WeatherWatcher: More Rain, Cooling, some Wind

Sunday, November 8, 2015

  • Forecast
  • Last weekend's wind and rain
  • Last week's data
Forecast: We have more showers in store for us the next couple days. Monday afternoon through Tuesday will be a little break between storm systems before our next train of rain storms continues starting around Tuesday night and lasting through at least next weekend. There's a hint that we might see some wind on Thursday but it's still too early to tell for sure. Temperatures are cooling down to near normal for this time of year, lows will average into the low 40's with high temperatures in the low to mid 50's.

Last weekend's wind and rain: We had a significant storm blow through last Saturday for Halloween. Winds gusted to 36mph, not a major windstorm but enough for the National Weather Service in Seattle to issue a high wind advisory that continued through Sunday as well. Peak wind gusts on Sunday was 29mph. Starting Saturday morning at midnight and ending Sunday night at midnight we got just under 1 inch of rainfall total.

With these cooler seasonal storms, our mountains have been picking up considerable snowfall for the first time in 10 months and we are on our way to ending the mini drought of 2015 in the Pacific Northwest.

Weather data from last week:
High temperature: 60.8°F (Saturday)
Low temperature: 39.6°F (Tuesday)
Rainiest day: 0.51 inches (Sunday)
Total rainfall: 1.11 inches
Warmest day: 57.4°F (Saturday)
Coldest day: 45.5°F (Tuesday)
Average temperature: 50.3°F
Station's historic average: 46.6°F

Daily High and Low Temperatures compared to average for November 2015.

Daily Rainfall for November 2015

For current conditions and winter storm updates visit


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