Shorecrest Boys Tennis vs Bothell results
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Kasey Shibayama and Reed Tangeman won their doubles match against a Bothell team on Tuesday evening at the Kellogg MS courts.
Shorecrest Varsity Boys Tennis
Shorecrest Varsity Boys Tennis
WesCo 2A/3A
September 8, 2015
Bothell vs Shorecrest at Kellogg Middle School
Shorecrest 1 - Bothell 6
Shorecrest 1 - Bothell 6
-Daniel Wacker SC vs Andrew Schuller, 5-7, 2-6 L
-Jake Goldstein-Street SC vs Andrew Roetcisoender 6-2, 3-6 L
-Steven Zhu Sc vs Joe Yamauchi, 3-6, 1-6 L
-Chris King SC vs Darrin Neil, 4-6, 3-6 L
-Kasey Shibayama / Reed Tangeman SC vs Nick Wong / Ted Liu, 6-2, 7-5 W
-David Kim / Tae Min Hong vs Conner Newton / Aditya Iyer 3-6,1-6 L
-Finn Donnelly / Sam Rowbotham SC vs Jared Waters / Abi Chandra, 4-6, 1-6 L
--Robert Mann
--Robert Mann
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