Global Affairs: Seattle Welcomes Canada

Saturday, November 14, 2015

James Hill, Consul General of Canada, Seattle

Text and photo by Marc Weinberg

On Thursday evening, November 12, Shoreline Community College Global Affairs Center hosted a presentation and Q / A session with James Hill, Consul General of Canada, Seattle.

First and foremost one notices his easy-going style during a presentation sprinkled with humor on both sides of the border. Next I’d have to say “Wow!”….”What did Seattle do to deserve such an experienced diplomat?” He served Canada in leading roles in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Libya, Brazil, Yugoslavia, and Iran. Seattle is one of ten U.S. cities to host a Canadian Consul besides New York and their main Embassy.

Consul General Hill’s role is varied. Of primary importance is to maintain and improve relationships that account for 28 billion dollars in trade that moves between Canada and Washington State each year. He and his staff help to develop policy that promotes the smooth flow of people and products across the border. Aerospace, IT, fossil fuel, and produce top the list. There are both commercial, investment, and employment interests that support these activities. He noted that eighty percent of Canada’s population lives within 250 miles of the border.

From 2013-15 Canada chaired the Arctic Council and now the U.S. has that responsibility. This not only affects land use, preservation and wildlife issues of that region of North America, but most assuredly the indigenous people of our country (Alaska) and those of Canada. He encouraged us to think of ourselves as an Arctic Nation. All major trading countries of Europe and Asia have always been interested in an opportunity to ship through the Northwest Passage.

Consul General Hill talked about The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) which was negotiated in the 1960’s and has now expired. He discussed the benefits of renegotiating it versus amending it to incorporate the most current issues of today … flood control, water rights, transportation, salmon. It has stood for many years as a prime example of a ‘model of bilateral interests’ and demonstrates how two countries can work together to support their mutual interest. He included comments about NAFTA and The Trans Pacific Partnership.

He gave some insight into the recent national elections in Canada and how the Liberal party managed to catapult themselves from the dark horse candidate with 36 parliamentary seats to take charge with 170 seats. One indication of the direction of this new leadership was signaled when the Minister of Environment title was changed to ‘Minister of Environment and Climate Change’. He shared a video clip of the new Trudeau Cabinet which has an equal number of men and women. When Trudeau was asked why this was so … he answered, “because it is 2015.”

Approximately fifty people enjoyed a relaxed and informative evening. For more information about the Global Affairs Center and future programs like this see their webpage.


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