Salomon’s general-election margin smaller than primary lead

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Shoreline City Council incumbent Jesse Salomon is on his way to defeating challenger Lorn Richey in returns from the Nov. 3 general election reported Tuesday, Nov. 10, but his margin is much smaller than his margin over Richey in the Aug. 4 primary.

Salomon holds a 54.5 percent to 45.2 percent general-election lead as votes continue to trickle in. In a three-way primary, Salomon had led Richey 64.25 percent to 26.23 percent.


Karen Easterly-Behrens,  November 11, 2015 at 8:56 AM  

Lorn ran a true grassroots campaign (just compare the list of donors). No big money, special interests consultants or media specialists. He accomplished a great deal communicating with each voter, discussing the real issues that face our city and it's citizens. His message was genuine, truthful and compassionate. I hope this sets the stage for Shoreline's future......we have 4 positions open in 2 years. The citizens are involved and listening....and expecting change.....thanks to the efforts of Lorn Richey.

Anonymous,  November 11, 2015 at 10:25 AM  

Although Lorn Richey did a great job and made significant gains in attempting to unseat the incumbent, it appears Salomon will win this one--unfortunately for all of us. I hope Lorn Richey will run again for a seat on the council at the next opportunity.

Anonymous,  November 11, 2015 at 10:49 AM  

ShorelineAreaNews needs to stop with the passive-aggresive promotion of the NIMBYness. I come here to read news about Shoreline, not to hear from annoying Richey's supporters. I hope you provide at least equal coverage to both sides in future.

Anyway, with Saloman's victory and the amount of effort to defeat him in this largely sleepy suburb, it should be settled by now that Shoreline has voted for change. Bring on more density, light rail, small businesses and vibrant life to Shoreline. I am looking forward to what the new council can achieve. In fact, if you look at most elections around the county, you will notice victory of candidates who support density/urban living/public transport. Anyone who doesn't like that, Snohomish county awaits you.

Dave Landers

Anonymous,  November 12, 2015 at 1:47 AM  

How, specifically, is this article passive aggressive? It's simply laying out the facts and stats. It's quite unprecedented that a challenger should gain so much traction in the very short span of approximately three months. Especially considering Lorn had half the campaign funds as Salomon, and campaign contributions that were primarily from within Shoreline. It seems as if the real reason for your sensitive rant (even though your preferred candidate is in the lead - boo-hoo) is the fact of how the numbers shook out: approx. 6000 vs. 5000 .... not too shabby considering what the numbers were back in August. And we've got two long years to rev things up, and we're already looking ahead, we've already started. I suggest you do the same?

And don't be confused... the message here is YIMBY - Yes in my back yard... as long as there is density with grace, density that puts the tree canopy first, development that pays for infrastructure, development that is mindful of the watersheds, and mindful of the existing neighborhoods. Don't confuse the City's PR statements where they've painted us as "preservationists" crying and screaming and wailing like banshees to halt change and preserve everything in amber. If you believe that spin, I've got an pyramid scheme you may be interested in investing in?

Do you trust a City entity and Councilperson who have put a lot of effort and money into shushing and blatantly lying about their opponent/constituents... 5000+ of them? It would one thing if we were talking about half a dozen people who the City has made many great efforts to paint as a "vocal minority", but by the numbers... that doesn't appear to be the case.

And speaking of the City and Lorn's opponent's spin on rezone criticisms.... because it bears repeating for the umpteenth time.... 1) Lorn and those against the magnitude of the rezone DO NOT oppose Light Rail, 2) Lorn and those against the magnitude of the rezone DO NOT oppose small businesses... maybe you should take a look at current City policy to see how small business friendly Shoreline actually is, 3) Lorn and those against the magnitude of the rezone DO NOT oppose public transport or density.,,, just not the ill conceived colossal density that the City decided upon after midnight on Mar. 16th.

Maybe you should consider heading up to SnoCo?... I hear Lynnwood has big plans for their light rail stop... and thankfully, there's acres upon acres of concrete, impervious surface to improve upon, strip malls, commercial zoning, non-residential zoning, and square miles of treeless expanses to work with. Bye Felisha.

Anonymous,  November 12, 2015 at 11:48 PM  

@Anonymous 1:47

This article comes in a series of pro-Richey articles if you haven't been following. But to your point, Richey lost and that's the end of story. You can try again in two years but with younger folks moving into Shoreline, the demographics are shifting against you.

I don't trust all that the city council says but I also have the common sense to research on my own. I do know that Shoreline is one of the slowest growing suburb in King county. The tax base is shrinking. How do you think we are going to develop and grow as a neighborhood if everyone is against redevelopment that will bring in more residents?

If Lorn is not a NIMBY as you suggest, he needs to convey that. All he talks of is obstruction; no proposals on what he wants, just anti-development rhetoric. He also needs to stop posting stupid blurbs on his blog like how light rail stations in Pittsburgh are surrounded by single family houses. As if Seattle should be looking up to Pittsburgh for how to create a declining & decaying city.

If Shoreline does go back in time instead of looking to its future, yes, we will move back to Seattle (sorry, Lynnwood with its strip malls is too sparse and boring for us, its for NIMBYs like you). But, we are hopeful that the changing demographics of Shoreline plus arrival of light rail will make it more vibrant.

Unknown November 23, 2015 at 1:05 PM  

To Dave Landers,
Cmon man, you are encapsulating all that is wrong with American politics today. Just because people are against a plan, doesn’t mean you are in favor of the polar opposite. Most everyone welcomes mass transit but there are multiple, serious and costly concerns regarding the rezones. Quite honestly, the more I learn about it, the more I think it borders on corruption and malfeasance. Lets also hope there isn’t a Bertha or monorail scenario and we are stuck with lots of people in apartment buildings and an unfinished train line.
Mike Bachety

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