Available.

This is not unusual for the Edmonds Theater. The first matinee show of every Sunday is presented with English captions for the deaf and hard of hearing. This is in addition to the standard English soundtrack.

Opportunities to sing with Northwest Girlchoir

NW Girlchoir

Start singing this January! For girls who love to sing, Northwest Girlchoir provides the musical outlet to help build upon their love of music while learning new skills, all while offering an environment where girls can be themselves and a community to support girls as they grow.

Spaces are filling up in each choir level at Northwest Girlchoir, but openings are still available for girls in Prep Choir (our non-auditioned choir for grades 1-2) and in our upper level auditioned choirs (grades 3-12).

Simply sign up for Prep Choir or schedule an audition for the upper level choirs! Choristers joining Northwest Girlchoir this January will have the opportunity to participate in several mainstage concerts throughout the remainder of the season. New choristers will be accepted until Friday, January 22, 2016 pending space availability.

Generous scholarships are available at every choir level.

Learn more and sign up online

NW Girlchoir

Summer Sing Day Camp Registration is Open
Join Northwest Girlchoir for the ultimate summer music experience! Girls entering grades 2-7 next fall 2016 are invited to join Northwest Girlchoir’s annual Summer Sing Day Camp – a week of choral singing, instrument exploration, arts and crafts, group games, outdoor fun, and more!

Register for Summer Sing before March 31, 2016 and receive a special early-bird discount here.

For more details on signing up or scheduling an audition, visit their website.

Closures of SR 99 may affect traffic in Shoreline

Hard to say how far north this will gum up Aurora, but be warned that SR 99 around-the-clock lane closures may cause traffic delays for several weeks.

Start planning now for extra congestion and traffic delays if you use SR 99 / Aurora Avenue North. From Jan. 18 through mid-February, contractor crews working for the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program will close one lane in each direction between the Aurora Bridge and just north of Mercer Street for sign work.

From mid-February to March only one southbound lane will be closed. You can read more about the work being done during the lane closures in this news release.

Shoreline Planning Commission to discuss Sound Transit Light Rail Facilities Permitting Processes

The Shoreline Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, January 7, at 7pm in Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers, 17500 Midvale Ave N. Meetings are open to the public, streamed live on computer, and archived online.

The purpose of the meeting is to continue the discussion from December 17th, debating the various options for processing permits related to Sound Transit’s light rail facilities in Shoreline. We will
explain the differences between Special Use Permits and Legislative Decisions and how these two processes apply to Sound Transit. We will also explain how the Commission can be involved in the regulation and design of the stations and the garages.

Light rail service is scheduled to begin in 2023. Based on Sound Transit’s latest schedule, review of architectural and engineering designs for the stations, garages and other associated light rail facilities will start as early as 2016. When the City adopted the 185th Street Light Rail Station Subarea Plan, a permitting process was put in place in the Development Code to review the stations, garages and associated facilities for compliance with Shoreline’s goals, policies and regulations.

Further legal review, revealed that process, Development Agreement, is not the appropriate mechanism to approve the use of a light rail system and facilities.

Additionally, the City augmented the existing Commercial design regulations to implement the 185th Street Light Rail Station Subarea Plan. These regulations include building materials, colors, textures, openings, and modulations.

Twelve pages of details here


  • January 21, 2016  - Planning Commission Public Hearing 
  • February 8, 2016 - City Council discussion 
  • February 29, 2016  - City Council adoption

Ask the Bird Lady - will pruning displace hummingbird nests?

A new feature for the new year: Christine Southwick will answer your wild bird questions. Send your questions or photos to us and Chris will respond. Here's the first question:

Anna's hummingbird feeding her baby
Photo by Dennis Paulson

Dear Bird Lady:
I need to prune some overly large laurel and rhodies - but fear I might displace a hummingbird nest without realizing - what to do? is there a time of year that if I took out their nest they would be able to rebuild and survive?

The Bird Lady responds:
Some Anna's Hummingbirds may already be starting to breed, but most will wait a little longer. Many that are breeding now will make their nests in coniferous trees under an overhanging branch because of the added protection.

I don't know about laurels, but rhodys are best pruned during and right after blooming. Since no more than a third of a rhody should be pruned at a time, if you want blooms the following year, it shouldn't be too hard to look for a nest as you prune. Laurels will be harder, so if it were me, I would wait until about April--no guarantees, since some hummers will do a second brood.

--Christine Southwick

King County Assessor John Wilson to be sworn in Jan 4 in Kent

King County Assessor-elect John Wilson
King County Assessor John Wilson will be officially sworn into office in a public ceremony on January 4th at the Kent Senior Center. The oath of office will be administered by Washington State Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu.

“I picked the Kent Senior Center for my swearing in because my office will be doing extensive and deliberate outreach outside of the King County Administration building. It is time that government meet people where they are and there is no better place to start than South King County” Wilson said.

Wilson will take the oath of office followed by a brief speech where he will highlight his priorities in the coming years. Staff from the Assessor’s office will be on hand at the senior center to promote the senior property tax exemption program.

“Over the next 4 years one of my top priorities is to expand the number of seniors participating in the senior property tax exemption program. This is a right that is available to many seniors who simply don’t know about it. My office will be working hard to ensure taxpayers know the programs and options available to them."

The King County Assessor's office dates back to the mid-1800's when Washington was still a territory. Today, the office of the Assessor handles assessments of more than 660,000 residential and commercial parcels in King County valued at $388 billion in 2015.

City Light warns: beware of con artists posing as utility bill collectors

Seattle City Light never demands immediate payment by phone

Seattle City Light reminds its customers to beware of con artists who pose as utility bill collectors.

A business owner was victimized this week by the phone scam in which a caller claims an electricity bill has not been paid and threatens to cut off power within the hour if the customer does not make an immediate payment. Con artists have been directing people to obtain pre-paid debit cards for these swindles because they lack the fraud protections that most credit cards or bank debit cards provide.

“It’s despicable that scammers use the threat of cutting off electric service to steal money,” City Light Customer Care Director Kelly Enright said. “We want our customers to know about these scams so they can protect themselves from becoming the next victim.”

Scams like this have been tried for years. Seattle City Light uses its Light Reading newsletter, Power Lines Blog and social media accounts to educate customers about these scams so they can protect themselves. If you ever receive a call like this, do not give out any personal financial information. Instead, try to get as much information about the person who is calling that you can and then contact your local police.

Anyone who ever has a question about the status of their account can call City Light at 206-684-3000.

Seattle City Light is the 10th largest public electric utility in the United States. It has some of the lowest cost customer rates of any urban utility, providing reliable, renewable and environmentally responsible power to about 750,000 Seattle area residents. City Light has been greenhouse gas neutral since 2005, the first electric utility in the nation to achieve that distinction.

Thank you for making the Sharing Tree a success

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

LFP Rotary Sharing Tree at Town Center

The Lake Forest Park Rotary Club extends deepest thanks to all those who visited Tim’s Sharing Tree in the LFP Town Center during December, and shopped for toys and other gifts for area children. 2015 marked the 30th year of this Rotary project, named after former club member and civic leader, Tim Davis.

This year’s donations, amounting to 61 large bags of presents, $500 in gift cards and $250 cash, were distributed though North Helpline and the Shoreline School District.

Thanks to our partners, and everyone who donated gifts, for making this a merrier Christmas for hundreds of area families.

For the birds: Which Bird Will Be Your 2016 Special Bird?

Varied Thrush, male, winter visitor

Text and Photos by Christine Southwick

The first bird that you see, or hear, the morning of the New Year is your special bird for 2016.

Wintertime will present some birds like the vivid Varied Thrush and the camouflaged Fox Sparrow, and eliminate the summer birds like most of our warblers and finches.

So, what will it be?

male Spotted Towhee surveying his territory

Will it be a glorious male Spotted Towhee surveying your backyard?

It could be a local woodpecker— Downy, Hairy, Pileated,  Northern Flicker, or  even a Red-breasted Sapsucker;

Or a Red-breasted Nuthatch with its miniature tin-horn calls and its headfirst seed-snatchings.

 Maybe it will be a large Barred-Owl, or a small eight-inch Saw-whet Owl, swooping almost silently low above the ground?

Or perhaps even a majestic, impressive, Bald-Eagle flying high over your head?

Hairy Woodpecker, male (red on back of head)

You might see a bird that is far adrift from its normal habitat, like the southern-based Yellow-throated Warbler that has flown from eastern Texas and beyond, which has recently been seen on the Washington coast,  or a shorter-distance traveler like the  Common Redpoll from the Canadian boreal forests.

Of course it could be an everyday bird like our resident Song Sparrow, and chickadees. These birds are true northwest birds.

Is your bird a wanderer or a homebody? Is it a social and demonstrative bird like the American Crow? Does it mingle with other species like Downy Woodpeckers in the winter?  Does it stick with its own species only like Bushtits, or is it solitary, like Common Raven? Does it mate for life; is it seasonally monogamous, or poly-amorous?

Red-breasted Nuthatch getting seed its way

Whichever bird it is, become familiar with its habits.  Think of it as your guiding bird-familiar for the year.

What could that mean for you for 2016?  Maybe you’ll be standing on your head much of 2016…

Birding can be as fun as you make it.

Celebration of Life for Mark McVeety - bring stories and photos

Mark's Celebration of Life event is this Thursday, December 31, at 11am at the SCC Theater, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline 98133.

Bring your memories and stories to share. There will be an open mic in the lobby followed by a short talk by Dan Eernissee and a poem shared by the family ay 11:30am in the theater. There will be music, food, refreshments and lots of pictures.

The Fund is ready! Mark wanted to leave a legacy in the form of a fund whose goal is to give financial aid to SCC students in need. Managed by the Shoreline Community College Foundation, donations will be collected at the event and after, and are tax deductible. Donations up to $10,000 will be matched toward a goal of $25,000 to endow the fund.

Use new online registration system to register for Winter 2016 Shoreline recreation programs

Registration for Winter 2016 recreation programs begins January 5. As part of the registration process, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department is unveiling its new recreation management system. Online registration will become a whole lot easier with the new system.

However, in order to use the system you will need to set up a new account. It is free, easy, and instant. Set up an account online.

Want first dibs on all the great classes and programs this winter? Then set up your new account early so you are ready to register on January 5.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to implementation of the new registration system, individuals registering in-person or on the phone may experience some delays. If you prefer to register in-person or on the phone instead of using the new system online, you will need to have an annual Liability Waiver form on file prior to being able to register. These forms can be found online.

Lake Forest Park traffic studies

From Police Chief Steve Sutton

Over the past several months, the City has been assisted by King County Roads Department with the completion of several traffic speed studies in our neighborhoods. I have included some of the data below for your information, which includes traffic counts, speeds, and some enforcement data.

Many of our roads are 25-30mph roads and even if vehicles are traveling at the speed limit, they may often appear to be speeding. The police department does have one traffic officer that works on special projects and coordinates our emphasis areas. The good news is, we rarely have collisions on our neighborhood streets. The problems are predominately on Bothell Way and Ballinger Way. Here is the info:

NE 178th St at 25th Ave NE

There are about 5,200 vehicles per day using this roadway, with an even split in each direction. The average speed is 28.1 mph and the 85 percentile speed is 31.8 mph. This is higher than we would like to see on a roadway posted 25 mph. During the month of October / November officers issued 153 infraction and 4 criminal citations.

Perkins Way NE at Lago Dr NE

There are about 3,000 vehicles per day using this roadway, with an even split in each direction. The average speed is 25.9 mph and the 85 percentile speed is 29.4 mph. The speeds on the roadway are slightly higher than we like for roadways with this volume. Random patrols and the use of the speed notification sign will be utilized in 2016.

Forest Park Dr NE at NE 195th Pl

There are about 2,500 vehicles per day using this roadway, with an even split in each direction. The average speed is 28.5 mph and the 85 percentile speed is 32.0 mph. The speed on this roadway is higher than we would like to see. The roadway seems to be functioning as a collector arterial, moving vehicles between NE 196th St / 19th Ave NE and the signal at Ballinger / 25th Ave NE. In 2016, the City will be researching traffic calming devices which could be used to discourage the use of this roadway. Also, random patrols and the use of the speed notification sign will be utilized.

NE 178th St between Ballinger Way NE and 47th Ave NE

There are about 1,250 vehicles per day using this roadway. The speeds on this 25 mph roadway are well within the acceptable limits. The directional split shows about 725 vehicles eastbound, and 525 vehicles westbound. The average speed is 22.1 miles per hour. The 85 percentile speed is 25.5 mph. These are excellent numbers and mean that nearly all the traffic on the roadway is obeying the posted limit.

The Police Department has received complaints on several other roadways within the City and will continue to prioritize our enforcement based on staffing and availability of resources.

Center for Human Services seeks volunteers to work with children and youth

Volunteers needed to work with children and youth
Photo courtesy CHS

  • Do you enjoy working with children and youth?
  • Do you have community service hours required for school?
  • Do you want to gain experience in the child care, early learning, human services or education field?

The Center for Human Services in Shoreline is looking for volunteers 15+ years old to support various programs and services offered through the Family Support Department.

For more information and how to apply contact Amber at 206-631-8886.

Family Support Centers located in Shoreline and Northshore:
Shoreline: 17018 15th Avenue NE Shoreline 98155 — 206-362-7282

Shoreline Library board to get updates from KCLS staff

The Shoreline Library Board will meet next week, on Thursday, January 7, 6z:30 to 8pm at the Richmond Beach Library 19601 21st Ave NW.

The board will hear from KCLS staff about what's happening in our libraries in Shoreline and Richmond Beach.

Library board members: Mark Hulak, Sara Lorimer, Lisa Oberg, Brooke Shirts, Robert Smith, Karen Thielke, Eileen Wood-Lim.

Youth Members Tyler King, Ella McGuigan.

Job opportunity: Shoreline Farmers Market Manager

The Shoreline Farmers Market Association is entering its 5th season and is in search of a new Market Manager. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about local foods and building community, with experience in fundraising and event management.

The market is growing quickly at its new location and we are looking for someone who can continue to grow our vendor and attendance base and expand new and existing marketing efforts. We are a domestic, non-profit corporation and have a long-term partnership with the City of Shoreline on our efforts.

In 2016, the Market Manager position will begin in February and be complete in November. The position has an office at Shoreline City Hall and the market is located at Aurora Square. There is great opportunity for growth in this management level position and we excitedly await your application

More details here or email.

Book sale Friday at Third Place Books

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Third Place Books - New Year's book sale on Friday, January 1, 2016
20% off everything!

17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155, 206-366-3333.
Friday, January 1 - 9am-8pm.

Shoreline Little League early bird registration until midnight Dec 31

Don't miss out on the fun! Register now.
Photo by Suzanne Gugger

Shoreline Little League Friends and Families have the opportunity to save $10 per player when they register on Shoreline Little League’s website prior to midnight on December 31st.

Why interfere with your New Year’s Eve festivities? Register now and then relax this Thursday night!

Braxton loves playing ball in Little League

Shoreline Little League includes the former Richmond Little League and the North King County Little League. Please note that all former Richmond Little League members and North King County members will have to register on this site.

Karaoke / Bingo next week at Senior Center

Celebrate the New Year at the Senior Center Friday, January 8, 2016, with great food, drink, entertainment, and good company!

Military veterans: learn about benefits for vets, families, and survivors

The American Legion Post 227 is having a special speaker at their January 5th Post meeting. Laura Standley is an expert on benefits for military veterans, their families and their survivors, so this is a great opportunity for veterans to have their benefit questions answered.

Laura Standley, Service Officer for The American Legion District 11, will be at the Tuesday, January 5, 2016 meeting of The American Legion Post 227 in Shoreline. She will speak on “benefits available to military veterans, their dependents and survivors.”

The meeting will be held at Post 227, located at 14521 17th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155. This is just east of the Goodwill Store at NE 145th St and 15th Ave NE.

A social, greeting time is held from 6:30pm to 7:00pm. The meeting starts at 7:00pm sharp and refreshments will be served after the meeting.

All military veterans are welcome to attend. This is your opportunity to have your questions about veteran benefits answered by a highly knowledgeable Service Officer.

Limited seats available for Physical Poetry dance performances Jan 8-9

"Physical Poetry" opens next week! Performances are January 8-9, 2016, 7:30pm at the Shorecrest Theater, 15343 25th Ave NE, Shoreline 98155.

Last day to purchase tickets at a DISCOUNTED price of $15 is January 7th. Purchase here.

Letter to the Editor: Form a task force to find a new home for preschools

To the Editor:

As the founder and 30 year teacher of the Shorenorth Parent Education COOP and a taxpayer, I am extremely concerned about the loss of the COOP’s 40 year rental space from the Shoreline School District. With King County and the state of Washington prioritizing early childhood programs in the educational spectrum, it seems short-sighted to eliminate such effective programs as the Parent COOPS in the Shoreline community. High profile leaders have been participants on the local COOPS: Senator Patty Murray, Representative Ruth Kagi, Shoreline School Board members Debi Ehrlichman and Dick Nicholson, Shoreline Public Schools Foundation Executive Cindy Pridemore plus numerous PTSA presidents and officers.

Worldwide problems are being solved by bringing groups together to work on common issues. Our own Senator Patty Murray, a former Shoreline Parent Educator, has used this concept of building consensus and finding solutions with the 2014 budget deal with Paul Ryan, and now by passing the updated “Leave No Child Behind” with an early childhood component. Under the leadership of Dow Constantine and Rod Dembowski and a coalition of community leaders who see the value of early learning, King County was able to pass the Best Start levy this past fall. By not providing rental space to the Shoreline Early Childhood COOPS, the Shoreline area becomes out of step with the nation, state and county.

Since all public buildings are taxpayer owned, I know that our Shoreline community strongly supports both the Shoreline Public Schools and the Shoreline Community College Parent Education COOPS. They want to see both programs be strong, feel that they are very complementary and benefit the Shoreline community. Therefore, I am proposing the formation of a task force to find a viable solution for both programs. The school district has previously exhibited this type of cooperation when they helped to find space for the Shoreline Historical Museum. We are all stronger when we work together to find solutions that benefit everyone!

Pearl Noreen

Shorewood grad named Pac-12 Men's Basketball Player of the Week

Josh Hawkinson, playing for Shorewood in 2013
Photo by Wayne Pridemore

Josh Hawkinson, 2013 Shorewood graduate, son of Nels and Nancy Hawkinson of Richmond Beach, was named a Pac-12 Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Week by media who cover the college circuit.

According to the Pac-12 News, Hawkinson, a 6' 10" forward for Washington State, recorded double-doubles against No. 3 Oklahoma (16 pts, 8-15 FG, 10 reb, 4 stls), Northern Iowa (14 pts, 6-9 FG, 13 reb) and New Mexico (19 pts, 8-15 FG, 10 reb, 4 asts) to average 16.3 points on 56 percent shooting (22-39) and 11.0 rebounds at the Diamond Head Classic.

One of the Pac-12’s national-best four Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Award nominees, Hawkinson leads the conference and is sixth in the country with nine double-doubles so far this season, including one in each of WSU’s last seven games, and now has 29 double-doubles in his last 41 outings. He is one of three Pac-12 players averaging a double-double, leading the conference in rebounding (10.5 rpg) while ranking seventh in the league in both scoring (16.5 ppg) and field goal percentage (.598).

Photo: Holly tree and blue skies

Monday, December 28, 2015

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Just to remind everyone that there are blue skies above the clouds, and beautiful, bright flowers and berries still bloom in the gloom of winter and the sadness of loss.

Shoreline tree recycling

Shoreline hosts a one day Christmas Tree Recycling Event to help Shoreline residents recycle their holiday trees. Please remove all hooks, ornaments, tinsel, and tree stands. Do not bring flocked, artificial or garden trees, branches, wreaths, or swags.

Saturday, January 9, 9 - 3pm at the Meridian Park Elementary School parking lot; 17077 Meridian Ave N. Trees will be recycled by Recology CleanScapes, but they won’t be chipped on-site at the event.

If there is snow or ice on the road on event day, January 9, call 206-801-2450 for a recorded message of the event’s status.

Other options for disposal of holiday trees in Shoreline include:

  • If you have Recology CleanScapes yard debris collection, recycle your tree curbside. Cut your tree into 4 foot lengths, and place them next to your yard debris container at the curb for collection at no cost. No flocked, tinseled, or artificial trees are accepted; and trees without a yard debris cart next to them will not be collected.
  • If you have a flocked, tinseled or an artificial tree, and you have Recology CleanScapes curbside garbage collection, cut it to fit inside your garbage cart for free collection. If the tree is taller than 4 feet, cut it into 4 ft. sections, and put them next to your garbage cart for a collection cost of $4.10.
  • Recycle your tree for a cost at the Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station at 2300 N 165 St Call 206-477-4466 for information on rates.
  • Recycle your tree for a fee at Pacific Topsoils in North Seattle, 1212 N 107th St, Seattle or Kenmore (7500 NE 175th St, Kenmore).
  • If you live in a neighborhood served by Scout troops, follow the instructions on the envelope left at your door.

Kiskaddon service scheduled for Wednesday

A memorial service for Bill Kiskaddon, who died December 3, is scheduled for Wednesday at 2pm at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church at the corner of Northwest Richmond Beach Road and 15th Avenue Northwest in Shoreline (1512 NW 195th St).

Kiskaddon was the last Republican to represent the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park area in the legislature. He lost his seat to Democrat Patty Murray in 1988, four years before Murray won election to the U.S. Senate.

Ridgecrest Public House food truck schedule for the week

Express Rolling Mexican Grill

Food trucks will be parked outside the Ridgecrest Public House, 520 NE 165th St, Shoreline 98155, from 5-8pm on the days listed. Those over 21 are welcome to bring their food into the pub to eat.

Tuesday 29th: The Peach and The Pig
Pulled pork, grilled chicken, or mushroom sandwiches, meatballs and mushrooms, prawn salad.

Wednesday 30th: Express Rolling Mexican Grill
Tacos, burritos, quesadillas, sopes, supreme nachos, Baja fish tacos.

Thursday 31st: No truck scheduled yet.

Friday Jan 1st: Ridgecrest Public House is closed. Happy New Year!

Saturday 2nd: Off the Rez
Tacos (pulled pork indian, beef chili indian, chicken chili verde), Quinoa Succotash (Indian as in Native American - not as in India)

Sunday 3rd: Cave Man Food Truck
Meat or veggies on a stick.

Escape from East Germany

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the Senior Center, 18560 1st Ave NE, Ste 1,
10:30 to 11:30am, Wolfgang Kluge will share his life experiences growing up in and escaping from Communist East Germany.

Services for Mark McVeety on Dec 31

Mark McVeety
Mark McVeety, a staff and faculty member at Shoreline Community College, passed away Sunday, December 27, 2015.

McVeety, 46, came to the college in November, 2007, as Director of the Small Business Accelerator.

The project is an innovative collaboration between the college and the City of Shoreline. He also taught a class on entrepreneurship as part of the college business department. He served on the Shoreline Community College Foundation Board and was past president of the foundation.

His background in business and the software industry, along with an upbeat attitude and high level of energy, was an asset to the college and the community.

A celebration of life is planned for 11am, Thursday, December 31, 2015 at the college theater, 16101 Greenwood Ave. N., Shoreline, WA 98133.

More information and remembrances here.

Photo: Cairn Builder revealed - sort of

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cairn Builder at work on Richmond Beach
Photo by Seattle Poppy

What was not mentioned with yesterday's photo, Sunday at Richmond Beach, was that contributing photographer Seattle Poppy actually watched the cairn she photographed being constructed.

Interestingly enough, he told her that he was not responsible for the cairns in Hamlin Park.

Crime in Shoreline week ending 12-21-2015

Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter, week ending 12-21-15.

Lots of shoplifting, trespass orders, public drunkenness, and mental issues this week.

12-14  Missing person found sleeping in garbage can, returned to group home.
12-14  Person with mental issues sent to hospital after being found in a customer's car in Fred Meyer parking lot.
12-14  Burglary 2xx NW 191st. Burglar removed screen and entered through small, horizontal window.
12-15  Roofing tools stolen from job site on roof of North City Safeway.
12-15  Key from lock box used to illegally enter Uber inspection station buildings at 165xx Aurora.
12-15  Unknown suspect tries to steal City of Shoreline vehicle in Walgreen's lot.
12-15  Former employee opened line of credit in Aegis resident's name in order to purchase a mattress. Transaction cancelled.
12-15  Resident at 1xx NW 167th left car in driveway with motor running. Someone drove it away.
12-15  Burglary at 150xx Densmore. Removed screen to climb in small kitchen window.
12-15  Burglary 163xx 128th - forced entry.
12-16  Top Tobacco at 160th and Aurora burglarized - front glass door broken.
12-16  Vehicles broken into at Evergreen RV supply on Aurora.
12-16  3xx N 167th. Adult and two juveniles rang doorbell numerous times. When homeowner did not answer, juvenile went around back and kicked in garage door panel and tried to enter.
12-16  Burglars forced entry into home of recently deceased person and ransacked it.
12-16  Shoplifter at Sears gave police the wrong name - that of one of Washington's Most Wanted. That person was already in King County jail. Shoplifter identified and arrested on warrant.
12-17  Driver fled on foot after being involved in minor 2 car accident on Aurora.
12-17  Back door kicked in at 193xx Greenwood but nothing taken.

WARM Journey - adoptee's story of searching for her birth mother

WARM (Washington Adoption Reunion Movement) is a non-profit organization, formed in 1976, serving the needs of adult adoptees and their birth families. WARM is dedicated to reuniting families separated by adoption. They serve adoptees, birth families and adoptive parents, providing information, referral, support, and search services.

Following is a story from an adoptee who searched for her birth mother - and what she found.


I was told by my parents at an early age, that they found me under a rock on the beach where we played in front of our house in Bremerton, Washington. I marveled, with three year old fascination, at the puddles under rocks and the tiny crabs and slimy creatures that I shared my beginnings. I spent many hours flipping over rocks in endless fascination at the strange world from which I was retrieved.

A few years later I learned that I was born in 1955 in Walla Walla, Washington and adopted, as were my two older brothers. This was akin to learning that Santa was not real as I had many toddler moments devoted to my intertidal beginnings.

My father was a WWII veteran who had survived the Normandy invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. At the war’s end, he had been part of the Army troops who rescued Jewish victims from Dachau Concentration Camp and two women-only concentration camps. My mother had joined the Women’s Auxiliary Corp, and for too long they were both separated by a horrible war. Upon reuniting at the war’s end, my parents found that they could not have their own children, so without hesitation they turned to adoption through Catholic Charities.

I was adopted at three weeks, which was the soonest my mother could get her hands on me after birth. It is an understatement to say that I was the apple of my parents' eye, as were my brothers. My mother and I turned heads with my pale blue eyes, white-blonde hair, her red hair, hazel eyes and stunning good looks. We didn’t look anything alike but we were a match made in heaven. My father had lost his only brother, and witnessed the dark sinister side of humanity during the war. He lived every day with Mom and us kids as if our time together was precious and fleeting.

It was not until high school that my folks and I talked more about my adoption story. I learned that I was of Norwegian -Irish descent and a few scant particulars surrounding why I was given up for adoption. My parents had not been told much.

I was a physical, robust girl and could not get enough exercise. Years before mountaineering was a popular activity or high school sports available for girls, I joined a mountaineer club and started to climb the peaks of the Cascade Range.

In my 15th summer, I was racing out of our house to go on a weekend Mt. Rainier climb and nearly got knocked over by an ethereal missile from my biological mother. She was worried about me and my welfare. The message may as well have been on a banner floating over our house it was so strong and clear. It stopped me in my tracks, which was not easy to do. I talked to my mom about it. We decided that it sure would be nice if I could tell her that I was fine. Mom and dad were told that the adoption records were closed, done deal, end of story, no going back.

As the years passed I continued to seek out risky outdoor activities that included dangling from ropes, challenging rapids, or taking on nontraditional jobs like fire-fighting or climbing poles as a lineman (woman).  I was invited on an international climb in the Pamir mountain range when I was 18. A nagging voice in my head said not to go. An agonizing decision, because I had a sponsor but I went with the voice. The eleven person rope team I would have been on all perished in a severe storm on the climb.

I did have other close calls which made it all the more thrilling for me. I “heard” from my biological mother several times during these years through that mysterious space that looks empty around us but holds much we cannot see.

Fast forward to 2007 when my mother died and 2008 when my dad died. I was by their sides throughout their aging years and beyond grief when they passed away. In  2014 I was in my 33rd year in Alaska. A good friend, who is also adopted, told me how Washington changed a law to allow access to adoptees for their original birth certificates. The door opened a crack for adoptees, so my friend and I decided to send in for our birth certificates together.

My friend found out who her biological mom was within a week on her own. Her mom never left the Seattle area where my friend was born.  I sort of tried to find my biological mom, but ran aground on false leads.

I contacted WARM in Seattle and they were encouraging and supportive. I was given a Confidential Intermediary (CI) in Spokane and the process began.

My CI also ran into several false leads and dead ends. Ultimately it took several months to find out that my biological mother had died when I was only 29 years old. I was surprised that she had died so young, so I consoled myself that I had surely tried and I really hoped she knew it.

The CI then said, I have siblings. Siblings?  I had not considered that I would be contacting siblings. She encouraged me to continue and contact them. I had doubts and questions. Did they know I existed? What would they think of their mom if they found out about me? This was new and rocky terrain for me. To learn more about my biological mother, the next step was to get a family member to sign a consent form. With my CI’s positive views, we continued to pursue contact with a sister and a brother.

On March 21, 2015, the day before my birthday, I received a call from an enthusiastic CI. My sister had responded to the letter from the CI. She was alive, well and thrilled to know of my existence. Thrilled? Really? My CI said, “And do you know what else? You are never going to believe this, her name is the same as yours, Katy!”

Katy lives in New York. Without WARM, I do not believe I would have found her. As it turned out, I have not two but four siblings! We all met for the first time in the Seattle-Bellingham area on September 19-20, 2015. My Seattle family and friends were also invited to the meet and greet, and they all thoroughly enjoyed each other. We rented a mini-van and spent a week together. It was as if I already knew my siblings. They are all amazing, talented, and considerate people. We had a really good time, and I have been in communication with one or the other almost daily since we met last March.

I am so grateful to our mom for having these remarkable and gifted children whom I will now enjoy the rest of my life, along with a bounty of nieces and nephews. I certainly did feel as though my biological mother was pushing me to pursue what I thought was finding her, but indeed it was her children. She wanted me to find them and so did my parents.

Printed with permission from the December 2015 issue of WARM Journeys.

Sunday at Richmond Beach: The Cairn Builder

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Photo by Seattle Poppy

Dramatic photo from Sunday, when the wind was whipping up the waves onto the beach at Saltwater Park - and the Cairn Builder's work balanced against the wind and waves.

Q13: Police and volunteers help provide Christmas for Lake Forest Park family

Q13 has a nice story segment on Lake Forest Park police, Rotary and their surprise Christmas for one Lake Forest Park family.

Lake Forest Park police officers and their families spent their Christmas Eve trying to make spirits bright -- literally. 
“We’re bringing a little Christmas to a family that didn't have Christmas coming,” says Captain Paul Armbrust. 
The family didn’t have lights, stockings, or a tree. But thanks to the generosity of the police department, the Rotary Club, and some local businesses, their home is now filled with Christmas spirit. 
“A bunch of people pulled together, donated money, lights, and decorations,” says Armbrust. “We figured if we're going to do it, we're going to do it up right.”

See the complete story here

Death Notices as of December 21, 2015

Obituaries are condensed biographies of people's lives, written by the people who loved them. Like a memorial service, they tell us things we may not have known about the person, and may leave us wishing we had known them better.

Obituaries from The Seattle Times

M. Gene "Geno" Ross  1932-2015  Active in the Masonic fraternity, including membership in Seattle Scottish Rite (Shoreline) and Nile Shrine. Services held at Scottish Rite center in Shoreline.

Cathy Renee Cummings  age 68  Died in Edmonds after battling cancer for over a year. Attended Shorecrest high school and retired from a career in the dental industry.

George Robert Hetherington  age 88  grew up in Fall City, then moved to Shoreline in 1953 where he and his wife raised their family. Member of Local 32 Plumbers and Steamfitters. 48 years in the Navy, including reserves.

Howard Fujio Inouye  1930-2015  Celebration of Life held at Aurora Church of the Nazarene.

Margaret "Peggy" Baldwin  age 93  Passed away in her sleep, in Shoreline.

Jeffery Craig Ross  1960-2015  The "most involved non-Catholic at St. Luke" "Master of cooking, tacky shirts, pyrotechnics, and Christmas lights." Celebration of Life at St. Luke with remembrances to St. Luke School.

Daryl G. Baerwald  1942-2015  Retired in 1996 after 31 years of teaching elementary school in Shoreline. Awarded the PTA Golden Acorn award. Celebration of Life will be held in January.

Robert S. Magnusson  1923-2015  Memorial service held at Bethel Lutheran Church in Shoreline. Retired after long career at Sellen Construction.

Erling Roderic Johansen  1934-2015  Services will be held at Shorewood High School.

Elizabeth (Betty) Caroline Sorensen  1922-2015  Loved her 20 years at Shorecrest High School as secretary to the Assistant Principal.

Vern Lee Amundson  Age 86  With his cousin, ran the family business in Shoreline, Parker's Ballroom. Active in Norwegian organizations. Active member of Shoreline Rotary, and was named "Shoreliner of The Year". He was honored to throw out the first pitch at a Mariner's Game.

William G. Muller  1928-2015  Lake Forest Park resident raised show quality Springer spaniels and spent a lifetime coaching youth soccer. Member of the Shorelake Soccer Club where his teams won numerous recreational championships. Recognized as a Seattle Youth Soccer Association Legend Life Member.

Patricia "Pat" Leaf  1932-2015  An active member of Calvin Presbyterian Church for over 30 years, she was a member of the choir, served as the church organist for three years and was a Deacon. Most recently she attended Trinity Presbyterian Church where services were held.

Mildred "Mickie" Freed  1923-2015  Member of Calvin Presbyterian Church where remembrances can be made.

Bobbie Gene Dyer  Age 89  Memorial Services will be held at the Shoreline Library. He was a construction worker, owner of an asphalt company.

Salvatore Paul "Sal" Marcello  Born in "Da Bronx", he and his family moved to Shoreline when he was 10. He remained in WA till 2007, when he and his wife, Patti, moved to Hawaii. He was a friend to all, telling jokes and laughing. Memorial at The Hook in Edmonds - wear bright colors and bring pictures and stories of Uncle Sal.

Girls’ Beginner Hockey Classes – registration open now

Western Washington Female Hockey Association (WWFHA) Girls’ Washington Wild Beginner Hockey Program are classes for females to learn to skate and play ice hockey, ages 4 to 12 years old. No skating experience required.

Classes are held every Sunday at 10:15am – 11:15am at Highland Ice Arena in Shoreline starting January 24. The program runs for 12 weeks for $185 + USA Hockey membership registration / insurance. Participants must provide their own equipment (or rent); however, receive a free Washington Wild hockey jersey and pair of hockey socks.

WWFHA is a non-profit organization and is the only all-girl ice hockey association in Washington State. Our mission is to provide girls’ an opportunity to play ice hockey recreationally or competitively with other girls. WWFHA is 100% dedicated to girls’ hockey and is volunteer run.

More information and registration here.

David Auburn’s award winning play, Proof, starts the year at Edmonds Driftwood Players

Edmonds Driftwood Players’ next production in their Theatre of Intriguing Possibilities series is Proof by David Auburn, directed by Rick Wright, at the Wade James Theatre January 14-24, 2016.

A Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning play, Proof focuses on Catherine, a troubled young woman, who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death, she must deal with her own volatile emotions surrounding the arrival of her estranged sister, and the attentions of her father’s former student who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks that her father left behind. 
Over the long weekend that follows, a burgeoning romance and the discovery of a mysterious notebook draw Catherine into the most difficult problem of all: How much of her father's madness -- or genius -- did she inherit?

According to director Rick Wright, the underlying theme of the play is “trust ... or the lack thereof.” From the original performances on Broadway, the NY Observer wrote about the play, "Proof surprises us with its aliveness…Mr. Auburn takes pleasure in knowledge … At the same time, he is unshowily fresh and humane, and he has written a lovely play."

The cast of Edmonds Driftwood Players’ Proof is Justine Scott, Jordan Fermstad, Jen Makenas and Eric Bischoff. All incredibly talented actors who have captured their roles in this stirring play beautifully.

Performances: January 14-24, 2016
Thurs-Sat at 8:00pm, Sunday at 2:00pm

Performances are at the Wade James Theatre, 950 Main St Edmonds, WA
All tickets are $15.00.

Purchase tickets online or by phone 425-774-9600 option 3.

Santa came to Shoreline

Friday, December 25, 2015

Photos by Wayne Pridemore

In a tradition of years' standing, The Shoreline Fire Department gave Santa a ride through NW Shoreline on Christmas Day.

Santa had helpers with him - to drive the truck and help pass out candy to the local kids on the street.

 A few of them on 21st Ave NW posed for a photo with Santa and his helpers.

 The whole crew was quite jolly as they cruised the streets and brought good cheer.

Rod Heivilin wrote some of the history of the Santa ride in an article published last year at this time.
Memories of a retired Santa

In The Garden Now … Christmas Camellia

‘Yuletide’ Camellia
Text and photos by Victoria Gilleland

Here’s a plant that screams “Holiday Season!”  It flowers in November and December just in time for holiday decorating and gift giving. The bright red single flowers coordinate perfectly with the red and green holiday color scheme seen everywhere this time of year. And the name Yuletide certainly makes the connection.

‘Yuletide Camellia’ produces a plethora of small, single, bright red flowers with gold centers on a dense, compact upright shrub in late fall or early winter. The plant is hardy in Northwest Gardens but flowers are sometimes damaged by winter frost. Grow in a somewhat sheltered location if possible. More flowers will be produced if the plant has a sunny place in the garden during the summer months. Yuletide, like most Sasanqua Camellia, tolerates sun and can actually thrive in full sun with the proper soil and enough water. Camellias like acid soil and growing conditions similar to that of azaleas and rhododendrons.

‘Pink-a-Boo’ Camellia

If the intense red blossoms of Yuletide are too harsh for your taste you just might enjoy ‘Pink-a-Boo’ -- a newer variety that is essentially a pink Yuletide. While Yuletide is somewhat fragrant, Pink-a-Boo is very fragrant … a bonus that can truly be appreciated in the winter garden.

The other day, while standing between Yuletide and Pink-a-Boo Camellias, I was buzzed by several very concerned hummingbirds. I think they thought I was after their nectar stash! I got out of their way and watched for quite a while as the tiny birds darted from flower to flower. The single flowers with such easy access to nectar were irresistible to the little guys!

Consider bringing a bit of Winter Cheer and a hummingbird or two into your garden with ‘Yuletide’ or ‘Pink-a-Boo’ Camellia!

Botanical Name: Camellia sasanqua ‘Yuletide’ or Camellia x vernalis ‘Yuletide’ and Camellia sasanqua ‘Pink-a-Boo'.

Victoria Gilleland is the owner of Cottage Garden Designs, a Garden Design company specializing in Redesign of Residential Gardens, Garden Consultation and Coaching. She has been designing gardens in the northwest for over 20 years.

Free storm debris and Christmas Tree recycling event for LFP residents Jan 9

There will be a free storm debris and Christmas tree collection/recycling event for LFP residents on Saturday, January 9, 2016 from 9am – 12pm at the City Hall lower parking lot. Republic Services will be on hand collecting for the free recycling.

The Lake Forest Park Youth Council will be present helping to support the free event and raise funds for the Lake Forest Park Police Department Nurturing Trust Program Fund.

Bring bare trees and remove all tinsel, lights, and ornaments. No flocked trees. Secure your loads and bring proof of address in the form of a valid photo ID. Only passenger vehicles may enter.

Here is the Traffic Control Plan to help guide you through the event.

Aegis of Shoreline gifts an Eldergrow Garden to residents

Residents start to design their new indoor garden
 Photo courtesy Eldergrow

Aegis of Shoreline, a senior care community that offers assisted living for seniors with light- to high-level care needs, surprised their residents with a holiday gift of an Eldergrow garden.

John Young, General Manager, partnered with Eldergrow, a new Seattle company, which offers mobile indoor gardens and therapeutic horticulture programming. Young presented the gift to residents for the holidays,

“I wanted to get a meaningful gift for our residents that would provide joy, as well as wellness benefits. Many of our residents garden and when I saw how the garden would be used during interactive sessions, I knew it would be a special gift.”

The finished garden was presented that evening to residents.
 Photo courtesy Eldergrow

Orla Concannon, Founder of Eldergrow, developed the mobile, indoor garden and therapeutic programming for elders so that they could commune with nature year-round.

“Eldergrow’s indoor gardening provides sensory stimulation, improves motor skills, and a new sense of purpose as residents nurture their garden.”

For more information, contact Eldergrow or Aegis Living of Shoreline at 206-367-6700.

Two Shorewood players on All-Wesco volleyball first team

From The Seattle Times and KING5 news

Two Shorewood volleyball players won places in November on the all-Wesco-3A/2A first team.

Western Conference 3A/2A coaches selected Shorewood senior outside hitters Delaney Hopen and Elli Allen-Hatch to the 10-member all-conference first team and put two Shorewood players and one from Shorecrest on the all-Wesco 3A second team.

On the second team were Shorecrest senior outside hitter Bailey Rutter, Shorewood junior setter Taryn Shelley and Shorewood junior libero Maria Bartell.

Honorable mention went to three Shorecrest players: senior setter Julia Clack, junior libero Aiyana Tietze Ditoro and sophomore middle blocker Shelby Gresch.

The selections came from the 12 Wesco 3A teams – Arlington, Edmonds-Woodway, Everett, Glacier Peak, Lynnwood, Marysville Getchell, Marysville-Pilchuck, Meadowdale, Mountlake Terrace, Oak Harbor, Shorewood, and Stanwood -- along with 2A Shorecrest. Unlike teams in many Wesco 3A/2A sports, volleyball and soccer teams aren’t divided into North and South divisions.

Shorewood won the Wesco 3A/2A volleyball championship win a 12-0 record (15-0 overall) before winning three more matches in the Northwest District 3A tournament and splitting four matches in the state tournament, November 13-14, to finish win a 20-2 season record.

Shorecrest finished 10th in the division with a 4-8 Wesco record before losing two matches in the Northwest District 2A tournament, November 4, to finish with a 4-12 record.

The Shorewood junior varsity had an 8-4 Wesco 3A record (9-5 overall) The Shorecrest JVs had a 1-11 record (1-13 overall). The Shorewood “C” team had a 5-6 Wesco 3A record (6-7 overall).

See the full Wesco 3A volleyball team here

Or here.

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Holly and Ivy Fairy
by Mark Roberts

Christmas Lights: Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Near N 185th and Ashworth / Wallingford. Photo by Lee Lageschulte. 

One More Gift to Give: Blood Drive Comes to Richmond Beach on Boxing Day

On the calendar: Donate Blood
By Tom Petersen

Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, is the traditional day to give to the less fortunate.

It's a splendid day for those who are able to donate blood to those whose holiday season is dampened by illness or injury.

The Bloodworks Northwest mobile unit will be at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 20th Ave NW, in front of the Shoreline Fire Safety Center, on Boxing Day, Saturday, December 26.

The Bloodmobile will be open from 10 to noon and 1 to 4pm. Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged, but appointments are recommended.

Bethel Lutheran Church: Choosing community over a building

The stained glass window at Bethel Lutheran Church

As some have already heard through the local grapevine, Bethel Lutheran Church recently finalized the sale of their former site at the corner of N 175th St and 8th Ave NE to Seattle’s Buddha Jewel Monastery. The sale came after a year-long discernment process by the people of Bethel; the congregation will be moving from their old site to a new one in mid-February 2016.

Bethel Lutheran Church might be moving, but they aren’t closing: Pastor Chris Ode is excited to share the news that the congregation has chosen to reinvest some of the proceeds from the sale into purchasing a new home in the nearby North City Business District.

“At Bethel, we cooperate with – and offer space to -- dozens of organizations and ministries: churches who minister to various first generation immigrant populations, 12-step groups, daycares, and other community-focused non-profits. Some of them meet regularly, some of them meet sporadically, but nearly all of them will be coming with us to the new location,” he said.

The move will solidify the congregation’s financial foundation and free them to refocus their energies away from maintaining a large, aging building and its grounds.

“While moving away from the home Bethel has known for so long will be hard, the opportunity this provides us to be a more active presence in the community is incredible: we will finally be able to focus on ‘building ministry’ instead of ‘building maintenance.’ 
We are excited to use this opportunity to deepen our existing partnerships and develop new ones.”

Bethel will continue to operate out of its former location until the move in February, though some of their associated organizations will be moving sooner. The new site is located at 17529 15th Ave NE – the “North City Office Building” currently rented to the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center.

Some of the current organizations sharing space with the people of Bethel include:
  • Aaron’s Place (day center for young adults with physical and/or developmental disabilities)
  • Childcare Providers’ Cooperative Preschool (preschool coop organized by local daycare providers)
  • Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Seattle (Ethiopian and Eritrean-focused ministry)
  • Iglesia Evangelica de Los Valles (Hispanic-focused ministry)
  • Lutheran Counseling Network (independent, licensed counselor)
  • Pacific Northwest Shell Club (dedicated to cataloguing and researching Northwest marine life)
  • Reborn Church (Korean-focused ministry)
  • Girl Scout Service Unit 510
  • Alanon District 21/22
  • Blind Benders Cocaine Anonymous
  • Friday Morning Meditation Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Jaywalkers Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Northern Light Marijuana Anonymous
  • Steps by Candlelight Overeaters Anonymous
  • We’re Glad You’re Here Narcotics Anonymous
  • Working With Others Alcoholics Anonymous

You can learn more about these organizations and Bethel Lutheran Church at their website.
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