Shoreline City Manager update 7/27/15

Saturday, August 1, 2015

City Manager Update 7/27/15

Council Meetings

July 27
·         Dinner Meeting: Council toured City capital projects.
·         Business Meeting
o   Proclamation of National Night Out Against Crime: Jeanne Monger from Echo Lake Neighborhood and Deputy Steve Perry accepted the proclamation.
o   Motion to Authorize the City Manager to Write Off Debt: Council authorized the City Manager to write off debt in the amounts of $149,528 owed by Slam Dunk Entertainment and $11,629 owed by Gloria Kalitovic.
o   2015 Surface Water Utility Revenue Bond Issuance: The City Council approved the use of $2,000,000 in debt financing in 2015 and 2017 as part of the Surface Water (SWM) Utility Fund 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the Stormwater Pipe Replacement Program. Staff reviewed a draft Bond Authorization Ordinance to issue revenue bonds. This ordinance will come back for Council approval on August 17, 2015.
o   2015 State Legislative Session Wrap-Up: Staff presented a summary of the outcomes that affect the City.

August 3
·         Dinner Meeting (5:45 p.m.) – Council Operations: Discussion will include Celebrate Shoreline schedule; potential Council Town Hall Meeting; I-Pads and Surfaces.
·         Business Meeting
o   Adoption of Ordinances Nos. 716, 718, 719 and 720 – Amendments to SMC 12.40 Transportation Impact Fees: The four (4) amendments, each addressing a unique subject, were discussed by Council on July 13, and Council provided direction to bring these four ordinances back for adoption. A potential payment deferral program for small businesses, also discussed on July 13, will take further study and will not be considered for adoption at this time.
o   Discussion of Affordable Housing Permit Fee Waiver/Reduction: The City has strong policy and regulatory support to develop incentives for the construction and maintenance of affordable housing. This support is contained in the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Housing Strategy, the Property Tax Exemption Program, the Transportation Impact Fee Program and most recently, in the planning, zoning and Development Code for the 185th Street Station Area. Cities have the authority to waive certain building and development fees in order to encourage the development of affordably priced housing. In implementing any such program there are policy choices regarding income limits/affordability targets, geographic focus, fit with other incentives, type of developer the program applies to (non-profit only or all developers), fees affected and level of waiver granted.
o   Sound Transit Light Rail Project and Planning Update: Sound Transit is moving towards final design of the Lynnwood Link Light Rail Extension (LLE) project and planning for the next phase of funding for their regional transportation network, called Sound Transit 3 (ST3).

Agenda Planner Highlights
·         Stormwater Pipe Repair and Replacement Project: Award of contract for this project was scheduled for August 3rd, but we did not receive any bids for this project, which were due Thursday, July 23. We have removed the contract award from the agenda planner. Staff will be evaluating next steps and if this impacts the timing for the revenue bond issuance.
·         Critical Area Update: We have moved the Council discussion of this item to October 5th and 12th, with adoption anticipated on November 2nd. Additional time was needed to complete draft code language and to give the public adequate time to review the draft code language and therefore the Planning Commission Public Hearing was moved from August 20th to September 17th.
·         Traffic Impact Fee Payment Deferral for Certain Businesses: This item has been scheduled for discussion on November 30. Economic Development Manager Dan Eernissee. will be taking the lead in an outreach effort to the Business Community in assessing the best way to define businesses that would be eligible for a potential payment deferral program and other considerations of such a program.

Fiddler on the Roof – Theatre Under the Stars at City Hall
Performances start Friday, July 31 and are every Friday and Saturday from July 31 to August 22. Performances start at 8:00 p.m., with grounds opening at 6:00 p.m. for those that want to come early for a picnic dinner. Free tickets can be obtained on the web from Brown Paper Tickets. The stage is up in the City Hall plaza as the Aurora Theatre Group will start doing their rehearsals here at City Hall.

This and That
·         Here is a link to an article regarding the creation of a Kirkland Aquatic and Recreation District, which if approved by voters this fall, will fund the proposed Kirkland Aquatics-Recreation-Community Center.
·         Mayor Winstead sent a thank you note to Representative Clibborn for her support, as Chairman of the House Transportation Committee, in getting the $25 million for SR523/145th Street in the State Transportation Budget.
·         Troy Olmstead will be promoted to Captain August 1st and assigned to the City of Shoreline; he is currently a sergeant in the City of SeaTac. He is replacing Captain Scott Strathy who recently retired. Troy has 28 years of law enforcement experience, prior to law enforcement he spent 5 years in the Air Force. Troy graduated from Mountlake Terrace High School, his mother and grandmother were longtime residents of Shoreline, living in the Echo Lake and Richmond Beach areas. Troy started as a deputy with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona, where he was a training officer, DARE Instructor and community relations officer. Troy came to KCSO in 1997 and was assigned as a deputy to the North Precinct. He has spent time as a sergeant at the Southeast Precinct, Metro and a detective sergeant in Metro. Troy was also assigned as a sergeant in the Internal Investigations Unit doing follow up investigations. Troy is married, he and his wife have raised four children, his oldest son is a detective with the King County Sheriff’s Office.
·         2015 Second Quarter Budget Adjustments. These are intra-fund transfers that the City Manager has authority to approve, but the Municipal Code provides that the City Manager will provide a summary of the adjustments to the City Council each quarter.


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