Shoreline CC strengthens relationships with the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission in campus visit

Thursday, October 22, 2015

President Cheryl Roberts and representatives from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission on Fri., Oct. 9.
Photo courtesy Shoreline Community College

On Friday, October 9, President Cheryl Roberts, Vice President Bob Francis, Executive Director of International Education Diana Sampson and members of Shoreline’s International Education and ESL departments welcomed officials from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) and their advisors to campus.

Created by the Saudi government in 1951, SACM administers programs and policies to meet the educational and cultural needs of Saudis studying in the United States, while also implementing rules of the King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP), which provides Saudi students with the opportunity to attend foreign universities using federal funding.

The visit showcased Shoreline Community College’s excellent programs, faculty and student services to SACM. A Q+A session included in the visit also helped facilitate a better understanding of how to ensure optimal cooperation between the two organizations in the face of recent policy changes related to the scholarship.

This is the first time SACM officials have visited Shoreline’s campus. Samira Pardanani, Director of International Admissions and Student Services at Shoreline, said “The meeting was very positive and productive, and given the changing landscape, it was a great first step to help them better understand the excellent educational opportunity we offer their students here at Shoreline.”

Several of Shoreline’s current students from Saudi Arabia also helped welcome the SACM to campus, giving the officials a campus tour and a glowing review of Shoreline Community College.


Anonymous,  October 23, 2015 at 10:44 AM  

Hopefully these students will enjoy interactions with fellow students at the college and larger community, and return to their repressive native land with enlightened ideas about the role of women and people of color in society.

ELAINE PHELPS, SHORELINE,  October 23, 2015 at 11:57 AM  

I have questions,not comments, although the questions are pointed.
1. What are the rules for awarding the scholarships of the King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP)?
2. What is the role of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) in the KASP?
3.. Do Saudi female students have equal opportunities to participate in the KASP?
4. Are there any religious requirements for participating in the KASP ? If yes, what are they?
5. How many Saudi students are now at Shoreline under this program, and how many are female?
6. How many Saudi students are attending other Washington state public educational institutions under KASP, and how many are female?

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