Shorewood girls soccer

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Shorewood hosted Olympia at Shoreline stadium Tuesday.

Olympia opened the scoring at the 18th minute on an aggressive play by Jenna Killman going past a defender and in front of the goal. Shorewood countered with a goal by Jessie Wymer in the 23rd minute. Shorewood took the lead 5 minutes before  the half ended on a goal by Lisa Jensen that was assisted by Halle Porter.

In the second half Jenna tied the score for Olympia in the 64th minute. Finally Shorewood scored the game winner on a header by Anna Whitaker on a corner kick from Anna Tinoco. Shorewood is 1-0-0 and Olympia is 0-1-0. Abby Manis was in goal for Shorewood, Maddie Moen for Olympia.


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