Photo: Streets paved with gold

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Lee Lageschulte shot this scene on 185th as the street trees were simultaneously turning gold and dropping their leaves on street and sidewalk. If you want to see it, better hurry before the wind and rain strip the trees.


Anonymous,  September 20, 2015 at 1:38 AM  

These beautiful trees and homes soon will be replaced by 7 story mixed use buildings with no parking. Thanks Shoreline City Council for destroying our beautiful neighborhood!
Laura, North City

Janet Way September 20, 2015 at 7:28 PM  

Yes, look at all the beautiful street trees in Shoreline and prepare to kiss hundreds of them goodbye, thanks to the City Council majority. Pay attention voters to the candidates who really want to protect these trees. What do we are about here? Our beautiful neighborhoods and homes or creating more density for future residents ?

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