145th Street Multimodal Corridor Study open house Sept 30

Monday, September 21, 2015

145th has multiple owners

Open house for the 145th Street Multimodal Corridor Study on Wednesday, September 30 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm with a presentation in the Council Chambers at 6:30pm.

The project team will be presenting draft study concepts representing the types of improvements that could be made along this corridor.

This will be an important opportunity to gather information and provide feedback.

The project team looks forward to seeing you there.

For those unable to attend, some materials will be made available online after the open house.


Anonymous,  September 21, 2015 at 10:00 PM  

It's worth your while to look at the proposals. The most gregarious options are 6 lanes wide plus bike lanes and wider sidewalks...practically 8 lanes width altogether and approx. 100 residential property takings. Tell City Council we want bike lanes on the side streets, not separated by a traffic cone on a high speed HIGHWAY.

Anonymous,  September 21, 2015 at 11:17 PM  

What the mayor and city are not widely publicizing is their 145th "improvements" are actually eminent domain plans that include taking up to 58% of the FULL parcels of private property/homes along 145th. See http://cityofshoreline.com/Home/ShowDocument?id=21752

Concept 1(No Change): 0 full property acquisitions
Concept 2(Minor): 40 FULL parcels taken by eminent domain
Concept 3(5 lanes): 95 FULL parcels taken by eminent domain
Concept 4(6 lanes): 135 FULL parcels taken by eminent domain

Ryan B.
Ridgecrest, Shoreline,WA

DKH September 22, 2015 at 8:32 PM  

Ryan B. The 145th corridor is still in the study phase. How much property needs to be acquired will depend on the final design. The City has no plans for using eminent domain and there is no support for it on the city council. - Editor

Anonymous,  September 30, 2015 at 7:39 AM  

I hope that in considering options that the Mayor and Council will give thoughtful consideration to future needs. It is extremely unfortunate that the option that best addresses future needs would require a taking of property under eminent domain. Taking property should be done as a last resort, but I cannot foresee that an expansion of this corridor can occur without that happening. If it was my property being taken, it would not matter to me whether it was 5 feet or 50 feet. I would want to be paid FMV for my property and relocate regardless of the square footage being taken. I also hope that biking and pedestrian "right-of-ways" are not short changed when making this decision. Providing an alternate bike path is a great idea, but I truly believe that bikers will still use 145th so it needs to be safe for bikes.

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