Shoreline Public Hearing and Council Discussion on 2016: Proposed Budget with Special Emphasis on Property Tax and Other Revenues

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Monday, November 9, 7pm Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

The City Manager presented the Proposed 2016 Budget to the City Council on October 12, 2015. On Monday, the Council will hold a public hearing on the Proposed 2016 Budget with special emphasis on 2016 revenue sources, including the 2016 property tax levy.

Following the public hearing, Council will have an opportunity to continue their discussion of the 2016 Proposed Budget and 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

The staff report highlights City revenue sources, including the 2016 property tax levy and proposed changes to the City’s fee and salary schedules.

The budget document and CIP can be found on the City’s website, at Shoreline City Hall, the Shoreline Police Station, and the Shoreline and Richmond Beach libraries.

Adoption of the 2016 property tax levy, Proposed 2016 Budget, and the 2016 - 2021 CIP are all scheduled for November 23.


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