School Board Meeting Summary September 14, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

By Marianne Deal Stephens

Student Board Member Introduced
School Board President Mike Jacobs introduced Areeya Tipyasothi, the 2015-16 Shorewood Student Representative to the School Board. At Shorewood, Areeya is the founding president of the Student Model United Nations, Editor of The Kolus student newspaper, and a cellist in Chamber Ensemble. Her counterpart is Rachel Semon, a senior at Shorecrest. The Shoreline School Board includes two seniors as student members for the duration of the school year. Customarily, each student representative sits at the table with the Board for a semester. 

Consent Agenda: Contracts
Fourteen of the evening’s twenty two Consent Agenda items were approvals of 2015-16 salaries for District employees, ranging from the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents to Maintenance Employees. For particulars, see the 9/14/15 Meeting Agenda. The District negotiates contracts with several groups, including but not limited to: SESPA (Shoreline Educational Support Professionals Association); SPA (Shoreline Principals Association); SCA (Shoreline Center Administrators); SEIU (the local chapter of the Service Employees International Union); SAAA (Shoreline Athletics and Activities Association); Confidential Employees Association.  

Consent Agenda: Other Matters

The Board approved:
--The District’s 2015-2016 Application for the State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP). TBIP funds would supplement the existing ELL (English Language Learners) program. TBIP would provide:  additional assistance to students in the ELL program; interventions like homework help to students no longer in the formal ELL program; professional development for educators; a bilingual education consultant to explore the potential of offering dual language programming to ELL students in the future. 

--The Shoreline Foundation’s $5000 gift for summer school transportation for elementary students. 

--Change orders for Shorewood and Shorecrest High Schools. While the main buildings are finished, revisions to storm revisions, asphalt, and venting have been made. 

--An extended field trip by Shorecrest Cross Country to attend an Invitational Meet in Leavenworth, WA. 

New School Resource Officer
Executive Director of Schools Brian Schultz introduced Greg McKinney, the new School Resource Officer. Officer McKinney’s career began at Kemper Military College and has included work with the Honolulu Police Department and the Shoreline Police Department. He volunteers for teen programs in the area, and was Officer Rob Bardsley’s first pick for the position. After Director Schultz’s introduction, Officer McKinney thanked the Board for the opportunity and said “I’ll give it everything I’ve got.” 

Opening of School Review
Brian Schultz offered an overview of the first days of the school year. On the fourth day, numbers become more stable. In response to growing numbers of young children, the School District previously closed boundary exceptions. 

Kindergartens are full at many schools. Some kindergarteners will spend 2015-16 at a school other than the family’s home school and then return to the home school for the rest of elementary school. Many families have called the district, and Director Schultz attempts to answer every call. The District tries to keep kids in their neighborhood schools, but “a fair amount of juggling” is required. The numbers may continue to shift, and the District could open overflows if necessary. 

When discussing the elementary schools, Director Schultz explained that “we are a full district” and are over 95% capacity in most instances. He drew attention to the “exciting change” that ELL students are now back at their home schools. Though the schools are full, “our kids are in classrooms” rather than in faculty rooms or other spaces not designed for instruction. Most elementary classrooms are very close to the “trigger sizes”, which are: K- 24; 1st grade - 26; 2nd grade - 26; 3rd grade - 26; 4th grade - 28; 5th grade - 29; 6th grade - 29. Some buildings have split classrooms (two grades in one class), which automatically have a .2 staff member for math instruction. 

The Cascade K-8 enrollment should be 200.

The high school schedule continues to be a topic of discussion. In response to the imbalance of even/ odd days last year, there is now a Common Calendar with a balance of All Period, Even, and Odd days, now called A, E, and O days. The district aims to preserve the ability of students to get back and forth between Shorecrest and Shorewood high school campuses during the day since some students have classes at both high schools. 

The District continues to develop the high school SAS (Student Academic Support) period in an aim to maximize minutes in the school day and provide appropriate support options. 

Comment from the Community
Shoreline Education Association President David Guthrie thanked the Board and noted Shoreline’s contrast to what is happening in the Seattle School District. He noted that the teachers are “thrilled to be back at work” and appreciate the leadership of the Board and our Superintendent. 

Action Item:  Approval of 2015-18 Tentative Agreement with SEA 
Deputy Superintendent Marla Miller thanked the bargaining teams who worked out the particulars of the Teachers’ Contract. Representing the SEA: Matt Alford, Amanda Finley, Tamara Hayes, John Kotwis, Lauren Paulhamus, Dani Pratt, Caitlin Rockey, Emily Slack, Pat Valle, and Lynn Sherry (UniServ Representative). Members of the District bargaining team: Lisa Gonzales, Ellen Kaje, Jonathan Nessan, Tam Osborne, Brian Schultz, and Marla Miller. Legal support provided by: Buzz Porter and Jay Schulkin of Porter Foster Rorick. 

Major points of the agreement were recently outlined by the District. (see previous article)

At the meeting, Deputy Superintendent Miller offered the following example. Under the old formula, a teacher with a Master’s Degree plus 17 years of experience would receive the following:
--$64,174 base salary from the state
--$16,788 TRI pay (Time, Responsibility, Initiative) from local levy proceeds
--$80,962 total salary package

Under the new formula, the same teacher will receive:
--$66,899 base salary
--$19,763 TRI pay
--$85,863 total salary package

Superintendent Miller noted that particular situations vary, and that figures will change according to the midpoint adjustment set to occur in November 2015. 

In addition to the points outlined in the news release:
• teachers will receive compensation for participation on district-level committees that meet outside of the school day;
• specialists (Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, OT/ PT, Psychologists) will receive a stipend for National Board Certification;
• substitutes will receive an extra $15/ day bonus for subbing on Mondays or Fridays (the District has had difficulty finding substitutes on these days); 
• on the first day of kindergarten, half of the class will attend in the morning and half in the afternoon.

Should the State reduce the District’s general fund levy proceeds, the contract will reopen. 

In response to Directors’ questions, Superintendent Miller assured them that the changes are all sustainable. Many of the additions will be phased in over one, two, or three years. 

The agreement was approved unanimously, and the Board extended thanks to both groups. Director Debi Ehrlichman noted that the “great” contract includes “so many aspects that are good for our students and our schools” and is a holistic view of what our schools need. All Directors agreed with her remark that it is nice to be in a position to “start putting things back”. 

Board Reports
Director Ehrlichman attended a meeting at Shoreline Community College and encouraged them to think about partnerships with our District. She also congratulated the District’s four National Merit Semifinalists:  Christopher Potter, Shannon Collier, Karl Reese, and Riley Smith. See National Merit Scholarship program announces semifinalists, Seattle Times 9.8.2015  

Director David Wilson looks forward to visiting schools in the next few weeks. 

Director Dick Nicholson attended the “worthwhile” Back to School Event, and enjoyed student presentations on opening day.


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