Former Shoreline music educator honored on his 90th birthday

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tom Rodrique
A quarter century of music in Shoreline Schools
Photo by Michael Robbins

By Jean Evelyn Monce (aka Strandberg/Bryant)

On August 29, 2015 a party was thrown for Tom Rodrique at the Edmonds Senior Center in celebration of his 90th birthday on Sept. 14, 2015.

Over 150 former students and their families, former colleagues, and a host of friends joined in the celebration of this wonderful man who brought such joy and good humor to all whom he met.

Ken Noreen, who was the band director at Shorecrest when Tom was the orchestra conductor, gave the most amazing speech about Tom and what a wonderful person he was to work with all of their years together.

Tom and his wife Evelyn met while both were playing in the Seattle Youth Symphony in the 1940s and were married in 1950. Tom became the assistant conductor of the Youth Symphony, and conductor of the Little Symphony (the training orchestra), positions he held until leaving in l959.

His association with the Shoreline School District began in 1957 when he taught in their Summer Music Program. He was hired full-time the following year and taught at Briarcrest Elementary and Morgan Junior High. He taught at Alderwood, Brookside, Echo Lake, North City and Parkwood elementaries. He also taught at the junior high schools - Cordell Hull and Kellogg Junior High as well as Morgan Junior High where he started.

Ken Noreen (left) was the band director and Bruce MacDougall (right)
was a history teacher with Tom (center) at Shorecrest
Photo by Michael Robbins

When Shorecrest High School opened in 1962, Tom became the Orchestra Conductor—a role he filled so amazingly for twenty-one years until his retirement in 1983.

Students who were privileged to start with him in elementary school or in junior high continued their music on through senior high school, which was quite a tribute to the special influence he had on them.

He introduced them to wonderful classical repertoire and to Broadway musicals, directing twelve musicals during his years at Shorecrest.

His enthusiasm, musicianship and great rapport with the students kept them involved.

Perhaps his influence was best expressed some years ago in a poem written by Gordon Bauers who was the Principal at Briarcrest Elementary School where Tom first worked his Magic.

The final verse of his poem “A GOLDEN TEACHER” reads:
“If I could give a helping hand
To every student in the land
I would give a gift unique
To each a Teacher like Tom Rodrique”

A Life full of Love well-lived. 


Unknown September 14, 2020 at 7:56 PM  

Tom Rodrigue was my orchestra teacher at Shorecrest from 1966-1969, and we all loved him dearly. I still do, and am composing this on the occasion of his 95th birthday; September 14, 2020. We have stayed in touch across the decades. Thanks for the kindness and the love Tom Rodrigue!

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