Book Review by Aarene Storms: The Story of Owen, Dragon Slayer of Trondheim

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Story of Own, Dragon Slayer of Trondheim by E.K. Johnston

Listen! For I sing of Owen Thorskard: valiant of heart, hopeless at algebra, last in a long line of legendary dragon slayers. Though he had few years and was not built for football, he stood between the town of Trondheim and creatures that threatened its survival. 

17-year-old Siobhan McQuaid spends most of her non-school time composing and performing music, but her entire life changes when she meets apprentice dragonslayer Owen Thorskard and agrees to be his bard, promoting his adventures by setting them to music. Together, Siobhan and Owen not only learn to fight dragons, they take decisive steps to keep rural Ontario safe from dragonfire forever.   

At least, that was the plan.

Here is an alternative history of the world as we know it, with dragons. Dragons attracted to the carbon emissions of humanity, bothering the likes of historical figures from Alexander the Great to Queen Victoria to Henry Ford, and emperilling civilization every step of the way. 

Adventure, heroics, music, and dragons.  But no magic.  Plus: Canadian heroes and completely awesome cover art!  

Minor cussing, burnt flesh and bloodshed (not gory, but necessary to the story).  Romance, but no sexual situations on the page--perhaps volume 2 of the series will bring more?  We can hope.

Recommended for readers 12 to adult.

The events may not have happened; still, the story is true.  --R. Silvern

Aarene Storms, youth services librarian
Richmond Beach and Lake Forest Park Libraries, KCLS


Ford 7.3 Powerstroke Injector October 12, 2015 at 6:39 AM  

A family of dragon slayers and their posse in a Canada where dragons are attracted to carbon emissions (like the kind that comes out of your car). Told from the perspective of the newly recruited bard/high school BFF of Owen, the youngest of the dragon slayers. The pacing is great, the narrator is great, the characters are great and the plot moves along nicely while exposing you to a carefully crafted world. I love this book and I'll be buying copies for people for Christmas. Great book to share around.

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