Global Affairs: The Canada-U.S. relationship - Thursday evening

Monday, November 9, 2015

Canadian Consul James Hill

The Global Affairs Center presents
The Canada-U.S. Relationship
Consul James Hill, Consulate General of Canada in Seattle 
Thursday, November 12, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Shoreline Community College
16101 Greenwood Ave N
Room 9208 PUB (campus maps)
Admission to this event is FREE as is parking on campus after 4:00pm 

The United States and Canada have one of the closest and most extensive relationships in the world. But this does not mean they see eye to eye on every international issue. While they do share many values and interests and cooperate in many spheres, Canada does have perspectives that at times are at odds with the United States. Join us to discuss Canada's worldview and how it complements, or not, that of the U.S., with the head of the Canadian Consulate General in Seattle.

This is the last evening event of Fall quarter. Two more daytime event this quarter take place on Wednesday, November 18, at 12:30pm when the topic will be Cambodia, and Tuesday, November 24, at 10:30am, when the topic will be Dental Hygiene and Nursing Service-Learning in Bolivia this past summer. Both events take place in 9208, and both events are open to the public and FREE. For more details, go to the GAC website.

The evening speaker program resumes on January 21, 2016, with a panel discussion on Civil Rights in the Movies. For more details on that event, as well as three others scheduled for the evenings of February 3 (Developments in Myanmar / Burma), February 18 (China’s Urbanization and the “Left-behind” Children, and March 3 (Mexico’s Development and Priorities – rescheduled from Fall 2015), go to the GAC website.


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