Friday Round Table: Resumé editing and Goal setting

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Friday (9/11): Resumé Editing Idea and the Importance of Goal Setting for Your Job Search

It’s been said that goals are just dreams with deadlines. Setting a goal is how we approach bringing something that was mysterious or not all that visible more into focus. 

VISUALIZATION WORKS. One way of doing this: Before he became a much in demand actor, Jim Carrey, even as he was routinely turned down after auditions, was in the habit of writing himself multimillion dollar checks as “payment” for the parts he visualized he would one day be offered. And when he was turned down, he spent more time trying to figure out what was wrong with the people who passed him up, rather than what was wrong with him!

This week we’ll talk about goals, what makes them work, how they fail. Part of the purpose of this meeting is a ramp up to next week’s Round Table on engaging resumés - so please, along with discussion on how to put goals into motion, let’s touch on resumés. Please bring yours for a quick scan and editing ideas! Please come have some coffee, tea, and other treats and share with everyone what setting goals means for you, what has worked, what hasn’t.

All job seekers are welcome.

Friday, September 11, 1:00-2:30pm, Shoreline Community College Room 5116, Building 5000 (ground floor) SCC Campus Map  and Parking info


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