Shoreline Police action week of 7-27

Monday, August 10, 2015

Some interesting items from the 7-27 Shoreline Police Blotter

7-19  A suspicious neighbor on Richmond Beach Road called police after observing a man wearing a backpack standing on the street corner and texting on his phone. Police arrived and arrested the man on an outstanding warrant.

7-21  Residents in the 15300 block of Ashworth found an unloaded gun and a single bullet lying in their driveway.

7-21  $5000 ring stolen from vehicle and pawned at Cash America.

Not listed, but noteworthy were at least half a dozen encounters with mentally ill people who were either suicidal or acting out, or both. We don't normally think of police as mental health workers, but it's a large part of their job.

---Diane Hettrick


Anonymous,  August 11, 2015 at 6:41 AM  

Way to stay vigilant neighbors. Protect your family and neighbors - Don't be shy about reporting suspicious people or activity.

Anonymous,  August 11, 2015 at 8:47 PM  

and so standing on a corner texting is now grounds for calling the police?? and don't think "outstanding warrant" means something felonious - I had one of which I was unaware - a friend got a parking ticket when using my car and failed to pay it...

Anonymous,  August 16, 2015 at 8:39 AM  

If it was your car it would have been registered in your name and address and information about an unpaid parking ticket would have been mailed to you. Beyond that, never heard of a warrant for one unpaid parking ticket. This dude very easily could have had a warrant for a felony. You don't know. Neither do I. But it's not smart to ignore the justice system.

Anonymous,  August 16, 2015 at 9:47 AM  

Obviously it was more than that they were just wearing a backpack and tapping on their cell phone. This is simply a synopsis of the call. It does not give every detail that was observed. And clearly the person was correct that this subject seemed suspicious because when the officers contacted them they actually did have a warrant for their arrest.

Unknown August 16, 2015 at 1:53 PM  

Mom had a warrant for not paying a ticket for my dog running loose when I was a kid.

Unknown August 16, 2015 at 1:55 PM  

Wow I can call the cops on people standing on the corner dressed in dark clothes wearing backpack on a cell phone and they respond? I guess it depends on which neighborhood u live in.

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