Mod Pizza donates $5,600 to PTA Clothing Room and continues to do a brisk business

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mod owner Duncan Gibson and PTA volunteer Lori Woodfield

On Friday, October 30, PTA volunteer Lori Woodfield accepted a check from Mod Pizza for $5,668.20 for The Works, which provides clothing and school supplies to Shoreline Public Schools students in need.

Works volunteer Lori Woodfield is thrilled with the donation. "This will help us so very much for serving our families. This would not be the success it was if were not for Lake Forest Park/Shoreline, Family and Friends! We at The Works are so appreciative!" 

People waiting to order

Photographer Jerry Pickard checked out Mod on Friday night. The place was packed, with long lines to order (but lots of staff to take the orders) and families inside and on the patio.

Even royalty dines at Mod Pizza

Mod Pizza is located in Town Center at the south end of the lower mall, intersection of Bothell Way and Ballinger Way in Lake Forest Park.

Shoreline man convicted in attempted murder case in Edmonds

From My Edmonds News

An eight-woman, four-man jury Thursday afternoon convicted 34-year-old Christopher V. Cowan of Shoreine on all counts in connection with the January 17 near-fatal stabbing of a 40-year-old Edmonds Domino’s Pizza delivery driver.

The jury found Cowan guilty of one count of attempted second-degree murder, one count of first-degree assault with a deadly weapon, and one count of first-degree robbery in the bloody assault on Domino’s employee Mike Brenick.

Prosecutor Craig Matheson had originally asked for first degree attempted murder, but gave the jury the option to convict on the lesser charge if they deemed it more appropriate.

More to the story here

Catch the Wave to honor 1st place SCC volleyball

The Shoreline Athletic Department welcomes all students, faculty, staff, alumni and community to “Pack the Stands for the Green and Gold” at our Volleyball Spirit Day on Wednesday, November 4 at 7pm in the main gym.

Past athletic alumni will be honored as well as the current Volleyball Sophomore class.

Come out and “Catch the Wave of the Green and Gold” and support the 1st place Phins!

SCC 16101 Greenwood Ave N. Free evening parking.

Fill-a-truck at Briarcrest Elementary

Briarcrest Elementary fundraiser Nov 7

Briarcrest Elementary in Shoreline is having a fundraiser on Saturday, November 7 from 10:00-2:00pm. Goodwill will have a truck (possibly 2) on school grounds for a "Fill-a-Truck" event.

We need your donations to fill them. The school earns $500 per truck that they fill! We are also accepting non-perishable canned food donations for the food bank. 

Participation in this event is VERY easy-clean out your home/ garage/ car and drop them off anytime during the event (10-2pm). Items that are NOT accepted are furniture other than chair sized items, old skis or used child safety seats. You get a tidy space and the school earns money. WIN-WIN! 

There will be a Goodwill representative onsite to answer any questions about eligible donations and will pass out tax receipts upon request. There will also be many volunteers onsite to assist you and receive your items.

18th Annual Student Success Campaign Community Breakfast "Imagine"

The Shoreline Community College Foundation hosts an Annual Student Success Campaign Community Breakfast each November. Attended by friends and the business and campus communities; this traditional breakfast raises crucial dollars for student scholarships and financial support. This will mark the 18th year of this annual event.

The 18th Annual Student Success Campaign Community Breakfast "Imagine" of the Shoreline Community College Foundation will be held Thursday, November 5, 7 – 8:30am in the Main Dining Room, Student Union Building #9000, 16101 Greenwood Ave N. Shoreline, WA 98133.

Shoreline Library Board Meeting Thursday

Shoreline Library Board

Shoreline Library Board MeetingThursday, November 5, 2014  6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th St.

Agenda Highlights
Board Development training - KCLS Staff

Link to Agenda

Comment on Agenda items

Shoreline City Manager Update for Week of 10/26/15

Shoreline City Manager Update for Week of 10/26/15
From Debbie Tarry, Shoreline City Manager

Council Meetings
October 26
·         Dinner Meeting: Council met with Mountlake Terrace City Councilmembers.
·         Business Meeting
o   Approval of 2016-2025 Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8 Interlocal Agreement: When Chinook salmon were listed as a "threatened" species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1999, Council authorized the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) that would help create the Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) Region 8 Forum of 27 local jurisdictions in King and Snohomish counties. The goal of the Forum was to jointly fund the development and implementation of a Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan that would protect and restore the species, and meet the requirements in the ESA. In order to continue its member jurisdiction status in WRIA 8 after the existing ILA expires on December 31, 2015, Council needed to authorize execution of the new revised ILA, which will be effective from January 2016 through 2025.
o   Approval of Amendment No. 5 to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between King County and the City of Shoreline for the Acquisition of Open Space Through the Conservation Futures Tax Levy Program: The City completed the purchase of the Paramount/Lim property in October 2013. The approval of this amendment will enable the City to be reimbursed for the purchase. Funds from the Street Vacation account were used to purchase the property (per SMC 12.17.030 and RCW 35.79.030, Street Vacation funds can only be used for the acquisition, improvement, development and maintenance of public open space or transportation capital projects), therefore the CFT funds received will be repaid to that fund.
o   Discussion of the Proposed 2016 Budget – Continued Department and CIP Presentation: Discussion focused on Public Works, the Surface Water Utility, and the 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan.
o   Discussion of Critical Areas Ordinance Regulation Updates: The State of Washington Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City of Shoreline to periodically update the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Master Plans, and Development Code. The Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) in Shoreline Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 20.80 is the final section of development regulations requiring update under this process. The City is required to complete the current periodic update of the CAO no later than June 30, 2016. This was the first of two study sessions on the CAO. Staff presented half of the content for Council consideration and will discuss the second half on November 2.
November 2
·         Dinner Meeting (5:45 p.m.): Doug Johnson from Ralph Anderson and Associates will be back with Council to finalize the compensation and classification study.
·         Business Meeting
o   Proclamation of America Recycles Day: This proclamation recognizes November 15, 2015, as America Recycles Day in Shoreline. It calls upon residents and businesses to celebrate this 18th anniversary of America Recycles Day, and the significant contribution that everyone in our community contributes to conserve resources and protect our environment by reducing waste; recycling and re-using materials; and purchasing items made from recycled materials. Shoreline resident Karien Balluff and a representative from Recology CleanScapes, the City’s solid waste hauler, will accept the proclamation.
o   Approval of the Grant Agreement With the United States Department of Justice for the Risk Awareness, De-escalation, and Referral (RADAR) Program and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into Agreements to Implement the Program: In January 2015, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a call for projects under their Smart Policing Initiative (SPI). Shoreline collaborated with the King County Sheriff’s Office and potential research partners from George Mason University and the Police Foundation to develop a competitive application for the RADAR program. The DOJ received over 100 applications for SPI funding, however, only seven were ultimately selected. The City of Shoreline was awarded $631,380 to implement and evaluate the RADAR program over three years. Council approval is required to enter into the agreement with the DOJ for the implementation of the program. Approval is also required for the contracts with George Mason University and the Police Foundation who will provide the data collection, analysis and evaluation of the program, as required by the DOJ.
o   Public Hearing and Discussion on the 2016 Proposed Budget and 2016-2021 CIP: The City Manager presented the 2016 Proposed Budget to the City Council on October 12. On November 2, the Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget and 2016 – 2021 CIP. Following the public hearing, the Council will have an opportunity to continue their discussion of the 2016 Proposed Budget and 2016-2021 CIP. A second public hearing on the 2016 proposed budget will be held on November 9 with special emphasis on the 2016 revenue sources including the 2016 property tax levy, and the City’s 2016 salary and fee schedules.
o   Continued Discussion of Critical Area Ordinance Regulation Updates – Ord. No’s. 723 and 724: This is the second discussion on the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) related Title 20 code changes.

Potala Property Update
The Federal Court issued an order appointing a receiver in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) case vs. Path America (Potala). The Shoreline Potala property is under exclusive control of the Court and the Receiver. The City Attorney’s Office is continuing to work on this issue, in consultation with an attorney from Foster Pepper. There was an article in the Saturday, October 24 Seattle Times about Lobsang Dargey , the head of Path America. The article mentions the receivership.

New Marijuana Establishments In and Near Shoreline
A new Retail Marijuana store will be opening at 19258 15th Ave. NE in Lake Forest Park. The store is called the Kushery, and they passed final inspection on September 21. This store is located two parcels from Shoreline (just north of North City), so while it is in Lake Forest Park, Shoreline will likely make up some of its market. As well, the City received notification this week that Far West Enterprise was granted a Marijuana Processor license to operate at 15015 Aurora Ave N, Ste. 21. On May 20, 2015 the City sent the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board a letter stating it did not object to the approval of the location, but the operation requires a Special Use Permit. The Planning and Community Development Department is following up on this.

PDC Response Regarding Ronald Wastewater District Issue
On September 21, Debbie received a letter from the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission stating that they were going to start investigating a PDC compliant that the City filed against the Ronald Wastewater District in October 2012. This complaint was filed by former City Manager Julie Underwood. Given that three years have passed since this complaint was filed and given that the City and RWD are currently collaborating on a transition plan to unify the District with the City upon City assumption of the District in October 2017, Debbie responded to the PDC asking them to suspend their investigation. (PDC’s letter to the City and Debbie’s response.)

Update on Shoreline Police Officer Travis Gray
Last week, Shoreline Officer Travis Gray was in a car accident while pursuing a suspect. Chief Ledford has really great news to report in that Officer Gray has been released from Harborview Medical Center to rest at home. While he has a skull fracture (most of the damage was to the back of his head), he will start physical and occupational therapy soon, and all indications are he’ll return to work at some point. The Shoreline command staff will schedule a Critical Incident Debrief early next week to bring in Officer Gray and the officers and two sergeants who were working with him that night to go over the incident.  

This and That
·         On Saturday, October 24, the City hosted an “Open House” at Shoreview Park on the project to remove the Hidden Lake dam. Ten members of the public attended, including residents of two households who abut the lake. The project team discussed three alternative concepts for removing the dam and developing a stream and wetland system in the project area. There was a good conversation on the area, lake history and project.

·         Your are invited to a Mental Illness Drug Dependency (MIDD) and Investments for Children and Youth related Community Conversation that King County is holding in partnership with the North Seattle Urban Human Services Alliance in Shoreline on October 28th from 6:30-9:00. The Shoreline Conversation is the third in a series of broad geographically based facilitated Community Conversations in each region of King County around these issues. King County asks that participants use Eventbrite to register.

Calendar Items
·         November 11, Wednesday, 2 p.m., Veteran’s Day Veteran’s Recognition Program, City Hall
·         December 5, Saturday, 9:3011:30 a.m., Aurora Corridor Completion Celebration, City Hall

Spring ahead - Fall back - change your clocks Saturday night

Friday, October 30, 2015

Thanks to Lee Lageschulte for this reminder card - turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.

Regional Animal Services offers pet tips for Halloween

"Halloween is a treat for people, but can be a trick for our pets," said Gene Mueller, manager of Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC). "We want to remind pet owners of a few safety tips before the ghosts and goblins arrive this weekend." 

  • Never feed candy to your pet, especially chocolate. If you suspect your dog or cat has gotten into Halloween treats, contact your veterinarian right away. 
  • Costumes can be scary to some pets. If your pet is easily spooked by strangers or loud noises, consider keeping them safe in a pet crate or confined to a quiet room while trick-or-treaters are out. 
  • While some pets like to play dress-up on Halloween, others don't. Choose their costume carefully, and be alert to signs of distress like excessive panting or drooling. Be sure your pet's costume allows them to see and move freely. You may want to do a test run with your pet before the big night to make sure they can tolerate being clothed. 
  • If your pet is kept outdoors, consider bringing them inside on Halloween, or securing them in a garage, shed, or barn. Pets have sometimes been the victims of cruel pranks on Halloween night. 
  • Some Halloween decorations can be harmful to pets. Keep a close eye on known chewers, and don't let them chew on plastic or electrical cords. 
  • Be sure your dog or cat is wearing a collar with a license and ID tag securely attached. Pets can easily escape through doors opened for trick-or-treaters or party guests. You may also consider microchipping your pet. Check with your veterinarian about this service.

If your pet does escape, check with local animal shelters and rescue groups in person to see if your pet has been picked up. Residents in the RASKC service area can also visit Lost Pet to file a report and see pets that have been taken in as stray. Owners with stray pets can also call 206-296-PETS (7387), and enter 311 to hear a list of stray dogs, or 312 for a listing of stray cats.

Windermere food and coat drive for Vision House and North Helpline

Windermere Real Estate Shoreline has teamed up with local organizations Vision House and North Helpline to help make a difference in our community.

Creating vibrant communities inspires all of us at Windermere Shoreline to be involved in Community Service as it gives us an opportunity to give back to the communities where we live and work.

After all, real estate is rooted in our communities.
And an investment in our neighborhoods gives us all a better place to call home.

From October 31st thru December 15th we will be accepting the following items at our office located at 900 North 185th Street, Shoreline.
  • New and gently used coats, hats and gloves. Sizes range from infant up to 2X
  • Non-perishable food items 

Rat City Fans donate to hungry, Rat City revisits Community-Care Program

Food Lifeline in Shoreline handles major donations of food
and distributes it to area food banks

The Rat City Rollergirls (RCRG) and their fans donated 2,604 pounds of canned food to needy families in King County as part of the tongue-in-cheek Show Us Your Cans campaign. In partnership with Food Lifeline and Hansen Bros. Moving, Rat City asked spectators to bring canned food donations to roller derby bouts during the summer of 2015 as part of a renewed focus on community care.

Rat City has historically been a grassroots roller derby organization. The league was founded by volunteers who are deeply committed to the community, but recent changes in leadership have reemphasized the existing community care program at RCRG. Thanks to Alexis Izor, AmeriCorps member and seasoned nonprofit employee, RCRG skaters recently voted on the following priority areas: the queer community, kids, sports, female empowerment and organizations that work with injuries that are common in roller derby.

“Show Us Your Cans, our food and fund drive to help our neighbors in need, aligns with our goals of being active citizens off the track too. We are a part of Seattle and love this city, so Rat City looks for ways to partner with organizations whose mission align with our values,” said Izor.

Food Lifeline, a nonprofit headquartered in Shoreline, provides food to food banks and views hunger as a distribution issue, as it seeks to find ways to reallocate food surpluses to those who need it. The organization supplies about 88,000 meals to low-income people each day. For RCRG, the partnership and success of the Show Us Your Cans campaign represents a marked shift toward increased philanthropic efforts throughout the league.

“We hope to build deeper relationships with local organizations that support causes we care about, and Show Us Your Cans allows us to work closely with Hansen Bros. Moving and Food Lifeline to make a difference,” said Izor.
About Rat City Rollergirls

RCRG is Seattle’s premiere all-female, flat-track roller derby league. RCRG is composed of about 80 active skaters and many more retired skaters who are still involved. The skaters are divided among four home teams, as well as the All Stars and Competitive Rat Lab teams. It is Rat City’s mission to maintain a competitive athletic program, promote the sport of roller derby, provide quality sports entertainment for fans, and make a positive impact in the community.

Kid Safe Halloween Trick or Treat Street in Lake Forest Park

All 13 of the neighbors on NE 203rd Street (east of 30th Ave NE) will be decorating their homes and handing out treats to costumed trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

Ready for trick or treat
We have a permit from Lake Forest Park to close off our street to keep it safe for the kiddos to walk from home-to-home.

They will place cones with a sign at the top of the street about 5:30pm.

Neighbors are looking forward to seeing lots of costumed kids - rain or shine!

In The Garden Now …. The Halloween Ghost Plant

Corokia, Wire-Netting Bush

Text and photos by Victoria Gilleland

What’s this? There seems to be something tangled up in one of my favorite plants …. Is it? Could it be? Yes! It’s The Halloween Witch perched in my favorite Corokia shrub.

Corokia is the one plant that always gets a reaction when visitors discover it in the garden. People either love it because it’s so bizarre looking with its tortured black branches or hate it because they think it looks like it’s dead or dying. I love this twisted little shrub!

In the garden

This odd fellow looks as if it was designed specifically for the Halloween season. Known as The Ghost Plant in its native New Zealand its black zig-zagging branches stand out against flickering green and grey leaves when blown by the wind. Tiny yellow star shaped scented flowers appear on skeletal black branches before fresh grey green paddle shaped leaves unfold in spring. Red berries follow the flowers although berries have been sparse in my NW garden. On a snowy winter day the contorted structure of this plant stands out against the snow.

In a pot in the garden

Because corokia requires good drainage it’s the perfect ‘container plant.’ Grown in heavy clay soil it’s likely to die … I’ve been growing one Corokia shrub in a series of ever larger pots for over 20 years. It’s been very happy with minimal attention as it migrated from place to place in my garden. For at least ten years the plant greeted visitors on my north side front porch. It moved to a sheltered patio a few years ago.

Close up
Even after all these years my potted corokia is less than seven feet tall. I’ve only nipped a branch here and there if it’s gotten out of hand. If space is tight Corokia can be pruned quite heavily to keep it more compact

Dare to be different … add a bit of the weird and wonderful to your garden. There’s really nothing tricky about growing this plant. Treat yourself to a bootiful Corokia shrub now and enjoy its unique presence throughout the year!

(Botanical Name: Cotoneaster corokia)

Victoria Gilleland is the owner of Cottage Garden Designs, a Garden Design company specializing in Redesign of Residential Gardens, Garden Consultation and Coaching. She has been designing gardens in the northwest for over 20 years.

Leave ballots at van in Shoreline

Voters can leave completed ballots postage free at a drop-off van in Shoreline Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.

The van, parked in the Aurora Square Shopping Center, 15505 Westminster Way NW near the Sears store, Central Market and U.S. Bank, will accept ballots from 10am to 5pm Saturday and Monday, and from 10am to 8pm. Tuesday, Election Day. It is one of 12 such vans parked around King County.

Voters also can leave ballots at a 24-hour drop box at the Lake Forest Park City Hall until 8pm Tuesday or at any of nine other sites around the county, or they can leave their ballots at accessible voting centers in downtown Seattle, at the Bellevue City Hall or the county elections office in Renton.

Mailed ballots must be sent so they have a postmark of Tuesday, November 3 or earlier.

Boogie Down at The Commons for Halloween

Join us on Halloween for our annual Trick or Treating in the Town Center at Lake Forest Park!

Businesses will have candy for little monsters from 4pm-6pm, at 5:15pm Magician Jeff Evans will take the stage in Third Place Commons.

At 7:30pm Miss Rose and Her Rhythm Percolators will transport dancers back to the 1920s with their unique music.

Come in your costume and boogie down with us!

Third Place Commons, upper level Town Center, intersection of Ballinger Way and Bothell Way, Lake Forest Park.

Good seats available for this last weekend of Avenue Q

This weekend is the final run of performances of the Broadway hit, Avenue Q, at Shoreline Community College.

There are still good seats available for Saturday, October 31 at 7:30pm, and Sunday’s matinee at 3pm.

Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets and at the door the day of performance. Come early and enjoy light refreshments or a glass of wine or beer.

Shoreline City Council Meetings Monday

Shoreline City Council Meetings

Monday, November 2, 2015 – Special Meeting 5:45 p.m.
- Compensation and Classification Study

Monday, November 2, 2015 – Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Agenda Highlights
- Proclamation for America Recycles Day
- Approval of the Grant Agreement With the United States Department of Justice for the Risk Awareness, De-escalation, and Referral (RADAR) Program and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into Agreements to Implement the Program
- Public Hearing and Discussion on the 2016 Proposed Budget and 2016-2021 CIP
- Continued Discussion of Critical Area Ordinance Regulation Updates – Ord. No’s. 723 and 724

Link to full Agenda
Comment on Agenda items

SWEL Timebank potluck

The SWEL (Shoreline Woodway Edmonds Lynnwood) Fall potluck and annual meeting will be held on Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 3:30 - 5pm at the North City Water District Bldg., 1519 NE 177th St., Shoreline.

Join us for our SWEL Fall potluck and annual meeting! Bring your friends, family and a favorite fall dish and join us for some fun and good food! Learn about timebanking, celebrate our accomplishments this past year, and take a tour of our new updated website!

Bring a dish to share and a guest to earn an extra hour.

Event is open to all. Email for more information.

SWEL Timebank Exchanging Gifts Through Time

Each SWEL member has skills and talents to share. Our community becomes stronger every time we use our talents to help each other.

For the time that you spend helping meet the needs of another member, you earn time hours. With the time hours you earn, you can connect with any other members to receive the services they offer that you want or need!

Sound Shooters: Tethered Shooting 1

By Hitomi Dames

Since Joel wrote about Tethered Shooting in our last Sound Shooters, I will write about applications for tethered shooting. We have two applications; today I will write about Canon EOS Utility and the other for the next article.

♦Tethered Shooting with EOS Utility

If you are using Canon EOS, EOS Utility comes with camera. So just install EOS Utility in your computer and why not use it? Images will be in your PC as you shoot, so it is very convenient.

So set your camera on tripod and connect camera and computer with a USB cable which also comes with camera.

1 ) Turn on camera and open EOS Utility. Remote Control (fig.1) will appear on your desktop.

fig. 1) EOS Utility Remote Control

Note: if you have an older version, you won’t see this first, but just choose Remote shooting. But updating this is free, so it’s good to update.

As you can see where I outlined the red rectangular box, this is how camera is set now.

  • Top row: M for Manual, Shutter Speed (0”6), F-stop (5.6)
  • Middle row: White Balance (AWB), ISO (125)
  • Bottom row: Metering Mode (You have to choose this in the beginning of session. If you forget, quit application and reopen.) Format (RAW or Jpeg or both), Recording Images – PC or both PC and CF card
Click Live View Shoot. ( fig.1, red arrow )

2) Remote Live View window appears. (fig.2) If the Remote Control disappears, click the button at the bottom left corner of the Live View Window. (fig.2 red arrow) The Remote Control should reappear.

 fig. 2) Live View and Remote Control

3) Focus on the subject and click the shutter button on remote control. (fig.1)

Quick Preview window appears. (fig.3)

fig.3) Live View, Remote control and Quick Preview

Note: If you have another screen such as TV, you can connect your PC with TV, and then move Quick Preview to TV to show it as full screen. This is what we do for our Photo Booth.

4) Right after you shoot, another Canon application Digital Photo Professional opens automatically. You can check histogram (see previous article)

5) All the images or files will be saved in the image folder on the desktop if you don’t specify where to save in the beginning. (fig.1.under shutter button)

Joel Dames Photography
We serve Greater Seattle
Photo Booth – Not Just a Tiny (Open with huge background),
Portraits, Events, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, Real Estate, Commercial, and Albums

Halloween on a budget - Halloween items half-off at Bargain Corner

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Some of the items at Bargain Corner

Don't want to spend a fortune - or brave the crowds and traffic jam at Display and Costume Supply?

Find a great costume right here at home at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center's Bargain Corner thrift shop.

Half-off all Halloween costumes and decorations! Such a deal.

Coming up - the Bargain Corner will be open for shopping during the Senior Center's Holiday Bazaar on Friday and Saturday. Nov. 6 and 7.

BALNA to hear from HopeLink and Vision House

November 2:  BALNA Meeting at 7:00-8:30pm

Come to our neighborhood meeting with guest speakers from Vision House and Hopelink who will help us understand ‘the human face’ of Shoreline’s economically challenged residents and the supportive programs available to help people in need.

Held at the North City Water District, 1519 NE 177th St, Shoreline.

Kruckeberg raises $34,000 at annual Garden Party and Gala

Photo courtesy Kruckeberg
Kruckeberg Botanic Garden Foundation just closed the books on its annual Garden Party and Gala fundraiser held September 30.

The Garden Party is their biggest fundraiser of the year, raising needed funds to support the maintenance of the garden and the excellent children and adult programming.

They recently announced that they raised over $34,000 to maintain the Garden and its programs at the event.

Thank you to all who contributed and thank you to all who came out to support the Kruckeberg Botanic Garden Foundation at our annual fundraiser and Gala. It was a great success and a beautiful evening!

Shoreline Deputy on road to recovery after vehicle crash

Patrol car after accident

Shoreline Officer Travis Gray is on a slow road to recovery after his vehicle crash October 19 while responding to a call. (see previous article).

Gray was on his way to assist another deputy who was chasing a suspect on foot in Shoreline near Fred Meyer at N 185th and Aurora Ave N. That suspect was later caught and arrested. Officer Gray crashed near Richmond Beach Rd and Dayton Ave N.

When aid arrived, they found the wrecked patrol car. Gray was out of the car and conscious, but disoriented with a head injury.

He suffered a fractured skull, had to be intubated at the scene and was initially in intensive care at Harborview.

He’s doing better and has been released from Harborview. It looks like with all the physical therapy, occupational therapy and tests, it may be the end of December before he’s cleared to return to work. 

Bastyr University celebrates Founders' Day Nov 6 with public event

Bastyr entrance

Bastyr University will honor its history, celebrate its current accomplishments and look forward to the future with a celebration Friday, November 6, 2015 in the historic and beautiful Bastyr Chapel.

The event will feature a panel discussion with the three living founders of Bastyr University, as well as serve an official welcome for Bastyr University President Charles “Mac” Powell, PhD, who recently passed his 100-day mark as leader of the University.

“This will be a celebration of not only how far we’ve come in a short amount of time, but also how bright our future looks thanks to all who have worked so tirelessly to make Bastyr University what it is today,” says Dr. Powell.

At the event, the three founders - Joseph E. Pizzorno, Jr., ND, Les Griffith, ND, and Sheila Quinn - will share their memories of Bastyr’s humble beginnings in the late 1970s, when the school had very few resources and a host of critics, and trace the University’s success as it flourished into a preeminent, well-respected natural health institution over the span of a few decades.

Dr. Powell will also have an opportunity to share his thoughts about the current state of Bastyr University, as well as the challenges and opportunities he sees for impacting the future of natural medicine.

The event is free and open to the public. A reception with refreshments will immediately follow the panel. Bastyr University’s annual Founders’ Day Dinner takes place in Woodinville, Wash. the following evening, Saturday November 7, 2015.

Please RSVP online by November 2, 2015. For questions, contact Tiffany Pascua, 425-602-3324.


Bastyr University is internationally recognized as a pioneer in natural medicine. As the largest accredited university for natural health arts and sciences in the U.S., Bastyr’s campus located near Seattle, Washington, offers more than 20 degree and certificate programs in fields such as naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, midwifery and whole-food nutrition.

Founded in 1978, the University now includes a leading-edge research facility (the Bastyr University Research Institute) and outstanding clinical training at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, ranked as one of the Puget Sound’s top medical facilities for patient experience in 2013.

The University’s second campus, Bastyr University California opened in San Diego, in fall 2012, becoming California’s first and only accredited school of naturopathic medicine.

Do you need flood insurance? Now is the time to do your research

From the Office of the Insurance Commissioner

Flood damage is not covered by homeowner’s insurance. Consumers who want to protect their property must purchase a policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Most properties qualify for NFIP, as long as it is located in a community that participates in the NFIP.

Typically, there is a 30-day waiting period before your flood insurance policy takes effect.

Read more about flood insurance: Are you protected against flood damage?

Local agent:

Ryan Woodward
Email Ryan Woodward

Woodward-Scott Agency

PO Box 55337
18336 Aurora Ave N Ste. 101C
Shoreline, WA 98133
Phone Numbers:
Direct (206) 367-2244
Fax (206) 367-2662
Residential, Rental, Commercial

Heavy weather ahead - good time to clear the storm drains

The weather forecast is for heavy rainfall and some areas north of us even have issued flood warnings.

This would be a very good time to make sure the street drains are clear. Even when clear, some of them have trouble handling volumes of water. Clogged with leaves and debris - it's really a problem.

Shorewood T-Birds tennis wins District 1 team championship

Coach Arnie Moreno, Hugh Gaevert, Gunnar Thorstenson, Kyle Berquist

District 1 Boys Tennis Tournament  10 / 29
Top three go to WIAA State Tournament
@ Kamiakin HS / Tri-City Court Club
May 27th and 28th, 2016
At Skagit Valley College

Shorewood T-Birds win District 1 team championship. Gunnar Thorstenson won the singles championship and doubles team Kyle Berquist and Hugh Gaevert won the doubles championship. Thorstenson won in straight sets over his Mountlake Terrace opponent.

Berquist and Gaevert won in three sets, coming from behind at 1-4 to win a third set tiebreaker 7-4 over their Glacier Peak opponents.

Gunnar Thorstenson (Shorewood) def. Jeremy Ansdell (Mountlake Terrace) 6-4, 6-2.
Jackson Wezeman (Oak Harbor) def. Rodrigo Columbo (OH) 6-1, 3-6, 6-0; Ulises Aceves-Castaneda (Everett) def. Lee Bruemmer (Meadowdale) 6-2, 6-4.
Third/Fourth Place
Aceves-Castaneda def. Wezeman 6-2, 6-1.
Kyle Berquist-Hugh Gaevert (Shorewood) def. Tucker Davis-Scott Wilson (Glacier Peak) 6-2, 5-7, 7-6 (4).
Grayson Turley-Arun Kalohke (Edmonds-Woodway) def. Steven Sanders-Noah Laitenberger (Stanwood) 6-4, 6-4; Adam Lorraine-Jakob Peters (Mountlake Terrace) def. Nathaniel Haskin-Peyton Headrick (Stan) 0-6, 7-6 (3), 6-3.
Third/Fourth Place
Turley-Kalohkhe def. Lorraine-Peters 7-5, 6-1.

New exhibition at SCC Art Gallery: Tripping Paint

Shoreline Community College Art Gallery presents…

NOVEMBER 2nd, 2015 - JANUARY 1st, 2016
Opening Reception: 
Thursday, November 5th 5 - 7 p.m.

Lobby, Administration Building 1000

Bob Hutchinson’s expressionistic landscape and seascape paintings explore the dynamics of gesture, color and form. They reference nature and sometimes, specific locations. The varying degrees of abstraction in Hutchinson’s work reference his influences, such as Hiroshige, Howard Hogkins, Richard Diebenkorn, Emil Nolde and Wolf Kahn.
Spring Desert

Seattle area traffic - viaduct, Huskies, Sounders

Alaskan Way Viaduct closed 6am to 6pm both Saturday and Sunday

Your quest for the perfect Halloween candy this weekend may need an alternate route. The Alaskan Way Viaduct will be closed both Saturday and Sunday for its semiannual inspection. Both directions of SR 99 will be closed between South Spokane Street and the north end of the Battery Street Tunnel from 6am to 6pm Saturday, Oct. 31, and on Sunday, Nov. 1.

Special events to note

The UW Huskies host Arizona on Saturday night at Husky Stadium. Plus, the Sounders are showing they are in it to win it in the Audi 2015 MLS Cup Playoffs. They’ll host their next challenger at CenturyLink Field sometime on Sunday. The time is yet to be determined.

King County Republican Party hosting Oct. 30 Liberty Dinner & Auction

The King County Republican Party will host its annual Liberty Dinner and Auction on Friday October 30 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue. Receptions and silent auction open at 6pm and the dinner program and live auction will begin at 7pm.

Wall Street Journal Editorial Boardmember, Fox News contributor and author Jason Riley will be welcomed as the featured speaker. Local KIRO radio host John Curley will serve as the evening’s auctioneer.

Hyatt Regency Bellevue: 900 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue 98004.

Bob Ransom: the flyer in The Seattle Times was a personal statement

Robert L. (Bob) Ransom, MS, MPA, former school board member, former Shoreline Councilmember (1995-2005) and Mayor (2006-2008) and current Commissioner for the Ronald Wastewater District, recently created a statement on the pending assumption of Ronald Wastewater by the City of Shoreline.

His statement was published as a flyer inserted in the October 19, 2015 edition of The Seattle Times delivered to homes in zip codes 98133 and 98177. (Zip code 98155 is shared with the City of Lake Forest Park).

Ransom would like to make it clear that the flyer contains the "Personal Statement of Robert (Bob) Ransom and not that of the Commission Board". 
Further, he is acknowledging that "Arnie Lind is a 1957 graduate of the University of Washington, and was the President of a local Manufacturing company until he retired in 1986."

View the Ransom flyer here
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