Police action in Shoreline - weeks of 9-8 and 9-14-205

Monday, September 21, 2015

Selected items from the Shoreline Police blotter, weeks of 9-8-2015 and 9-14-2015

8-30  A new storage shed purchased for a family whose home burned was stolen from their back yard.
8-30  Women going to local parks are still leaving their purses in their cars. In this case it was Hamlin Park and the purse was left on the passenger seat.
9-1  At the 76 station, 205th and Aurora, suspect tried to steal beer, then fought with store clerk.
9-1  Police were called to do a Welfare Check on an elderly male who had been locked inside his home by his siblings.
9-5  Driver stopped on 15th NE for expired tabs. Car tabs expired in 2013 and driver has no driver's license. Driver hostile and uncooperative. Cited for operator's license violation.
9-6  At 5am, person contacted at Sears parking lot "high drug use area" was found in possession of burglar's tools which were confiscated and destroyed.
9-6  Subject who was off his meds interrupted the service at St. Mark's yelling "Amen" and incoherent yells. Trespassed from church and taken to hospital on involuntary commitment.
9-7  Man called 911 from pay phone at Home Depot, requesting police assistance. They responded and detained him on a Department of Corrections escape warrant.
9-7  Found: cremation box vicinity of 16800 block of 1st NW.
9-8  House under construction was broken into and new kitchen cabinets stolen.
9-9  Driver with a suspended license was stopped for going 45 in a 30mph zone on NE 155th.
9-10  Pedestrian stopped for jaywalking on Aurora refused to divulge his name.
9-10  Echo Lake Elementary - vehicles are driving around the traffic supervisor standing in the intersection.
9-10  Ballinger Homes: Goat head found sitting on storm drain grate, hooves on ground next to it.
9-11  Person Trespassed from City Parks after approaching children in Hillwood park and at nearby school.
9-11  Person apparently under influence of meth behaving erratically, walking down middle of street at NE 160th and 1st NE.


Anonymous,  September 22, 2015 at 4:15 PM  

goat head left over from religous ceremony or dinner? surely not one that is seen around town cropping the retention ponds and slopes??

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