Living Voters Guide

Friday, October 9, 2015

By Diane Hettrick

Want to get a jump on the Voter's Guide?
Can't find your Voter's Guide?
Can't locate the specific article in the Shoreline Area News?

If you are the kind who prefers to look things up online, then the new Living Voters Guide is a useful link to have.

Created by the City Club, which focuses on civic engagement, the Living Voters Guide lists all the state and county ballot measures with the statements for and against. If you create a log in, you can leave a comment - and read the other comments people have made.

The downside is that it is Seattle based. Even if you put in your zip code, the Guide does not include candidate races or special district issues and races outside of Seattle. And you will have to scroll past all the Seattle information to get to the issues we vote on.

But it is handy. The current edition has the following, as well as those state advisory votes:

  • King County Prop 1: Property tax levy for children, youth, families, and communities
  • King County Charter Amendment 1: Law enforcement and oversight 
  • Statewide Initiative 1366: State taxes and fees 
  • Statewide Initiative 1401: Trafficking of animal species threatened with extinction 


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