Echo and Hidden Lakes remain closed for recreational purposes

Friday, September 11, 2015

Echo Lake: An algae bloom was observed and sampled at Echo Lake on Tuesday, September 8. The toxicity level of the algae is above the Washington Department of Ecology guidelines.

As a result, Echo Lake will remain closed for recreational purposes. Algae with high levels of toxins can be harmful to humans, pets, and wildlife. Ensure pets and children stay away from the water. Algae testing will occur on weekly basis until the toxicity level reaches safe levels in samples from two consecutive weeks.

Bacteria levels at Echo Lake also continue to remain high. The next sampling event is on Monday, September 14th.

Hidden Lake: Bacteria (fecal coliform) sampling was conducted Tuesday, September 8th, and resulted in high bacteria levels that exceed Department of Health standards. As a result, Hidden Lake remains closed.

For more information visit the webpage or contact Surface Water Quality Specialist Melissa Ivancevich at 206-801-2450.


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